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ABSTRACT A conceptual model is proposed in which bulk transtension, or local transtension during bulk simple shear (resulting from mantle anisotropy contrasts or lithosphere rheology contrasts), of heterogeneously enriched lithospheric mantle, triggers localized K-rich magmatism, which focuses strain and causes nucleation of lithosphere-scale transtensional or strike-slip shear zones. Transtension-triggered magmatism is most likely to be located at sites of maximum metasomatism of the lithospheric mantle. Magma-generated fractures propagate upwards, nucleating zones of lithospheric weakness, which focus shear in narrow transcurrent faults or at basin margins. In this way, magmatism controls fault timing and location. Although volcanism will be coeval with fault development and volcanoes will appear fault-controlled, counterintuitively, our model suggests that faults are, in a sense, volcano-controlled. We suggest that this new transtension – K-rich magmatism – transcurrent faulting association represents a hitherto unrecognized genetic relationship as significant as, for example, the ocean island magma series.  相似文献   

The Olinghouse fault zone is one of several NE—ENE-trending fault zones and lineaments, including the Midas Trench and the Carson—Carson Sink Lineament, which exhibit left-lateral transcurrent movement conjugate to the Walker Lane in western Nevada. The active portion of this fault zone extends for approximately 23 km, from 16 km east of Reno, Nevada, to the southern extent of Pyramid Lake. The fault can be traced for most of its length from its geomorphic expression in the hilly terrain, and it is hidden only where overlain by recent alluvial sediments. Numerous features characteristic of strike-slip faulting can be observed along the fault, including: scarps, vegetation lines, sidehill and shutter ridges, sag ponds, offset stream channels and stone stripes, enclosed rhombohedral and wedge-shaped depressions, and en-echelon fractures.A shear zone having a maximum observable width of 1.3 km is defined principally by Riedel shears and their symmetrical P-shears, with secondary definition by deformed conjugate Riedel shears. Several continuous horizontal shears, or principal displacement shears, occupy the axial portion of the shear zone. The existence of P-shears and principal displacement shears suggests evolution of movement along the fault zone analogous to the “Post-Peak” or “Pre-Residual Structure” stage.Historic activity (1869) has established the seismic potential of this zone. Maximum intensities and plots of the isoseismals indicate the 1869 Olinghouse earthquake had a magnitude of 6.7. Field study indicates the active length of the fault zone is at least 23 km and the maximum 1869 displacement was 3.65 m of left-slip. From maximum fault length and maximum fault displacement to earthquake magnitude relations, this corresponds to an earthquake of about magnitude 7.  相似文献   

Plume–lithosphere interactions (PLI) have important consequences both for tectonic and mineralogical evolution of the lithosphere: for example, Archean metallogenic crises at the boundaries of the West African and Australian cratons coincide with postulated plume events. In continents, PLI are often located near boundaries between younger plates (e.g., orogenic) and older stable plates (e.g., cratons), which represent important geometrical, thermal and rheological barriers that interact with the emplacement of the plume head (e.g., Archean West Africa, East Africa, Pannonian–Carpathian system). The observable PLI signatures are conditioned by plume dynamics but also by lithosphere rheology and structure. We address the latter problem by considering a free-surface numerical model of PLI with two stratified elasto-viscous–plastic (EVP) lithospheric plates, one of which is older and thicker than another. The results show that: (1) plume head flattening is asymmetric, it is blocked from one side by the cold vertical boundary of the older plate, which leads to the mechanical decoupling of the crust from the mantle lithosphere, and to localized faulting at the cratonic margin; (2) the return flow from the plume head results in sub-vertical down-thrusting (delamination) of the lithosphere at the margin, producing sharp vertical cold boundary down to the 400 km depth; (3) plume head flattening and migration towards the younger plate results in concurrent surface extension above the centre of the plume and in compression (pushing), down-thrusting and magmatic events at the cratonic margin (down-thrusting is also produced at the opposite border of the younger plate); these processes may result in continental growth at the “craton side”; (4) topographic signatures of PLI show basin-scale uplifts and subsidences preferentially located at cratonic margins. Negative Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities in the lithosphere above the plume head provide a mechanism for crustal delamination. Inferred consequences of PLI near intra-continental plate boundaries, such as faulting at cratonic edges and enhanced magmatic activity, could explain plume-related metallogenic crises, as suggested for West Africa and Australia.  相似文献   

