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扫描电镜分析结果表明,上海地区软土存在微观结构上的各向异性,其中空隙按成因可分为原生、次生两种类型.原生空隙在絮凝过程中产生,并在固结过程中由于重力等作用趋于闭合或张开,导致水平向空隙的渗透性优于垂直向;地下水溶蚀含水层中易溶颗粒而形成的空隙,或经渗流动力作用改造已有空隙而形成的空隙称为次生型空隙.次生空隙的各向异性程度往往高于原生空隙.渗流的各向异性取决于空隙分布及其连通性的各向异性;各向异性介质中的渗流则将加剧软土微观与宏观结构的各向异性特征.  相似文献   

尹晓萌  晏鄂川  王鲁男  陈利 《岩土力学》2019,(7):2617-2627,2729
取3类具有明显片理面的武当群片岩,采用偏光显微镜、扫描电镜研究其微观组构、断面形貌特征。构建了面积百分比、尺寸与周长-面积分形维数、定向分布系数等指标,利用IPP专业图像处理软件,对矿物和孔隙(微裂隙)两系统的含量、形态、分布特征等进行定量分析;并基于Matlab的数字图像处理技术,对断裂面粗糙度展开定量评价。偏光显微镜下显示,片岩具有矿物定向排列与粒、片状矿物近互层状分布的典型特征。矿物系统的微观定量分析结果表明:武当群片岩白云母的含量为11%~30%;小岛法计算的白云母矿物周长-面积分形维数为1.31~1.39;定向分布系数为0.61~0.85;微裂隙依附于白云母矿物边缘孕育、扩展,导致武当群片岩的孔隙(微裂隙)微观指标与对应的矿物微观指标有较强的相关性。沿片理面的片岩断面主要呈现沿晶破坏特征,断口较平坦,基于断面形貌图绘制的灰度信号波曲线的盒维数为1.48~1.60;斜交片理面破裂的片岩断面以穿晶破坏为主,有穿晶-沿晶破坏交替而生的迹象,断口粗糙起伏,对应的灰度信号波曲线的盒维数为1.65~1.69。武当群片岩的断面粗糙度各向异性约为1.03~1.14。  相似文献   

采用电镜扫描仪(SEM)对在复杂应力路径作用下剪切前后的黏土样进行微观观察,并从剪切前后孔隙排列、孔隙形态、孔隙尺度变化特征3方面分析宏观试验原状软黏土归一化抗剪强度各向异性的微观本质。试验表明:剪切前后孔隙排列无序,孔隙排列方向变化很小,对黏土宏观性质影响很小;当中主应力参数b=0时,剪切过程中孔隙形态的变化对剪切后黏土归一化抗剪强度表现出的各向异性贡献较大;当b =0.5时,剪切过程中孔隙尺度的变化对剪切后黏土归一化抗剪强度表现出的各向异性贡献较大。因此,当中主应力参数不同时,影响剪切后黏土归一化抗剪强度各向异性的土的微观变化因素不同。  相似文献   

蒋明镜  周卫  刘静德  李涛 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3347-3355
在岩土破损力学基础上,基于微观破损机制,提出了考虑各向异性的结构性砂土本构理论。采用Lade-Duncan强度准则考虑中主应力对抗剪强度的影响;采用考虑颗粒排列组构的各向异性状态变量A反映各向异性对土体强度和变形的影响;通过相似扩大重塑土的屈服面反映结构性对土性的影响;通过引入非相关联流动法则考虑各向异性和结构性对土体塑性变形的影响。同时,将基于微观力学机制的损伤演化规律引入结构性土的硬化规律;该硬化规律同时考虑了塑性体积应变和剪切应变对各向异性结构性土强度的影响。然后将该模型用于模拟室内三轴压缩试验,初步验证了该模型的合理性和适用性。  相似文献   

