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A broad zone of linear, mappable basement structures is observed north and northeast of the Rio Grande Rise in the South Atlantic Ocean. These structures lie along the same flow line as the Sa?o Paulo Ridge, the Florianopolis High, and onshore lineaments, suggesting that they all comprise the same tectonic trend: the Rio Grande fracture zone. The morphology developed along this fracture zone during the early opening of the South Atlantic Ocean formed a barrier to open ocean circulation during the Aptian and allowed the formation of extensive evaporite deposits to the north of it.  相似文献   

The finite element ocean tide model of Le Provost and Vincent (1986) has been applied to the simulation of the M2 and K1 components over the South Atlantic Ocean. The discretisation of the domain, of the order of 200 km over the deep ocean, is refined down to 15 km along the coasts, such refinement enables wave propagation and damping over the continental shelves to be correctly solved. The marine boundary conditions, from Dakar to Natal, through the Drake passage and from South Africa to Antarctica, are deduced from in situ data and from Schwiderski’s solution and then optimised following a procedure previously developed by the authors. The solutions presented are in very good agreement with in situ data: the root mean square deviations from a standard subset of 13 pelagic stations are 1.4 cm for M2 and 0.45 cm for K1, which is significantly better overall than solutions published to date in the literature. Zooms of the M2 solution are presented for the Falkland Archipelago, the Weddell Sea and the Patagonian Shelf. The first zoom allows detailing of the tidal structure around the Falklands and its interpretation in terms of a stationary trapped Kelvin wave system. The second zoom, over the Weddell Sea, reveals for the first time what must be the tidal signal under the permanent ice shelf and gives a solution over that sea which is generally in agreement with observations. The third zoom is over the complex Patagonian Shelf. This zoom illustrates the ability of the model to simulate the tides, even over this area, with a surprising level of realism, following purely hydrodynamic modelling procedures, within a global ocean tide model. Maps of maximum associated tidal currents are also given, as a first illustration of a by-product of these simulations.  相似文献   

南海瑞雷面波群速度层析成像及其地球动力学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈立  薛梅  Le Khanh Phon  杨挺 《地震学报》2012,34(6):754-772
南海处于欧亚板块、 菲律宾海板块、 太平洋板块和印度-澳大利亚板块的交汇处, 其地质和构造作用十分复杂.通过面波群速度成像, 给出了南海及邻区的三维横波速度分布并分析了其地球动力学意义.南海西部和南部新布设的地震台站使得利用单台法时路径覆盖比过去更好. 特别是在华南地区, 新的台站分布能够弥补该地区地震少且台站少造成的射线密度不够的缺点. 首先运用多重滤波法得到南海周边48个台站周期为14——130 s范围内的基阶瑞雷波频散曲线图; 接着通过子空间反演得到整个区域在不同周期时的群速度分布; 最后通过阻尼最小二乘反演得到不同深度切片上的横波速度分布及不同纵剖面上的横波速度分布. 结果显示: ① 海盆速度较高, 且速度分布很好地勾勒出海盆的轮廓. 浅层较高的横波速度说明海盆都具有洋壳性质, 而深部较高的横波速度则可能对应扩张中心生成洋壳后残留的高速物质. 不同海盆速度上的差异与它们的热流值和年龄大小一致.海盆下的高速异常在60 km以下消失, 且在一定深度范围内由低速区替代. 在低速区下200 km深度, 在南海海盆观测到一条NE-SW走向的高速异常, 可能与古俯冲带有关. ② 环南海出现明显的高速区, 对应俯冲带特征, 且这些高速区速度差异明显且有间断, 说明俯冲带的非均质性和俯冲角度的差异. ③ 在环南海高速区内侧(向南海侧)观测到不连续的低速区. 在浅层, 这些低速区反映了沉积层和地壳的厚度特征. 在地幔, 这些低速区可能对应于古太平洋俯冲带的地幔楔或者也可能反映了南海海盆停止扩张后残留的地幔熔融物质. ④ 南海海盆岩石圈的厚度为60——85 km.   相似文献   




