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More than 130 Mt of Pennsylvanian coal is produced annually from two coal fields in Kentucky. The Western Kentucky Coal Field occurs in part of the Illinois Basin, an intercratonic basin, and the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field occurs in the Central Appalachian Basin, a foreland basin. The basins are only separated by 140 km, but mined western Kentucky coal beds exhibit significantly higher sulfur values than eastern Kentucky coals. Higher-sulfur coal beds in western Kentucky have generally been inferred to be caused by more marine influences than for eastern Kentucky coals.Comparison of strata in the two coal fields shows that more strata and more coal beds accumulated in the Eastern than Western Kentucky Coal Field in the Early and Middle Pennsylvanian, inferred to represent greater generation of tectonic accommodation in the foreland basin. Eastern Kentucky coal beds exhibit a greater tendency toward splitting and occurring in zones than time-equivalent western Kentucky coal beds, which is also inferred to represent foreland accommodation influences, overprinted by autogenic sedimentation effects. Western Kentucky coal beds exhibit higher sulfur values than their eastern counterparts, but western Kentucky coals occurring in Langsettian through Bolsovian strata can be low in sulfur content. Eastern Kentucky coal beds may increase in sulfur content beneath marine zones, but generally are still lower in sulfur than mined Western Kentucky coal beds, indicating that controls other than purely marine influences must have influenced coal quality.The bulk of production in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field is from Duckmantian and Bolsovian coal beds, whereas production in the Western Kentucky Coal Field is from Westphalian D coals. Langsettian through Bolsovian paleoclimates in eastern Kentucky were favorable for peat doming, so numerous low-sulfur coals accumulated. These coals tend to occur in zones and are prone to lateral splitting because of foreland tectonic and sedimentation influences. In contrast, Westphalian D coal beds of western Kentucky accumulated during low differential tectonic accommodation, and therefore tend to be widespread and uniform in characteristics, but exhibit higher sulfur values because they accumulated in seasonally drier paleoclimates that were unfavorable for peat doming. Hence, basin analyses indicate that many differences between the mined coals of Kentucky's two coal fields are related to temporal changes in paleoclimate and tectonic accommodation, rather than solely being a function of marine influences.  相似文献   

West Virginia is the only place in the United States where an entire section of Pennsylvanian age (Upper Carboniferous) strata can be seen. These strata occur within a wedge of rock that thins to the north and west from the southeastern part of the State. The progressive north-northwesterly termination of older Pennsylvanian geologic units beneath younger ones prominently outlines the center of the Appalachian basin of West Virginia. Over most of West Virginia, Lower and/or Middle Pennsylvanian strata unconformably overly Upper Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous) strata. Sediment deposition was accomplished by a complex system of deltas prograding north and west from an eastern and southeastern source area.More than 100 named coal beds occur within the Lower, Middle, and Upper Pennsylvanian rocks of West Virginia and at least 60 of these have been or are currently being mined commercially. Collectively, these coal beds account for original in-ground coal resources of almost 106.1×109 t (117×109 tons). West Virginia ranks fourth in the United States in demonstrated coal reserves. In 1988, West Virginia produced 131.4×106 t (144.9×106 T) of coal, third highest in the United States. Of this annual production, 75% was from underground mines. In 1988, West Virginia led the nation in the number of longwall mining sections currently in place. West Virginia's low-volatile coal beds are known worldwide as important metallurgical-grade coals, while the higher-volatile coal beds are utilized primarily for steam production.  相似文献   