王章琼  晏鄂川  刘毅学 《岩土力学》2014,35(5):1317-1322
片岩因受片理面影响,其变形行为和破坏机制与一般岩体存在明显差异。为此,采用室内单轴压缩试验,研究了十堰-房县高速通省隧道武当群片岩在片理面倾角分别为0°、45°、90°时的变形参数各向异性特征及破坏机制。结果表明:片岩变形参数及破坏模式具有显著的各向异性特征。按照弹性模量E由大到小的顺序,试样的片理面倾角依次为:90°、0°、45°;按照泊松比v由大到小的顺序,试样的片理面倾角依次为:45°、0°、90°。片理面倾角为0°时试样以垂直片理面方向的压断破坏为主,45°时试样以沿片理面方向的纯剪切破坏为主,90°时以劈裂破坏为主。在此基础上,通过电镜扫描、FLAC3D数值试验结果等,分析了片岩变形破坏各向异性的机制,认为主要原因是片理面空间方位与轴向力方向不同的组合,导致软弱结构面——片理面对片岩变形的贡献差异明显。  相似文献   

晚更新世黄土渗透性的各向异性及其机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁燕  邢鲜丽  李同录  徐平  刘树林 《岩土力学》2012,33(5):1313-1318
非饱和黄土的渗透性是非饱和黄土性质的重要组成部分。研究黄土不同方向的渗透性对确定其湿陷范围和由于水的渗透引起的黄土滑坡具有很重要的理论意义。研究了黄土渗透性的各向异性特征及其机制。以具有明显各向异性的西安Q3原状黄土为研究对象,用TEN型张力计测量了黄土试样不同方向的、不同含水率下的吸力;用变水头渗透试验测量了黄土竖直和水平方向的饱和渗透系数。结果表明,当体积含水率在23%~41%时,张力计沿不同方向插入土样所测吸力相差不大;竖直方向的饱和渗透系数是水平方向的4.02倍。在吸力测量的基础上,根据土-水特征曲线,确定了竖直和水平方向的非饱和黄土的渗透系数。得出在黄土不同方向,随着吸力的增大或减小,渗透系数减小或增大;竖直方向的渗透系数普遍地大于水平方向的渗透系数;当吸力小于57 kPa时,随着吸力的增大,竖向渗透系数与水平向渗透系数的差值减小。通过观测黄土的结构,得出黄土结构对其渗透性有重要影响。  相似文献   

洪勃  李喜安  王力  孙建强  简涛  孟杰 《中国地质》2021,48(3):900-910
土颗粒的形状及其空间方位的择优取向是导致宏观土体各向异性的重要原因之一.以具有明显各向异性的晚更新世马兰黄土为研究对象,借助Quanta FEG型电子显微镜扫描照片所包含的相关信息,揭示其微结构在水平向和垂直向上的差异,并对该微观结构的各向异性成因进行了分析.发现:(1)水平向和垂直向切片中颗粒的圆形度R0具有正态分布...  相似文献   

绿泥石片岩各向异性特性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘胜利  陈善雄  余飞  赵文光 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3616-3623
为研究十堰地区片岩的各向异性特性,开展了武当群绿泥石片岩长方体试样的单轴压缩和圆盘试样的间接拉伸试验,探讨了试样各向异性的力学特性和在不同受力状态下的变形破裂特性,揭示了不同变形破裂的力学机制。研究表明,武当群绿泥石片岩具有明显的各向异性性质,平行片理方向强度高,垂直片理方向强度低。该片岩特殊的定向排列片束状构造和片理间的弱胶结作用,致使不同方向上的破坏特征具有明显差异,其力学机制也不相同。在压应力作用下,泊松效应容易引起平行片理面的张拉劈裂和压杆失稳,垂直片理方向容易发生片理面间的剪切破坏。在同一方向上强度具有一致性,即平行片理面抗压和抗拉强度均较垂直片理面强度大。由于片理面间的抗拉承载力极低,在小角度劈裂荷载下,容易发生张拉劈裂和拉剪破坏,因此,实际工程中应尽可能避免片理面间的受拉破坏和沿片理的拉剪破坏。研究结果可以为隧道、边坡支护加固和防水处理提供参考。  相似文献   

