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深海锚泊浮标的二阶动力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
计算了规则波上深海锚泊浮标的运动响应和锚泊线的动力响应。在对浮标的二阶漂移力计算时考虑了锚系的影响,并将浮标平均漂移的计算结果与不考虑锚系影响的结果进行了比较。本文计算所用浮标为单点系泊浮标,锚链由不同重量的分段组成。  相似文献   

文章以近年来国内外锚泊系统失效事例调查为基础,论述了浮标锚系设计中,除风、浪、流外力计算之外的常被人们忽视的其它因素,从而提出测量浮标长效锚泊系统的设计方案。  相似文献   

以三锚系浮标系统为研究对象,基于AQWA与OrcaFlex软件开展了三锚系大型浮标系统运动响应特性数值模拟研究。对直径10 m的浮标结构在波浪荷载下的水动力特性进行研究,校核了浮标的初稳性和大倾角稳性特征,计算分析了浮标的附加质量、辐射阻尼、运动响应幅值算子RAO等水动力参数,阐明了不同风、浪、流工况下三锚系浮标与辅助浮筒的运动响应特性,揭示了浮标三锚链导缆孔处锚泊张力随入射角度、波高和周期等的变化规律。研究结果表明:该浮标稳性和随波性能较好。与无浮筒三锚系浮标相比,带辅助浮筒的三锚系浮标系统的运动响应和锚泊张力减小,随着波高和周期增大,三锚系浮标系泊锚链的极端张力值逐渐增大,尤其是在极端海况下,迎浪向锚链极端张力急剧增大。  相似文献   

海洋潜标技术的应用与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 海洋潜标系统 海洋潜标系统又称水下浮标系统,是海洋环境观测的重要设备之一。 海洋潜标系统一般由水下部分和水上机组成。水下部分一般由主浮体(标体)、探测仪器、浮子、锚系系统、释放器等组成。通常,主浮体布放在海面下100m左右或更大深度的水层中,因而避免海表面的扰动;锚系系统将整个系  相似文献   

法向承力锚(Vertically Loaded Plate Anchor,VLA)是一种适用于深水的新型系泊基础,它的拖曳安装过程直接决定了其系泊定位的精度和锚体的最终承载能力。综合考虑VLA锚体、锚泊线和上部船体的运动,建立了一种新的准静力整体分析模型。模型包括不断贯入海床的锚体、锚泊线(土中反悬链段和水中悬链段)和安装船体三部分,针对确定的锚泊线长度,安装船运动张紧锚泊线进行安装的过程,计算了此过程中锚体的运动轨迹、锚泊线形态和作用在船体上的锚泊线张力矢量的变化,重点分析了不同抛链长度和海床土体的参数对安装过程控制的影响,发现链长与水深之比达到5时,接近极限贯入深度。  相似文献   

一基多体漂浮鹰式波浪能装置是一种新型的利用波浪发电的离岸漂浮式波浪能装置群,该波浪能发电装置是对已经成功发电的"鹰式I号"波浪能装置的改进优化。文中介绍的一基多体漂浮鹰式波浪能装置由4个鹰头吸波浮体、浮力舱、波浪能母船(水下附体)、半潜船、能量转换系统、锚泊系统等组成。该波浪能装置特殊设计为4个鹰头吸波浮体对称安装在一个波浪能母船上,共享能量转换系统和锚泊系统。通过一系列水槽模型试验,获得匹配各个波浪要素最优负载,测得模型在不同波浪要素下的一、二级能量转换效率,以及锚泊系统的受力。试验结果表明,模型具有良好的水动力学性能,模型俘获波浪能的能力并不受入射波的来浪方向影响,锚泊系统对模型起到了稳固、提高波浪能俘获效率的作用。  相似文献   

为研究松弛-张紧现象对串联浮筒多组分锚泊线的影响以及规律,本文对其松弛-张紧特性进行了数值模拟分析。基于向量式有限元(VFIFE)方法,建立了以锚链-锚缆-锚链多段锚泊线和浮筒组合而成的多组分锚泊线动力学分析模型,研究了串联浮筒多组分锚泊线的松弛-张紧特性。在顶端水平预张力为定值的条件下,通过改变顶端纵荡激励的振幅和频率以及浮筒的浮重、位置和数量,预测串联浮筒多组分锚泊线的松弛-张紧现象发生的条件以及规律。结果表明,通过控制顶端激励的频率和振幅以及浮筒的浮重、位置和数量,可以有效降低松弛-张紧现象的发生,降低串联浮筒多组分锚泊线断裂的风险。  相似文献   

