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Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is a great concern in many abandoned mines because of its adverse effect on the environment. In mining processes, many kinds of wastes are produced. These wastes may become eventually sources of environmental degradation. The focus of this study is the geochemical characterization of the end-processed tailings generated by Akara Gold Mine, the biggest gold mine in Thailand. Tailing samples were systematically collected for analyses of chemical and mineralogical compositions. As a result, their quantitative chemical analyses are slightly different from place to place, but mineral components cannot be clearly differentiated. For instance, it may be assumed that the end-processed tailings, which were a mixture between high and low grade concentrates, would have similar mineral components. However, the little variation of chemical composition may be caused by the ore refining processes that are somehow varied in proportion to chemical additives, alkali cyanide and quick lime in particular. In addition, clay composition in ore-bearing layers may also influence alumina content of tailings, accordingly. Distribution of the tailings is not related to depth and distance of the tailing storage pond because the disposal has sped them over the pond during operation. Total heavy metals of the tailing samples were analyzed on the basis of the EPA 3052 method. Consequently, the most toxic elements (e.g., Co, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni and Zn) were found falling within the standard of Thailand Soil Quality Standards for Habitat and Agriculture. Only Mn appears to have higher content than the standard. In addition, leaching tests proved that these tailings contain low metal concentrations. As a result, at pH 2, Mn can leach out exceeding the Thailand Surface Water Quality Standard for Agricultural (Mn <1 ppm) and the Thailand Industrial Effluent Standard (<5 ppm). Although leachate at pH 4 and neutral conditions contains lower Mn than the Industrial Effluent Standard it still exceeds the surface water quality standard. Interestingly, Pb can be leached out exceeding both standards (0.2 ppm for the industrial effluent standard and 0.05 ppm for the surface water quality standard). For Ni leaching, its concentration is lower than the Industrial Effluent Standard at all pH conditions but still exceeds the Surface Water Standard at pH 2 and 4. This information should be taken into consideration for further environmental monitoring. Acid generating potential of the tailings was estimated using acid–base accounting (ABA) and net acid generation (NAG) tests. The results of ABA and NAG tests show that the tailing samples contain a high amount of sulfur. However, they also contain high acid neutralization capacity. Consequently, these tailings may not have potential to generate acid drainage; in the other words, they can be classified as a non-acid forming (NAF) material. However, since these tailings contain some heavy metals (e.g., Ni, Mn and Pb) that are observed in leachates exceeding the standards at low pH, the AMD conditions may lead to heavy metal release. Therefore, prevention of oxidizing process and dissolution should be considered with great care. In addition, Mn and Pb can also be leached at neutral conditions. Barrier of air and water, clay layer for example, should be placed over the tailings pound before covering by topsoil for re-vegetation. Growing native grass is recommended for stabilization of the surface and reducing erosion rate. Monitoring of water quality should also be carried out annually.  相似文献   

Akara gold mine in north-central Thailand is situated within the Loei-Phetchabun-Nakhon Nayok volcanic belt. The roughly north-south trending, Permo-Triassic volcanic rocks earlier mapped by Thailand Department of Mineral Resources were re-mapped and samples were collected from the main active open pit. Forty-four samples were petrographi-cally classified and geochemically analyzed to docu-ment their stratigraphy. Two types of volcanic rocks are recognized, namely coherent and non-coherent units, in which the former is older on the basis of stratigraphic succession. Several lines of evidence suggest that the studied rocks occurred nearby the volcanic edifices and were dominated by debris flows of submarine environment.  相似文献   

Changes in water quality in the North Fork of the Humboldt River, Nevada are caused by weathering of waste rock from an inactive Carlin-type gold mine. Review of historical water-quality data, monthly water sampling, and continuous monitoring of water-quality parameters were used to quantify these impacts. River water pH, which ranged between 7 and 8, did not show statistically significant variation from upstream of the mine to downstream. Several constituents, most notably sulfate, calcium, and magnesium, showed statistically significant increases in dissolved-ion concentrations. These data, along with geochemical modeling, suggest that oxidation of sulfide minerals and in situ acid neutralization by carbonate host rocks are occurring. Large increases in dissolved-ion concentrations were observed twice a year—during spring snow melt and the onset of the winter precipitation season. These spikes are likely caused by flushing of pore waters that have reacted with waste rock during months-long periods when shallow groundwater recharge is not occurring.  相似文献   

