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The study area around Choral river basin in the Narmada valley region, forms a part of Indore and Khargone districts of Madhya Pradesh. The geological, geomorphologic, lineament, hydrogeomorphic and groundwater potential zone maps of the study area have been prepared using IRS IC LISS III FCC imagery on 1:50,000 scale. Various litho-units, different land-forms, lineament fabric and hydro-geomorphic units have been worked out by visual interpretation methods and frequent field checks. The integrated hydro-geomorphological map of the study area reveals that the groundwater potential in denudation landforms such as buried pediplains, plateaus, denudational and residual hills is moderate-to-poor. On the other hand, the groundwater occurrence in structural landforms like structural hills, lineaments/faults and narrow gorges is likely to be good to moderate and the depositional landforms namely alluvial plains, valley-fills and meandering-channels favour the accumulation of sub-surface water and, therefore, may be considered as good recharge zones. From the point of view of groundwater occurrence, various hydro-geomorphic units have been classified as high, moderate and low potential zones.  相似文献   

The study area is one of the watersheds of North Pennar basin, covering an area of 570 km2 in Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district. The watershed has been subdivided into nine sub-watersheds namely Dalavayihalli, Maddalenahalli, Talamaradahalli, Puluvalli tank, Nagalamadike, Gowdatimmanahalli, Naliganahalli, Devadabetta and Byadanur. These nine sub-watersheds have been evaluated to delineate groundwater potential zones based on the characteristics of geomorphic units together with slope, geology, lineaments, borewell data using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Slope varies from nearly level (0–1%) to very steep (>35%). The different geomorphic units in each sub-watershed consist of denudational hills, residual hills, inselbergs, pediment inselberg complex, pediments, shallow weathered pediplains, moderately weathered pediplains and valley fills. The lineament map for each sub-watershed has been prepared and the trends were analysed with rose diagrams. The analysis of borewell locations and their yield data in association with lineaments at subwatersheds level reveals that the lineaments are acting as a pathway for groundwater movement. The integrated map comprising groundwater potential zones prepared by “Union” function using GIS indicate that valley fills and moderately weathered pediplains are very good to good, shallow weathered pediplains are good to moderate, pediment inselberg complex and pediments are moderate to poor and denudational hills, residual hills and inselbergs are poor to very poor groundwater prospect zones.  相似文献   

The state of Haryana and the adjoining areas are covered to a large extent by Quaternary sediments of alluvial/aeolian origin. An attempt has been made to study this area and classify the various geomorphic zones and a geological-cum geomorphological map of the area has been prepared based on MSS Landsat Imagery on 1:1 million. The geological set-up of the area comprises the sub-Himalayan system of rocks, mostly belonging to Siwalik Group which are exposed in the northeastern extremity and adjoining parts. In the south and southwestern corner of Haryana bordering the state of Rajastan, older rocks belonging to Delhi Supergroup are exposed. In between lies the vast stretch of Quaternary sediments of aliuvial/aeolian origin. The different geomorphic units recognised include 1) High structural hills, 2) Moderate structural cum denudational hills, 3) Low structural-cum-denudational hills, 4) Older and younger piedmont zones, 5) Flood plain, 6) Older Alluvial surface, 7)Aeolian zone, 8) Transitional zone & 9) Upland tract. Except the river Yamuna flowing along the eastern boundary of the State, the only other stream is the Ghagghar. A well-defined palaeo-channel of the Ghagghar is clearly picked up on the imagery. This river appears to be structure controlled and flows along well-defined tectonic lines. The southerly to southeasterly direction of flow of the river Yamuna indicates a basement high. The topographical low passing through Delhi-Rohtak-Hissar and Sirsa appears to coincide with basement high and the gradual shift in the drainage system indicates some neotectonic activity in the region. The most important ecological problem of the state of Harayana is the rapid desertification due to migration of dunal sands in the south and southwestern parts. Other environmental problems related to landuse are the salt efflorescence, waterlogging, unscientific stone quarrying, etc. It is felt that geomorphic maps generated should be utilised for regional land-use planning and restoration of the eco-balance in the State.  相似文献   

Kondakarla lake is the largest natural fresh water lake in Visakhapatnam district. The lake is thought to have been formed in stages. There might have been in the past a ‘U’ shaped rim of hills enclosing a basin with a minor drainage system. With the reduction of hills in relative relief, the drainage got obliterated because of excessive deposition of alluvium leaving a gently sloping piedmont and a central shallow depression. An old course of the Sarada river entered the lake and there are evidences in field indicating the old course having got in and got out of the lake, in the absence of a few geomorphic units along the foot-slopes of the hills. These geomorphic units appear to have been removed by the swerving meander loops of the old course. Again, there are a series of four sandy islands in the lake, the configuration and disposition of which indicate deposition in the inside of the meander loops as point bar deposits, while the old course migrated towards southeast of the basin. The lake is thought to have been farmed in the gently sloping basin partially deepened perhaps by migrating course of tha Sarada river. Aggradation at the northestern part besides cutting off of the meander loop, has created a barrier of low relief resulting in a narrow long basin of internal drainage. Neither the structural trend of the hills nor any other features indicate synclinal or anticlinal troughs, ruling out any structural origin for this lake.  相似文献   

