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周茉莉 《北京测绘》2023,(11):1509-1513
针对目前森林火灾应急救援工作中火情监测手段单一、实时性、全面性不够的问题。本文总结了一种基于多源遥感监测数据的复杂地形森林火灾应急监测工作方法,解决了宏观尺度下森林火灾应急监测不够实时和全面的问题。研究结果表明:(1)空天地联合监测的火情信息获取方法具有全面、机动性和实时性等优势,可有效辅助于森林火灾现场指挥救援工作;(2)以吉林一号和高分一号为主的国产卫星载荷下的光学监测和夜光遥感监测可对火灾区域进行宏观尺度的持续观测;(3)无人机载荷的热红外探测和激光测距传感器可以实时获取夜间和小范围区域内的火点信息,助力火灾打早打小。本文研究成果可为森林火灾应急指挥部在火场地形地貌分析、救援力量部署、火灾实时追踪监测和灾后复燃隐患防控等工作提供科学决策支撑。  相似文献   

卫星遥感在自然灾害管理和应对中发挥了越来越多的作用。火点遥感在火灾频发的时候也被寄予厚望。梳理了火山、环境、气候、火灾等方面对火点遥感的需求,中国火灾监测的行业用户对时空分辨率需求迫切程度不同;概述了用于火点遥感监测的卫星数据源特点,光谱维度上以热红外敏感波段最重要,卫星轨道特点也是影响火点遥感监测能力重要因素;在分析火点遥感物理原理和方法的基础上,综述了当前火点遥感方法的研究进展及优缺点。按照火灾发生的灾前、灾中、灾后3个阶段,分别讨论了当前火点遥感提供信息支撑的能力。火点遥感用于发现火灾仍需要与地面监测等手段联合使用。  相似文献   

机载光学全谱段遥感林火监测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
庞勇  荚文  覃先林  斯林  梁晓军  林鑫  李增元 《遥感学报》2020,24(10):1280-1292
森林火灾是一种危害极大的自然灾害,是森林扰动的主要类型之一,直接影响森林生态系统结构、碳循环甚至全球气候的变化。近年来,航空平台和传感器的技术进步有效地提升了机载遥感系统探测和监测森林火灾的能力,推动了机载遥感在森林可燃物调查及载量评估、火险测报预测、火场态势及火情监测、灾害损失评估以及火烧迹地生态修复治理等方面的应用。本文首先介绍了中国林业科学研究院机载光学全谱段遥感系统CAF-LiTCHy(Chinese Academy of Forestry’s LiDAR,Thermal,CCD and Hyperspectral airborne observation system),描述了激光雷达扫描仪、热红外相机、CCD相机和高光谱传感器等传感器的参数;然后,阐明了集成方案和观测数据的处理方法;最后,以四川省西昌市“3.30森林火灾”作为该系统火后灾情遥感调查和灾情评估应用示例,综合多传感器数据特征,进行森林火烧程度评价,分析该系统采集的正射影像、冠层高度模型、高光谱影像、热红外影像在森林火灾监测评价中的潜力。研究结果表明CAF-LiTCHy机载遥感观测系统能有效获取森林火灾的灾情信息、火场及火环境参数,可为预防、预报预警、扑救指挥、灾害评估和生态修复提供支持。  相似文献   

正封面图片为2020-01-11高分四号卫星获取的澳大利亚森林火灾影像,利用着火点自适应阈值检测方法生成的森林火灾监测结果图,空间分辨率为400 m。高分四号卫星是中国首颗地球静止轨道高分辨率对地观测光学遥感卫星,具有普查、凝视、区域、机动巡查4种工作模式,其搭载的全色/多光谱相机(简称PMS)空间分辨率优于50 m,单景成像幅宽优于500 km,中波红外相机(简称IRS)空间分辨率优于400 m,单景成像幅宽优于400 km。高分四号卫星可以提供中国全境和周边国家的高时效、高分辨率的观测数据,能以分钟级甚至秒级间隔进行高频率拍摄,为中国及周边区域的灾害风险预  相似文献   

黄波  姜晓璐 《遥感学报》2021,25(1):241-250
高空间、高时间分辨率的遥感影像对地表与大气环境的实时精细监测具有重要作用,但单一卫星传感器获取的遥感影像存在空间与时间分辨率相互制约的问题,时空融合技术发展成为了低成本、高效生成满足不同应用需求的高时空分辨率遥感影像的有效手段.近年来,国内外学者提出了大量的时空融合算法,但对于复杂的地物类型变化的空间细节修复仍存在挑战...  相似文献   