A field experiment is being carried out at the Diavik diamond mine in northern Canada to investigate the influence of unsaturated flow behavior on the quality of drainage from mine waste rock piles in a region of continuous permafrost. This paper is part of a series describing processes affecting the weathering of waste rock and transport of reaction products at this site; here the focus is on unsaturated water flow and its role in mass loading. Two 15 m-high instrumented test piles have been built on 60 m by 50 m collection systems, each consisting of lysimeters and a large impermeable high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liner. Collection lysimeters are installed nearby to investigate infiltration in the upper 2 m of the waste rock. Porosity, water retention curves, and hydraulic conductivity functions are estimated from field measurements and for samples ranging in size from 200 cm3 to 16 m3. Net infiltration in 2007 is estimated to have been 37% of the rainfall for mean annual rainfall conditions. Early-season infiltration freezes and is remobilized as the waste rock thaws. Wetting fronts migrate at rates of 0.2–0.4 m d−1 in response to common rainfall events and up to 5 m d−1 in response to intense rainfall. Pore water and non-reactive solutes travel at rates of <10−2 to 3 × 10−2 m d−1 in response to common rainfall events and up to 0.7 m d−1 in response to intense rainfall. Time-varying SO4 mass loading from the base of the test piles is dictated primarily by the flow behavior, rather than by changes in solute concentrations.  相似文献   

Local water contamination by arsenic can be caused by gold mining activities as in Snow Lake, Manitoba. This project was to f'md the source (s) and pathways of the arsenic contamination and describe arsenic attenuation in ground and surface water. The project was initiated because arsenic concentrations average 16.0 mg/L in one groundwater monitoring well (MW17). One potential source of arsenic is the 50 year-old Arsenopyrite Residue Stockpile (ARS), 100 m upgrade of MW17. Between 1948 and 1959, 250000 tons of cyanide treated, arsenopyrite concentrate were stored in a waste rock impoundment, which was left open until 2000 when it was capped with layers of waste rock, clay and silt to minimize water infiltration and the oxidative release of arsenic.  相似文献   

王玉白  张宪堂  李树忱 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1041-1044
通过对玲珑金矿深部岩石的循环加卸载试验、单轴和三轴刚性试验以及三维数值模拟计算,从整体上揭示了玲珑金矿岩石内聚集较高弹性应变能和深部岩体中分布较大弹性能的现象,并且这些弹性能释放具有很高的冲击特性。结合多种理论判断岩爆准则,得出玲珑金矿深部开采具有潜在的强岩爆可能性,并且岩爆总体上讲是可以预测的。同时,根据现场实际施工情况,提出了相应地防止岩爆发生的对策和安全措施。  相似文献   

Study of Ni sorption onto Tio mine waste rock surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sorption phenomena are known to play significant roles in metal mobility in mine drainage waters. The present study focuses on sorption phenomena controlling Ni concentrations in contaminated neutral drainage issued from the waste rock piles of the Tio mine, a hematite–ilmenite deposit near Havre-Saint-Pierre, Québec, Canada exploited by Rio Tinto Iron and Titanium. Batch sorption tests were conducted on waste rock samples of different composition and degree of alteration, as well as on the main mineral phases purified from the waste rocks. Sorbed phases were submitted to sequential extractions, XPS and DRIFT studies for further interpretation of sorption phenomena. The results from the present study confirm that sorption phenomena play a significant role in the Tio mine waste rocks, and that the main sorbent phases are the residual ilmenite ore in waste rocks, as well as plagioclase, the main gangue mineral. Sequential extractions suggest that most sorption sites are associated with reducible fractions, and XPS results indicate that Ni is sorbed as the hydroxide Ni(OH)2. The results from the present study provide useful information on sorption phenomena involved in the Tio mine waste rocks and enable further interpretation of Ni geochemistry in contaminated neutral drainage.  相似文献   

