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Kerogen from terrestrial plant debris (type III) has commonly been considered to be a good source for hydrocarbon gas, but not for oil, compared with types I and II kerogen from marine and lacustrine sediments. The Gippsland Basin, Australia, contains giant oil fields producing from organic matter of land plant origin. Clearly some terrestrial paleodepositional environments have produced organic matter of land plant origin with the potential to generate large volumes of oil. An attempt has been made here to identify some environments that contain organic matter of terrestrial origin with the potential to generate oil.The dispersed organic matter (DOM) in sediments from various paleodepositional environments in the Northern Carnarvon, Clarence-Moreton, Simpson Desert, Bowen and Gunnedah Basins of Australia has been analysed petrographically. To reduce variations in organic matter type due to differences in geological age, examples of Triassic age only have been compared. DOM with relatively high contents of liptinite, which is widely accepted as having a better potential to generate oil than vitrinite and inertinite, was found in the following environments: fluvio-deltaic (Bowen Basin), proximal lacustrine (Gunnedah Basin) and fluvio-deltaic (Northern Carnarvon).Relationships between Triassic DOM types and paleodepositional environments found in one basin did not necessarily hold true for other basins. It is not valid to infer a unique paleodepositional environment from DOM type, but within a given basin, DOM type may be predicted from environment.  相似文献   

The cadmium contents of 11 shales, 11 sandstones, 7 limestones, 14 metamorphic rocks and 28 stream sediments, all from Pennsylvania, were determined by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. On the basis of these cadmium values and those in the literature, cadmium is found to be enriched in dark shales and soils, depleted in red shales, sandstones and limestones, and about the same in stream sediments as in most igneous and metamorphic rocks and the crust. In stream sediments, cadmium correlates most significantly with zinc, followed by carbon, weight loss on ignition, cobalt, readily extractable lead and manganese. Examination of the correlation plots and of an Eh-pH diagram indicates that the primary cause of cadmium enrichment in the sedimentary environment is the adsorption and/or complexation of cadmium with organic matter followed by the accumulation of organic debris in a reducing depositional environment.  相似文献   

During the Paleozoic, epochs with the relatively cold climate alternated with epochs marked by significant warming. Moreover, cooling epochs were characterized by the substantial sea level fall, while warming was accompanied by its rapid rise. In many basins located at margins of Laurentia, Baltica, and the North China continental block, such an alternation is reflected in the structure of sedimentary sequences and the lateral/vertical distribution of reservoirs, confining beds, and source rocks. Despite the fact that sediments with high concentrations of sapropelic OM accumulated in different periods, their distribution areas on continents and their margins became highly reduced during cold epochs, when these sediments filled mostly rift troughs and foreland basins. After the colonization of land by higher plant communities in the Carboniferous and Permian sediments deposited during cold epochs, the humic material became an important constituent of OM in the source rock sequences.  相似文献   

The second half of the Paleozoic was marked by amalgamation of large continental blocks. The collision between the Laurentia and Baltica continents in the Devonian culminated in the formation of Laurussia. This event was followed by accretion of the Siberian and Kazakhstan continental blocks after the closure of the Uralian marine basin in the terminal Carboniferous-initial Permian. These processes were responsible for the formation of the Pangea supercontinent at the end of the Permian Period. They were accompanied by climate changes reflected in the alternation of warming and cooling epochs. One of these cooling epochs was terminated by large-scale glaciation of Gondwana at the end of the Carboniferous Period. Nevertheless, the most significant process, which drastically changed the existing paleogeographic situation, was colonization of continents by plants and animals, and, thus, accumulation of coaliferous formations in them. The lacustrine and sea basins also accumulated humic and mixed humic/sapropel organic matter (OM) in addition to pure sapropelic sediments.  相似文献   

A coal petrographic study of sediments, including coals, oil shale, and oil source rocks, in the fossil fuel deposits of northern Thailand revealed changes in alginite associations. In the Lower part of these Tertiary deposits, especially in the Fang oilfield, alginite A (a Botryococcus sp.) was the only type of alga found. Later, the association of Botryococcus braunii, Pila algae, thick-walled alginite B, and temperate palynomorphs were recognized in many coalfields, as well as in the middle part of the deposits in the Fang Basin. Their ages were Late Oligocene (?) to Early Miocene. In the upper part of the fossil fuel deposits, alginite B is dominant in many basins, together with Botryococcus-related taxa such as Pila algae, Reinschia and fresh-water-dwelling ferns. In the Mae Sod Basins Reinschia was found to be dominant in the northern part, whereas lamaginite dominated in the south, showing different environmental conditions in different parts of the basin during deposition. These different associations indicate changes in depositional environments in northern Thailand, resulting from climatic and/or sea level changes during Tertiary time.  相似文献   