构建及时、有效的卫星遥感应急监测信息服务框架,是开展自然灾害应急救援能力建设的重要内容。本文以数据统筹管理、多源数据处理、应灾信息分析及信息服务快速发布等关键技术为核心,依托高效互联机制和高速数据通道,构建了卫星遥感应急监测信息服务框架。通过在四川木里森林火灾应急遥感监测中的具体应用,实现了对灾前灾后数据的实时推送,以及灾区遥感解译图、三维地形、救援通达性及火灾变化等综合信息服务的及时发布,为四川省火灾一线救援工作提供了科学指导,为新时期国家应急能力建设提供了探索性技术途径。  相似文献   

长时间序列多源遥感数据的森林干扰监测算法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
沈文娟  李明诗  黄成全 《遥感学报》2018,22(6):1005-1022
时空意义明确的森林干扰和恢复信息是评价森林生态系统碳动态的关键因素之一。然而由于诸多的现实困难,多尺度的森林干扰定量化时空信息相对缺乏。Landsat数据具备光谱、时间和空间分辨率上的优势,以及可以免费获取的特点,使其成为主要的长时间序列动态监测的遥感数据源之一,为长时间周期内提供具有合适的空间细节和时间频率的森林干扰信息成为可能。特别是基于Landsat时间序列堆栈(LTSS)的森林干扰自动分析算法的出现,更为森林生态系统的近实时监测提供强有力的工具。本文全面评述了长时间序列遥感数据准备和预处理技术以及国内外基于遥感数据源的多时相森林干扰监测方法,重点分析了基于Landsat的多种指数监测和自动化方法的优缺点,并总结了其与多源数据结合的扩展应用,最后就现有方法与国内外新的数据、技术手段的关联进行了展望,以期为推广中国本土卫星影像应用于森林干扰监测提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

中国目前已形成了地面巡护、近地面监测、航空巡护和卫星监测等4级立体林火监测层次,但森林火灾仍是造成中国森林资源损失、森林生态环境安全和人身伤害的主要林业灾害。为对林火预警监测技术研究提供技术借鉴参考,本文从可燃物参数估测、烟区识别、着火点检测、森林大火燃烧动态监测、森林火烧迹地制图、森林火灾受害程度评价、森林燃烧生物量估算和火后植被恢复监测等8个方面,对中国近二十多年来开展的林火卫星遥感预警监测应用技术的研究进展、存在的技术问题和发展趋势进行了分析,并对构建服务于生态文明建设的天—空—地一体化的林火预警监测技术体系建设进行了展望。  相似文献   

遥感视频卫星应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前遥感技术发展迅速,人类逐步进入了以高时间分辨率、高光谱分辨率和高空间分辨率为特征的对地观测新时代。视频卫星的出现为遥感实时对地观测提供了新的契机,契合未来遥感即时商业发展的需求。首先总结视频卫星的国内外发展现状和趋势,介绍视频卫星的成像原理,对比视频卫星的滚扫式成像模式与传统卫星的推扫式成像模式的差异,展望了视频卫星未来在大型商业区车辆实时监测、自然灾害应急快速响应、重大工程监控和军事安全等4个重点领域的应用潜力。  相似文献   

本文根据林区背景的温度差异,取火场的平均温度,并在假定可以满足识别目标的信噪比的情况下,计算了机载与卫星(NOAA)遥感系统的监测能力。计算结果与实地试验基本符合。因此,利用卫星、机载和地面三个高度层次的遥感资料的相互印证与补充,并加以对照,可对森林火灾进行早期监测。  相似文献   

Many real-world applications require remotely sensed images at both high spatial and temporal resolutions. This requirement, however, is generally not met by single satellite system. A number of spatiotemporal fusion models have been developed to overcome this constraint. Landsat and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) data have been extensively used for detection and monitoring of active fires at different scales. Fusing the data obtained from these sensors will, therefore, significantly contribute to the satellite-based monitoring of fires. Among the available spatiotemporal fusion methods, the spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM) and enhanced STARFM (ESTARFM) algorithms have been widely used for studying the land surface dynamics in the homogeneous and heterogeneous regions. The present study explores the applicability of STARFM and ESTARFM algorithms for fusing the high spatial resolution Landsat-8 OLI data with high temporal resolution VIIRS data in the context of active surface coal fire monitoring. Further, a modified version of ESTARFM algorithm, referred as modified-ESTARFM, is developed to improve the performance of the fusion model. Jharia coalfield (India), known for widespread occurrences of coal fires, is taken as the study area. The qualitative and quantitative assessments of the predicted (synthetic) Landsat-like images from different algorithms (STARFM, modified-STARFM, ESTARFM, modified-ESTARFM) indicate that the modified-ESTARFM outperforms the other fusion approaches used in this study. Considering the advantages, limitations and performance of the algorithms used, modified-ESTARFM along with STARFM can be used for surface coal fire monitoring. The study will not only contribute to remote sensing based coal fire studies but also to other applications, such as forest fires, crop residue burning, land cover and land use change, vegetation phenology, etc.  相似文献   