Broad platformlike buildups in the Stanton Limestone in southeastern Kansas are composed primarily of lime mud and phylloid algae and are rimmed with skeletal calcarenite composed largely of echinoderm and algal debris. Bordering the buildups are large (1×30 km) channels, lined or filled with similar calcarenite, and a broader basin containing shaly skeletal calcilutite.Grain abrasion and spar cement in the rimming calcarenites indicate water agitation and suggest wave resistance of the buildups during growth. Wave resistance may have been provided by 1) stalked echinoderms, which are resilient when alive and bind sediment with their roots, and also by 2) early drusy cementation of loose sediment to a coherent mass.Comparison to modern channel-separated buildups in the Persian Gulf and the Great Barrier Reef complex brings out the relative significance of organic frameworks in these different geologic settings. Recognized organic frameworks range from absent or insignificant in the Pennsylvanian examples through locally present but insignificant in the Persian Gulf, to apparently important in maintaining the buildups in the Great Barrier Reef. All three examples, however, exhibit patterns of original hydrodynamic control over initiation and gross form of the buildups. Determining significance of organic frameworks to overall buildup growth involves examining both their positions relative to evidence of wave action and the nature of binding in contemporaneous talus produced by wave action on the buildup.
Zusammenfassung Die ausgedehnten plattformartigen Strukturen im Stanton-Kalk des südöstlichen Kansas bestehen hauptsächlich aus Kalkschlamm und phylloiden Algen, am Rand jedoch aus Kalkareniten, die weitgehend aus Echinodermen- und Algendetritus zusammengesetzt sind. An die Strukturen grenzen breite Vertiefungen (1×30 km), die von Kalkareniten gesäumt oder gefüllt sind, und ein größeres Becken mit mergeligem skeletalem Kalklutit.Kornabrasion und Sparitzementierung der randlichen Kalkarenite sind Zeichen für Wellenbewegung und lassen auf entsprechende Festigkeit während des Wachstums schließen. Diese Festigkeit könnte zwei Ursachen haben: 1. gestielte Echinodermen, die elastisch sind, wenn sie leben, und Sediment mit ihren Wurzeln binden, 2. frühe sparitische Zementierung von Lockersedimenten.Vergleiche mit rezenten, durch ähnliche Vertiefungen getrennte Strukturen im Persischen Golf und im Great-Barrier-Riffkomplex zeigen die relative Bedeutung des organogenen Gerüstes unter verschiedenen geologischen Bedingungen. Organogenes Gerüst, soweit beobachtet, ist nicht vorhanden oder doch unbedeutend im karbonischen (Pennsylvanian) Beispiel, örtlich vorhanden, aber unwichtig im Persischen Golf, dagegen wichtig als aufbauendes Strukturelement im Great-Barrier-Riff. Gemeinsam ist den drei Beispielen die ursprüngliche Kontrolle der hydrodynamischen Verhältnisse auf den Wachstumsbeginn und die allgemeine Form dieser Strukturen. Die Bedeutung des organogenen Gerüstes für die Gesamtstruktur ergibt sich aus der Analyse ihrer Lage in bezug auf nachgewiesene Wellenbewegung und der Verfestigung gleichaltrigen Vorriffschuttes, der von den Wellen an der Struktur gebildet wurde.

Résumé Les larges «buildups» (presque «élévations»), en plate-forme, que l'on trouve dans le calcaire de Stanton, au sud-est du Kansas (E. U. A.), sont essentiellement composés de bourbe calcaire et d'algues calcaires phylloïde. Ils sont entourés de calcarenites coquillières composées surtout de débris d'échinodermes et d'algues. En bordure de ces «buildups» se trouvent de grands passages (1×30 km) bordés ou remplis de cette même calcarenite, ainsi qu'un bassin plus vaste contenant de la calcilutite coquiilière argilifère.L'usure du grain et le spath ciment observés dans les calcarenites environnantes, indiquent l'agitation de l'eau et suggèrent une résistance des « buildups » aux vagues pendant le développement. La résistance aux vagues a pu venir soit 1) des échinodermes pelmatozoaires, élastiques lorsqu'ils sont vivants et stabilisant les sédiments avec leurs racines, soit 2) d'une précoce cimentation en druse des sédiments libres pour en faire une masse cohérente.La comparaison avec les « buildups » modernes, séparés par des passages dans le Golfe Persique et dans le Récif de la Grande Barrière, fait ressortier la signification relative des structures organiques rigides dans ces divers sites géologiques. Les structures organiques rigides reconnues comprennent d'une part, celles qui sont absentes ou insignifiantes (dans le calcaire de Stanton), celles qui sont présentes localement mais insignifiantes (dans le Golfe Persique) et d'autre part celles qui sont apparemment importantes et maintiennent les «buildups» (dans le Récif de La Grande Barrière). Cependent ces trois exemples montrent des formes de contrôle hydrodynamique originel, exercées sur l'instauration et la forme générale des « buildups ». Si l'on veut déterminer la signification de ces structures organiques rigides à propos de la constitution d'ensemble d'un «buildup», il faudra examiner, et leur position relative à l'évidence de l'action des vagues, et la nature de leur constitution en pente d'éboulis, ceux-ci étant contemporains et produits par l'action des vagues sur le «buildup».

