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The EEPAS (Every Earthquake a Precursor According to Scale) model is a method of forecasting earthquakes based on the notion that the precursory scale increase () phenomenon occurs at all scales in the seismogenic process. The rate density of future earthquake occurrence is computed directly from past earthquakes in the catalogue. The EEPAS model has previously been fitted to the New Zealand earthquake catalogue and successfully tested on the California catalogue.Here we describe a further test of the EEPAS model in the Japan region spanning 1965–2001, initially on earthquakes with magnitudes exceeding the threshold value 6.75. A baseline model and the Gutenberg-Richter b-value were fitted to the JMA catalogue over the learning period 1926–1964. The performance of EEPAS, with the key parameters unchanged from the New Zealand values, was compared with that of the baseline model over the testing period, using a likelihood ratio criterion. The EEPAS model proved superior. A sensitivity analysis shows that this result is not sensitive to the choice of the learning period or b-value, but that the advantage of EEPAS over the baseline model diminishes as the magnitude threshold is lowered. When key model parameters are optimised for the Japan catalogue, the advantage of EEPAS over the baseline model is consistent for all magnitudes above 6.25, although less than in the New Zealand and California regions.These results add strength to the proposition that the EEPAS model is effective at a variety of scales and in a variety of seismically active regions.  相似文献   

Geochemical precursors to seismic activity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Studies of earthquake precursory phenomena during the last several decades have found that significant geophysical and geochemical changes can occur prior to intermediate and large earthquakes. Among the more intensely investigated geochemical phenomena have been: (1) changes in the concentrations of dissolved ions and gases in groundwaters and (2) variations in the concentrations of crustal and mantle volatiles in ground gases. The concentration changes have typically showed no conanomalies trend (either increasing or decreasing), and the spatial and temporal distribution of the observed anomalies have been highly variable. As a result, there is little agreement on the physical or chemical processes responsible for the observed anomalies. Mechanisms proposed to account for precursory groundwater anomalies include ultrasonic vibration, pressure sensitive solubility, pore volume collapse, fracture induced increases in reactive surfaces, and aquifer breaching/fluid mixing. Precursory changes in soil gas composition have been suggested to result from pore volume collapse, micro-fracture induced exposure of fresh reactive silicate surfaces, and breaching of buried gas-rich horizons. An analysis of the available field and laboratory data suggests that the aquifer breaching/fluid mixing (AB/FM) model can best account for many of the reported changes in temperature, dissolved ion and dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater. Ultrasonic vibration and pressure sensitive solubility models cannot reasonably account for the geochemical variations observed and, although the pore collapse model could explain some of the observed chemical changes in groundwater and ground gas, uncertainties remain regarding its ability to generate anomalies of the magnitude observed. Other geochemical anomalies, in particular those associated with hydrogen and radon, seem best accounted for by increases in reactive surface areas (IRSA model) that may accompany precursory deformation around the epicenter of an impending earthquake. Analysis of the probable response of these models to the earthquake preparation process, as well as to other environmental factors, suggests that geochemical monitoring programs can provide information that may be valuable in forecasting the probability of an earthquake; however, because of the complexity of the earthquake preparation process, the absolute prediction of seismic events using geochemical methods alone, does not presently appear to be feasible.  相似文献   

在地震预测第一线的实践中,发现一个具有显示地体构造运动和地震短临前兆意义的小震组合。2005年8月5日在云南会泽县与四川会东县交界发生的会泽会东5.3级地震之前约2个月时间内,这个小震组合发生了连续的演变现象。识别、跟踪和把握这种小震组合及其演变对于提高地震短临预测很有价值。  相似文献   

近期国际地震预测预报研究进展的几个侧面   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
吴忠良  蒋长胜 《中国地震》2005,21(1):103-112
本文从国际组织、国际计划、科学出版物、主要代表性人物及其学术观点、实际地震预测与地震前兆检验等方面,介绍了20世纪90年代后期以来国际上地震预测预报研究进展的几个侧面,这些进展在一定程度上反映了此间地震预测预报研究从“低谷”走向新的发展的思想脉络。  相似文献   