Some degree of tectonic stress within the earth originates from gravity acting upon density structures. The work performed by this “gravitational tectonics stress” must have formerly existed as gravitational potential energy contained in the stress-causing density structure.According to the elastic rebound theory (Reid, 1910), the energy of earthquakes comes from an elastic strain field built up by fairly continuous elastic deformation in the period between events. For earthquakes resulting from gravitational tectonic stress, the elastic rebound theory requires the transfer of energy from the gravitational potential of the density structures into an elastic strain field prior to the event.An alternate theory involves partial gravitational collapse of the stress-causing density structures. The earthquake energy comes directly from a net decrease in gravitational potential energy. The gravitational potential energy released at the time of the earthquake is split between the energy released by the earthquake, including work done in the fault zone and an increase in stored elastic strain energy. The stress associated with this elastic strain field should oppose further fault slip.  相似文献   

Analysis of fault system in the high-P/T type Sambagawa metamorphic rocks of central Shikoku, southwest Japan, shows that conjugate normal faults pervasively developed in the highest-grade biotite zone (upper structural level) in three study areas (Asemi river, Oriu and Niihama areas). These conjugate normal faults consist of NE–SW to E–W striking and moderately north-dipping (set A), and NNW–SSE striking and moderately east dipping (set B) faults. The fault set A is dominant compared to the fault set B, and hence most of deformation is accommodated by the fault set A, leading to non-coaxial deformation. The sense of shear is inferred to be a top-to-the-WNW to NNW, based on the orientations of striation or quartz slickenfibre and dominant north-side down normal displacement. These transport direction by normal faulting is significantly different from that at D1 penetrative ductile flow (i.e. top-to-the-W to WNW). It has also been found that these conjugate normal faults are openly folded during the D3 phase about the axes trending NW–SE to E–W and plunging west at low-angles or horizontally, indicating that normal faulting occurred at the D2 phase. D2 normal faults, along which actinolite breccia derived from serpentinite by metasomatism sometimes occurs, perhaps formed under subgreenschist conditions (ca. 250 °C) in relation to the final exhumation of Sambagawa metamorphic rocks into the upper crustal level. The pervasive development of D2 normal faults in the upper structural level suggests that the final exhumation of Sambagawa metamorphic rocks could be caused by “distributed extension and normal faulting (removal of overburden)” in the upper crust.  相似文献   

The mechanical interaction between an elliptically shaped magma chamber and a fault subject to transtension is investigated with particular reference to the Coso geothermal field. The geologic setting of the Coso field is interpreted as a releasing bend step-over structure formed by the Airport Lake and Owens Valley dextral strike-slip fault system. The role of the Coso volcano-magmatic center in the development of the “over-step” structure is examined by treating the magma chamber as a liquid inclusion in a viscoelastic crust containing a fault (Airport Lake). The problem is numerically solved using a 2D viscoelastic finite element model with thermally activated viscosity to account for thermal weakening of the rock. The temperature distribution around the magma body is calculated based on a 3D steady-state approach and using the mesh-less numerical method. The fault is modeled as a frictionless contact. The simulated distributions of stress and strain around the inclusion display a rotation caused by the shearing component of the applied transtension. The results indicate that the fault tends to overstep the chamber in a geometric pattern similar to a step-over. There is good correspondence between the computed distributions of the maximum shear stress in the vicinity of the magma chamber and the map of earthquake epicenters at a depth of 7–10 km in Coso.  相似文献   