Tropical forest mapping is one of the major environmental concerns at global and regional scales in which remote sensing techniques are firmly involved. This study examines the use of the variogram function to analyse forest cover fragmentation at different image scales. Two main aspects are considered here: (1) analysis of the spatial variability structure of the forest cover observed at three different scales using fine, medium and coarse spatial resolution images; and (2) the study of the relationship between rescaled images from the finest spatial resolution and those of the medium and coarse spatial resolutions. Both aspects are analysed using the variogram function as a basic tool to calculate and interpret the spatial variability of the forest cover. An example is presented for a Brazilian tropical forest zone using satellite images of different spatial resolutions acquired by Landsat TM (30 m), Resurs MSU (160 m) and ERS ATSR (1000 m). The results of this study contribute to establishing a suitable spatial resolution of remotely sensed data for tropical forest cover monitoring.  相似文献   

饶月明  王川  黄华国 《遥感学报》2020,24(5):559-570
森林火灾既严重影响森林生态系统的稳定,还威胁到人类生命财产安全。传统监测森林火灾方法,覆盖范围小,难以及时监测小面积火灾。遥感卫星能大范围精确监测火情,提高了监测方法的时效性,但使用单一卫星数据源很容易受到云雨等客观环境因素影响,降低监测的时效性。本文以四川木里藏族自治县"330森林火灾"区域为对象,开展多源卫星遥感数据对小范围火灾联合监测的研究。首先,充分挖掘高分四号高时空分辨率和中红外火烧敏感波段优势,联合烟幕、温度和植被指数时序变化确定火烧时间与位置;然后,使用Sentinel-2数据监测不同火烧区域光谱信息;接着,使用Sentinel-2数据提取dNBR(differenced Normalized Burn Ratio),提出了基于最大类间方差算法(OTSU)分步骤确定不同程度火烧迹地与面积的方法;最后,建立Sentinel-1A极化比值PR (Polarization Ratio)和NDVI之间关系,利用微波雷达突破云雨限制。结果表明:(1)高分四号联合IRS(InfraRed Scanner)和PMS(Panchromatic Multispectral Sensor)能够实时监测小范围火灾;(2)根据火点位置,确定火灾蔓延期间NDVI下降(由0.7降低至0.25),确定起火时间(3月30日);(3)火灾区域与未受灾区,以及不同类型火烧迹地之间的光谱在490—2200 nm范围存在差异;(4)基于OTSU算法自动确定阈值,确定林地损失面积41.56公顷(dNBR=0.35),精度达94.67%,提取林地过火未损失面积66.56公顷(dNBR=0.10),精度达90.94%,林地损失区域基本符合实际调查结果;(5)火灾前后极化比值由6.6 dB升高至10.8 dB,NDVI与PR经线性回归,R2=0.58,验证R2=0.50。联合多源卫星监测森林火灾,能提高森林火灾监测的时效性,避免了云雨等复杂环境的影响。研究成果能为小火点的及时识别和灾害评估提供参考,其应用可为林火应急响应提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于MODIS的重庆森林火灾监测与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用MODIS近红外、中红外及热红外的4个波段监测森林火灾,并提出了以MODIS 7波段为主的高温火点直接判别法和非高温火点综合阈值判别法。2006年重庆市森林火灾监测实践证明,该方法在城市森林火灾监测中是可用的。  相似文献   


The Brazilian Tropical Moist Forest Biome (BTMFB) spans almost 4 million km2 and is subject to extensive annual fires that have been categorized into deforestation, maintenance, and forest fire types. Information on fire types is important as they have different atmospheric emissions and ecological impacts. A supervised classification methodology is presented to classify the fire type of MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) active fire detections using training data defined by consideration of Brazilian government forest monitoring program annual land cover maps, and using predictor variables concerned with fuel flammability, fuel load, fire behavior, fire seasonality, fire annual frequency, proximity to surface transportation, and local temperature. The fire seasonality, local temperature, and fuel flammability were the most influential on the classification. Classified fire type results for all 1.6 million MODIS Terra and Aqua BTMFB active fire detections over eight years (2003–2010) are presented with an overall fire type classification accuracy of 90.9% (kappa 0.824). The fire type user’s and producer’s classification accuracies were respectively 92.4% and 94.4% (maintenance fires), 88.4% and 87.5% (forest fires), and, 88.7% and 75.0% (deforestation fires). The spatial and temporal distribution of the classified fire types are presented and are similar to patterns reported in the available recent literature.  相似文献   

