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持久性有机污染物(persistent organic pollutants,POPs)是指具有高毒性、持久性、生物蓄积性、半挥发性及长距离迁移性等特性的天然或人工合成的有机污染物[1].它可通过空气、水、土壤、食物链进行广泛传播,甚至能经母乳传递给婴儿[2].无论是在空气、水体、土壤、生物体中,还是在南极、北极都发现了POPs的存在[3].大量研究表明POPs在食物链传递过程中具有生物富集和生物放大效应[4],已严重威胁人类健康,例如:POPs对人的脑[5]、听力[6],免疫[7]、生殖[8]、神经[9]等系统均有损害作用,POPs引发的环境污染问题已引起国际社会广泛关注. 相似文献
以蒽和Aroclor1254为典型污染物质,分析了持久性有机污染物对于采自深圳大鹏湾(N114°36′,E 22°25′)的珊瑚藻生长和生理生态特性的影响效果。研究结果表明,随着蒽和Aroclor1254处理浓度的增加,珊瑚藻的光合色素含量下降,细胞膜透性和活性氧代谢产物丙二醛含量增加,最终停止生长。尽管低浓度有机污染物10.0~20.0μg·L-1蒽和8.0~16.0μg·L-1 Aroclor1254处理下藻体分泌的胞外多糖含量较对照略有上升,但随着污染物浓度上升,胞外多糖含量明显下降,胞外多糖的自由基(包括O2·-、·OH和DPPH自由基)清除能力也同样明显走低。蒽和Aroclor1254对珊瑚藻生理和生长的抑制作用有较明显的剂量—效应关系,因此持久性有机污染物对于珊瑚藻而言具有明显毒害作用。两种有机污染物对于珊瑚藻的毒害效应类似,相较而言,Aroclor1254毒性效应稍大于蒽。 相似文献
硒是唯一种由基因调控且生物所必需的微量元素,它能够防治癌症[1-3]、延缓衰老[4]、提高免疫能力[5]。硒主要通过硒代半胱氨酸(Sec)的形式进入硒蛋白,而硒代半胱氨酸又是硒蛋白的关键组成成分,同时也是构成一系列硒酶,如谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(Glutathione Peroxidase, GSH-POX)等的活性中心。此外硒代半胱氨酸还是由 UGA 密码子引导的第21种氨基酸[6]。大量研究表明,硒的缺乏或过剩与人类的多种疾病息息相关[7]。在低质量浓度水平下,硒有助于细胞的生长与功能的发挥,对哺乳动物的发育起着重要作用[8];然而高质量浓度的硒会导致活性氧物质产生,促使DNA氧化, DNA双链断裂,细胞死亡[9]。硒多以无机形式存在,生物利用度低且易引起硒中毒,而有机硒的毒性低,生物活性高且容易被人类或其他生物吸收利用,所以有机硒常被视为高效且安全的补硒制剂[10]。 相似文献
北极海洋沉积物中持久性有机污染物分布特征及分子地层学记录的研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
持久性有机污染物(POPs)普遍存在于各种环境介质中,其中有机氯农药(OCPs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)化学性质稳定,在环境中能持久残留.它们经食物链浓缩并在生物体内累积,大多数具有致癌、致畸、致突变效应,构成对人类和生态系统的潜在危害,成为世界公认的全球性环境公害. 相似文献
有机污染物在不同沿海沉积环境中积累的差异性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以浙江沿海水域为研究区域,在系统地测定水体与沉积物中有机污染物种类的基础上,研究了表层沉积物中有机污染物的积累与沉积环境、沉积物矿物组成和排放环境因素之间的相互关系.结果显示,沿海水体和表层沉积物中主要存在的有机污染物有石油烷烃类化合物、邻苯二甲酸酯化合物、有机硅氧链类化合物、氯代苯酚类、苯醚类和胺类化合物等6大类,它们在表层沉积物中的积累强度呈现出河口大于沿岸大于强潮汐河沉积环境的趋势,但在相同沉积环境的沉积物中有机污染物的积累强度存在一定的差异,这说明有机污染物在沿海沉积物中的积累除与沉积环境有关外,还与区域有机污染物的排放特点有关. 相似文献
城市污水与海水混合过程中有机污染物的转移 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
以3种不同混合体系模拟研究了城市污水与海水混合过程中有机污染物的转移。在“污水颗粒物-过滤海水”体系中,颗粒态有机物有一定的释放,释放率约在0.02-0.04d-1之间。释放过程可用交换平衡动力学模式描述。在“天然海水-过滤污水”和“海水-污水”给 体系中,未发现有机污染和有明显的吸附或释放。在这3种混合体系中均发现化学耗氧量(COD)的降解现象,降解过程符合一级动力学方程,降解速率常数在0.04 相似文献
气候变化对海洋渔业以及水产养殖等相关产业的影响一直是众多专家学者研究的课题,重新审视渔业与水域生态之间错综复杂的关系,在渔业管理中考虑生态问题,在海洋环境保护中发展渔业具有重要的现实意义.文章将从气候变化的表征、对海洋生态系统的影响入手,分析气候变化对渔业以及水产养殖的影响,在气候变化与渔业的互动关系中寻找渔业应对气候变化的对策措施. 相似文献
污水与九龙江河口水混合研究表明,COD的降解符合一级动力学模式,降解速率常数k在0.04-0.11d^-1之间,水体有机物的转移以降解作用为主;两种水体混合时,先产生磷的吸附,后释放,整个过程表现为颗业磷向溶解无机磷的转移。 相似文献
Anaerobic salt marsh sediments were amended with a variety of organic pollutants and the effects on methanogenesis, sulfate reduction and carbon dioxide evolution were examined. Addition of 1000 μg g?1 (dry weight sediment) Arochlor 1221, lindane, endrin, benzene and phenanthrene resulted in no significant effects on the activities studied. Methanogenesis was inhibited by 1000 μg g?1toxaphene, PCP, chlordane, naphthalene, DDT, Kepone and heptachlor and by 100 μg