The role of hydrogeomorphological units and lineaments in the storage of groundwater from the Muvattupuzha river basin has been investigated using IRS ID LISS III data. Other than the usual water bodies such as river course, reservoirs and ponds, the major hydrogeomorphological units identified in this basin in the descending order of their groundwater potential are: valley fills, moderately dissected plateau, pediments, residual mounts, residual mount complex, linear ridges, residual hills and structural hills. Majority of the lineaments trends in NW-SE and WNW-ESE directions. Even though the eastern part of the basin is characterised by moderate to high lineament density, the above area is found to be poor to moderate groundwater prospect zone because of high gradient and structural hills. The pump test analyses of dug wells from different hydrogeomorphic units also confirm that valley fills are the most promising unit for groundwater prospecting than the rest.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to delineate and characterize the different geomorphic units of Tundiya river catchment in a part of Lower Maharahstra Metamorphic Plateau, north-eastern part of Nagpur district, Maharashtra. The drainage, contour and delineated geological units have been overlaid on IRS-ID LISS III satellite imagery (bands 2,3 and 4) in EASI/PACE analysis system to delineate and characterize different geomorphological units and analysis of their processes based on the field observations. The study area is basically of metamorphic in origin with different geological formations and is influenced by the various fluvio-morphological processes. Based on the satellite data analysis, the distinct geomorphological units viz., table top summits, structural hills, subdued plateau, linear ridges, shallow, moderate and deeply buried foot slopes, shallow valley fills and deep valley fills have been delineated and characterized. The information generated from satellite data in the form of vector layers has been used in GIS to generate geological and geomorphological maps of the study area. The present study demonstrates that IRS-ID LISS-III data in conjunction with geology, drainage and contour parameters to enable detailed evaluation of different geomorphological units and analysis of their processes based on the field observations. The delineated geomorphological units can be utilized for evaluation and management of natural resources and geo-environment on sustainable basis at river catchment level.  相似文献   

Mass sinking associated with soil creep and debris displacement is mainly responsible for landslide in Sunil area of Joshimath hill complex. Seepage plays the important role in soil subsidence. The area representing moderate to high relief denudational hills, shows rarely any insitu rock exposures. Gneissic boulders are embedded in loose sandy soil where due to presence of many springs excess seepage occurs, causing a soil creep and displacement of the bou.ders giving rise to local sinking.  相似文献   

Geomorphologic map prepared, using the remote sensing techniques and conventional methods, has been used to assess groundwater prospects in a developing satellite township of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Complex. Andhra Pradesh, India. The geomorphic units delineated are denudational, fluvial and coastal. The study indicates that the fluvial and rolling plains are promising zones for groundwater occurrence. The denudational landforms are not considered as groundwater potential zones, whereas the groundwater occurring in the coastal plain is not suitable for any use, because of its brackish nature.  相似文献   

Geomorphology and land use pattern of Visakhapatnam urban – industrial area have been studied using IRS IB and SPOT data. The geomorphic units under structural landforms, fluvial landforms and coastal landforms were identified and appropriate field confirmations were made. The geomorphic units such as inselbergs/residual hills, rolling plains, colluvial plains, fractures, piedmont fans, pediments were identified under structural landforms. The units wind gap, paleo channels, gully land, alluvial plain and natural levee were identified under fluvial landforms. The coastal landforms include sea cave, sea stack, red sediments, beach sands and marshy area. Study of the land use pattern reveals the land use under various categories of residential, planned and un planned, agricultural land, waste land and others. The data will have high relevance and usefulness for urban, industrial and ground water resource evaluations in the context of rapid urbanization and industrialization.  相似文献   

Hydromorphogeological studies have been carried out around Agnigundala mineralised belt (longitude 70°.39′ - 16°.51′ and latitude 16°.2′ - 16°.15′) using remote sensing IRS-IB and SPOT data for ground water exploration. Based on erosional and depositional characters of various geomorphic units like Hills (Structural and denudational) Pediment, Buried pediment, plains and valley fills have been identified in various lithologies like granite, granite gneiss, biotite schist, phyllite,. quartzite and dolomite. The acclamations of individual geomorphic units through visual interpretation are verified from field data. The groundwater potentials of the individual geomorphologic units have been evaluated to obtain a complete hvdrogcological picture of the area. The field data have further helped in quanlifying various geomorphological units with reference to their potential for ground water occurrence.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate the potential of RADARSAT SAR data (Standard-7 and Wide-2 beam positions) for delineating the geomophological units in Itanagar Capital Complex of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been applied to Standard-7 and Wide-2 data with incidence angle 45° – 49° and 31 ° – 39° respectively. The resulting components yield imagery that highlights the Geomorphological units. The area of investigation has been classified into five geomophological units’ viz., High relief structural hills, low relief structural hills, low relief rugged hills, piedmont and intermontane valley. The surface roughness can be observed by studying the difference of the responses from different incidence angles. Wide-2 beam position was found to be more useful for identifying features in flat terrain, and Standard-7 beam position data for features of high relief.  相似文献   

