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本文介绍了一种水声扩谱通讯中,应用子波对多普勒效应进行补偿的方法。针对多普勒效应本身是否会随时间变化,分别应用直接估计、自适应估计的方法。其中自适应多普勒补偿方法同自适应信道均衡算法结合在一起,对多普勒漂移、信道参数进行联合估计。两种方法都应用了子波变换对多普勒展宽程度进行估计并用线性插值进行补偿。计算机仿真结果令人满意。 相似文献
美国Teledyne Webb Research公司按照型号系列化、结构模块化和测量多样化的设计思路研制水下滑翔机,其Slocum 200浅海型和Slocum 1000深海型水下滑翔机在海洋环境观测领域具有广泛的客户需求。文中以200 m浅海型和1 000 m深海型两款水下滑翔机为例,详细对比了两者的技术特点,并在此基础上阐述了两者各自适用的海洋环境观测应用范围,两者优势互补,难以取代对方。浅海型水下滑翔机具有锯齿剖面密度大、折返机动性高和平均前向速度快的特点,适合在近海岸、陆架坡折和深海温跃层等区域对高时空变率海洋现象进行观测。近几年,我国深海型水下滑翔机技术取得了惊人进步,同时,我国浅海型水下滑翔机技术也在快速发展,这对推动我国海洋环境监测业务水平的提升意义重大。 相似文献
在复杂的水声信道中 ,实现高速率的数据传输 ,水声换能器的带宽是一个重要的技术问题。实验中 ,为了拓宽换能器的带宽 ,我们利用圆柱形压电换能器的径向振动与液腔振动相耦合原理研制自由溢流式换能器和利用纵向振动与前盖板弯曲振动相耦合原理研制纵向振动复合棒换能器。本文介绍适应于复杂的水声信道中 ,进行高速率数据传输的两种宽频带换能器的研制 相似文献
Yan-bo Wu Min Zhu Tao Liang Wei Wang Bo Yang Lin-yuan Zhang Xin-guo Li Ye-yao Liu 《中国海洋工程》2018,32(6):746-754
The Shipborne acoustic communication system of the submersible Shenhai Yongshi works in vertical, horizontal and slant channels according to the relative positions. For ease of use, an array combined by a vertical-cone directional transducer and a horizontal-toroid one is installed on the mothership. Improved techniques are proposed to combat adverse channel conditions, such as frequency selectivity, non-stationary ship noise, and Doppler effects of the platform’s nonlinear movement. For coherent modulation, a turbo-coded single-carrier scheme is used. In the receiver, the sparse decision-directed Normalized Least-Mean-Square soft equalizer automatically adjusts the tap pattern and weights according to the multipath structure, the two receivers’ asymmetry, the signal’s frequency selectivity and the noise’s spectrum fluctuation. The use of turbo code in turbo equalization significantly suppresses the error floor and decreases the equalizer’s iteration times, which is verified by both the extrinsic information transfer charts and bit-error-rate performance. For noncoherent modulation, a concatenated error correction scheme of nonbinary convolutional code and Hadamard code is adopted to utilize full frequency diversity. Robust and low-complexity synchronization techniques in the time and Doppler domains are proposed. Sea trials with the submersible to a maximum depth of over 4500 m show that the shipborne communication system performs robustly during the adverse conditions. From the ten-thousand communication records in the 28 dives in 2017, the failure rate of the coherent frames and that of the noncoherent packets are both below 10%, where both synchronization errors and decoding errors are taken into account. 相似文献
OFDM传输技术能够克服水声信道中的多径传播并获得高的频谱效率,不需要复杂的自适应均衡器,但其对同步误差非常敏感.在分析OFDM同步误差原理的基础上,设计实现了一个宽带OFDM水声通信接收机,并着重讨论了接收机中基于训练数据的定时和频率同步方法,以及多普勒频偏的估计和补偿算法.水下实验证明了方案的有效性. 相似文献