南海处于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度—澳大利亚板块的交会区,是西北太平洋一系列边缘海中最大的边缘海。关于南海的打开以往研究提出了如印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞驱动挤出以及古南海俯冲拖拽等诸多模型。本文力图通过南海海盆及周边各向异性结构来约束南海演化机制。基于同济大学2012和2014年在南海中央海盆进行的两次被动源宽频带海底地震观测试验回收的10台OBS记录仪近1年的地震数据,本文采用三种不同的横波分裂方法,获取了中央海盆针对两次远震的XKS分裂结果以及南海周边20次区域地震提供的S震相分裂结果。SKS分裂结果显示,南海中央海盆下方存在快轴方向为NE-SW向的各向异性,其成因可能与海底扩张时期沿洋脊方向的地幔流以及南海海洋板块俯冲拖拽的地幔流有关。南海及其周边上地幔存在强各向异性,且不同方位观测到的各向异性不同,快轴方向与前人SKS横波分裂结果、GPS和板块运动一致,较好地对应了区域构造运动或者地幔对流模型。各向异性结果与印度—欧亚板块碰撞驱动挤出模型以及古南海俯冲板块拖拽模型预期结果一致,与理想的地幔柱上涌驱动模型不一致。由于海盆各向异性观测特别有限,各向异性结果不能证实亦不能证伪“大西洋型”海底扩张模型、弧后扩张模型和板缘破裂模型,后续还需要更多的观测结果来证实或证伪上述模型。  相似文献   

Surface pelagic tar concentrations in the equatorial South Atlantic Ocean were low (< 0.001 to 14.6 mg m?2). With one exception, concentrations were less than 0.5 mg m?2. The tars were characterized by gravimetry, carbon isotopic composition, molecular compositions (gas chromatographically), sulphur content, total fluorescence spectra, and biological marker fingerprints. Most tars exhibited significant amounts of degradation. A total fluorescence technique was used to group the tars into two basic types. One type occurred at low concentrations and appeared to be due to chronic long-term oil pollution in the South Atlantic Ocean. The second group occurred at much higher concentrations and was associated with more coastal-influenced waters. Biological marker (triterpanes and steranes) fingerprints confirmed the fluorescence groupings. Carbon isotopic composition and pristane/phytane ratios exhibited few geographical trends.  相似文献   

3/He4He measurements at two stations in the Atlantic show that the deep water (> 2 km) contains far less excess3He than our previous measurements have shown for the Pacific Ocean. The3/He4He ratio anomaly (relative to atmospheric3/He4He) is approximately 5% for the deep Atlantic compared to about 20% for the deep Pacific. The North Atlantic3He profile shows much more structure than the South Atlantic profile, with maxima observed at 500 m, 1900 m, and 3200 m. The maxima at 500 m and 1900 m are probably due to in situ tritium decay, whereas the 3200 m maximum cannot be due to tritium, and is probably due to leakage of3He into the Atlantic water from the mantle. It seems significant that maxima in the trace elements Cu, Zn and Fe have also been observed at 3200 m at this station by Brewer, Spencer and Robertson.  相似文献   

The South Atlantic anomaly (SAA) of the geomagnetic field plays a dominant role in the radiation damage occurring near Earth orbits. The historic and recent variations of the geomagnetic field in the South Atlantic are used to estimate the extent of the SAA until the year 2000. This projection indicates that radiation damage to spacecraft and humans in space will greatly increase and cover a much larger geographic area than present.  相似文献   

地壳和上地幔结构及其性质对于理解地球浅部构造演化过程具有非常重要的指示作用.南海地区位于亚洲东南部,其构造演化长期以来受到了特提斯和太平洋构造域的控制.晚中生代以来,南海北部经历了主动大陆边缘向被动大陆边缘的演化,并且发生了多期次拉张构造运动,形成了一系列裂陷和盆地.近几年来,地震学探测方面的丰硕成果为理解此过程提供了...  相似文献   

