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风火山盆地古近纪和新近纪沉积包括下部连续沉积的早始新世—早渐新世风火山群和早渐新世雅西措群,以及不整合其上的早中新世五道梁群。风火山地区的砂岩铜矿全部产于风火山群1岩组的灰(绿)色砂岩层中。采自风火山群1岩组含矿层和非含矿层中的3个磷灰石样品,分别获得了(22.5±2.3)Ma、(33.1±6.0)Ma和(28.0±3.6)Ma的裂变径迹年龄数据。其中33.1~28.0 Ma代表了该地区砂岩铜矿的成矿年龄.22.5 Ma则代表了成矿后构造热事件的年龄。风火山砂岩铜矿的成矿年龄处在其上覆的雅西措群沉积年龄范围内.显示砂岩铜矿是盆地早期沉积物压实脱水流体的产物。 相似文献
对取自辽东凸起北段凸起带和陡坡带的6个岩芯样品进行了磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)测试并分析了裂变径迹特征,选定其中2个样品在约束条件下进行热史模拟。结果表明,辽东凸起北段新生代经历了距今50 Ma±孔店组沉积期末及距今24 Ma±的东营组沉积期末的2次构造隆升。通过对辽东湾坳陷东西部的沉积结构和控凹断裂对比可知,辽东湾坳陷一系列NE向隆起具有相似的发育机制。结合渤海湾盆地区域构造背景,推断辽东湾坳陷辽东凸起的形成是古近纪地幔热活动引起的伸展作用在孔店组沉积期末的构造响应,形式为拆离性质的翘倾断块;而辽东凸起的第二次抬升是受东营组沉积期末发生的区域性构造抬升运动影响的结果。 相似文献
沉积物中的锆石裂变径迹分析可以用于示踪沉积盆地的源区性质及其构造演化信息.济阳坳陷新生界9块砂岩样品的锆石裂变径迹中值年龄介于183.1±15.0 Ma~100.0±5.6 Ma之间,锆石单颗粒年龄均大于其地层沉积年龄.对没有通过x2检验的6块样品进行了多组分年龄分离分析,表明多数样品主要由2个年龄组分组成.总体上,砂岩锆石裂变径迹单组分年龄具有较好的一致性,主要介于389.1±5.1 Ma ~272.7±14.6 Ma(P1)、238.1±7.8 Ma~203.6±6.6 Ma(P2)、179.3±13.9 Ma ~96.8±17.8 Ma(P3)、80.3±15.7 Ma~55.3±6.0 Ma(P4)之间.这4组年龄组分分别记录了晚古生代、三叠纪、晚侏罗—早白垩世及晚白垩世—古新世时期内锆石裂变径迹完全退火时的年龄.结合区域地质背景认为,济阳坳陷新生界的主要物源是燕山运动中期强烈的构造岩浆活动期内发育的上侏罗统一下白垩统的火山岩和火山—碎屑岩系;海西期、印支期以及燕山晚期—喜马拉雅山早期过渡时期的构造岩浆活动也对坳陷有少量物源贡献. 相似文献
G.A Wagner G.M Reimer B.S Carpenter H Faul R Van Der Linden R Gijbels 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1975,39(9):1279-1286
The rate of spontaneous fission decay of uranium-238 (λf238) was determined in 4π-geometry by the fission track method. Uranium glasses of known age of manufacture were used. Spontaneous tracks have accumulated since the time of manufacture and induced tracks to determine the uranium content were produced by thermal neutron irradiations. Spontaneous tracks in all glasses were found to be partially annealed. By correcting for this annealing effect, a (λf238) = 8.7 ± 0.6 × 10?17yr?1 was obtained. Uncertainty in the neutron dose is the largest source of error. 相似文献
The Yitong Basin is an oil-bearing basin with unique characteristics in Northeast China. On the basis of apatite fission track ages and geological relationship, the tectonic uplift history of the Yitong Basin since the Oligo-cene was discussed. Based on apatite fission track analysis of five samples from the Luxiang and Chaluhe fault de-pressions and basin modeling study, it can be concluded that since the Oligocene (36.6 Ma) in the Yitong Basin, the Chaluhe fault depression has undergone two episodes of uplift during 24.9–19.1 Ma and 6.9–4.9 Ma. And the Luxi-ang fault depression also had undergone two episodes of uplift during 30–27.8 Ma and 22.6–11.1 Ma. Moreover, the average apparent exhumation rates for the Chaluhe fault depression and Luxiang fault depression, could be calcu-lated to be 70.34 and 60.33 m/Ma since 21.8 Ma and 18.9 Ma, respectively. The results of thermochronological analysis can also be supported by the evidence from geological relationships such as geodynamics, volcanic activity, and stratigraphic division and correlation. 相似文献
