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针对卫星钟差数据中会经常出现粗差等数据异常的问题,该文提出了一种基于改进的中位数(MAD)方法的北斗卫星钟差数据预处理策略。该策略首先对长时间段卫星钟差数据的非空数据进行提取,然后将提取的非空数据转换为对应的频率数据,用改进的MAD方法进行处理,在此基础上再对长时间段的卫星钟差数据基于每天的数据采用改进的MAD方法进行再次预处理。通过对北斗卫星一年钟差数据的预处理,从钟差序列本身及其对应的频率序列和钟差的拟合残差3个方面对所提预处理策略进行了验证。实验表明,此策略能够有效地识别并处理北斗卫星钟差数据中的异常值。  相似文献   

针对卫星钟差数据中会经常出现粗差等数据异常的问题,该文提出了一种基于改进的中位数(MAD)方法的北斗卫星钟差数据预处理策略。该策略首先对长时间段卫星钟差数据的非空数据进行提取,然后将提取的非空数据转换为对应的频率数据,用改进的MAD方法进行处理,在此基础上再对长时间段的卫星钟差数据基于每天的数据采用改进的MAD方法进行再次预处理。通过对北斗卫星一年钟差数据的预处理,从钟差序列本身及其对应的频率序列和钟差的拟合残差3个方面对所提预处理策略进行了验证。实验表明,此策略能够有效地识别并处理北斗卫星钟差数据中的异常值。  相似文献   

针对北斗在轨卫星Rb原子钟2013年的实测数据,采用二次多项式拟合得到BDS卫星钟差模型,采用哈达玛总方差公式计算了北斗卫星钟的短期频率稳定度指标,进而分析了北斗在轨卫星钟特性指标的变化规律。通过实例计算,揭示了BDS不同在轨卫星钟的相位、频率、频漂及残差指标的变化规律;计算得出BDS卫星钟万秒频率稳定度维持在10-13量级左右,其中GEO卫星钟的稳定度相对较差,4号和8号卫星在运行期间出现跳变,跳变之后稳定性得到提高,其他在轨卫星钟稳定度变化趋势则相对平稳。  相似文献   

利用中位数的GPS卫星钟跳探测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴静 《测绘科学》2015,40(6):36-41
GPS卫星钟跳是导航卫星钟差数据处理中的一种常见的数据异常。针对由钟差数据量较大引起的粗差探测效率低下,影响用户定位精度的问题,该文对基于中位数的粗差探测方法进行研究;并在分析钟差数据特性的基础上将此方法进行扩展,使其不仅能够探测卫星钟差数据中的粗差,还能探测卫星钟跳。实验结果表明,该文方法能够较好地进行粗差探测和钟跳探测。  相似文献   

针对北斗卫星钟差预报研究较少的情况,基于灰色模型与BP神经网络模型,构建一种全新的组合预测模型. 该组合钟差预测模型通过最优权方法有效结合两种单一模型的优点,实现北斗钟差的短期预报. 最后,以北斗三种型号卫星所携带的原子钟数据为例,计算出每种单一模型的权重,通过构建最优权预报模型实现了钟差的短期预报,预报结果优于两种单一模型,证明了该组合预报模型在钟差短期预测方面有效性与适用性.   相似文献   

针对BDS卫星钟差的短期预报问题,该文采用二次多项式模型、灰色模型和线性组合模型来对BDS中3种不同类型卫星10d的精密钟差进行建模与短期的预报。拟合时长增加,预报精度也会逐步增高并趋于稳定。预报精度会随着预报时长的增加而降低,当预报时长为50min以内时,预报精度为亚纳秒级。3种模型的钟差预报精度均在1ns以内,其中二次多项式模型的预报精度优于灰色模型,线性组合模型预报精度介于二者之间。利用3种模型的钟差预报结果进行精密单点定位实验,所得的平均定位精度在E、N方向上误差最大不超过3cm,U方向上误差最大不超过5cm。验证了利用二次多项式模型、灰色模型和组合模型在卫星钟差的短期预报中是可行的。  相似文献   

卫星钟差质量直接影响到高精度用户的定位结果,因此需对钟差实时监测,即为卫星钟差完备性监测。它是导航系统完备性理论体系中重要的组成部分。本文基于BDS伪距观测值,利用多个BDS/GPS基准站计算卫星钟差并分析各卫星与不同基准站的观测值的残差,若某一卫星的观测值残差与其他卫星残差差异超过限值,应给出示警信息,实现BDS卫星钟差的完备性监测。基于上述理论,基于BDS网观测数据进行BDS卫星钟差完备性监测,并分析BDS卫星钟差的监测结果。该方法初步实现了BDS卫星钟差完备性监测,为后续BDS完备性监理论研究提供了一定的技术支持。  相似文献   

针对IGS RTS实时数据流产品在网络传输过程中普遍存在的数据中断问题,基于卫星钟差预报算法,文中提出实时"预报修复"方法,以钟差预报值实时修复发生中断历元的钟差数据.通过对RTS数据中断区间分布的统计分析,确定钟差预报的时间长度为5 min;采用改进的灰色系统模型,对不同时间长度初始数据的钟差预报结果进行对比,确定初...  相似文献   