湖相碳酸盐岩在柴达木盆地西部古、新近系地层中广泛出露,在研究区西岔沟地区主要分布在下干柴沟组、上干柴沟组的顶部,下油砂山组及上油砂山组的底部。通过实测西岔沟剖面、岩性分析、岩相组合特征、生物特征、沉积构造、室内薄片鉴定等研究对西岔沟剖面的碳酸盐岩进行了分析,识别出西岔沟剖面的碳酸盐岩的类型主要有鲕粒灰岩、介壳灰岩、藻叠层石灰岩、泥晶灰岩、砂质灰岩等,沉积环境主要属滨浅湖,并在岩石学特征的基础上对其成因进行了研究。  相似文献   

软黏土的触变性对于实际工程设计和施工具有重要意义。为了分析天津地区软黏土触变性,本文基于正交试验研究了含水率、矿粉含量和pH值对其十字板强度和触变强度比率等指标的影响。试验结果表明:影响天津软黏土触变强度比率的主次因素依次为含水率、矿粉含量、pH值;软黏土的触变强度比率随含水率的增大而呈指数增大;随矿粉含量增大而呈接近线性减小;随pH值的增大而增大,但其增加幅度逐渐降低,且碱性比酸性环境更有利于软黏土强度的恢复;通过回归分析,建立了包含含水率、矿粉含量、pH值3个因素的天津软黏土触变强度比率预测公式,据此预测触变强度,预测结果较好。研究成果能够为工程实践提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Prediction of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To estimate the undiscovered hydrocarbon potential of sedimentary basins, quantitative play assessments specific for each location in a region may be obtained using geostatistical methods combined with the theory of classification of geological objects, a methodology referred to as regionalization. The technique relies on process modeling and measured borehole data as well as probabilistic methods to exploit the relationship between geology (the predictor) and known hydrocarbon productivity (the target) to define prospective stratigraphic intervals within a basin. It is demonstrated in case studies from the oil-producing region of the western Kansas Pennsylvanian Shelf and the gas-bearing Rotliegend sediments of the Northeast German Basin.  相似文献   

通过对研究区二叠系硅质岩岩石学特征、主量及稀土元素地球化学研究,探讨硅质岩的地球化学特征及其沉积环境。结果表明,杭乌拉下二叠统埋汗哈达组硅质岩Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)值介于0.68~0.78之间,平均值为0.73,δCe值为0.89~0.94,平均值为0.90,二断井中二叠统菊石滩组Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)值介于0.50~0.67之间,平均值为0.60,δCe值介于0.85~0.90之间,平均值为0.88,在Al-Fe-Mn三角图上,样品点落入生物成因硅质岩区,指示研究区硅质岩为海水生物沉积成因。杭乌拉下二叠统埋汗哈达组硅质岩Al_2O_3/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3)值为0.78~0.86,平均值为0.83,Mn O/Ti O2值为0.04~0.40,平均值为0.16,(La/Ce)N值为1.02~1.15,平均值为1.10,Ceanom值为-0.041~-0.001,平均值为-0.029,二断井中二叠统菊石滩组硅质岩Al_2O_3/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3)值为0.82~0.91,平均值为0.87,Mn O/Ti O2值为0.05~0.47,平均值为0.24,(La/Ce)N值为1.00~1.12,平均值为1.06,Ceanom值为-0.058~-0.033,平均值为-0.045。这些地球化学指标指示了研究区硅质岩沉积于大陆边缘缺氧的水体环境中。  相似文献   