An elastic-perfectly plastic plate model has been developed to analyze the flexure associated with normal faulting. The model consists of a thin layer, which is completely cut by a normal fault, overlying a fluid substratum. For a given applied bending moment at the fault, the relationship between the amount of displacement on the fault and the extent of the failure zone can be calculated. The model is applied to the Wasatch Front region in the eastern Basin and Range Province, USA to determine the correlation of its parameters with geological and geophysical data in the vicinity of a major normal fault, the Wasatch fault, along which there has been 3–4 km of Late Cenozoic uplift. In this region, most seismic activity occurs away from the Wasatch fault in a zone 30 km wide, roughly centered 30 km east of the fault. This activity occurs at depths of 15 km or less. In order to match the observations, the lithospheric layer must have a flexural rigidity of 0.5 to 1.1 · 1022 n-m and a yield stress of 1–2 kb and must have zero applied bending moment at the fault. The effective mechanical thickness of the lithosphere in this region is 20–25 km. These results indicate that the lithosphere in long-term mechanical studies in the eastern Basin and Range is thin and weak. Evaluating these results as compared to the seismic lithospheric thickness and temperature regime of the region produces some interesting correlations with studies in oceanic regions.  相似文献   

In the fifteen years since the importance of collisional plateaus with thickened continental crust began to be recognized as one of the inevitable consequences of the processes of plate tectonics, rapid progress in their understanding has come from studies of the world's only active terminal collision zones in the Himalayan-Tibetan and Turkish-Iranian plateaus.Ancient collisional plateaus are being recognized throughout the geological record (back to 3.8 Ga) from the occurrence of extensive areas (typically > 500,000 km2) of 8 kbar metamorphism in granulite facies or from the occurrence of extensive areas of higher level minimum-melt composition granite rocks whose isotopic signatures indicate reactivation of existing continental crust rather than addition of new crust from the mantle at the time of collision. Recognition of strike-slip faulting in the ancient collisional plateau areas indicates that “tectonic escape” may have been as important in the past as it is today.Earth may not be the only planet on which collisional plateaus are important. The highlands of Venus (approximately 7% of the surface with elevations over 1.5 km above mean planetary radius) can only exist as a result of crustal thickening, and not as a product of lithospheric thinning. Most of these highlands can be explained by models involving volcanic construction. However, the highest peaks, including Maxwell Montes, the highest mapped area of Venus rising over 10 km above mean planetary radius, require much greater crustal thickening to support them than can reasonably be explained by a volcanic mechanism. Geological features of Maxwell Montes inferred from radar images suggest some analogy between Maxwell Montes and the Tibetan plateau.It is somewhat paradoxical that extensional tectonics are commonly associated with continental collision, and that collision-related rifts may be the only sites where the uppermost layers of a collision-thickened crust are preserved from erosion. Extensional stress fields are generated during continental collision, primarily in areas associated with strike-slip faulting and “tectonic escape”. Additional extensional stresses are gravitationally generated associated with the topography and thickened crust in a collision zone. Tectonically thickened crust is particularly susceptible to rifting as its lithosphere is weak as a result of heating associated with magmatism. This lithosphere is also compositionally weak because of the relatively thick crust, dominated by a weak quartz rheology, and thin mantle lithosphere, dominated by a strong olivine rheology, in comparison with a lithosphere with a more normal crustal thickness. Thus, the common association of rifts and collision zones may be a consequence of both stresses generated during collision and modification of the lithosphere by collision.  相似文献   

