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着眼于低频浮动车轨迹数据,对地图匹配问题进行了抽象,并分析了影响匹配结果的几何约束与拓扑约束。针对GPS采样的低频性和城市路网的复杂性,提出了一种路网拓扑约束下的增量型地图匹配算法(topology-constrained incremental matching algorithm,TIM)。选取北京市浮动车的GPS样例轨迹数据进行匹配,结果表明,该匹配算法在不同复杂程度的城市路网下均表现较好。  相似文献   

针对高采样率GNSS轨迹数据在复杂城市路网中的匹配问题,本文提出一种基于路径增量的匹配方法。该方法分为组合过滤及增量匹配两个部分,首先通过组合过滤进行路网简化,然后以路径为增量进行匹配计算,在路口点处的匹配中采用综合距离因子与弯曲度的相似度评价方案。为验证其有效性,选取多条复杂程度各异的高采样率轨迹数据进行试验,并与曲率积分约束的地图匹配算法和隐马尔科夫模型两种现有匹配方法进行对比。结果表明,本文算法在高采样率匹配试验中的匹配准确率和效率均表现最优,且能够较好地处理各类复杂路段的匹配,能够满足在复杂城市路网中的高采样率轨迹匹配的需求。  相似文献   

针对已有研究主要按照“良好连续性”原则进行stroke的构建,顾及到了道路的几何特征,但在一定程度上忽略了其语义信息的问题,提出了同时顾及几何特征和语义特征的stroke生成方法。选定未处理道路中交通流量最大的路段为起始路段;在节点关联多弧段时筛选出在偏角阈值范围内的道路;将起始路段与交通流量最相似的道路进行连接。实验表明,该方法有效解决了已有stroke构建过程中可能出现的几何分歧路段以及起始路段的选择问题,得到确定的stroke结果。相比传统方法,引入交通流量语义信息后生成的stroke结果更加符合实际连通性。  相似文献   

针对导航地图中现有的匹配算法在复杂路段的匹配效果一般较差的问题,本文提出一种改进的匹配算法。首先,引入分块思想,提出将路网中的每个路段按规则分为简单路段块和复杂路段块,不同路段块采取不同的匹配算法;其次,充分利用车辆行驶的连续性,综合考虑了车辆行驶方向、车速与交叉口距离等多种因素对匹配结果的影响,在选取正确的匹配路段时合理利用了历史数据信息。实验表明,该算法不但对能够改善复杂路段的匹配效果,而且还能够对匹配点沿路段方向上的误差进行实时校正。  相似文献   

室内路网模型是提供室内位置服务的基础,主要应用于室内导航、最优路径查询等方面。根据对室内环境的空间结构分析,建立了室内位置信息图,并在此基础上结合三角网剖分思想,探索了室内空间区域剖分方法,通过配合ArcGIS软件进行二次开发实现了从路径点获取到路网模型构建的全过程处理。实验表明,这种室内路网模型构建方法可行、有效。  相似文献   

杨敏  艾廷华  周启 《测绘学报》2013,(4):581-587,594
地图综合中道路网选取通常要考虑道路的属性等级、几何形状、分布密度、通达性等,常规方法只能顾及部分指标评价对象(弧段、节点或网眼)的重要性,在此基础上按照"资格"法线性选取,由于缺乏顾及道路网空间分布信息的有效手段,造成原有空间分布特征被破坏。本研究将描述道路完整地理意义的stroke特征引入选取过程中,提出一种顾及道路目标stroke特征保持的路网选取方法,即构建道路网stroke特征并评价重要性,在按stroke重要性线性选取的基础上增加约束条件,包括等级约束条件和空间邻近关系约束条件,从而将空间分布信息与属性、几何及拓扑信息有效地结合在一起。试验表明,该方法保留重要道路目标的同时,也较好地保持了原有空间分布特征。  相似文献   

基于粗糙轨迹数据的特点和密度聚类算法的优点,提出一种基于规则模型和密度聚类的粗糙轨迹数据滤选方法.首先,通过构建多条件约束的规则滤选模型,消除轨迹中的冗余点和离散点,并对轨迹进行分割;其次,按格网对轨迹进行划分,采用基于方向约束的密度聚类方法,消除轨迹线中的方向噪音点;最后,对消除方向噪音的轨迹线规范化,获取最终的滤选...  相似文献   

张体 《测绘文摘》2015,(2):49-53
为了实现短时且精确的路况预测,通常需要海量采集卫星导航轨迹点,这使得基于传统文件/数据库系统的地图匹配方法无法满足复杂的实时分析要求。针对以上问题,本文提出的地图匹配方法,充分利用了NoSQL数据库的大数据存储、分布式计算等特点来对海量轨迹点进行匹配和存储,并将该方法应用在对深圳市交管部门浮动车卫星导航数据的分析,结果证明该方法具有有效性和精确性。  相似文献   

不同于已有的辅助导航定位方法,提出了基于路网曲线特征和惯导测量数据的导航定位方法,即通过对道路网和行驶惯导轨迹数据利用曲线拟合和特征提取的方法进行处理,得到能够反映出目标实际运动状态和位置情况的特征点和线,并将它们进行匹配,以达到修正导航位置的目的。  相似文献   