, Stanton, , , — , . , 1 х 30 , , , . — Great Barrier. , , ; , , , Great Barrier. .

突出了大区域构造背景下的瓦斯赋存分布特征及其控制因素研究。重庆煤矿区古今构造应力场具有继承性,煤系应力长期得不到松弛,形成含煤岩系的长期应力集中,十分利于瓦斯富集,致使煤与瓦斯突出主要发生在地质构造变动比较剧烈的应力集中区。含煤岩系沉积环境及构造应力场是控制重庆煤矿区瓦斯赋存的两大地质因素。龙潭组海湾-潮坪-沼泽/泥炭相沉积环境具有良好的封盖能力,瓦斯含量普遍较高;须家河组河流冲积平原、湖滨-三角洲沉积体系对瓦斯的封盖能力较弱,瓦斯含量普遍较低。厘定出南桐高突瓦斯带、华蓥山高突瓦斯带、永荣高瓦斯带、渝东南瓦斯带、渝东瓦斯带和大巴山高瓦斯带6个区域性瓦斯地质带。  相似文献   

Fossil spores and pollen have long been recognized as valuable tools for identifying and correlating coal beds. This paper describes the palynology of late Middle Pennsylvanian coal beds in the Appalachian Basin with emphasis on forms that assist both intra- and interbasinal coal bed correlation.Stratigraphically important palynomorphs that originate in late Middle Pennsylvanian strata include Torispora securis, Murospora kosankei, Triquitrites minutus, Cadiospora magna, Mooreisporites inusitatus, and Schopfites dimorphus. Taxa that terminate in the late Middle Pennsylvanian include Radiizonates difformis, Densosporites annulatus, Dictyotriletes bireticulatus, Vestispora magna, and Savitrisporites nux. Species of Lycospora, Cirratriradites, Vestispora, and Thymospora, as well as Granasporites medius, Triquitrites sculptilis, and T. securis end their respective ranges slightly higher, in earliest Late Pennsylvanian age strata.Late Middle Pennsylvanian and earliest Late Pennsylvanian strata in the Appalachian Basin correlate with the Radiizonates difformis (RD), Mooreisporites inusitatus (MI), Schopfites colchesterensisS. dimorphus (CP), and Lycospora granulataGranasporites medius (GM) spore assemblage zones of the Eastern Interior, or Illinois Basin. In the Western Interior Basin, these strata correlate with the middle-upper portion of the Torispora securisLaevigatosporites globosus (SG) and lower half of the Thymospora pseudothiesseniiSchopfites dimorphus (PD) assemblage zones. In western Europe, late Middle Pennsylvanian and earliest Late Pennsylvanian strata correlate with the middle-upper portion of the Torispora securisT. laevigata (SL) and the middle part of the Thymospora obscuraT. thiessenii (OT) spore assemblage zones. Allegheny Formation coal beds also correlate with the Torispora securis (X) and Thymospora obscura (XI) spore assemblages, which were developed for coal beds in Great Britain.  相似文献   