The Pyramid Lake fault zone is within the Honey Lake—Walker Lake segment of the Walker Lane, a NW-trending zone of right-slip transcurrent faulting, which extends for more than 600 km from Las Vegas, Nevada, to beyond Honey Lake, California. Multiscale, multiformat analysis of Landsat imagery and large-scale (1: 12,000) lowsun angle aerial photography, delineated both regional and site-specific evidence for faults in Late Cenozoic sedimentary deposits southwest of Pyramid Lake. The fault zone is coincident with a portion of a distinct NW-trending topographic discontinuity on the Landsat mosaic of Nevada. The zone exhibits numerous geomorphic features characteristic of strike-slip fault zones, including: recent scarps, offset stream channels, linear gullies, elongate troughs and depressions, sag ponds, vegetation alignments, transcurrent buckles, and rhombohedral and wedge-shaped enclosed depressions. These features are conspicuously developed in Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentary deposits and landforms.The Pyramid Lake shear zone has a maximum observable width of 5 km, defined by Riedel and conjugate Riedel shears with maximum observable lenghts of 10 and 3 km, respectively. P-shears have formed symmetrical to the Riedel shears and the principal displacement shears, or continuous horizontal shears, isolate elongate lenses of essentially passive material; most of the shears are inclined at an angle of approximately 4° to the principal direction of displacement. This suggests that the shear zone is in an early “PreResidual Structure” stage of evolution, with the principal deformation mechanism of direct shear replacing the kinematic restraints inherent in the strain field.Historic seismic activity includes microseismic events and may include the earthquake of about 1850 reported for the Pyramid Lake area with an estimated Richter magnitude of 7.0. Based on worldwide relations of earthquake magnitude to length of the zone of surface rupture, the Pyramid Lake fault zone is inferred to be capable of generating a 7.0–7.5-magnitude event for a maximum observable length of approximately 6 km and a 6.75–7.25-magnitude event for a half length of approximately 30 km.  相似文献   

Relocation of intermediate and deep earthquakes of Tyrrhenian Sea area through joint hypocenter determination for the period 1962–1979, has allowed a more detailed definition of the geometry of this peculiar Benioff zone. Earthquakes dip along a quasi-vertical plane to 250 km depth; there is a 50° dip in the 250–340 km depth range, and a low dip angle to 480 km depth. The structure sketched from the hypocenters is almost continuous, but most energy has been released in the 230–340 km depth interval. An evaluation of fault plane solutions of intermediate earthquakes in this area indicates predominance of down-dip compressions in the central part of the slab. At the border, strike-slip motion occurs independent of depth. Some earthquakes that occurred at intermediate depth (less than 100 km) along the Ionian margin of Calabria show predominance of reverse faulting, with the P-axis oriented SE-NW. However, shallow earthquakes in the Calabria-Sicily region indicate a more complex motion, with predominance of normal faulting. A possible interpretation of these features according to the available geological history, which involves subduction of continental lithosphere, is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent field studies demonstrate the southern and northern parts of the Alpine fault to be dominantly under right-lateral shear. The central portion of this fault is dominantly under compression.The Marlborough—North Island dextral shear zone, together with the Fiordland and NW Nelson sinistral shear zones, demonstrate these shears to result from lateral drag within these zones and is only partially transmitted to the central section of the Alpine fault which is dominantly reverse in character.Regional extension in the North Island west of the shear belt and regional shortening in the South Island indicate clockwise rotation at the east side of the Alpine fault and its extension in the North Island relative to the west side about a “pole” on the Alpine fault in the north of the South Island.  相似文献   