Microbial activity has the potential to alter all cultural heritage in mining and metallurgy, due to metal mobilization by leaching. This communication shows the consequences of the bioleaching ability of two natural enrichments on copper slag samples from a historic ore smelting site in Sangerhausen (Mansfeld, Südharz, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany). Enrichment cultures gained from mine drainage were dominated by either the iron and sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans, or by the iron-oxidizing Leptospirillum. During 35 days of bioleaching in media containing copper slag pulp, inoculated with these enrichments, the change in pH and solubilized metal concentrations of the systems were monitored. Both bacterial strains were completely different from each other in their pattern of pH variation and rates of metal solubilization. The maximum removal of Cu (1725 mg/l) and Zn (715 mg/l) from copper slag substrate was achieved with enrichment culture of A. ferrivorans SCUT-1. However, maximum Mn (207 mg/l), Pb (86 mg/l), and Ni (75 mg/l) removal was observed with enrichment culture of Leptospirillum strain YQP-1. Implications for metal mobilization along with alteration of artifacts from not only historic mining areas but also aspects of decontamination and remediation are discussed.  相似文献   

 Color, a readily perceived feature of natural earth materials, including mine waste, often represents compositional variation as a result of oxidative processes involving Fe. Near surface samples from excavated trenches in a mine-waste rock pile were collected to investigate the relationship between color and contents of Fe, Cu, and S. The silt+clay fraction (<0.05 mm) was isolated from recognizable colored material of the bulk sample for determination of pH, total and extractable Fe and Cu, and bulk mineralogy. Rock fragments within the pile exhibited coatings of crystalline gypsum and amorphous Fe. These coatings result from weathering (secondary products) and play important roles in surface reactions of waste rock piles, such as adsorption of anions (SO4 2–) or coprecipitation of Fe with Cu. The correlation between color (Hurst method) and extractable Fe was high. Although color is influenced by site conditions such as original mineral composition, materials handling, weathering conditions etc., the results suggest that color measurements may provide an inexpensive and rapid estimation for secondary iron compounds and associated sorbed elements. Received: 5 April 1998 · Accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(2):275-293
The recently developed geochemical modelling code, SULFIDOX, has been applied to simulate weathering of a waste rock dump at the Aitik mine site, Sweden. SULFIDOX models the key chemical and physical processes in the dump temporally and spatially (in two dimensions). The following processes are represented: gas and heat transport; water infiltration; aqueous speciation; mineral dissolution/oxidation and precipitation.Field observations at the site suggest that sulphide oxidation rates within the dump are variable. Although the major part of the dump is oxidising slowly, there are pockets of more highly oxidising material, particularly toward the dump edges. Using SULFIDOX, several models of the dump were investigated: (i) a dump wholly comprised of slowly oxidising material (representing a case where water flow paths are such that no rapidly oxidising regions are accessed); (ii) a dump wholly comprised of the more rapidly oxidising material (representing the opposite (and probably unlikely) extreme, where water flows only through rapidly oxidising regions in the dump); and (iii) a dump comprising a mixture of both slowly and more rapidly oxidising material, that more closely represents the mix of material in the dump.All the models studied gave O2 depth profiles consistent with those observed in probe holes at the site, and confirmed that only a minimal amount of heat production would be expected in the dump due to the role of exothermic sulphide oxidation reactions. The models suggested that a medium-term steady-state, with respect to effluent chemistry, would be achieved after 3–4 years. Based on sulphide consumption rates during this steady-state period, the time periods required to consume all the sulphide in the dump range from a few hundred to many thousands of years. Using the mixed model, and based on a mixture containing 86% slowly and 14% rapidly oxidising material, the calculated effluent chemistry was in good agreement with the observed effluent chemistry. Improvements with respect to the K concentrations were possible by including precipitation of a K-bearing secondary mineral such a K-jarosite in the model. Results from the more rapidly oxidising model suggested that gypsum precipitation might be expected in those regions of the dump containing this material.In summary, the SULFIDOX modelling code has been used successfully to reproduce observed data for the Aitik waste-rock dump. Using SULFIDOX, valuable insight was gained in relation to the temporal and spatial evolution of the dump.  相似文献   