三锚式浮标综合观测平台的研究和应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在我国近海海域渔业活动频繁的情况下,为实现具有实时、连续、长期和稳定特征的近海海洋水体剖面观测,满足海洋科学研究对剖面水体数据的需求,通过借鉴目前我国近海广泛使用的10 m大型综合观测浮标的优点,在结构和稳性方面进一步优化,设计完成直径15 m的三锚式浮标综合观测平台,该平台通过在浮标中间预留中央透水井,使用绞车上下驱动多参数观测设备实现水体剖面的实时、连续、长期和稳定观测,并通过三锚式锚泊方式有效避免了剖面观测设备与固定锚系的缠绕问题,同时还具有智能判断、远程监控等功能,是一种新型的近海水体剖面观测平台。经过在我国东海海域一年的试验性观测表明,三锚式浮标综合观测平台整体运行效果良好,取得大量的水体剖面观测数据,在我国近海具有广泛的适用性。  相似文献   

早在五十年代,海洋科技工作者已开始利用浮标布设海洋调查仪器,进行海上观测的试验工作。目前被采用的浮标系统,大体有三种类型:(1)锚泊浮标系统,利用各类自含式海洋调査仪器进行测量,定期收回资料;(2)遥测浮标系统,利用无线电遥控和收发各种海洋观测数据;(3)漂移浮标系统,利用浮标本身的漂移,进行海流和其他要素的观测。本文主要介绍浅海锚泊浮标系统的设计和使用情况。 对锚泊浮标系统的研究和实验,许多国家已做了大量有成效的工作。目前关于浮标的设计和锚泊方法尚无統一意见,但是可以看出,大多趋向于采用水下浮标张缆锚泊。这种方法使得浮标系统比起遥测浮标系统来,较为轻小、经济、方便,适合于进行多站同步观测。国外在海洋调查中经常利用这种系统作较长期的海流观测。 我所在六十年代初就已开始了锚泊浮标系统的研究、实验,1964年进行了新的研究设计工作,并在“全国海洋仪器会战”期间,完成了整套系统的计算设计与海上实验,经过鉴定,建议作小批量生产。 近年来,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所、中国科学院南海海洋研究所利用该浮标系统作过多次海上试用,取得了海流长期观测资料,初步考验了该系统的性能。我们最近又对某些部件作了一定的改进,并进行了海上实验。但是,实验也表明:此方法不宜在渔场区和台风盛行季节使用,因易被渔网拖损和丢失。现综合报告如下。  相似文献   

以新型激光雷达浮标系统为研究对象,基于ANSYS/AQWA开展了激光雷达浮标系统运动响应特性数值研究,研究了浮标吃水深度、形状参数对于激光雷达浮标运动响应的影响规律,分析了附加质量、辐射阻尼、运动响应RAO及一阶、二阶波浪力等水动力参数。采用时域分析方法对不同风浪流荷载入射角度下的激光雷达浮标锚泊系统张力特性进行了计算分析。研究结果表明:随着浮标吃水深度的增加,浮标纵荡方向响应无明显变化,垂荡响应显著增大;随着浮标底部圆台直径的增大,浮标纵荡方向响应变化较小,而圆柱形浮标垂荡运动响应显著大于圆台形浮标;当浮标系泊锚链发生松弛—张紧状态变化时易出现极端张力,且极端张力出现的幅值和频率随有效波高的增大和谱峰周期的减小而增大。  相似文献   

从提高锚泊系统收放时效性入手,提出了一种半潜式钻井平台复合式锚泊系统组分配比优化设计方法,旨在尽可能降低复合式锚泊系统的钢链配比长度,提高收放效率。结合锚泊系统设计参数,制定优化设计准则,建立优化分析流程,采用ANSYS-AQWA建立锚泊定位半潜式平台水动力分析模型,获得平台运动参数和锚链动力参数,对平台漂移量、锚链最小安全系数、走锚临界张力、锚链最小卧底长度和起锚力进行无量纲指标分析,并综合考虑张力倾角与预张力对优化结果的影响,获得复合式锚泊系统钢链与钢缆的最优配比关系,确定最优钢链长度为395 m,较原钢链长度缩短225 m,钢链收放时间降低36%,进一步提高锚泊系统收放时效性,并降低平台可变荷载。  相似文献   