Tectonic pseudotachylytes might be used to constrain earthquake source parameters, such as dynamic shear stress resistance, average dynamic friction and slip-weakening distance. Estimation of dynamic shear stress resistance and dynamic friction from field studies is based on the assumption that the volume of melt produced during coseismic slip is proportional to the frictional work converted to heat on the fault surface. Conditions conducive to a realistic estimate of dynamic shear resistance are: (i) the presence of large outcrop exposures that allow for estimation of the volume of pseudotachylyte; (ii) the presence of structural markers offset by faults in order to relate the displacement accommodated by the fault with the volume of melt produced; (iii) data that provide an estimate of the initial melt temperature; and (iv) determination of host-rock temperature and pressure conditions that may have existed during seismic faulting. An independent indication that steady-state friction in the presence of melts might be achieved during coseismic slip arises from the dependence of the fractal dimension of the fault profile (intersection of the fault surface with the outcrop surface) with displacement. This relation could also indicate the slip-weakening distance (Hirose, T., Shimamoto, T., 2003. Fractal dimension of molten surfaces as a possible parameter to infer the slip-weakening distance of faults from natural pseudotachylytes. Journal of Structural Geology 25, 1569–1574).The above conditions are all satisfied in the case of the Gole Larghe Fault Zone, which consists of hundreds subparallel strike-slip faults that cut tonalites of the Adamello batholith (Italy). The thickness of pseudotachylyte-bearing faults increases with displacement. From displacement/thickness ratios and energy balance calculations, we determined the dynamic shear resistance for several pseudotachylyte-bearing faults. In the same faults, the fractal dimension of the fault profile increases from 1.0 to 1.16 with displacement. This was also observed in experiments where steady-state friction in the presence of melt was achieved (Hirose, T., Shimamoto, T., 2003. Fractal dimension of molten surfaces as a possible parameter to infer the slip-weakening distance of faults from natural pseudotachylytes. Journal of Structural Geology 25, 1569–1574). However, we will show that the estimate of the dynamic shear stress resistance, average dynamic friction and slip-weakening distance in the studied faults is limited by the uncertainties to attribute the measured displacement to a single seismic rupture. Since many pseudotachylytes in the upper seismogenic crust overprint preexisting cataclasites, it is suggested that future field and experimental work should be addressed to determine microstructural indicators (i.e. evolution of cataclastic fabric with displacement) within cataclasites, which might constrain the contribution of the cataclastic, pre-pseudotachylyte displacement to the total displacement accommodated by the fault.  相似文献   

Emphasized in this paper are the deformation processes and rheologies of rocks at high temperatures and high effective pressures, conditions that are presumably appropriate to the lower crust and upper mantle in continental collision zones. Much recent progress has been made in understanding the flexure of the oceanic lithosphere using rock-mechanics-based yield criteria for the inelastic deformations at the top and base. At mid-plate depths, stresses are likely to be supported elastically because bending strains and elastic stresses are low. The collisional tectonic regime, however, is far more complex because very large permanent strains are sustained at mid-plate depths and this requires us to include the broad transition between brittle and ductile flow. Moreover, important changes in the ductile flow mechanisms occur at the intermediate temperatures found at mid-plate depths.Two specific contributions of laboratory rock rheology research are considered in this paper. First, the high-temperature steady-state flow mechanisms and rheology of mafic and ultramafic rocks are reviewed with special emphasis on olivine and crystalline rocks. Rock strength decreases very markedly with increases in temperature and it is the onset of flow by high temperature ductile mechanisms that defines the base of the lithosphere. The thickness of the continental lithosphere can therefore be defined by the depth to a particular isotherm Tc above which (at geologic strain rates) the high-temperature ductile strength falls below some arbitrary strength isobar (e.g., 100 MPa). For olivine Tc is about 700°–800°C but for other crustal silicates, Tc may be as low as 400°–600°C, suggesting that substantial decoupling may take place within thick continental crust and that strength may increase with depth at the Moho, as suggested by a number of workers on independent grounds. Put another way, the Moho is a rheological discontinuity. A second class of laboratory observations pertains to the general phenomenon of ductile faulting in which ductile strains are localized into shear zones. Ductile faults have been produced in experiments of five different rock types and is generally expressed as strain softening in constant-strain-rate tests or as an accelerating-creep-rate stage at constant differential stress. A number of physical mechanisms have been identified that may be responsible for ductile faulting, including the onset of dynamic recrystallization, phase changes, hydrothermal alteration and hydrolytic weakening. Microscopic evidence for these processes as well as larger-scale geological and geophysical observations suggest that ductile faulting in the middle to lower crust and upper mantle may greatly influence the distribution and magnitudes of differential stresses and the style of deformation in the overlying upper continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