The Quaternary geology of the Cambay basin is studied with the help of aerial photographs and spot checking in the field. Sub-aerial denudational, fluviatile, aeolian and marine processes have produced the Recent deposits that cover the Cambay basin. Black cotton soils, lateritic soils and sandy loams, flood plain deposits, levees, swamps, salt waste, barrier spits, sand hills, undulating sands and flat sands have been identified. The trend of the fluviatile and aeolin deposits are in the NE-SW direction and the marine deposits trend NW-SE. The morphostructural distribution studied on the basis of tonal contrasts and drainage pattern indicates a general NE-SW pattern of structural trend in the Cambay basin and is in confirmation with the Aravalli and the Cutch structural trends. The Cambay basin area is a compound landscape wherein a mantle of youthful material fails to hide the dominant features of the underlying landforms. An attempt is made to relate the different geomorphic aspects to the underlying landforms.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to identify and delineate the groundwater potential areas in parts of Western Ghats, Kottayam, covering the upper catchment of Meenachil river. The study area is composed rocks of Archaean age and Charnockite dominated over others. The information on lithology, geomorphology, lineaments, slope and land use/land cover was generated using the Resourcesat (IRS P6 LISS III) data and Survey of India (Sol) toposheets of scale 1:50,000 (surveyed in 1969) and integrated them with raster based Geographical Information System (GIS) to identify the groundwater potential of the study area. Thus, a GIS-based model which takes account of local condition/variations has been developed specifically for mapping groundwater potential. On the basis of hydrogeomorphology, three categories of groundwater potential zones namely good, moderate and poor were identified, and delineated. The high potential zones correspond to the fracture valleys, valley fills, pediments and denudational slope, which coincide with the low slope and high lineaments density areas. The low zone mainly comprise structural hills and escarpments and these act as run-off zones. The derived panchayath-wise groundwater potentiality information could be used for effective identification of suitable locations for extraction of potable water for rural populations.  相似文献   

The main objective of the study is to identify groundwater potential zones in Thirumanimuttar basin with an integrated approach using Remote Sensing and geographical information system(GIS).FCC Image of Landsat TM 30 m resolution data and topographic maps has been used to generate thematic maps like geology,geomorphology,lineament and lineament density,drain-age,drainage density,and slope map of the study area.A number of geomorphic units such as Denudational hills,structural hills,Bajadas,Colluvial plain,Pediplain,Deep Pediment and Alluvial plains have been observed.A composite groundwater potential map has been generated as very high,high,medium,low and very low based on the groundwater availability area.The upper,mid-dle and downstream of the basins have been identified as potential zones for groundwater exploration.The regions of lineaments and intersecting lineaments proved for groundwater potential zones.The data generated was validated with field checks and ob-served to be in conformity with the same.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the advantages aerial photographs offer for a quick appraisal of geomorphic surfaces in a terrain of low to moderate relief, high vegetative cover with considerable human activities. The area studied comprises the coastal tracts between Calicut and Ernakulam and the midlands immediately to the east. Two morphological units, namely the costal plain and uplands constitute the terrain between the Western Ghats and the sea. The costal plain from west to east comprise a narrow beach, a younger beach ridge plain, an older beach ridge plain and lateritic surface, generally plateau shaped with gentle to moderate slopes, terraced, dendritically dissected and with insignificant development of pediment. Further eastwards, the areas of high relief consists of hard crystalline rocks laterised at the top. A filled lagoon near Trichur and the flood plains of major rivers which cut through different geomorphic units are significant. Recognition of isolated, discontinuous patches of highly lateritised Tertiary sedimentaries from other lateritic surfaces is often difficult.  相似文献   