The vegetational history of the Springfield (No. 5) Coal Member in the southwestern and southeasternmost portion of the Illinois Basin is reconstructed from palynological profiles of the coal seam. In most parts of the swamp dominance was shared by arborescent lycopods that produced Lycospora granulata, and two tree ferns that produced Thymospora pseudothiessenii and Laevigatosporites globosus. The profiles suggest that populations of the Thymospora producing tree fern occupied sites for long periods. In the Southwestern portion of the basin vegetation changes can be correlated to the splitting of a coal in the proximity to a paleochannel. A greater understanding of the ecological requirements of some of the spore taxa of the Springfield Coal is seen by the patterns of the same taxa in surrounding Spoon and Carbondale Coals. Some taxa appear to be more generalists and other more specialists that are more restricted to a certain type of coal.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2006,225(1-2):77-90
Using density-gradient centrifugation, within-sample heterogeneity in C/N, δ13C, and δ15N was determined for a sample of the Blue Gem coal bed (Middle Pennsylvanian, Duckmantian (Westphalian B), Breathitt Formation) and related to maceral (petrographically identifiable organic component) composition. Relatively pure macerals were separated by density, with purities up to 99% in the case of vitrinite in fractions around 1.3 g/mL. Lower density fractions (∼ 1.2 g/mL) contain predominantly liptinite (∼ 75%) but also significant amounts of vitrinite (∼ 20%). Denser fractions contain increasing amounts of inertinite, with several fractions between 1.37 and 1.44 g/mL containing > 98% total inertinite. Within these denser fractions, semifusinite concentrated at lower densities than did fusinite. The separation of macerals by density allowed a more detailed evaluation of the isotopic composition of relatively pure macerals within a single coal. δ13C becomes increasingly heavy across the density gradient, with δ13C values being lightest in the liptinites, followed by vitrinite, and then semifusinite and fusinite; by contrast, δ15N becomes lighter across the same density range. C/H increases with density, reflecting a general decrease in aliphatic components and increase in aromatic components. C/N follows a similar pattern, ranging from < 40 to over 100, increasing significantly at densities > 1.32, the point at which inertinite macerals begin to predominate over vitrinite.The isotopic composition of macerals reflects chemical composition, which in turn reflects: 1) the original composition of plant tissues from which the macerals originated; 2) early diagenetic changes; and 3) changes during coalification. Macerals derived from lipid-rich precursor materials (liptinites) have more depleted δ13C values (∼ 2‰) relative to those derived from woody tissues (vitrinite). Fusinized material, derived from fossil charcoal, has δ13C values enriched by ∼ 0.5‰ compared with the vitrinite, consistent with the results from combustion experiments using modern plant tissues. Vitrinite fractions have enriched δ15N values relative to inertinite fractions, which may reflect early diagenetic changes in woody tissues involving preferential loss of 14N, possibly due to bacterial activity during the peat-forming stage. Due to the within-sample variability in carbon isotopic composition reported here, it is suggested that chemostratigraphic studies based on Type III kerogen (including both dispersed organic matter and coals) carefully consider the associated effects of variability in maceral composition.  相似文献   

Marattialean-fossil foliage, assigned to Pecopteris Brongniart, was an important and widespread floral component in Late Pennsylvanian mires, with phylogenetic affinity to extant marattialean taxa in tropical regions. Marattialean fossil taxonomy is, however, still uncertain. Specimens from the Pilsen limnic Basin, Westphalian D, Czech Republic, represent fertile marattialean foliage of Pecopteris (Asterotheca) nyranensis and Pecopteris (Asterotheca) miltonii, and sterile foliage of Pecopteris aspidioides and Pecopteris polypodioides. Taxonomic parameters for their assignments included cuticle, stomatal morphologies (studied for the first time), and in situ reproductive organs and spores. Chemotaxonomic interpretations hinge on fidelity of preservation of compounds, or molecular fragments thereof, that were synthesized by the once-living plants. This preservation state was possibly due to the thermal history (maximum temperature of 130 °C) in the Pilsen Basin, acidic preservation conditions, lithology and facies stability.Although subtle, the four pecopterid species are differentiable from one another by combined FTIR characteristics, supporting taxonomy. The ratio of CH2/CH3 is hypothesized to be a chemotaxonomic parameter for Pennsylvanian pteridophylls, both in seed and true ferns that have previously been studied. It will, however, be supplemented by additional biochemical markers.  相似文献   