新疆阔尔真阔拉金矿一带火山岩形成时代及地球化学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阔尔真阔拉金矿产于基性、中酸性火山岩及酸性次火山岩中.该套火山岩为钙碱性岩石,具低FeO、MgO、Zr、Nb及Rb/Sr,稀土总量偏低,ΣREE=42.81~85.82,具正Eu异常(基性岩)和不明显负Eu异常(中性、中酸性及酸性次火山岩).由基性向中性及酸性次火山岩,稀土总量有所增加,δEu有所降低,但中性岩至酸性次火山岩的变化规律不明显.其地球化学特征表明为岛弧环境,形成时代为早石炭世(347~343Ma),是由亏损地幔岩经部分熔融形成.  相似文献   

辽宁阜新排山楼金矿区岩浆岩锆石 SHRIMP定年及其意义   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
采用先进的 SHRIMP定年技术对辽宁阜新排山楼金矿区成矿前变形的闪长玢岩脉、变形花岗斑岩脉、成矿后的闪长玢岩脉和大石头沟黑云母花岗岩的锆石进行了 U Pb年龄测定 , 获成矿前变形闪长玢岩脉的 206Pb/238Pb年龄为 (126± 2)Ma; 变形花岗斑岩脉为 (124± 1)Ma; 成矿后的闪长玢岩脉为 (125± 1)Ma; 大石头沟黑云母花岗岩为 (124± 1)Ma. 这 4类岩浆岩的年龄在误差允许范围内可基本视为同时代的 . 这一结果揭示 , 排山楼韧性剪切带型金矿床是中生代燕山晚期形成的 , 这与前人采用 Ar Ar法测得矿石蚀变黑云母的年龄 [(124.4± 0.391)Ma]是一致的 . 这表明 , 在中国东部 , 许多产在前寒武系岩层中、受韧性剪切带控制的金矿床形成时代是中生代燕山晚期 . 广泛产在胶东、辽西北票 - 蒙东赤峰、河北张家口和内蒙古乌拉山等地区的金矿床都主要是中生代燕山晚期形成的 , 表明燕山晚期是中国东部最重要的金矿化期 .  相似文献   

Airborne imaging spectrometer (also known as hyperspectral) remote sensing has been widely used to characterize mineralogy on mine waste surfaces, which is useful for predicting potential sources of acidity and metal leaching. The most successful applications employ fine spatial resolution—20-m pixels or smaller. Future satellite imaging spectrometer sensors are proposed to provide coarser spatial resolution—30- to 60-m pixels. This study examined the ability to map minerals related to acid mine drainage with visible to shortwave infrared hyperspectral imagery at varying spatial scales (2-, 15-, 30-, 60-m pixels) at the Leviathan mine Superfund site, located in the Eastern Sierra Nevada. Mineral maps were produced using spectral angle mapper and matched filtering algorithms. The 15-m images provided comparable maps to the 2-m images. The 30- and 60-m images lost the ability to identify smaller features; however, they were still able to identify high- and low-priority remediation zones at least 75 m in width. Based on our results, we believe 30-m spatial resolution on a satellite hyperspectral sensor will be sufficient for identifying hazardous surfaces at larger mine waste sites and provide important reconnaissance information that can help prioritize detailed ground-based studies.  相似文献   