The Varushanad hills forms the eastern offshoot of the Western Ghats and the Cumbum valley divides the Varushnad hills from the Western Ghats. Investigations were carried out in about 1700 sq Km comprising the Cumbum valley and the Varushanad hills of the Western Ghats situated in Periakulam Srivalliputhur and Usilampatti taluks of Tamil Nadu on the geological and geomorphological aspects. Remote sensing techniques were used and limited field checks were made. Visual interpretation of aerial photographs on 1:60,000 scale was carried out for identifying the geomorphological features, drainage pattern and lithology. Digital analysis of the Landsat computer compatible tape (CCT) path-row 154–053 was also carried out to delineate major lithological variations. Major lineaments were also mapped from the Landsat imagery and false colour composite. The rock types of the Cumbum valley and the Varushanad hills are mainly charnockites, granite gneiss and pink granites which have been deformed by folds and faults. The various geomorphological units of the area are ridges, valleys, bazada zone and pediment zone of mountain complex. Resources evalution studies on the potential zone of ground water and possible construction materials were also discussed.  相似文献   

The morphotectonics of Zagros Structural Belt (ZSB) of SW Iran has been controlled by collision tectonics of the Arabian and Iranian plates. Morphotectonically ZSB has been distinguished into four lithotectonics units namely, Imbricate Zone (IZ), Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SSZ), Zagros Folded Belt (ZFB) and Molasses Cover Sequence (MCS). The collision generated morphogeny and vertical tectonics in ZSB. The opening of the Red Sea has contributed to vertical tectonics @ 1 mm/year, and during the last 4–5 million years a relief of about 4 km has been generated in ZSB which resulted in development of erosional cycles. The Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SSZ) and Imbricate Zone (IZ) became positive tectonic topography with opening of Red Sea. The exogenic geomorphic processes resulted in the erosion and SSZ was exhumed to lower level than IZ. The ZFB and MCS underwent vertical tectonics @ 1 mm/year. The Neo-tectonism is expressed as anomalous drainage and compressed meanders in MCS. The humid cycles (?) during the Quaternary period resulted in fluvial erosion and cuesta, hogbacks, structural and erosional hills and valleys were carved in ZSB in Iran. The NW-SE tectonic trend of ZFB has determined the morphotectonics and the geomorphic grain of ZSB of in SW Iran.  相似文献   

Geomorphological map is a very effective tool in management of natural resources and helps in various types of planning and developmental activities. In the present study, geomorphological map for part of the upper Baitarani river basin was prepared using aerial photographs on 1:25,000 scale, satellite imagery in the form of IRS-IA false colour composites, generated from bands, 2,3,4 and SOI topographic sheets validated by ground truth. Since large part of the study area is inaccessible, remotely sensed data have played an important role in detailed mapping. The study area is mainly underlain by Precambrian rocks. Quarternary and recent formations are confined mainly to the river valleys. The criteria adopted for the identification and grouping of landforms of specific genetic type are the overall appearance (morphography), the shape/surface geometry (morphometry). the underlying geology, relief forming processes, and association of forms. The landform units as identified and delineated on the remotely sensed data are grouped under two genetic types, denudational and fluvial. Ten landform units, each having its own features, were identified under three geomorphic domains viz. Hill, Piedmont and Plain.  相似文献   

Parts of Indogangetic alluvial plain and southern part of Simla-Himalayas were studied to evaluate the ground water potential zones through hydromorphogeological mapping using various remotely sensed data. Black and white panchromatic aerial photographs were mainly used to differentiate different lithounits whereas MSS and TM FCC were used to delineate the major trends of lineaments. IRS LISS-II CCT was used for digitally generating enhanced False Colour Composite, Principal Component and Filtered products for better correlative studies. Different rocks of Subathu and Siwalik groups form the structural hills of high to low relief which are mainly runoff zones. The alluvial fan forming piedmont zone has been further subdivided into upper and lower piedmont zones. In order to ascertain ground water movement and occurrence, the infiltration and discharge zones were established. Other local potential discharge zones were also considered. Ground water occurs under semi-confined to confined conditions and good prospects of potable water are present in the area.  相似文献   

恢复岩溶古地貌对于分析岩溶储层发育特征具有重要作用。目前关于岩溶古地貌的恢复多为定性方法,定量刻画古地貌的水平有待提高,而GIS在定量分析处理地貌方面独具优势。以高石梯—磨溪区块灯四段岩溶储层为例,在经典古地貌恢复方法的基础上,从GIS的地貌因子出发,提取了包括高程、坡度、地表切割深度、地表粗糙度、地形起伏度在内的地形因子以及包括水流长度、河流等级、流域分析在内的水文因子;再选取核心地形因子,并对地貌因子进行敏感性评价,结果显示高程、坡度和地形起伏度对地形的表征贡献较大。以地貌成因—形态分类原则为地貌分类方案,对敏感地形因子进行重分类操作后作叠加分析处理,地貌分区成图显示研究区由岩溶高地、岩溶缓坡、岩溶缓坡过渡带和岩溶洼地4类地貌单元组成。对岩溶古地貌进行分析评价发现,岩溶缓坡为油气良好集聚地,地貌划分结果与储层分布具有相关性。  相似文献   

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