为了提高卫星钟差预报的精度,针对钟差数据中量级较小的误差,提出了一种基于中位数的小波阈值法钟差数据预处理策略。首先,利用小波阈值方法将钟差数据进行分解,得到分解后的高频系数和低频系数。然后,利用中位数法处理各层影响阈值设置的高频系数,通过处理后的高频系数计算阈值,从而提高小波阈值法剔除小异常值的能力。最后,用北斗二号卫星钟差数据进行了验证,结果表明,利用所提方法处理后的钟差数据建模,小波神经网络(wavelet neural network,WNN)模型预报的精度提高约14.1%,预报稳定性提高约19.7%。该方法可以有效剔除钟差历史观测序列中量级较小的误差,改善钟差数据质量,从而提高模型钟差预报的精度。  相似文献   

针对北斗卫星钟差数据中出现钟跳、粗差等异常数据频次较高的问题,将半参数平差模型引入BDS的钟差数据的处理过程中。首先,在考虑系统误差的同时,改进了常用的钟差模型;其次,综合考虑异常数据和系统误差,利用补偿最小二乘原理和极值求解方法,详细推导了分离异常数据前后参数和非参数估计值与相应观测值改正数的关系表达式,实现了异常数据的定值、参数求解和系统误差分离。在此基础上,引入Cook距离,给出了利用参数分量和非参数分量的Cook距离及混合Cook距离,去判断异常值的位置,并给出了一些参数的选取方法及相应的处理措施,实现了卫星钟差异常数据的定位和定值以及部分系统误差的分离。最后,采用武汉大学GNSS中心提供的采样间隔为5 min的北斗卫星精密钟差数据,将本文方法与常用方法进行了试验对比。试验结果表明,本文方法能够有效地识别并处理卫星钟差数据中的异常值,有效克服了基于经验阈值钟差异常数据探测方法的不足,且该方法对于量级较小的异常钟差数据也有很好的探测效果,一定程度丰富了现有的BDS钟差数据质量控制方法。  相似文献   

利用最小一乘法改进的灰色模型的导航卫星钟差预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在卫星钟差波动较大的情况下,为了克服基于最小二乘法估计灰色模型参数对卫星钟差预报精度的不足,本文利用最小一乘法对传统灰色模型进行了改进。在建模的过程中,采用以误差绝对值之和最小为优化原则,针对目标函数不可微的特点,运用线性规划的方法对灰色预报模型的模型参数进行了估计。此外,将改进后的预报模型应用到卫星钟差波动较大情况下钟差的预报中,并将预报结果与传统灰色模型的预报结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:在卫星钟差波动较大的情况下,该方法相比传统灰色模型的预报结果有显著改善,为高精度的卫星钟差预报提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Three functional models, polynomial, spectral analysis, and modified AR model, are studied and compared in fitting and predicting clock deviation based on the data sequence derived from two-way satellite time and frequency transfer. A robust equivalent weight is applied, which controls the significant influence of outlying observations. Some conclusions show that the prediction precision of robust estimation is better than that of LS. The prediction precision calculated from smoothed observations is higher than that calculated from sampling observations. As a count of the obvious period variations in the clock deviation sequence, the predicted values of polynomial model are implausible. The prediction precision of spectral analysis model is very low, but the principal periods can be determined. The prediction RMS of 6-hour extrapolation interval is Ins or so, when modified AR model is used.  相似文献   

Three functional models, polynomial, spectral analysis, and modified AR model, are studied and compared in fitting and predicting clock deviation based on the data sequence derived from two-way satellite time and frequency transfer. A robust equivalent weight is applied, which controls the significant influence of outlying observations. Some conclusions show that the prediction precision of robust estimation is better than that of LS. The prediction precision calculated from smoothed observations is higher than that calculated from sampling observations. As a count of the obvious period variations in the clock deviation sequence, the predicted values of polynomial model are implausible. The prediction precision of spectral analysis model is very low, but the principal periods can be determined. The prediction RMS of 6-hour extrapolation interval is 1 ns or so, when modified AR model is used.  相似文献   

基于MEA-BP神经网络的卫星钟差预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕栋  欧吉坤  于胜文 《测绘学报》2020,49(8):993-1003
卫星钟差是影响导航定位精度的重要因素之一,建立高精度的钟差预报模型对高精度定位有重要意义。针对常用模型卫星钟差在短期预报中随时间增加误差积累,以及传统BP神经网络不稳定,容易出现过拟合等问题,本文提出一种基于思维进化算法(MEA)优化的BP神经网络钟差预报模型和算法。首先对原始钟差数据进行一次差处理;然后利用思维进化算法对BP神经网络的初始权值和阈值进行优化,给出该模型进行钟差预报的具体步骤;选用IGS站提供的多天GPS精密钟差产品数据进行试验分析,使用GPS一天中前12 h数据建模,进行2、3、6和12 h的钟差预报。结果表明:利用MEA-BP模型得到的上述4种时段的预报精度分别优于0.36、0.38、0.62和1.56 ns,预报误差曲线变化起伏较小,说明新模型的预报性能优于3种传统模型,新模型在钟差预报短期预报中的实用性及稳定性是较佳的。  相似文献   