Characterisation of mine waste rock with respect to acid generation potential is a necessary part of routine mine operations, so that environmentally benign waste rock stacks can be constructed for permanent storage. Standard static characterisation techniques, such as acid neutralisation capacity (ANC), maximum potential acidity, and associated acid–base accounting, require laboratory tests that can be difficult to obtain rapidly at remote mine sites. We show that a combination of paste pH and a simple portable carbonate dissolution test, both techniques that can be done in the field in a 15 min time-frame, is useful for distinguishing rocks that are potentially acid-forming from those that are acid-neutralising. Use of these techniques could allow characterisation of mine wastes at the metre scale during mine excavation operations. Our application of these techniques to pyrite-bearing (total S = 1–4 wt%) but variably calcareous coal mine overburden shows that there is a strong correlation between the portable carbonate dissolution technique and laboratory-determined ANC measurements (range of 0–10 wt% calcite equivalent). Paste pH measurements on the same rocks are bimodal, with high-sulphur, low-calcite rocks yielding pH near 3 after 10 min, whereas high-ANC rocks yield paste pH of 7–8. In our coal mine example, the field tests were most effective when used in conjunction with stratigraphy. However, the same field tests have potential for routine use in any mine in which distinction of acid-generating rocks from acid-neutralising rocks is required. Calibration of field-based acid–base accounting characteristics of the rocks with laboratory-based static and/or kinetic tests is still necessary.  相似文献   

Initial investigations designed to test the potential for gold in a series of lithologies associated with tourmalinites and coticules in the neighbourhood of the Caledonian Leinster Granite of southeast Ireland are reported. The results of geological mapping, geochemical analyses and panning of stream sediments indicate that significant levels of gold are associated with some tourmalinite zones. The possible exploration implication of this work is that tourmalinites have potential as target indicators, although secondary controls on mineralization are also important.  相似文献   

 The assessment of the aluminosilicate buffering potential during acid weathering of the Estonian alum shale is provided. It is found that the stoichiometric interaction between dissolved pyrite oxidation products and illite of the shale best describe the buffering process and are consistent with earlier field studies. The scheme includes incongruent dissolution of illite with smectite and K-jarosite precipitating. This complex mechanism involves buffering of 8% of the acidity by K+ and temporary precipitation of 25% of the acidity as K-jarosite. Dissolution proceeds at a low pH (1.5–3) until all pyrite in the shale particle is oxidised. Hence, if the total amount of illite present is larger than needed for stoichiometric interactions, only part of it is involved in a buffering process, neutralising a certain percentage of acidity. The next stage in shale weathering is the incongruent dissolution of K-jarosite with the release of the precipitated acidity and the formation of ferric oxyhydroxide. Received: 3 August 1998 · Revised paper: 26 January 1999 · Accepted: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

山东平度大庄子金矿构造岩相解析与空白区找矿突破   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大庄子金矿发育蚀变岩型矿化与石英脉型矿化。走向NNE、倾向SEE的压扭性大庄子断裂控制蚀变岩型矿体的发育,而大庄子断裂下盘的次级张扭性断裂构造控制石英脉型金矿体的发育。主次断裂多级构造体系是大庄子金矿主要控矿形式。受构造应力场作用,两种类型的矿体均呈透镜状分段富集。成矿后断裂发育,对两种类型的矿体起破坏作用。对矿体影响较大的是F1断裂,切断了Ⅰ号矿体及部分石英脉型矿体。由于早期对F1断裂构造性质及两盘相对运动方向认识不清,该断裂以北区段,经过多轮的物探、化探和坑探工程实施,一直未发现被切割的Ⅰ号矿体。文中采用构造岩相井下填图方法,把钾长石化带及绿泥石化带确定为找矿信息,使预测目标及找矿标志放大到几倍甚至几十倍。经过实测和构造岩相解析,确定F1断裂两盘发生顺时针运动,北部的1号矿体相对南部的矿体水平向东错动80余m。通过探矿工作验证,发现了被错失的工业矿体,扩大了找矿空间,实现了空白区的找矿突破。  相似文献   

通化县迎门岔一带1∶20万水系沉积物测量,圈定出“通通-84-HS-10”号异常,异常区内出露的岩性主要为白垩系下统林子头组灰绿色、紫色流纹质凝灰岩、角砾凝灰岩、流纹质晶屑岩屑凝灰岩、灰紫色流纹岩、安山岩等火山碎屑岩。在1∶20万异常区内开展了1∶5万水系沉积物测量工作,圈出重点找矿前景区,并在该区内开展1∶1万土壤测量、高精磁测等工作,通过槽探工程验证,发现含铌钽矿化蚀变带,显示出该地区具有较好的稀有稀土矿找矿前景。  相似文献   

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