The rain-day series in Nigeria have been examined for periodicities, fluctuations and trends for four regions arranged from south to north (the Coastal, Guinea-Savanna, Midland and Sahelian zones) based on data collected for the period 1919–1985. A significant decline was found in annual rain-days for each zone of the country from 1939–1985 and also during the recent period, 1968–85. This decline was found to begin in July in the Sahel thereafter extending to the Midland in August and still further southwards to embrace the Guinea-Savanna zone by September and October. Evidence was found of a synchronization of fluctuations in annual rain-days in the south-north direction for the country. Only the quasi-biennial oscillation of 2.4–2.8 years was found to be common to the 4 regional annual rain-days series. Finally, the implications of the results for the causative mechanisms of rainfall variability in the country are discussed.  相似文献   

Two conflicting stratigraphic schemes describe the Siberian Karginskii interstade (Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 equivalent) as having: 1) relatively stable climate with environments more similar to the full glaciation; or 2) variable climate with landscapes that more closely approximate contemporary ones. New data from continuous lake cores and a nearly continuous section from western Beringia (WB) suggest that both schemes are valid. Herb-dominated communities, possibly with isolated populations of Larix, characterized northern WB with only a slight shift from relatively warm to cool summers during the mid-interstade. In contrast, herb and shrub tundra, steppe, forest-tundra, and modern Larix forest occurred at various times in areas of southern WB, suggesting greater climatic instability. A thermal optimum is evident in the south during the mid-interstade, with modern vegetation in southeastern WB and Larix forest-tundra in the southwest. Variations in Pinus pumila pollen indicate summer warm/winter dry and summer warm/winter wet conditions in southeastern WB. These fluctuations contrast to other areas of WB, where summers and probably winters were consistently arid. Although the interstade presents a unique interval within the Late Pleistocene, paleodata and paleoclimatic models suggest that changes in marine conditions, including sea level, were likely key drivers in the regional climate history.  相似文献   

为揭示喀斯特石漠化治理示范区植被覆盖变化以及气候因子对植被覆盖变化的影响,利用2006—2015年Landsat 30 m/16 d分辨率影像数据,采用最大合成法、NDVI差值指数和相关、偏相关分析法,系统分析示范区归一化植被指数的时空变化特征及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明:(1)2006—2015年最大NDVI平均值为0.39,NDVI较高覆盖区域在示范区南北边界,而较低覆区域以花江南岸为主;(2)2006年以来示范区极低(-1.210)、低(-0.669)和中等(-0.729)植被覆盖度呈减少趋势,高(1.359)和极高(1.247)植被覆盖度增加,整体上呈显著增加趋势;(3)本月NDVI与本月、上月、上上月降雨量和气温的相关性均通过显著水平0.05检验,且本月NDVI与本月降雨量相关性高于本月气温(RNDVI降雨 =0.782),本月NDVI与上月气温相关性高于上月降雨量(RNDVI气温 =0.771);(4)在月尺度上,示范区植被生长对降雨量无滞后期,而对气温存在1个月的滞后期。   相似文献   

We have compared detailed planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal carbon and oxygen isotope records from the Palaeocene and early Eocene successions at DSDP Site 577 (Shatsky Rise, North Pacific), a composite section derived from DSDP Leg 74 sites (Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic) and a composite section from ODP Leg 113 sites (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea). The δ13C records of Palaeocene and early Eocene Foraminifera at Site 577 and the Leg 74 sites show that an increase in δ13C values in surface waters at 64 Ma (end of Zone P1) resulted in increased vertical carbon isotope gradients (δ13C) between surface and deeper dwelling planktonic foraminifera, and between surface-dwelling planktonics and benthonic foraminifera which became progressively steeper until the iniddle Late Palaeocene (Zone P4). This steepening also occurs in the latest Palaeocene of the composite Leg 113 section and can be explained by an increase in surface ocean productivity. This increase in productivity probably resulted in an expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Benthonic δ13C values increased during the late Palaeocene in Site 577 and the composite Leg 74 section, suggesting that the Palaeocene carbon isotope maximum was composed of both within-ocean reservoir (increased surface water productivity) and between-reservoir (organic carbon burial) ftactionation effects. The benthonic δ13C increase lags the surface ocean δ13C increase in the early Palaeocene (63–64 Ma) suggesting that surface water productivity increase probably led an increase in the burial rate of organic carbon relative to carbonate sedimentation. Moreover, inter-site δ13C comparisons suggest that the locus of deep to intermediate water formation for the majority of the Palaeocene and the earliest Eocene was more likely to have been in the high southern latitudes than in the lower latitudes. Oxygen isotope data show a decline in deeper water temperatures in the early and early late Palaeocene, followed by a temperature increase in the late Palaeocene and across the PalaeoceneEocene boundary. We speculate that these changes in deeper water temperatures were related to the flux of CO2 between the oceans and the atmosphere through a mechanism operating at the high southern latitudes.  相似文献   