Based on the lumped-mass method and rigid-body kinematics theory, a mathematical model of a gravity cage system attacked by irregular waves is developed to simulate the hydrodynamic response of cage system, including the maximum tension of mooring lines and the motion of float collar. The normalized response amplitudes (response amplitude operators) are calculated for the cage motion response in heave and surge, and the mooring line tension response, in regular waves. In addition, a statistical approach is taken to determine the motion and tension transfer functions in irregular waves. In order to validate the numerical model of a gravity cage attacked by irregular waves, numerical predictions have been compared with the experimental observations in the time and frequency domain. The effect of wave incident angle on the float collar motion, mooring line tension and net volume reduction of the gravity cage system in irregular waves is also investigated. The results show that at high frequencies, the cage system has no significant heave motion. It tends to contour itself to longer waves. The variation amplitude of mooring line forces decreases as the wave frequency increases. With the increasing of wave incident angle, the horizontal displacement of the float collar increases.  相似文献   

Wang  Teng  Hao  Jun-jie  Wu  Xiao-ni  Li  Ye  Wang  Xiao-tong 《中国海洋工程》2021,35(6):841-851

Mooring system failure can lead to largely different dynamic response of floating structures when compared to the response under the condition of intact mooring system. For a semi-submersible platform with taut mooring system under extreme environmental conditions, the typical mooring system failure includes anchor line breaking failure due to the broken anchor line, and the anchor dragging failure caused by the anchor failure in the seabed soil due to the shortage of the anchor bearing capacity. However, study on the mooring failure caused by anchor failure is rare. The current work investigates the effect of three failure modes of taut mooring system on dynamic response of a semi-submersible platform, including one line breaking failure, two lines breaking failure, and one line breaking with one line attached anchor dragging failure. The nonlinear polynomial mooring line model in AQWA was used with integrating the load and displacement curve from the anchor pulling study to characterize the anchor dragging behavior for mooring system failure caused by the anchor failure. The offsets of the platform and the tension of mooring lines were analyzed for mooring system failure with 100-year return period. It is found that the mooring failure of one line breaking with one line attached anchor dragging is a case between the other two mooring failures. The traditional mooring analysis considering only the damaged condition with one line breaking is not safe enough. And the simple way of mooring analysis of two lines breaking is too conservative for the costly offshore engineering.


Taut mooring systems have become prospective alternatives for the station keeping of offshore floating facilities in deep water. The associated embedded anchors cause a part of the mooring line to be buried in the seabed − the inverse catenary − which introduces a requirement to predict the load and uplift angle at the padeye, where the chain is connected to the anchor. The padeye load and angle depend on the shape and tension profile of the inverse catenary, which must be assessed in the mooring system design. The dynamic interaction between the embedded chain and the soil in the inverse catenary is not usually considered in this analysis. Instead, the inverse catenary is assessed statically, albeit potentially using cyclically-degraded soil strength parameters. The present study employs the lumped mass method to simulate the dynamic response of mooring lines under different imposed oscillations at the fairlead, where the chain is connected to the floating facility. A new chain-soil interaction model, which includes hysteresis effects associated with irrecoverable relative chain-soil displacement is calibrated by experimental results. Simulations of cyclic vessel motion are then performed, and the resulting chain-seabed interaction is observed. During constant-amplitude vessel motion cycles, the load angle at the padeye significantly decreases due to progressive ratcheting or ‘shakedown’ of the inverse catenary from the initial static profile towards a straighter profile. This effect is due to the hysteretic soil response and creates a less onerous loading condition for the anchor which may be beneficial, but is conventionally overlooked in design. At the end of the present study, an elastic bound method is proposed to estimate the profile of the inverse catenary after shakedown. A parametric study illustrates the performance of this simple method for predicting the steady state condition.  相似文献   

Numerical models which account for the multiple response modes of floating wave energy converters (WECs) in operating conditions require experimental data for validation. Measurement and observation of complex hydrodynamic mechanisms are also required to inform the development of modelling tools suitable for the simulation of response to extreme waves. Experimental measurements are reported of the motion of an axisymmetric float to regular and near-focused waves. The mechanical system, incident wave conditions and response in a 2D vertical plane are detailed to facilitate comparison to numerical simulations. The system comprises a heaving float connected to a counterweight by an inextensible cable over two pulleys to provide a simplified representation of the slowly varying surge constraint of a mooring system. Translation of the float is measured using an optical encoder. Motion in heave, surge and pitch are also determined by a position identification method based on analysis of video footage. For low frequency regular waves, the float prescribes an elliptical trajectory and the variation of response amplitude with wave amplitude is linear. At higher frequencies, drift of up to one-third of the float radius is observed and the float oscillates along an arc. More complex motions are observed due to the three large amplitude waves of a near-focused wave group. During these waves the upper surfaces of the float are partly immersed and motion occurs in heave, surge and pitch.  相似文献   