《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》2008,33(2):182-197
Multicarrier Communication Over Underwater Acoustic Channels With Nonuniform Doppler Shifts 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》2008,33(2):198-209
水声信道多途效应明显,而且存在衰落、散射、损耗以及随机时变等特性,使得水声通信系统的接收信号存在严重的码间干扰.利用带乘性噪声系统模型来刻画随机信道,在建模基础上利用最优滤波递推算法实现状态估计.由于状态向量中的第一维与接收信号之间存在一一对应关系,进而可实现水声信号的估计.该算法在最小方差意义下是最优的,能有效克服码间干扰和噪声污染.2种信道的仿真结果表明,在信噪比(SNR)为18db时,误码率(BER)均已经降低到10-4数量级,验证了算法的有效性. 相似文献
1 .Introduction Underwater acoustic (UWA) communicationis a fast developingfield,and its applicationis notlimitedto military affairs ,but is also extendinginto commercial fields .Catipovic (1990) ,Stojanovic(1996) and Kilfoyle and Baggeroer (2000) pointed… 相似文献
信道自身的复杂性和现场级试验的高投入、高风险限制了水声通信技术的发展。针对高效率水声通信技术研究的需求,提出1种水声通信半物理仿真平台水声通信半物理仿真平台(A Hardware-in-Loop Simulation Platform for Underwater Acoustic Communication)。水声通信半物理仿真平台以可配置水声Modem为核心,包括现场测试采集系统、算法仿真评估系统、算法实现装载系统、水声波形存储播放系统。基于建立的水声通信半物理仿真平台,进行水声直接序列扩频通信系统的半物理仿真研究,结果表明水声通信半物理仿真平台可有效提高水声通信技术的研究效率。 相似文献
水声通信及组网的现状和展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
水声通信是海洋中无线信息传输的主要技术手段。水声通信技术在海洋环境监测、水下航行器/载人潜水器作业等方面有着广泛应用。同时,水声信道传输状态多变、海洋作业环境恶劣,对通信算法和设备可靠性有较高要求,水声通信及组网成为目前的研究热点。文中面向海洋环境监测领域,从水声通信物理层技术、网络技术及组网应用等方面进行介绍,并对未来技术趋势进行展望。 相似文献
渤海冰水间的热传递系数 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
首先讨论了通过冰盖底面的热量平衡来计算冰水间热传递系数的方法,并利用1997-1998冬季辽东湾JZ20-2海域定点观测的气象、水文和海冰资料,对冰水间的热传递系数进行了计算.结果表明,不同冰期的热传递系数有很大差异.在初冰期和融冰期较小,分别为0.16×10-3和0.04×10-3,而在盛冰期最大,可达0.5×10-3;利用本文确定的热传递系数对1997-1998冬季的海洋热通量进行了计算,得到了其在整个冰期内的变化规律.本文工作对渤海海冰数值模拟和预测中海洋热通量的计算有很好的参考价值. 相似文献
The calculative method of heat transfer coefficient between ice cover and water is analyzed considering the heat balance at ice cover bottom firstly. The heat transfer coefficient is calculated with the meteorological, oceanographic data and sea ice conditions measured on the JZ20-2 Oil/Gas Platform in the Bohai Sea during the winter of 1997/1998. From the results, it is shown that the heat transfer coefficient is smaller in the freezing and melting periods, which is about 0.16× 10-3 and 0.04× 10-3 respectively. In the middle of ice season, the heat transfer coefficient has a larger value, which is about 0.5 × 10-3. Lastly, the influences of ice thickness and ice type on the heat transfer coefficient are discussed. With the heat transfer coefficient determined above, the oceanic heat flux in the winter of 1997~1998 is calculated, and its trend in the winter is analyzed. This study can be referenced in the sea ice numerical simulation and prediction in the Bohai Sea. 相似文献
《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》2009,34(1):12-23