Detecting fires, which are at their early stages is the first component of effective fire fighting. To date, several algorithms have been proposed to detect fire spots using remote sensing data. Nevertheless, in order to be able to accurately detect small and cool fires, which are very important at the regional scale, most of these algorithms need to be adjusted and improved. In this paper, an agent-based algorithm is presented for regional forest fire detection using bi-temporal MODIS data. The algorithm is designed to be so self-adaptive and consistent that it could be applied to the different pairs of consecutive images taken by the same satellite platform and at the same daytime. The results clearly show that compared with the MODIS contextual algorithm (version 4), the proposed method is more sensitive to small and cool forest fires in Iran.  相似文献   

高分辨率影像解译理论与应用方法中的一些研究问题   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:36  
宫鹏  黎夏  徐冰 《遥感学报》2006,10(1):1-5
近年来,不断发展的遥感技术使遥感数据呈现出高空间分辨率、高光谱分辨率和高时间采集频率的特点。卫星图像空间分辨率已经提高到0.6m级,而航空遥感数字影像分辨率高达0.1m以上。光谱分辨率高达3—4nm。不断发展的高分辨率遥感数据能够提高信息提取和监测精度,并拓展遥感数据的应用范围。目前,国外已经加快对高分辨率图像,特别是高空间分辨率影像,在城市环境、精准农业、交通及道路设施、林业测量、军事目标识别和灾害评估中的应用。但是总的情况是自动化程度不高。介绍高空间分辨率影像信息提取、高光谱和偏振影像信息提取、影像数据融合和高分辨率遥感变化探测等方面迫切需要研究的一些科学问题及其意义。建议建立图像知识库,改善数据共享环境,为有志于从事这方面研究的学者提供参考。  相似文献   

GF-4 PMI影像着火点自适应阈值分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究具有单中波红外通道的高分四号卫星(GF-4)PMI数据在林火监测中的应用方法,通过对覆盖近年发生森林火灾的多景GF-4 PMI影像分析,采用"劈窗法"构建GF-4 PMI数据的着火点自适应阈值检测算法;在云南省玉龙纳西族自治县、俄罗斯阿穆尔州和俄罗斯外贝加尔边疆区等3个实验区进行了着火点检测应用,并以目视解译的着火点结果为参照资料,对该算法的着火点检测精度进行了评价。结果表明,该算法在这3个实验区的着火点检测准确率均高于80.0%,基于着火点检测精度验证设定的综合评价指标高于0.780,可应用于GF-4PMI影像着火点的检测。  相似文献   

Wind disturbances represent the main source of damage in European forests, affecting them directly (windthrows) or indirectly due to secondary damages (insect outbreaks and forest fires). The assessment of windthrows damages is very important to establish adequate management plans and remote sensing can be very useful for this purpose. Many types of optical remote sensing data are available with different spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions, and many options are possible for data acquisition, i.e. immediately after the event or after a certain time. The objective of this study is to compare the windthrows mapping capabilities of two multispectral satellite constellations (i.e. Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope) characterized by very different spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions, and to evaluate the impact of the acquisition conditions on the mapping results. The analysed area, with an extent of 732 km2, is located in the Trentino-South Tyrol region (Italy) which was affected by the Vaia storm on the 27th-30th of October 2018, causing serious forest damages. The change vector analysis technique was used to detect the windthrows. For each data source, two pairs of images were considered: 1) pre- and post- event images acquired as close as possible to the event; 2) pre- and post- event images acquired at optimal conditions, i.e. at similar phenological state and similar illumination conditions. The results obtained with the two satellite constellations are very similar despite their different resolutions. Data acquired in optimal conditions allowed having the best detection rate (accuracy above 80 %), while data acquired just after the event showed many limitations. Improved spatial resolution (PlanetScope data) allows for a better delineation of the borders of the windthrow areas and of the detection of smaller windthrow patches.  相似文献   

FY-3D/MERSI-II全球火点监测产品及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑伟  陈洁  闫华  刘诚  唐世浩 《遥感学报》2020,24(5):521-530
FY-3D/MERSI-II全球火点监测产品主要包括全球范围内的火点位置、亚像元火点面积和火点强度等信息,可用于实时监测全球范围的森林草原火灾、秸秆焚烧等生物质燃烧状况。火点判识算法主要根据中红外通道对高温热源的敏感特性,即含有火点的中红外通道像元辐亮度和亮温较远红外通道的辐亮度和亮温偏高,同时较周边非火点的中红外像元偏高,建立合适的阈值可探测含有火点的像元。亚像元火点面积估算主要使用中红外单通道估算,根据亚像元火点面积估算结果对火点强度进行分级,不同的级别表示不同程度的火点辐射强度。基于全球火点自动判识结果,每日生成0.01°分辨率的卫星遥感日全球火点产品,每月生产0.25°×0.25°格点的全球月火点密度图。在利用FY-3D/MERSI-II火点产品开展的全球火点监测应用中,对多起全球重大野火事件进行了监测,为防灾减灾、全球气候变化研究、生态环境保护等方面提供卫星遥感信息支持。  相似文献   

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