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卫星雷达干涉测量原理与应用   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
本文综述卫星雷达干涉测量和差分干涉测量的基本原理及其应用。文章从比较雷达干涉测量与一般航测遥感的基本差别出发 ,介绍各种干涉模式下的雷达干涉测量原理、差分干涉测量原理和数据处理流程。在简要叙述雷达干涉测量应用领域后 ,重点列出 INSAR在地形测量、火山地形测量和 D- INSAR在地形沉降监测中的应用。最后 ,本文还探讨了存在的问题和应用前景。  相似文献   

在介绍永久散射体与短基线集雷达干涉测量方法的基础上,以辽宁省盘锦市为例,运用两种方法研究了其市区地表形变特征。对比升降轨永久散射体方法与短基线方法所得到的形变平均速率和时序分析可知,两种方法所得的研究区域的地表形变趋势较为可靠,且以垂直沉降为主,新城区是最大沉降区域,最大下沉速率达20 mm/a,其他区域较为稳定。  相似文献   

地面干涉雷达在建筑变形监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地面干涉雷达是一种基于微波干涉技术的新型雷达,具有高精度、高分辨率的特点。介绍一种地面干涉雷达系统——微变形监测系统(IBIS),该系统采用步进频率-连续波、合成孔径雷达和干涉测量技术,能对地面目标作动态或静态监测。高层建筑的变形监测试验表明,IBIS的精度高,能监测到建筑的微小变形,可真实地反映高层建筑的变形规律。  相似文献   

永久散射体雷达干涉测量技术   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
论述了永久散射体干涉测量(permanent scatterer interferometry, PSI)产生的背景和基本原理,并介绍了其应用实例,讨论了PSI的技术特点和今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

石桥头隧道横跨龙岩市区,隧道长、埋深浅、岩质差、地表建筑物密集。在隧道开挖初期,建筑物出现较大沉降、倾斜、拉裂和错裂,严重影响建筑物正常使用,危及居民安全。为此对建筑物进行了沉降监测、水平变形监测和倾斜监测,并计算建筑物的曲率,取得很好的效果,且对隧道施工起到很好的指导作用,本文简要的研究了其监测方法及计算分析。  相似文献   

双轨道差分干涉测量技术在地面沉降监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了双轨道差分干涉测量监测地面沉降的基本原理,应用了具体的 RADARSAT数据,提取出Belridge油田因石油开采所造成的地表形变,并阐述了数据处理的主要步骤,实现了差分干涉结果的解译和分析.  相似文献   

张涛  姚宜斌  邹进贵  周吕  徐进军 《测绘工程》2019,28(5):39-43,50
本文介绍自主研发的轻便型变形监测雷达的原理结构和特点,并通过一系列实验对该雷达进行基本物理参数和精度的初步测试以及建筑物变形监测方面的应用实验。通过实验证明,该雷达的测量精度达到0.1mm,最远可以观测到800m外的目标,可以用于建筑物变形监测,该雷达也用于边坡、大坝、桥梁等目标的远程变形监测。同时,该雷达在重量、体积、功耗等方面有着优势,解决同类产品笨重、难以携带作业的问题。  相似文献   

就三角高程测量在建筑物沉降监测中的应用进行了简单分析,在条件不允许用水准测量方式对建筑物沉降监测点进行监测时,三角高程测量能替代水准测量达到普通建筑物沉降监测的目的。  相似文献   

介绍了应用InSAR技术监测矿区地表沉降以及地下开采活动的原理;利用重轨差分InSAR技术获得了峰峰矿区地表ENVISAT和JERS 1的雷达形变干涉相位图;分析了在矿区地表沉降过程中ENVISATC波段和JERS 1 L波段形变干涉相位图的相干特性、相位特性以及干涉测量技术在矿区地表沉降监测中应用的可行性和局限性。实验结果表明,利用C波段和L波段雷达数据可以实施对矿区地表沉降的监测,但是C波段雷达受到空间干涉基线的限制更加严格,如果要实现对矿区地表沉降的监测,需要充分利用每个卫星回访时期的雷达数据,建立长时序的星载雷达形变干涉相位图序列,才能较好地实现矿区地表沉降监测。  相似文献   

针对北京地区地表沉降现象,本文采用时序InSAR方法获取了2018—2020年的沉降速率场与累计沉降量场,并选取特征区域及不同空间跨度的两条地铁线路进行具体沉降分析。结果表明:(1)北京地区不均匀沉降现象较为明显,总体呈现西部抬升、东部沉降的空间分布特征;(2)存在3个较明显的沉降漏斗,最大累计沉降量达-218.5 mm;(3)朝阳区存在金盏沉降漏斗及豆各庄沉降漏斗,且两个沉降漏斗在本文研究时间跨度内均呈扩大趋势;(4)地铁5、6号线均存在不同程度的沉降与抬升现象,沉降现象与地下水及地下空间的过度开采存在一定的关系,而地区抬升现象与南水北调工程对地下水的补充存在相关关系。  相似文献   