Modeling subsurface flow in sedimentary basins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Groundwater flows that arise in sedimentary basins from the effects of topographic relief, buoyant convection, sediment compaction, erosional unloading, and combinations of these driving forces can be described using quantitative modeling techniques. Models can be constructed to consider the effects of heat and solute transport, petroleum migration, and the chemical interaction of water and rocks. The accuracy of model predictions, however, is limited by the difficulty of predicting hydrologic properties of sediments on regional dimensions, estimating past conditions such as topographic relief, and knowledge of how physical and chemical processes interact over gelogic time scales. Progress in basin modeling will accelerate as hydrologic research efforts are better integrated with those of other specialities such as sedimentology, rock mechanics, and geochemistry.
Zusammenfassung Grundwasserbewegungen in sedimentären Becken, die von dem topographischen Relief, konvektionsbedingtem Auftrieb, Sedimentkompaktion, isostatischen Ausgleichsbewegungen in Folge von Erosion und von Kombinationen dieser Kräfte gesteuert werden, können mit Hilfe quantitativ modellierender Techniken beschrieben werden. In diesen Modellen kann man die Auswirkungen des Transports von Wärme und gelösten Stoffen, Petroleum-Migration und die chemische Interaktion zwischen Wasser und dem grundwasserleitenden Gestein berücksichtigen.Die Genauigkeit der Modell-Voraussagen ist allerdings begrenzt wegen der Schwierigkeit, hydrologische Eigenschaften von Sedimenten in einem regionalen Rahmen vorauszusagen, dem Schätzen vergangener Bedingungen und dem Problem der Abschätzung von Wechselwirkungen physikalischer und chemischer Prozesse in geologischen Zeiträumen. Fortschritte für das Modellieren von Becken werden mit der Integration hydrologischer Forschungsanstrengungen in benachbarte Fachebiete wie Sedimentologie, Gesteinsmechanik und Geochemie zunehmen.

Résumé Il est possible, par l'utilisation de techniques quantitatives de modélisation, de décrire les mouvements des eaux souterraines qui se manifestem dans les bassins sédimentaires, et qui résultent du relief topographique, de la convection, de la compaction des sédiments, de la décharge due à l'érosion et de la combinaison de ces divers facteurs. Dans ces modèles, on peut prendre en considération les effets des transferts de chaleur et de matières dissoutes lors de la migration du pétrole et ceux de l'interaction chimique de l'eau avec les roches. Toutefois la précision des prévisions que l'on peut en déduire est limitée par la difficulté d'estimer à l'echelle régionale les propriétés hydrologiques des sédiments, de reconstituer les conditions anciennes, et de connaître de quelle manière les processus physiques et chimiques interfèrent à l'échelle des temps géologiques. La modélisation des bassins progressera dans la mesure où la recherche hydrogéologique ser mieux intégrée à celles d'autres disciplines telles que la sédimentologie, la mécanique des roches et la géochimie.

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Slake durability of rocks is an important property of rock-mass and rock-materials in geotechnical practice. The slake durability of rocks is closely related to their mineralogical composition. In this paper, mineralogical examinations and slake durability tests for argillaceous clastic rocks, especially pyroclastic rocks, sandstones and mudstones of Neogene Tertiary age from Japan, were performed in order to assess the slake durability and rock alteration process of these rocks as well as to understand the relationship between mineralogy and durability.The mineral composition and textural features of the rocks were studied by means of optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EPMA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In addition, the slake durability test was carried out by using the standard testing method of ISRM [Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 16 (1979) 148] in distilled water and in the aqueous solutions with dissolved electrolytes of NaCl and CaCl2.The pyroclastic rocks and tuffaceous sandstone, rich in di-octahedral and tri-octahedral Fe smectite, respectively, show distinctively different slaking behaviors. The pyroclastic rocks show relatively high slaking (Id2=55.5% and Id10=10.5%) than the tuffaceous sandstone (Id2=94.1% and Id10=87.8%, refer to text for Id2 and Id10). This difference in the slake durability observed in these rocks is due to the microscopic occurrences of smectite present in the interspaces between the particles (pyroclastic rocks) and zeolite cementing the interspaces (tuffaceous sandstone) as alteration minerals. In addition, the durability results of tuffaceous sandstone show that the slake durability decreases as the degree of weathering increases (weathered material Id2=88.7% and Id10=65.3%). Furthermore, two mudstones of Miocene and Pliocene ages, having different clay mineral compositions (smectite vs. illite+chlorite), show the lowest and the highest slake durability among the tested clastic rocks. Hard mudstone shows the highest (Id2=98.1% and Id10=95.5%) while the soft mudstone shows the lowest (Id2=33.9% and Id6=0.4%.) slake durability. Thus, the slake durability of pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks is greatly affected by their mineral composition and texture, and is closely related to their alteration history. Slake durability is also affected by the kind of dissolved electrolyte and its concentration in the aqueous solution, providing some useful information for geotechnical practice.  相似文献   