针对BDS卫星钟差数据中非线性特性较为复杂且难以精确预测的问题,提出一种基于多核相关向量机的卫星钟差预报算法.使用武汉大学IGS中心MGEX提供的实测BDS精密钟差数据进行预报试验,并将本文的方法与QP、QP-Period以及LS-SVM模型进行对比.结果 表明:MKF-RVM预报24 h的BDS-2卫星钟差数据的精度...  相似文献   

Considering the contribution of the hardware biases to the estimated clock errors, an improved method for estimating the satellite inter-frequency clock bias (IFCB) is presented, i.e., the difference in the satellite clock error as computed from ionospheric-free pseudorange and carrier phase observations using L1/L2 and P1/P2 versus L1/L5 and P1/P5. The IFCB is composed of a constant and a variable part. The constant part is the inter-frequency hardware bias (IFHB). It contains the satellite and receiver hardware delays and can be expressed as a function of the DCBs [DCB (P1 ? P2) and DCB (P1 ? P5)]. When a reference satellite is selected, the satellite IFHB can be computed but is biased by a reference satellite IFHB. This bias will not affect the utilization of IFCB in positioning since it can be absorbed by the receiver clock error. Triple-frequency observations of 30 IGS stations between June 1, 2013, and May 31, 2014, were processed to show the variations of the IFHB. The IFHB values show a long-term variation with time. When a linear and a fourth-order harmonic function are used to model the estimated IFCB, which contains contributions of the hardware delays and clock errors, the results show that 89 % of the IFCB can be corrected given the current five triple-frequency GPS satellites with the averaged fitting RMS of 1.35 cm. Five days of data are processed to test the estimated satellite clock errors using the strategy presented. The residuals of P1/P5 and L1/L5 have a STD of <0.27 m and 0.97 cm, respectively. In addition, most predicted satellite IFCBs reach an accuracy of centimeter level and its mean accuracy of 5 days is better than 7 cm.  相似文献   

针对提高导航卫星钟差预报精度的研究不足的现状,文章结合灰色预报模型和最小二乘向量机预报模型的特点,研究建立灰色系统与最小二乘向量机的结合预报模型:引入惯性权值和加速度因子随优化代数变化的改进粒子群算法,以提高算法的优化能力;并用其对模型惩罚因子和核函数参数选取过程进行优化;选取具有代表性的卫星钟差数据,建立改进粒子群优化的GM-LSSVM模型进行短期钟差预报分析,并与传统的GM(1,1)预报模型和BP神经网络预报模型进行精度比较。仿真结果表明,优化后的模型预报精度优于GM(1,1)预报模型和BP神经网络模型。  相似文献   

As one of the IGS ultra-rapid predicted (IGU-P) products, the orbit precision has been remarkably improved since late 2007. However, because satellite atomic clocks in space show complicated time–frequency characteristics and are easily influenced by many external factors such as temperature and environment, the IGU-P clock products have not shown sufficient high-quality prediction performance. An improved prediction model is proposed in order to enhance the prediction performance of satellite clock bias (SCB) by employing a wavelet neural network (WNN) model based on the data characteristic of SCB. Specifically, two SCB values of adjacent epoch subtract each other to get the corresponding single difference sequence of SCB, and then, the sequence is preprocessed through using the preprocessing method designed for the single difference sequence. The subsequent step is to model the WNN based on the preprocessed sequence. After the WNN model is determined, the next single difference values at the back of the modeling sequence are predicted. Lastly, the predicted single difference values are restored to the corresponding predicted SCB values. The simulation results have shown that the proposed prediction principle based on the single difference sequence of SCB can make the WNN model simple in architecture and the predicting precision higher than that of the general SCB prediction modeling. The designed preprocessing method specific to the single difference of SCB is able to further improve the prediction performance of the WNN model by reducing the effect from outliers. The proposed SCB prediction model outperforms the IGU-P solutions at least on a daily basis. Specifically, the average prediction precisions for 6, 12 and 24 h based on the proposed model have improved by about 13.53, 31.56 and 49.46 % compared with the IGU-P clock products, and the corresponding average prediction stabilities for 12 and 24 h have increased by about 13.89 and 27.22 %, while the average prediction stability of 6 h is nearly equal.  相似文献   

BDS非GEO卫星的MW组合存在与高度角强相关的系统性偏差,针对其引起的TurboEdit算法探测周跳不可靠问题,该文提出一种高度角指数滤波模型.改进后的周跳检验量消除了MW组合的系统性偏差,具有更好的探测性能.采用BDS实测数据对该方法进行验证,结果表明:该方法显著降低了MW组合周跳探测时的漏检和误检,结合GF组合的历元间二次差算法,可以准确探测所有人为加入的周跳.  相似文献   

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