Mineral chemical parameters and modal abundances for mantle-derived abyssal peridotite tectonites from 14 locations in the North Atlantic (0–79°N) vary over considerable ranges and are correlated together. The data indicate that there are differences in the bulk chemistry of the peridotites which correspond to the amount of basaltic melt that has been extracted from them. These differences appear to be regional in extent. Peridotites from 34° to 45°N are the most refractory. The more intense depletion could have resulted from greater extents of partial melting, possibly caused by the presence of the Azores hotspot in this region; or it could be a pre-existing depletion, due to an earlier melting event. Basalt chemical data does not rule out either possibility, but supports greater extents of partial melting occurring in this region.The regional variations in mantle peridotite composition correlate with long-wavelength variations of crustal elevation and gravity along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. These correlations support the existence of regional variations of upper mantle thermal structure and composition.Peridotites collected from fracture zones are compared with those collected away from fracture zones in the same region. Based on basalt studies, there may well be a decrease in the amount of melting as certain fracture zones are approached. The peridotite data suggest that this may be true for some fracture zones but not others. In general, peridotites collected from fracture zones are representative of the suboceanic mantle.  相似文献   

We present the first regional three-dimensional model of the Atlantic Ocean with anisotropy. The model, derived from Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocity measurements, is defined from the Moho down to 300 km depth with a lateral resolution of about 500 km and is presented in terms of average isotropic S-wave velocity, azimuthal anisotropy and transverse isotropy.The cratons beneath North America, Brazil and Africa are clearly associated with fast S-wave velocity anomalies. The mid-Atlantic ridge (MAR) is a shallow structure in the north Atlantic corresponding to a negative velocity anomaly down to about 150 km depth. In contrast, the ridge negative signature is visible in the south Atlantic down to the deepest depth inverted, that is 300 km depth. This difference is probably related to the presence of hot-spots along or close to the ridge axis in the south Atlantic and may indicate a different mechanism for the ridge between the north and south Atlantic. Negative velocity anomalies are clearly associated with hot-spots from the surface down to at least 300 km depth, they are much broader than the supposed size of the hot-spots and seem to be connected along a north-south direction.Down to 100 km depth, a fast S-wave velocity anomaly is extenting from Africa into the Atlantic Ocean within the zone defined as the Africa superswell area. This result indicates that the hot material rising from below does not reach the surface in this area but may be pushing the lithosphere upward.In most parts of the Atlantic, the azimuthal anisotropy directions remain stable with increasing depth. Close to the ridge, the fast S-wave velocity direction is roughly parallel to the sea floor spreading direction. The hot-spot anisotropy signature is striking beneath Bermuda, Cape Verde and Fernando Noronha islands where the fast S-wave velocity direction seems to diverge radially from the hot-spots.The Atlantic average radial anisotropy is similar to that of the PREM model, that is positive down to about 220 km, but with slightly smaller amplitude and null deeper. Cratons have a lower than average radial anisotropy. As for the velocities, there is a difference between north and south Atlantic. Most hot-spots and the south-Atlantic ridge are associated with positive radial anisotropy perturbation whereas the north-Atlantic ridge corresponds to negative radial anisotropy perturbation.  相似文献   

Total dissolved chromium concentrations have been determined for four vertical profiles from Baffin Bay, the Labrador Sea and the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Chromium concentrations of 3.3 to 5.2 nM are found. While the vertical distribution of chromium in the study area is largely controlled by advective processes, the profiles show a small depletion in surface water with increase to a more constant level at depth. Surface depletion and correlations between chromium and nutrients indicate biogeochemical cycling of chromium. At one station, close to the Gibbs fracture zone, a distinct chromium maximum is observed. This feature centred at 3200 m is deeper than the core of the ambient water mass which is advected westward from the Eastern Basin of the Atlantic Ocean through the Gibbs fracture zone.  相似文献   