宁芜和庐枞盆地含矿岩体地球化学特征对比   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
宁芜和庐枞盆地是长江中下游地区重要的铁矿产区,两盆地内含矿岩体的岩石学和地球化学特征既具有一定的相似性又表现出一定的差异性.文章对两个盆地内主要含矿岩体的岩相学、主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素、Sr-Nd同位素和锆石Hf同位素等进行对比研究,以期进一步探讨两盆地中成矿岩体的差异.镜下观察结果显示宁芜和庐枞盆地主要含矿岩体具有相同的矿物组合,主量元素特征表明这些岩体具有中硅、富钾和高镁的特点,均为中-基性火成岩.与宁芜盆地含矿岩体相比,庐枞盆地含矿岩体的∑REE、∑LREE和∑HREE含量均较高,明显富集Th、U等大离子亲石元素,具有明显的Eu负异常,说明庐枞盆地含矿岩体的地壳物质较多.两个盆地含矿岩体的Sr-Nd同位素组成指示岩体均来源于富集地幔,庐枞盆地含矿岩体较低的锆石Hf同位素组成说明在岩浆侵入和演化过程中可能有更多的地壳物质加入,导致岩浆的粘稠度降低,更有利于庐枞盆地铁矿的形成.  相似文献   

中国沉积盆地型地热资源特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张薇  王贵玲  刘峰  邢林啸  李曼 《中国地质》2019,46(2):255-268
地热资源作为一种可再生清洁能源,对可持续发展有着重要的意义。本文通过分析中国沉积盆地型地热资源特点,对主要热储层分布进行了论述,并在此基础上对不同热储的水化学特征进行了总结,评价了我国主要沉积盆地型地热资源潜力。沉积盆地型地热资源主要为中低温地热资源,是中国水热型地热资源的主要类型,约占水热型地热资源总量的89%,具有储集空间广、厚度大,地热资源热储类型多、储量大,赋存中低温地热水,资源可利用程度高等特点。沉积盆地型地下热水水化学类型一般由补给区HCO_3-Na型、HCO_3·Cl-Na型等低矿化水,逐渐过渡为Cl·HCO_3-Na型,最终到排泄区或封闭状态下变为Cl-Na型等高矿化水。沉积盆地中热盆地热资源储存量较大,占到主要沉积盆地总储存量的54%,地热资源可开采量占到主要沉积盆地总可开采量的59%,温盆地热资源储存量占到42%,可开采量占到40%,冷盆地热资源储存量仅占到4%,可开采量占到1%。应进一步加强地热资源勘查工作;积极开展地热资源回灌,保证可持续开发利用;推进地热资源梯级综合利用;建立地热资源监测网。  相似文献   

Regional isostatic adjustment to the load that fills the trough of a large graben will produce a surface depression that extends far beyond the boundaries of the load. Sediment infilling of this depression can lead to the development of a major sedimentary basin as the regional adjustment mechanism approaches isostatic equilibrium.  相似文献   

Whole rock, electron microprobe analyses and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of certain ophioliterelated metamorphic rocks from beneath the Pindos, Vourinos, Othris and Euboea ophiolites of Greece show that they were formed mainly from ocean-type basalts, in part under P-T conditions of the upper mantle and that they have ages between 170–180 m.y. The evidence presented is inconsistent with the view that these sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks were produced by the obduction of ocean-type crust onto a continental margin, or that they are remnant slices of Palaeozoic ‘basement’, but is consistent with their formation by thrusting and related metamorphism occurring within ocean lithosphere during the Lower to Middle Jurassic. It is proposed that this intraoceanic metamorphism was caused by the inception of a fault zone which subsequently became the transport surface for the main phase of ophiolite emplacement that occurred in the Hellenides from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