为探究杭州市的地表形变情况,以覆盖杭州地区的25景Sentinel-1A卫星数据为基础,使用永久散射体雷达干涉技术(PS-InSAR)对研究区地表形变信息进行了反演,结果表明:监测期内研究区的年均形变速率范围为-27.5~28 mm/a,地面沉降区域主要分布在萧山地区及江干地区;研究区地表总体形态趋于稳定,年均形变速率集中在-5~5 mm/a。杭州市地面不均匀沉降主要是受高层建筑荷载、城市开发工程建设和工业活动等影响。另外结合PS-InSAR反演结果,使用短基线集雷达干涉技术(SBAS-InSAR)对研究区进行了监测实验,并将结果与PS-InSAR反演结果进行交叉验证,结果表明两种方法的监测结果具有高度的一致性,进而说明了PS-InSAR反演结果的准确性。  相似文献   

A large agricultural area located in 20 km north of the city of Mashhad in the north-east of Iran is subject to land subsidence. The subsidence rate was achieved in a couple of sparse points by precise leveling between 1995 and 2005, and continuous GPS measurements obtained from 2005 to 2006. In order to study the temporal behavior of the deformation in high spatial resolution, the small baseline subset (SBAS) algorithm was used to generate the interferometric SAR time series analysis. Time series analysis was performed using 19 interferograms calculated from 12 ENVISAT ASAR data spanning between 2003 and 2006. The time series results exhibited that the area is subsiding continuously without a significant seasonal effect. Mean LOS deformation velocity map obtained from time series analysis demonstrated a considerable subsidence rate up to 24 (cm/yr). In order to evaluate the time series analysis results, continuous GPS measurements as a geodetic approach were applied. The comparisons showed a great agreement between interferometry results and geodetic technique. Moreover, the information of various piezometric wells distributed in the area corresponding to 1995 to 2005 showed a significant decline in water table up to 20 meters. The correlation between the piezometric information and the surface deformation at well’s locations showed that the subsidence occurrence in Mashhad is due to the excess groundwater withdrawal.  相似文献   

Beijing City has suffered from groundwater-induced subsidence since the late 1930s and the over-exploration of groundwater could lead to subsidence as much as ?12.0 cm?yr?1. Previous studies on the ground deformation at Beijing City mainly focused on the period before the year of 2014 when a mega-engineering project was launched to reduce water shortage in Beijing. To study the most recent ground deformation, 19 L-band ALOS-1 PALSAR images (June 2007–January 2011), 24 C-band Sentinel-1 SAR images (June 2015–November 2016) together with 9 ALOS-2 PALSAR acquisitions (September 2014–February 2017) were analysed in this work. Levelling measurements were exploited to verify the ALOS-1-based time series InSAR (TS-InSAR) result while Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 result were cross-verified with each other. Furthermore, the whole study area was divided into four sub-zones, and the result indicated that the subsidence rates over five townships, Cuigezhuan, Jinzhan, Liyuan, Songzhuang and Yanjiao were accelerating and more attentions should be paid. On the contrary, the town centre of Douge Zhuang township experienced a decreasing trend between these two temporal-periods. Additionally, the time series measurements with respect to five selected measurement points and the profile line along the subsidence hot spots were analysed.  相似文献   

基于建筑物地表沉降数据的变形预测方法比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘海燕  杨松林 《北京测绘》2012,(2):23-25,79
为了研究隧道周边建筑物地表的变形,本文根据京东方蒸汽管道工程隧道开挖过程中周边建筑物地表的沉降观测数据,利用二次指数平滑法和灰色系统法建立数学模型,分别对建筑物地表做变形预测,并对预测结果进行分析和对比,结果显示二次指数平滑法的预测精度更高。对于隧道周边建筑地表沉降的预测二次指数平滑法效果更好,比较符合实际变形曲线,相对来说是一种较好的变形预测方法,为隧道的开发过程中防止安全事故的发生、避免经济损失和人员伤亡提供一种参考方法。  相似文献   

Land subsidence in the Bandung basin, West Java, Indonesia, is characterized based on differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) and interferometric point target analysis (IPTA). We generated interferograms from 21 ascending SAR images over the period 1 January 2007 to 3 March 2011. The estimated subsidence history shows that subsidence continuously increased reaching a cumulative 45 cm during this period, and the linear subsidence rate reached ∼12 cm/yr. This significant subsidence occurred in the industrial and densely populated residential regions of the Bandung basin where large amounts of groundwater are consumed. However, in several areas the subsidence patterns do not correlate with the distribution of groundwater production wells and mapped aquifer degradation. We conclude that groundwater production controls subsidence, but lithology is a counteracting factor for subsidence in the Bandung basin. Moreover, seasonal trends of nonlinear surface deformations are highly related with the variation of rainfall. They indicate that there is elastic expansion (rebound) of aquifer system response to seasonal-natural recharge during rainy season.  相似文献   

地基合成孔径雷达对目标三维形变的监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋留兵  杨凯  车俐 《测绘通报》2020,(3):35-38,68
形变监测是在各类大型建筑物倒塌、桥梁垮塌、滑坡等灾害事故发生前进行预警的重要手段。地基合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术在形变监测的各类方法中,优势明显并已经得到广泛应用。针对现在GB-SAR只能测量目标一维形变的问题,本文提出了一种平行合成孔径雷达的概念,通过在多孔径干涉技术得到的二维位移基础上,融合平行雷达监测的目标位移数据,准确演算得到目标的三维位移信息,从而反映出目标的真实位移,对于建筑物结构性能的监测和诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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