g?1 PCP and toxaphene. At 1000 μg g?1 naphthalene and toxaphene and 100 μg g?1 PCP, a period of initial inhibition of methanogenesis was followed by stimulation relative to controls. Arochlor 1254 (1000 μg g?1) and Temik (500 and 10 μg g?1) stimulated methanogenesis from the outset. Temik at 500 μg g?1 gave the greatest stimulation of methanogenesis (900% of controls) of any of the compounds studied. Sulfate reduction was inhibited by 1000 μg g?1 PCP, toxaphene, naphthalene and chlordane and by 500 μg g?1 atrazine and 100 μg g?1 heptachlor. Sustained inhibition of sulfate reduction by naphthalene, toxaphene and PCP may have contributed to the stimulation of methanogenesis. Carbon dioxide evolution was not significantly affected by most of the compounds studied except for 100 μg g?1 PCP and 1000 μg g?1 aphthalene, each of which gave significant inhibition in only one of three experiments.Concentrations of individual organic pollutants required to cause observable effects were high. It is concluded that, except for highly polluted sediments, methanogenesis, sulfate reduction and CO2 evolution would not be affected by the compounds studied here at concentrations typically found in the environment. 相似文献
Study of the influence of different organic pollutants on Cu accumulation by Halimione portulacoides
C. Marisa R. Almeida A. Claúdia Dias Ana P. Mucha A.A. Bordalo M. Teresa S.D. Vasconcelos 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2009
The influence of each of four organic pollutants selected from among those commonly found in coastal areas, 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethylene (DDE), monobutyltin (MBT), Triton X-100 and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), on Cu accumulation by Halimione portulacoides was investigated. Experiments were carried out in a laboratory setting, either in hydroponics (sediment elutriate) or in a salt marsh sediment (Cávado River, NW Portugal) soaked in elutriate. Groups of H. portulacoides were exposed to media for 6 days spiked with 10 mg/L Cu(II) and with one of the selected pollutants, at an environmentally realistic concentration. DDE and MBT did not cause any major change on Cu accumulation by H. portulacoides, whereas PAHs slightly increased accumulation only in hydroponics i.e. in the absence of sediment. On the other hand, the non-ionic surfactant Triton X-100 markedly favoured Cu accumulation on plant roots both in the presence and absence of sediment. The addition of DDE, MBT and Triton X-100 also favoured Cu solubility from sediments. Therefore, the simultaneous presence of pollutants from different nature (inorganic and organic) in the estuarine environment may result in a composition of water column, pore water, sediment or biota different of that expected considering the effect of each individual pollutant. 相似文献