Modelling the extension of heterogeneous hot lithosphere   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The consequences of weak heterogeneities in the extension of soft and hot lithosphere without significant previous crustal thickening has been analysed in a series of centrifuge models. The experiments examined the effects of i) the location of heterogeneities in the ductile crust and/or in the lithospheric mantle, and ii) their orientation, perpendicular or oblique to the direction of bulk extension. The observed deformation patterns are all relevant to the so-called “wide rifting” mode of extension. Weak zones located in the ductile crust exert a more pronounced influence on localisation of deformation in the brittle layer than those located in the lithospheric mantle: the former localise faulting in the brittle crust whereas the latter tend to distribute faulting over a wider area. This latter behaviour depends in turn upon the decoupling provided by the ductile crust. Localised thinning in the brittle crust is accompanied by ductile doming of both crust and mantle. Domains of maximum thinning in the brittle crust and ductile crust and mantle are in opposition. Lateral differences in brittle crust thinning are accommodated by lateral flow in the ductile crust and mantle. This contrasts with “cold and strong” lithospheres whose high strength sub-Moho mantle triggers a necking instability at the lithosphere-scale. This also differs from the extension of thickened hot and soft lithospheres whose ductile crust is thick enough to give birth to metamorphic core complexes. Thus, for the given lithospheric rheology, the models have relevance to backarc type extensional systems, such as the Aegean and the Tyrrhenian domains.  相似文献   

Overburden soil beds situated above a fault are often deformed by propagation of bedrock thrusting from the fault during large earthquake. The deformed beds formed a triangular shear zone. This coseismic faulting often causes damage to underground tunnels located in the shear zone. The present research studies the deformation behavior of the overburden soil beds and the tunnel, the associated mechanism and the impact on the safety of tunnel linings induced by a large blind thrust slip. Based on sandbox experimental and numerical studies, it is found that results from numerical analysis are in agreement with the sandbox model tests with regard to growths of the shear zones within the soil beds, location of the tunnel in this shear zone and deformations of the tunnel. The potential major shear zone may be bent or bifurcated into two sub-shear zones owing to existence of a tunnel inside the shear zone. Furthermore, the occurrence of back-thrust faulting will threaten the safety of nearby structures. It was also identified that stiffness of the soil and the fault dip angles are among the major factors controlling the configuration of shear zones, the stresses within the soil, and the loads on tunnel linings. Based on the identified mechanisms, the strategies for hazard prevention are accordingly suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

Twiss (1976) has suggested that the “ductile faulting” events observed by Post (1973) during high temperature creep of dunite are due to a transition from creep by dislocation movement to a diffusion accommodated, grain-boundary sliding mechanism following a reduction in grain size by dynamic recrystallization. Similarly, Goetze (1978) has explained both ductile faulting and water weakening of dunite by transition to a “nonlinear Coble” creep mechanism. However, the fundamental assumption made by Twiss (1976) that the stress exponent, n, reduces to unity during ductile faulting events is questionable. If the stress exponent remains high, (n≥3), then a diffusion-accomodated grain-boundary sliding mechanism is excluded. “Nonlinear Coble” creep would remain a viable alternative; however, this model fails to adequately explain the water weakening phenomenon, and the available data do not constrain us to this model. Assuming that the water-weakening phenomenon can be explained by other models (e.g., Blacic, 1972), it will be shown (by analogy with the behavior of metals) that a third model, also consistent with the available data, also qualitatively explains the observations associated with ductile faulting without appeal to a transition in creep mechanisms. The model is similar to one for metals undergoing deformation by dislocation movement and recovery by dynamic recrystallization, which commonly exhibit behavior virtually identical to that observed in dunite during ductile faulting events without transition to grain-size-sensitive creep mechanisms.  相似文献   