以石英云母片岩为对象,采用单轴压缩试验,探讨这类脆性片理化岩石在干燥和含水状态下的特征强度与能量演化的加载方向效应,并结合微观组构特征与宏观破坏模式,揭示片岩力学行为各向异性的机制。结果表明:(1)加载过程中,能量演化曲线与岩石的变形损伤变化有较好的对应关系,据此可快速准确地确定岩石的特征强度;(2)干燥和含水状态下片岩的特征强度皆表现为α=90°>α=0°>α=30°,其中,α=30°时,片岩强度对水的响应更为敏感,水对片岩的强度各向异性有一定增强作用;(3)α=90°试样的能量存储与耗散始终高于α=0°、30°试样,但相比α=90°而言,α=30°时,片岩的岩爆倾向性更强,岩石的损伤发展较为迅速;(4)岩石中的片状矿物和微裂隙为水的润滑、软化、水楔作用提供了物质基础,占主导地位的水作用随加载方向有所不同;(5)岩石内的片状矿物定向排列与软硬层近互层状分布的微观结构决定了裂纹产生与扩展机制的加载方向效应,本质上控制着岩石的强度与能量的各向异性。  相似文献   

通过化学分析、SEM电镜扫描分析、无侧限抗压强度等实验,研究ISS加固粉土质砂和砂质低液限粉土的微观结构及其强度特征,结果表明:ISS的掺人,使土体易于压实,孔隙体积减小,密实度提高,从而提高土的强度。ISS加固土中适量掺人水泥,能生长出纤维状矿物,充填在土颗粒之间的孔隙中,使加固土强度和抗变形能力得到显著提高。  相似文献   

Kang  X.  Cao  J.  Bate  B. 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(12):3605-3611

Shear wave velocity (Vs) anisotropy of kaolinite mixed with sodium chloride (NaCl) and organic polymer (polyethylene oxide, xanthan gum, and chitosan) solutions was investigated using a custom-made floating wall consolidometer-type bender element testing system. The addition of salt and polymers influenced the microfabric anisoopy of platy kaolinite particles, thus resulted in the increment or decrement in the Vs anisotropy. The Vs of kaolinite in all three orthogonal directions increased as the NaCl concentration increased; however, the Vs anisotropy decreased. PEO and chitosan increased the Vs of kaolinite, while xanthan gum exhibited counter-effects. Vs anisotropy (Vs?hh/Vs?vh and Vs?hv/Vs?vh) of polymer amended kaolinite was found to decrease. In addition, both salt- and polymer-modified kaolinite did not show Vs cross-anisotropy.


Shallow seismic measurements in harzburgite from the Oman ophiolite performed in a zone where the maximum horizontal anisotropy is expected (vertical foliation and horizontal lineation) point to a dominant dependence of seismic properties on fracturing.

Optical microscopy studies show that microcracks are guided by the serpentine (lizardite) penetrative network oriented subparallel to the harzburgite foliation and subperpendicular to the mineral lineation, and that serpentine (lizardite) vein filling has a maximum concentration of (001) planes parallel to the veins walls. The calculated elastic properties of the oriented alteration veins filled with serpentine in an anisotropic matrix formed by oriented crystals of olivine and orthopyroxene are compared with seismic velocities measured on hand specimens.

Laboratory ultrasonic data indicate that open microcracks are closed at 100 MPa pressure, e.g. (J. Geophys. Res. 65, (1960) 1083) and (Proc. ODP Sci. Results Leg 118, (1990) 227). Above this pressure, laboratory measurements and modeling show that P-compressional and S-shear wave velocities are mainly controlled by the mineral preferred orientation. Veins sealed with serpentine are effective in slightly lowering P and S velocities and increasing anisotropy. The penetrative lizardite network does not affect directly the geometry of seismic anisotropy, but contributes indirectly in the fact that this network controls the microcrack orientations.

Comparison between seismic measurements of peridotite and gabbro in the same conditions suggest that P- and S-waves anisotropies are a possible discriminating factor between the two lithologies in the suboceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