简化路网具有结构简单、算法运行速度快的特点,对地图匹配算法的基础研究具有应用价值。本文针对简化路网的GPS轨迹数据地图匹配问题提出了一种基于序列的双向合并算法。实验结果表明:本算法不仅具有较好的匹配度,还优于现有的Passby算法和增量算法,并且在匹配过程中解决了遗漏路段和极值等错误问题。所以,本算法对于实际路网的地图匹配具有较好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

顾及道路等级的几何信息量量测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
几何信息量量测是地理信息量量测最重要的方面之一。本文在分析比较了常规几何信息量量测方法的基础上,从道路的等级信息出发,提出一种顾及道路等级信息的几何信息量测思想,并用加权熵和密度图等方法实现,实验证明这种顾及道路等级的几何信息量测能较准确反映道路的分布规律和不同等级的要素造成的信息量差别。  相似文献   

This is the final of a three-part series of papers which mainly discusses the implementation issues of the CRNM. The first two papers in the series have introduced the modeling background and methodology, respectively. An overall architecture of the CRNM has been proposed in the last paper. On the basis of the above discusses, a linear reference method (LRM) for providing spatial references for location points of a trajectory is developed. A case study is introduced to illustrate the application of the CRNM for modeling a road network in the real world is given. A comprehensive conclusion is given for the series of papers.  相似文献   

This is the first of a three-part series of papers which introduces a general background of building trajectory-oriented road network data models, including motivation, related works, and basic concepts. The purpose of the series is to develop a trajectory-oriented road network data model, namely carriageway-based road network data model (CRNM). Part 1 deals with the modeling background. Part 2 proposes the principle and architecture of the CRNM. Part 3 investigates the implementation of the CRNM in a case study. In the present paper, the challenges of managing trajectory data are discussed. Then, developing trajectory-oriented road network data models is proposed as a solution and existing road network data models are reviewed. Basic representation approaches of a road network are introduced as well as its constitution.  相似文献   

Introduction Withthedramaticdevelopmentofpositioning andtelecommunicationtechnologies,lotsoftraj ectorydataofmovingvehiclescanbecalculated,collected,andtransferred.Inthemeanwhile,thisdevelopmentandtheavailabilityoftrajectory datahavealsomotivatedresearche…  相似文献   

This is the second of a three-part series of papers which presents the principle and architecture of the CRNM, a trajectory-oriented, carriageway-based road network data model. The first part of the series has introduced a general background of building trajectory-oriented road network data models, including motivation, related works, and basic concepts. Based on it, this paper describs the CRNM in detail. At first, the notion of basic roadway entity is proposed and discussed. Secondly, carriageway is selected as the basic roadway entity after compared with other kinds of roadway, and approaches to representing other roadways with carriageways are introduced. At last, an overall architecture of the CRNM is proposed.  相似文献   

IntroductionIf let roadway entities be denoted by arcs and in-tersections be denoted by nodes, then a road net-work can be represented with node-arc model. Be-cause the designation of nodes can be determinedby arcs according to the definition of node-arc mod-el, howto designate arcs becomes the key of repre-senting a road network. As described in the firstpaper of the series, all four kinds of roadway enti-ties (i.e., streets, road segments, carriageways,and lanes) can be represented by arcs. …  相似文献   


When road symbols are shown in a size proportionate to the reduced scale, several problems of legibility may arise concerning the urban blocks. By the method proposed in this paper, in order to overcome these problems, urban block areas are enlarged through amalgamation and the intervening roads in the amalgams are eliminated. This method includes two new approaches for computation of threshold used in determination of important roads based on the connectivity measure, and for definition of minimum block space and area requirements based on graphic limits. A block life cycle was designed for amalgamation of blocks. For the amalgamation process, a new algorithm was developed. The experimental testing indicates that important roads and the roads surrounding the urban area have been preserved. A simpler and more legible road network has been acquired. This method can be described as a more holistic approach as the buildings are taken into account. The problems arising in the experimental testing indicate that the cartographic selection/elimination process is not sufficient by itself for road network generalization, which can be assumed as one of the integral parts of Digital Earth. As well as the selection/elimination, processes such as displacement and caricaturizing are also needed.  相似文献   

已有的道路网匹配方法需要一定的人为干预和控制,仍无法实现匹配自动化,而且对于具有一定尺度差异的数据而言,受不相关道路对象的影响,匹配结果中会存在较多的误匹配.为此,本文提出一种顾及几何特征和拓扑连续性的由粗匹配到精匹配的分层匹配策略.粗匹配阶段,利用短边中位数Hausdorff距离计算匹配对象的相似度,再以道路网弧段端...  相似文献   

本文针对城市交通道路网的特点,根据现实的交通网络,对葫芦岛地区道路网络进行建立及分析。利用ArcGIS中的Geodatabase构建路网数据库,利用节点一弧段数据结构构建空间网络拓扑关系,生成点一弧矢量数据模型表示的道路网络。并实现四种网络分析功能:最佳路径分析、空间查询、追踪分析和缓冲区分析。  相似文献   

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