中国大陆岩石圈壳幔韧性剪切带系统   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
众多地震测深剖面的地质构造解析显示,大陆岩石圈存在既有显著差异又有密切联系的两套断裂系统,即以地壳表层脆性剪切带为主的浅层断裂系统和以切割莫霍界面的壳幔韧性剪切带为主的深部断裂系统。根据地震测深速度结构特征,结合深部构造岩石地球化学的综合研究,将切割莫霍界面或壳幔过渡带的壳幔韧性剪切带划分为三类(俯冲带、缝合带和剪切带)五型(大陆岩石圈边缘海沟俯冲带、大陆岩石圈碰撞缝合带、挤压型壳幔韧性剪切带、伸展型壳幔韧性剪切带和走滑型壳幔韧性剪切带)。建立起中国大陆岩石圈构造变形由地壳表层向深部扩展以及由壳幔过渡带向地壳中上部扩展的岩石圈双向扩展模式。壳幔韧性剪切带既是无机成因天然气等深部流体的通道,又是地震活动区的发震构造之一,因此研究大陆岩石圈壳幔韧性剪切带具有重要学术价值和实际意义。  相似文献   

We explore the impact of fluids migrating through a fault network on the dynamics of lithosphere, both on slow movements and seismicity. For that purpose fluids in the fault zones are incorporated into modelling of blocks-and-faults systems, which takes into account driving forces and the system's geometry. Simulations have been performed for two-dimensional models: an idealised “brick wall” structure, and a coarse image of Sinai Subplate. Migrating fluids originating in different locations are considered, as well as fluids trapped in closed pockets. Basic features of the modelled and observed seismicity are in good accord, as shown by comparison with the earthquake catalog compiled by Geophysical Institute of Israel.  相似文献   

基于实验结果讨论断层破裂与强震物理过程的若干问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于断层摩擦滑动实验、含凹凸体断层的变形破坏实验、断层撕裂扩展的实验、交叉断层的变形实验等多种实验结果并结合前人的工作 ,讨论了与断层破裂与强震物理过程相关的若干问题。研究表明 ,断层的整体滑动引起其两侧块体弹性应变的释放 ,是强震发生的原因 ,因此构造活动区具有较大尺度、结构连续且简单、介质均匀的断层 (或断层段 )是产生强震必备的构造条件 ,深部新生断层(盲断层 )向上撕裂扩展产生强震 ,尚需“弱层”提供“解耦”条件以便断层发生整体滑动。强震孕育过程中包含着凹凸体的破裂 ,断层面上凹凸体的尺度、强度及数量决定着前震活动的特征、强震动态破裂过程以及前兆现象。由断层分割的块体通过边界断层的交替滑动、以“框动”的方式运动 ,因此块体周边的断层上强震活动具有交替性。  相似文献   

Shallow high-resolution seismic reflection surveys have traditionally been restricted to either compressional (P) or horizontally polarized shear (SH) waves in order to produce 2-D images of subsurface structure. The northernmost Mississippi embayment and coincident New Madrid seismic zone (NMSZ) provide an ideal laboratory to study the experimental use of integrating P- and SH-wave seismic profiles, integrated, where practicable, with micro-gravity data. In this area, the relation between “deeper” deformation of Paleozoic bedrock associated with the formation of the Reelfoot rift and NMSZ seismicity and “shallower” deformation of overlying sediments has remained elusive, but could be revealed using integrated P- and SH-wave reflection. Surface expressions of deformation are almost non-existent in this region, which makes seismic reflection surveying the only means of detecting structures that are possibly pertinent to seismic hazard assessment. Since P- and SH-waves respond differently to the rock and fluid properties and travel at dissimilar speeds, the resulting seismic profiles provide complementary views of the subsurface based on different levels of resolution and imaging capability. P-wave profiles acquired in southwestern Illinois and western Kentucky (USA) detect faulting of deep, Paleozoic bedrock and Cretaceous reflectors while coincident SH-wave surveys show that this deformation propagates higher into overlying Tertiary and Quaternary strata. Forward modeling of micro-gravity data acquired along one of the seismic profiles further supports an interpretation of faulting of bedrock and Cretaceous strata. The integration of the two seismic and the micro-gravity methods therefore increases the scope for investigating the relation between the older and younger deformation in an area of critical seismic hazard.  相似文献   

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