为了研究南海及邻区莫霍面分布特征及其与边缘海盆、海沟、岛弧、新生代沉积盆地的关系等构造单元的关系,本文通过对研究区的空间重力异常数据进行全布格改正,得到研究区内的布格重力异常,并以近年来的声纳浮标探测与海底地震仪探测剖面所得到的莫霍面深度资料为控制点采用三维带控制点界面反演方法得到了研究区的莫霍面深度图和地壳厚度图.本...  相似文献   

Abstract   Amphibolites in the Haenggongni area (Haenggongni amphibolite) and the Okbang area (Okbang amphibolite) in northeastern Yeongnam massif, South Korea occur as a sill-like body or inclusions within the metasedimentary sequences of the Proterozoic Wonnam Group. Major and trace element characteristics demonstrate that both amphibolites have tholeiitic chemical affinity. They are characterized by nearly flat rare earth element (REE) patterns, and low contents of immobile incompatible elements and have low values of Zr/Y, Ti/Y, La/Nb and Ta/Yb ratios, indicating enriched (E)-type mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) affinities for their protoliths. This suggests that amphibolite protoliths formed in an extensional rift setting leading up to ocean opening. In combination with the previous studies in Yeongnam massif, three protolith types of amphibolites are assumed (E-type MORB, within-plate basalt and volcanic arc basalt). They could have been originated in different tectonic settings and/or different episodes. These characteristics are clearly different from the amphibolites in the Gyeonggi massif and Okcheon belt, in which most of the amphibolites show a within-plate basalt affinity that developed in continental rift zone.  相似文献   

王昊  谭平川  阮爱国 《地震学报》2023,39(3):455-470
基于高精度地形数据,将西南印度洋中脊(11.88°E—66.75°E)分为6个区域,按不同区域分析洋脊轴部形态及其两侧基底沉降曲线的变化,由此探讨西南印度洋中脊的岩浆活动及其受热点影响的机制。结果显示:① 对于整个西南印度洋中脊,轴部隆起占13.38%,轴部裂谷占82.8%,平坦过渡形占3.82%,其中19°E,36°E,41.2°E,43.7°E,50.4°E和64.5°E等处为较集中的洋脊轴部隆起;② 埃里克辛普森—英多姆转换断层之间的区域(39.4°E—45.77°E)显示出异常浅的轴部裂谷和异常小且南北不对称的基底沉降速率,这表明埃里克辛普森—英多姆转换断层之间的区域是热点对洋中脊影响较为明显的区域,南侧较北侧异常小的基底沉降速率表明热点与洋中脊的相互作用主要表现为热点岩浆从洋中脊南部向上流动到岩石圈底部,然后与岩石圈发生相互作用。  相似文献   

A230Th profile (dissolved + particulate) measured in the eastern central Atlantic at 24°45′N, 26°57′W displays a linear increase with depth. Values range between 0.2 dpm230Th/104 l at the surface and 2.0 dpm230Th/104 l at 4000 m. This concentration is 5 times lower than total230Th in the central Pacific and is similar to230Th measured on suspended matter in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The lower concentration in the eastern Atlantic must either reflect a higher scavenging activity at the West African margin or be a consequence of a higher particle flux through the water column, yielding an average settling velocity of particulate matter of 6.2 × 10−3 cm/s.Despite the lower concentration, the equilibrium coefficient between dissolved and adsorbed230Th is similar to the one derived for the central Pacific. This shows that the equilibrium model for230Th scavenging from the water column derived by Nozaki et al. [1] and Bacon and Anderson [2] applies as well in the eastern Atlantic.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - Accurate simulations of significant wave height (Hs) are extremely important for the safety of navigation, port operations, and oil and gas exploration. Thus, accurate forecasts of...  相似文献   

The iodine content of marine suspended matter obtained from thirteen stations in the Atlantic between 75°N and 55°S has been measured. The concentration of particulate iodine is high in the surface, up to 127 ng/kg of seawater being observed. Below the euphotic zone, it drops sharply to 1–2 ng/kg. The iodine-containing particles are probably biogenic. A simple box-model calculation shows that only 3% of the particulate iodine produced in the surface water may reach the deep sea and that the residence time of these particles in the surface water is about 0.1 year.  相似文献   

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