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非线性模型岛礁礁盘遥感水深反演 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对已有的遥感水深反演方法波段选取难,得不到较好的模型参数的问题,该文在国内外遥感水深反演研究的基础上,对经典的非线性模型进行研究,引入了逐步回归算法对模型进行了改进。以东岛为研究区,基于Worldview-2多光谱影像进行模型验证和精度评价。结果表明:应用改进后模型的反演水深精度大幅提高,水深范围不但适用在10m以浅的水区,在15~30m的区域精度也较高。由此可见改进的模型在保持原模型移植性较好的前提下,模型参数更易解算,反演精度较高,具有一定的适用性。 相似文献
基于多源遥感数据的西藏羌多地区地质构造解译 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
多光谱遥感数据的空间分辨率通常是为解决资源和环境等特定问题而设置的,但是地质构造从区域到手标本可划分为不同尺度,因而单一遥感数据并不能满足多尺度的构造解译。为此,以西藏羌多地区为研究区,利用ETM+,ASTER,WorldView2及DEM等多源遥感数据的综合优势,从30 m空间分辨率的ETM+和15 m空间分辨率的ASTER到0.5 m空间分辨率的WorldView2这2个层次上解译研究区的构造,取得了显著成效。首先,基于传统的构造信息解译标志,用ETM+数据进行构造架构解译,同时运用ASTER数据的波段运算结果间接反映构造信息;然后,开展WorldView2高空间分辨率数据的综合构造解译分析;最后,在野外验证的基础上,对解译的构造信息进行室内修正。研究区的地质构造解译结果表明,综合多源遥感数据可以大大提高地质构造解译的准确率,并在较短的时间内取得较好的应用效果。 相似文献
Advanced site-specific knowledge of grain protein content of winter wheat from remote sensing data would provide opportunities to manage grain harvest differently, and to maximize output by adjusting input in fields. In this study, remote sensing data were utilized to predict grain protein content. Firstly, the leaf nitrogen content at winter wheat anthesis stage was proved to be significantly correlated with grain protein content (R2 = 0.36), and spectral indices significantly correlated to leaf nitrogen content at anthesis stage were potential indicators for grain protein content. The vegetation index, VIgreen, derived from the canopy spectral reflectance at green and red bands, was significantly correlated to the leaf nitrogen content at anthesis stage, and also highly significantly correlated to the final grain protein content (R2 = 0.46). Secondly, the external conditions, such as irrigation, fertilization and temperature, had important influence on grain quality. Water stress at grain filling stage can increase grain protein content, and leaf water content is closely related to irrigation levels, therefore, the spectral indices correlated to leaf water content can be potential indicators for grain protein content. The spectral reflectance of TM channel 5 derived from canopy spectra or image data at grain filling stage was all significantly correlated to grain protein content (R2 = 0.31 and 0.37, respectively). Finally, not only this study proved the feasibility of using remote sensing data to predict grain protein content, but it also provided a tentative prediction of the grain protein content in Beijing area using the reflectance image of TM channel 5. 相似文献
针对目前各个遥感数据的编目多样,缺乏全球统一的遥感数据编目体系的现状,本文基于球面剖分模型,参考并借鉴成熟的文献信息编目的相关理论,系统构建了全新的全球遥感数据剖分编目模型,以期更有效地组织、存储和管理大范围多尺度的遥感数据。首先,介绍了文献数据的编目理论和球面剖分格网的基本框架,然后探讨了基于全球剖分格网的遥感数据面片编目方法,其中包括描述著录方法和标引著录方法,最后设计了遥感剖分编目数据的管理框架和编目服务器的组织方法。研究表明,基于球面离散格网的遥感数据剖分编目模型为实现遥感数据的全球化、层次化和规范化管理提供了坚实的理论基础。 相似文献
针对遥感数据具有多源化且数据量大等特征,同时缺乏统一的空间组织框架,对于数据间空间关联关系建立存在困难等问题,文章提出了基于全球剖分网格的多源遥感数据空间关联模型解决方法:首先采用GeoSOT剖分框架对多源遥感数据进行统一组织与管理,然后根据提出的"网格-数据块-数据"的三层组织概念模型,建立基于全球剖分网格的多源遥感数据空间关联模型;最后进行关联影像的表达实验。实验结果表明,该方法在一定程度上实现了多源遥感数据的结构化组织,有效建立了多源遥感数据的空间关联,并与传统的坐标系统建立对比分析,提高了数据利用的应用效能,整体上促进了遥感数据的使用效率。 相似文献
LIJunli SUNJiabing MAOXi 《地球空间信息科学学报》2005,8(1):50-56
A new method based on resolution degradation model is proposed to improve both spatial and spectral quality of the synthetic images. Some ETM panchromatic and multispectral images are used to assess the new method. Its spatial and spectral effects are evaluated by qualitative and quantitative measures and the results are compared with those of IHS, PCA, Brovey, OWT(Orthogonal Wavelet Transform) and RWT (Redundant Wavelet Transform). The results show that the new method can keep almost the same spatial resolution as the panchromatic images, and the spectral effect of the new method is as good as those of waveletbased methods. 相似文献