A network of 10 OBS operating in continuous recording mode was deployed in June 2003 in the Galicia passive Margin, surrounding the sinking zone of the ‘Prestige’ oil tanker. The OBSs recorded very different signals, including air-gun shots, seismic events, whale vocalizations or noise associated to ships, as well as two sets of atypical seismic signals that are the object of this contribution and can be described as harmonic tremors and short-duration events. Harmonic tremors appear in most sites as intense monochromatic signals lasting for up to 4 h, with coherent polarization and a wide range of amplitudes. Even if they may be recorded at different sites within a time interval, their envelopes are not correlated, suggesting a source origin at the vicinity of each receiver. A time periodicity close to 6 h is observed, suggesting a correlation with the tidal variation. Most OBSs show also a large number of impulsive events of short-duration, between 1 and 2 s, a very regular decrease of amplitude in the signal coda and characteristic frequency spectrum with one or two narrow peaks. As for the tremors, those events are detected only in individual sites, suggesting very local source zones. We favor the interpretation of both seismic features as coming from the resonance of fluid-filled cracks induced by impulsive pressure transients, in agreement with the theoretical model of Chouet [Chouet, B. 1988. Resonance of a fluid-driven crack: radiation properties and implications for the source of long-period events and harmonic tremor. J. Geophys. Res., 93, 4375–4400.]. The observed harmonic tremors would be the result of sustained pressure fluctuations, probably related to the stress variations induced by the tidal change of the oceanic load, while the short duration events are interpreted as the impulse response to the tremor-generating system. 相似文献
Y. P. Sharma N. Lal K. D. Bal R. Parshad K. K. Nagpaul 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1980,72(3):335-336
The fission track closing temperatures of the minerals which are found to be suitable for fission track geochronology have been calculated for various cooling rates using the stepwise cooling. Biotite is found to have the lowest closing temperature whereas the sphene is having the highest. The closing temperature falls with decrease in cooling rate. 相似文献
Investigation of fossil charged-particle track densities in various mineral phases of three meteorites—Estherville, Nakhla and Odessa—coupled with U content determination, has led to the evaluation of various contributions to the total fossil track density, including those due to the spontaneous fission of 238U and 244Pu. A fission-track age for Estherville of around 4 × 109 yr is found, which is thought to reflect slow cooling of the parent body. A Pu track excess of (106 ± 9): 1 over the spontaneous fission of 238U is found in Odessa diopside, which is larger than may be allówed on a simple ‘continuous synthesis’ model for the production of heavy elements prior to solar system formation. Possible explanations for this value are discussed, including fractionation of Pu relative to U. No detectable U was found in Nakhla diopside, and a measurable contribution of track densities from the fission of superheavy elements is ruled out on the basis of track-length measurements and laboratory calibration with Fe ions. 相似文献
On statistical models for fission track counts 总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26
R. F. Galbraith 《Mathematical Geology》1981,13(6):471-478