Palynology, texture, mineralogy, geochemistry, and magnetic susceptibility analysis of a 2 m deep sediment core from Padauna Swamp, southeastern Madhya Pradesh infers that between 8600 and 7500 cal yr BP a warm and relatively less-humid climate prevailed with open tree-savannahs dominated by grasses followed by sedges, Artemisia and members of Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae with scanty trees viz., Schrebera, Aegle marmelos and Sterculia urens. This is well supported by lower organic to carbonate carbon ratio, coarser texture having relatively low CIA and magnetic susceptibility values and presence of some primary minerals. Between 7500 and 6250 cal yr BP the tree-savannahs were succeeded by open mixed deciduous forests with the invasion of a few more trees viz., Madhuca indica, Holoptelea, Emblica officinalis, Mitragyna parvifolia and members of Anacardiaceae in response to onset of a warm and humid climate. A considerable rise in organic carbon generated from the degradation of plentiful biomass along with increase in clay content with signs of kaolinite and increase in immobile over mobile elements with slightly higher CIA and magnetic susceptibility values also suggest climatic amelioration. The presence of ruderal plants such as Artemisia, Cannabis sativa and Cheno/Am further infers initiation of human activities in the region. Between 6250 and 2800 cal yr BP, the mixed deciduous forests became more diverse and dense, subduing grasses and other herbaceous elements. Sporadic incursion of Shorea robusta (Sal) in forest floristic was recorded around 5000 cal yr BP. The overall change in the vegetation mosaic reflects that a warm and more-humid climate prevailed in the region, probably on account of invigoration of southwest monsoon. This observation is further corroborated by other proxy data showing a spurt in organic/inorganic carbon ratio, increase in clay content with matured mineralogy, significantly higher CIA and magnetic susceptibility values. Since 2800 cal yr BP onwards, the modern Sal dominated deciduous forests were established indicating continuation of warm and more-humid climate including timely arrival of SW monsoon coinciding with the shedding of Sal seeds as they are viable for a very short period.  相似文献   

中国东北地区赋煤构造是在太平洋地球动力学体系影响下形成的一系列NE—NNE向断陷盆地,目前对本区赋煤构造单元划分尚未形成统一认识。根据东北地区含煤岩系赋存特征,将东北赋煤构造单元划分为三级体系,即:东北赋煤构造区—3个赋煤构造亚区—11个赋煤构造带。以地球动力学理论为基础,以构造控煤特征为研究主线,探讨了三级赋煤构造单元的基本控煤特征。该项研究对煤炭资源评价和勘查具有重要意义。  相似文献   

煤与瓦斯突出的激发和发生条件   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
从影响煤与瓦斯突出的地应力、瓦斯、煤岩物理力学性质和地质构造因素出发,提出把煤与瓦斯突出的过程划分为突出源的形成发展、突出的激发和发生三个阶段。以南桐煤矿典型突出事故为例,用演绎法探讨了突出激发与发生的条件。结果表明,一切由振动产生的岩体裂隙和冲击载荷是导致煤与瓦斯突出的激发条件,并根据充瓦斯煤的损伤蠕变方程,得到了预测延期突出的时间。根据突出过程中的能量转换关系,得到了突出的起动速度和瓦斯临界压力表达式,对煤与瓦斯突出发生涉及的几个难点问题进行了讨论。揭示了煤与瓦斯突出的主要能量是瓦斯膨胀能,突出时喷出的瓦斯由多个来源的瓦斯组成,且地质构造区在采矿过程中容易形成有利于突出的源。  相似文献   