The precise determination and interpretation of anisotropy are relatively difficult because the apparent anisotropy is usually a mixture of intrinsic and extrinsic anisotropy, which might partly hide the true properties of the medium investigated. The artificial anisotropy can be due to the fact that seismic waves do not ‘see’ the real details of a medium, but a ‘filtered’ (or ‘upscaled’) version of the Earth model. This can be due to a bad quality of the data coverage, to limited frequency band effects, or to errors in the approximate theory. With the limitation to layered Earth models, through comparisons of the results of the homogenization method with those of the periodic isotropic two-layered model as an analytical solution, we illustrate that the Backus theory for the long wavelength equivalent effect can be extended to calculate the extrinsic anisotropy, due to upscaling effects at discontinuities for the general isotropic layered model, when its spatial scale is much less than or equal to the seismic wavelength. We find that the extrinsic radial S-wave anisotropy produced by the vertical heterogeneities in the upper mantle of the Earth can be as large as 3% (about 30% extrinsic anisotropy of the 10% radial anisotropy). To better recover information from seismic data, we propose a surface wave phase velocity inversion method based on the first-order perturbation theory. We show that resolution at discontinuities can be improved by adding overtone modes of surface wave data. For more general layered models, the homogenization method could be considered, which can flexibly adapt the scale of the model to seismic wavelengths. However, the periodic isotropic two-layered model can also help to analytically quantify the amount of extrinsic radial, and possibly azimuthal anisotropy produced by the tilted fine layering.  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》2002,63(1-2):39-47
To study the effect of microstructure and weathering on the strength anisotropy of rock, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests were carried out on three porous rhyolites having the same original lithology, but different weathering periods of 2600, 20,000 and 40,000 years. The rock is mainly composed of glassy groundmass, with flow structure. UCS tests were undertaken on a series of samples at 15° intervals, from right angles to the flow structure (β=90°) to parallel (β=0°), where β is the angle between the direction of the applied load and the direction of the flow structure. The test results show that UCS-values are maximum when β=0–30° and minimum when β=60–90°. This differs from previous reports for layered anisotropic rocks such as sandstone, sandy shale, schist etc., for which, UCS-values are maximum at β=0 or 90°. It is also found that UCS-values for β=60–90° reduce rapidly in the initial stage of weathering (the first 20,000 years), while for β=0–30°, the reduction rate increases after 20,000 years. This shows that the effect of weathering on strength anisotropy is not uniform, but depends on the weathering processes of the microstructures of the rock.  相似文献   

粘土中电磁波速度与含水量关系研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过室内不同含水量情况下粘土中电磁波速度的测试,研究了探地雷达电磁波在粘土中的传速播度,提出了粘土中电磁波速度随着含水量增加呈一阶负指数规律下降的理论模型,实际工作中,粘土中电磁波的传播速度可取80~200mm/ns。这一模型应用于某水库大坝探测漏水通道的工程实际中。开挖验证的结果表明:用探地雷达测量资料解释的该大坝漏水通道在平面上的投影位置与开挖结果相符合,漏水通道深度与实际开挖结果基本一致。  相似文献   

高岭土是工程中常见的黏性土体,其微观结构对孔隙环境的变化十分敏感。目前针对高岭土孔隙环境特征与声波波速关系的研究还有待深入。基于超声波测试理论,采用RSM-SY6超声波检测仪,研究了不同孔隙环境条件下,高岭土超声波波速的变化规律,并从黏土颗粒的排列方式及其与孔隙溶液的相互作用等微观角度,分析了孔隙环境特征对高岭土超声波波速的影响机理,为超声波检测技术在土体中的应用提供了一定的理论依据。结果表明:(1)孔隙比越大,高岭土超声波波速越低;(2)随着含水率的增加,高岭土超声波波速先小幅度降低,后大幅度升高;(3)孔隙溶液酸碱度对高岭土超声波波速的影响与边缘等电pH值有关,当孔隙溶液pH值等于边缘等电pH值时,超声波波速最大;(4)盐分的加入使高岭土超声波波速降低,当盐溶液浓度在0~0.5 mol/L时,波速下降最快。相同阴离子条件下,高价阳离子对超声波波速的降低作用更明显。研究结果可为黏性土体声学特性研究提供参考,同时也为超声波检测技术在土体中的应用提供了 一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Mital  Utkarsh  Kawamoto  Reid  Andrade  José E. 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(5):1189-1203
Acta Geotechnica - The small-strain elastic shear wave velocity ($$V_S$$) is a basic mechanical property of soils and is an important parameter in geotechnical engineering. Recently, $$V_S$$ has...  相似文献   

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