The statistical basis for the usual analysis of fission track counts obtained by the external detector method is discussed and illustrated with examples. A consequence is that if any observed correlation between counts of spontaneous and induced tracks is due to heterogeneity in the density of uranium, then the model proposed by McGee and Johnson (1979)for assessing the experimental error is inappropriate and results based on it could be misleading. The same remark applies to the method proposed by Johnson, McGee, and Naeser (1979). 相似文献
R. F. Galbraith 《Mathematical Geology》1984,16(7):653-669
Statistical methodology is described for obtaining point and interval estimates of age in fission track dating experiments, particularly for (a) the external detector method, which is reviewed briefly, and (b) the population method, which is considered in more detail. Some mathematical background to models, based on the underlying physical process, is given. This is used to suggest appropriate statistical methods, to assess them and to help understand sources of variation in the data. For the external detector method, a model is required for numbers of tracks given the amount of uranium; the usual Poisson model is derived as a consequence of independent thinning of a bivariate point process. For the population method, uranium heterogeneity does not necessarily invalidate the estimate but does represent a source of variation that must be allowed for in its error; thus an interval estimate of age might be relatively uninformative. 相似文献
Udo Haack 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1972,35(4):303-312
A linear relationship exists between annealing temperatures and activation energies of fission tracks for different minerals. The temperature and activation energy needed to erase 50% of the tracks in minerals depend on the lattice energy per mole. These relationships make possible predictions about the stability of tracks in silicates, provided their chemical composition is known or a few isochronal annealing data are available. 相似文献
在西南极和横贯南极山脉地区,新生代裂谷和剥露作用非常普遍。但是,文献中很少记录东南极地区的新生代剥露作用。文中根据东南极普里兹湾拉斯曼丘陵地质样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄和热历史的模拟,认为在东南极海岸边缘存在新生代的隆升和伸展作用,其年龄为始于(49.8±12)Ma。该年龄略晚于西南极裂谷系的启动年龄(约60~50Ma)。由于差异隆升作用,在拉斯曼丘陵地区发育了更新的正断层作用--拉斯曼丘陵拆离断层的新活动,其年龄为约5.4Ma。东南极周缘新生代裂谷和伸展作用的普遍存在,是冈瓦纳裂解以来大陆分离和印度洋形成的结果。 相似文献
在西南极和横贯南极山脉地区,新生代裂谷和剥露作用非常普遍。但是,文献中很少记录东南极地区的新生代剥露作用。文中根据东南极普里兹湾拉斯曼丘陵地质样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄和热历史的模拟,认为在东南极海岸边缘存在新生代的隆升和伸展作用,其年龄为始于(49.8±12)Ma。该年龄略晚于西南极裂谷系的启动年龄(约60~50Ma)。由于差异隆升作用,在拉斯曼丘陵地区发育了更新的正断层作用——拉斯曼丘陵拆离断层的新活动,其年龄为约5.4Ma。东南极周缘新生代裂谷和伸展作用的普遍存在,是冈瓦纳裂解以来大陆分离和印度洋形成的结果。 相似文献
对采自羌塘地块南部改则地区康托盆地的碎屑岩及火山岩进行磷灰石裂变径迹年代学测试及AFT热历史模拟,获得77±6Ma、62±5Ma、44±3Ma、35±2Ma四组磷灰石裂变径迹年龄,平均径迹长度介于11.6±2.0~13.3±1.9μm之间。AFT热历史模拟结果指示,研究区自晚白垩世至现今主要历经了3次构造抬升冷却过程:晚白垩世(100~65Ma)快速隆升剥蚀阶段,其降温速率和隆升速率分别为1.46~4.26℃/Ma、0.05~0.14mm/a,该事件为新特提斯洋洋壳沿雅鲁藏布江俯冲作用的响应;始新世中期(50~35Ma)快速隆升剥蚀阶段,该阶段降温幅度相对以第一次较小,该构造事件与印度大陆的向北俯冲具有成因联系;20Ma至现今的快速抬升冷却阶段为青藏高原整体拉张走滑构造环境所影响,其隆升速率和降温速率分别为3.25~6.0℃/Ma、0.03~0.2mm/a。 相似文献
Journal of Earth System Science - Solid state nuclear track detectors (ssntd) were introduced as an important research tool in nuclear science and technology in the early 1960s. In this paper an... 相似文献