Changing trade patterns of the West Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the enormous expansion of world trade in the quarter century after 1950, the share generated by countries of the Western Pacific remained remarkably constant. This relationship primarily reflected the rise of Japan as a major force in the international economy. Whereas Japan's own trade grew more widely oriented and the Western Pacific margins relatively less important as trading partners than before WW II, to the states of the Western Pacific Japan's status both as a supplier of imports and as an export market greatly enlarged —only rarely is Japan not the leading trading partner. The Japanese strategy of export-led growth has been replicated by South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. All of these countries, as well as Japan itself, depend overwhelmingly on imports for their raw materials and energy supplies. Elsewhere trade patterns have been greatly modified by a rising spirit of nationalism that has emphasized development of manufacturing industries in Australia and New Zealand no less than in the states of SE Asia.  相似文献   

Zinyama L  Whitlow R 《GeoJournal》1986,13(4):365-384
This paper critically evaluates the causes and consequences of changes in population distribution in Zimbabwe during the colonial period and since independence in 1980. Five main aspects of population geography are examined. Firstly, by way on background on contemporary patterns of settlement and land use, the history of tenure policies is outlined. Secondly, the distribution of the African population as revealed in the 1982 census is described and major changes between the census years of 1962, 1969 and 1982 are discussed. Thirdly, changing patterns of settlement and land use within the peasant farming areas (Communal Lands) are examined in the context of increasing population pressures. Fourthly, trends in the growth of the main urban centres and the process of urbanisation of the African population are described. Fifthly, post-independence development policies directed at effecting changes in the distribution of population are discussed with particular reference to the land resettlement programme. The present distribution of population is seen as the product of interacting political, economic and environmental factors, knowledge of which is essential in devising appropriate development strategies to achieve a more equable balance of population and resources.  相似文献   

煤炭与铀两种资源在空间配置和成矿上有关联性,其合理开发利用及污染控制是我国国民经济和社会持续发展的重大需求。基于大量文献调研及前期研究成果,探讨了铀在煤中赋存分布及其在洗选、燃烧、淋滤过程中的迁移特征,取得一些认识:①煤中铀的富集成矿与成煤大地构造演化相关联,西南富铀煤主要与峨眉山玄武岩及断裂构造有关;西北富铀煤一般分布在拗陷和断拗陷盆地开阔地带一侧并与上覆砂岩型铀矿有关。②煤中铀主要与煤中有机质(主要是腐殖酸)结合,富铀煤中铀可以微细粒含铀矿物形式存在,并与有机硫、硫化物紧密共生,故在选煤过程中,无论重选还是浮选,其洗选脱除率均不高(最高为68.3%),部分煤浮选时铀甚至富集到精煤中;在煤燃烧过程中,铀或多或少都会以气相形式挥发到大气中。③富铀煤一般也同时富集V、Mo、Se、Re、Cr等高价态变价元素,这与有机体深埋分解造成的强还原环境有关,对于那些不变价元素如Sc、Y、La等的沉淀富集主要与腐殖酸形成的酸化条件有关;这些共生组合元素,在富铀煤的分选及煤矸石的淋滤过程中表现出一致的迁移行为。④电厂燃煤过程中铀主要富集(呈数量级的增加)到飞灰和底灰中,粉煤灰中铀淋出浓度一般随淋滤液pH的增加呈降低趋势,其萃取率随灰化温度的升高呈现降低趋势。研究结果为铀资源利用和环境污染控制提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

赤城煤田侏罗系中统延安组中赋存丰富的煤炭资源。研究该区地质构造及其控煤作用,对今后的煤炭资源勘查有一定的指导意义。本区煤系及煤层的分布规律受基底构造、同沉积构造及后期构造活动的改造等综合作用的控制,受其影响,该区煤系及煤层以NW-SE向的条带状分布于梁龙背斜两翼和赤城向斜的次级凹陷内,分布范围和埋藏深度受断层、褶皱等次级构造的控制,使煤系和煤层大致呈北部浅、南部深、东部浅、西部深的特点。因此,梁龙背斜的两翼和赤城向斜的次级凹陷是今后找煤的重点区域。  相似文献   

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