单铁兵 《海洋工程》2020,38(5):1-11
系泊系统是半潜式支持平台抵抗恶劣海洋环境作用、限制平台偏移、实现海上定位的重要设备,辐射状多点系泊是常用的布置方式。针对该平台系泊系统开展了设计方法和分析流程研究,阐述了系泊系统配置设计,包括系泊缆的数量、抛出长度、单根系泊缆的刚度、直径、破断负荷、定位锚的型式、最大抓力等;系泊系统的布置设计,包括系泊缆之间的水平夹角、系泊绞车、导缆器、定位锚的位置等;同时归纳风载荷、流载荷以及波浪慢漂载荷的常用估算方法;总结适用于该类平台系泊系统设计的规范要求。将上述方法和流程应用于某型半潜式支持平台系泊系统的开发和设计,采用系泊定位分析程序MIMOSA对该系统的定位能力进行分析,研究了系泊缆形状、夹角等参数随张力的变化特征,同时系泊缆按照船级社的规范要求进行衡准,反复调整和优化系泊系统的配置和布置方式,直至系泊系统满足要求,最终设计出较合适的系泊系统。相关方法、流程和结论为实际工程项目提供重要的设计思路。  相似文献   

A Moored Underwater Energy Conservation System for Profiling Measurement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There is a need to obtain the hydrologic data including ocean current,wave,temperature and so on in the South China Sea.A new profiling instrument which does not suffer from the damage due to nature forces or incidents caused by passing ships,is under development to acquire data from this area.This device is based on a taut single point mid-water mooring system.It incorporates a small,instrumented vertically profiling float attached via an electromechanical cable to a winch integral with the main subsurface flotation.On a pre-set schedule,the instrument float with sensors is winched up to the surface if there is no ship passing by,which is defined by an on-board miniature sonar.And it can be immediately winched down to a certain depth if the sonar sensor finds something is coming.Since,because of logistics,the area can only be visited once for a long time and a minimum of 10 times per day profiles are desired,energy demands are severe.To respond to these concerns,the system has been designed to conserve a substantial portion of the potential energy lost during the ascent phase of each profile and subsequently use this energy to pull the instrument down.Compared with the previous single-point layered measuring mode,it is advanced and economica1.At last the paper introduces the test in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Mooring systems typically consist of an anchor and a mooring line and chain that connect the anchor to the floating infrastructure. When the anchor connection point (the ‘padeye’) is below the seabed surface, the interaction between the chain and the seabed will affect the amount of load transferred to the anchor and the load angle at the padeye. Reliable methods are needed therefore to assess these aspects in order to determine appropriate anchor design.Available solutions for the interaction between soil and chain generally ignore any reduction in the undrained shear strength of the soil as it is remoulded under the large strains associated with tensioning of the anchor chain. This is an unconservative assumption for anchor design, hence providing motivation for the study presented here. The system behaviour and the interaction of short chain segments with the seabed have been studied using a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) approach. The findings have led to two new design approaches that encapsulate how remoulding of the soil (which affects sliding resistance more than bearing resistance) affects the chain system response. Calculations using these methods captured the modelled chain system response well. Both the global chain analyses and the proposed design approaches suggest that approximately the entire chain load at the seabed surface (the ‘mudline’) is likely to be transferred to the anchor padeye, challenging conventional design practice.  相似文献   

浮标锚链因磨损而断裂会导致浮标丢失,所以针对浮标锚泊系统的研究对锚链设计具有重要意义。为解决锚链系泊力计算方法精度不足和锚链力学简化模型与锚链实际形态不一致的问题,通过VOF (Volume of Fluid) 界面捕捉法建立了三维风、浪耦合流场,基于流体力学计算软件STAR-CCM+对一种滚塑浮标及锚链进行数值仿真计算。在建立双链节锚链物理模型基础上,通过求解浮标在风、浪中的受力及浮标与锚链连接处的受力损失求取锚链系泊力。结果显示,风浪越大,锚链的系泊力损失越大,2、3、4 级海况下浮标阻力损失分别为17.1%、36.6%、55.8%。锚链的双链节受力并非均等,主受力链节在2、3 级海况时承担90%以上的锚链系泊力,次受力链节的系泊力随着总系泊力的增加而增加,可见双链节锚链规格应与单链节相同。  相似文献   

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