New data on the stratigraphy, faults, and formation history of lower to middle Pleistocene rocks in Late Cenozoic basins of northwestern Armenia are presented. It has been established that the low-mountain topography created by tectonic movements and volcanic activity existed in the region by the onset of the Pleistocene. The manifestations of two geodynamic structure-forming factors became clear in Pleistocene: (i) collisional interaction of plates due to near-meridional compression and (ii) deep tectogenesis and magma formation expressed in the distribution of vertical movements and volcanism. The general uplift of the territory, which was also related to deep processes, reached 350–500 m in basins and 600–800 m in mountain ranges over the last 0.5 Ma. The early Pleistocene (~1.8 Ma) low- and medium-mountain topography has been reconstructed by subtraction of the latest deformations and uplift of the territory. Ancient human ancestry appeared at that time.  相似文献   

Deep onshore Mesozoic basins have favourable geothermal aquifers at depth comprising basal Permo-Triassic sandstones. The principal basins are the Wessex and Worcester (southern England), Cheshire (northwest England), Eastern England, Larne and Lough Neagh (Northern Ireland). Measured temperatures are up to 80 °C and could reach 100 °C in the deepest parts of some of the basins. Porosity and permeability data from depth are limited, but values high enough to allow adequate yields have been measured in many of the basins. Productive sandstones vary from a few tens of metres to hundreds of metres thick resulting in productive transmissivities. The estimated heat in place (Inferred Geothermal Resource) has been calculated as 201?×?1018 to 328?×?1018 J. New heat demand maps illustrate that many of the centres of high heat use are coincident with Upper Palaeozoic basins. Within the Carboniferous and Devonian there are thick sequences of deeply buried arenaceous deposits. Some productive local aquifers occur at shallow depth, but most depend on fissure flow that is anticipated to diminish rapidly with depth. The exception may be the Carboniferous Limestone where warm springs and a pronounced thermal anomaly in Eastern England demonstrate groundwater flow at depth, possibly along pathways of many kilometers.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(6):643-656
The abundance and isotopic composition of He have been determined for a variety of natural gases (oil-field gases) in sedimentary basins in the continent of China. The3He/4He and4He/20Ne ratios range from 0.004 to 4.99 Ra (where Ra denotes atmospheric3He/4He ratio = 1.4 × 10−6), and from 100-39,000, respectively. Helium in the gas sample is composed of mantle-derived He and crustal radiogenic He.The high3He/4He ratios were observed in the sedimentary basins which underwent Cenozoic extension in the eastern domain, such as the Songliao, Liaohe, North China, Subei, Sanshui and South China Sea basins. The basins where mantle-derived He is recognized are characterized by the presence of surface and subsurface volcanic rocks, high terrestrial heat flow, deep faults and thinned crust. On the other hand, regions which underwent pre-Tertiary extension such as the Jungar, Tarim, Tuba, Caidam and Yumen basins in the NW and tectonic loading such as the Ordos and Sichuan basins in the central domain are marked by almost pure radiogenic4He of crustal origin and thus by an apparent absence of mantle-derived He, which coincides with complete lack of Cenozoic volcanics, low terrestrial heat flow and thickened crust. Such a3He/4He distribution pattern clearly indicates that tectonic environment control the distribution of He isotopes in the continent of China.  相似文献   

It is possible to apply actualistic principles to the interpretation of the paleoenvironment of iron-rich sedimentary rocks, although few iron-rich sediments form today. The sedimentary textures and structures of cherty iron-formations, Minette-tpye ironstones and limestones are similar. These similarities prove that the hydrodynamic processes of the deposition of the three rock types are the same. Therefore, it is possible to define facies of cherty iron-formations and Minette-type ironstones on the basis of their sedimentary textures and structures, disregarding mineralogy, and to interprete the formative environment by comparison with Recent limestones. Shaly sulfide iron-formation and sideritic clay ironstones are ferriferous mudstones. Methods applied to the interpretation of iron-poor shales may also be applied to these two rock types. The mineralogy of iron-rich sedimentary rocks is determined by diagenetic processes. Depositional organic content of the sediment, sediment texture (which controls diffusivity and permeability) and the groundwater flow system during diagenesis are the primary controls of iron-mineral diagenesis. Paleogeography and basin bathymetry are indirect controls of iron mineralogy, because they affect organic content and sediment texture.  相似文献   

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