Temporal variations of coda duration, relative to event magnitude, for local earthquakes near Wellington have been investigated. The region is one of plate convergence and subduction. The data consist of routinely made observations for events from 1978 through 1985 (1552 events), magnitude 1.6 to 5.2, depth 0.5 to 90.0 km. The observed average (over time) correspondence between duration (as measured from the origin time) and magnitude is reasonably well predicted by the single backscattering theory of coda formation for events of magnitude 4 or less; for larger events the observed durations are longer than predicted. This theory predicts that a temporal increase in scattering attenuation will reduce the coda duration relative to magnitude. Thus, any temporal changes in the duration-magnitude relation can be interpreted in terms of changes inQ. However, it is necessary to consider spatial biases since the observed durations are relatively long for shallow events and, for events of all depths, at stations situated in the south-eastern half of the region, usually believed part of the accretionary border. For both these situations other evidence would suggest that the scattering coefficient would be relatively high (lowQ). These observations may be due to a relatively high component of surface wave scattering and the importance of multiple scattering in the later part of the coda in regions of lowQ as suggested by finite element studies of coda formation. Despite the lack of any significant earthquakes during the 1978–1985 period there is nevertheless a significant temporal change in duration observed in the Wellington region: a change from relatively long to relatively short codas occurred in mid-1981. This change correlates well with changes in the rate of activity,b-value, radon emission, and ground tilt as derived from lake levels. It is not yet clear how all these parameters are related physically, but an episode of aseismic slip, or creep, along the plate interface below the region may have been the cause.  相似文献   

这次地震前震中附近地区的地震活动随时间呈波浪式起伏,形成了小震条带,出现了小震群;地下水异常非常强烈;地形变异常也观测到了。分析发现:前兆不是沿断裂带分布,而主要是于近震中的破裂面法线方向;可用IPE模式解释一前兆现象。  相似文献   

陈章立  李志雄 《地震》2009,29(1):182-192
首先指出汶川8.0级地震前我国地震工作部门地震预测努力遭受严重挫折的主要表现, 阐明这一严重挫折是地震预测面临的三个主要困难: 地球内部“不可入性”、 大地震的“非频发性”和地震物理过程“复杂性”。 但这一严重挫折给人以重要的启示: 面对地震预测这一科学难题, 必须勇于扬弃, 努力处理好地震预测经验的继承与发展的关系; 必须充分发挥地震科技工作者群体的主体作用, 努力推进地震预测理论、 技术的创新; 必须明确地震预测的主要对象, 加强大地震的预测研究。  相似文献   

应用现有的仪器设备和技术手段,避开各种干扰因素捕捉新的观测要素,为地震预报提供可靠的前兆信息,本文提出了一种新的观测方案.新方案由三部分构成:一是在观测思路上将作用力作为观测目标;二是在台站的布局中改变现行的独立观测方式,以局域台站组的形式来集中布设观测点;三是对形变仪中的水管仪和伸缩仪布设方式进行调整,由单分量方向线上的相对观测改为两套仪器就同一固定点进行绝对值观测.  相似文献   

新研制的抗干扰高精度PS100大地电测仪器系统,在中国川滇地区的台站上记录到印尼MW9.0海啸地震的地电前兆。本文将分析论证地电前兆的波动特性,特别是其传播规律。在印尼地震前约3个月开始出现周期等于潮汐力周期(如MSf、K1、M2等)、振幅异常增大的地电潮汐力谐振波(Harmonie waves driven by tidal frces,简称HT波);地震前2天(北京时2004年12月24日10时)出现地电潮汐力共振波(Resonancewaves driven by tidal frces,简称RT波)。RT波有纵波和横波,初步确定纵波速度Vl≈307 km/h;横波速度Vt≈126 km/h,是一种在地壳多孔岩石孔隙流体中传播的声波。其固有振动周期T0=4~5 h;其振幅很大达2.9%(超出观测标准偏差17倍),异常极为显著;峰值异常尖锐,Q≈8.3。与地震同时从震源发出的RT波为断层破裂所激发,故推断地震前2天所出现的RT波系MW9.0地震震源区断层前期破裂所致。在可预见的将来,根据震前RT波出现的时间,台站所记纵、横波的到时差及T0,对强震在震前1~3天定量预测其三要素(如果有一布设合理的PS100台网)是可能的。  相似文献   

加卸载响应比理论在中强地震(7〉M≥6)预测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文运用加卸载响应比理论对中强地震前的加卸载响应比的变化进行了研究。结果表明,中强地震前加卸载响应比明显上升,表现为三种不同的形态,持续时间为半年到两年。  相似文献   

芦山MS7.0级地震前的形变空区特征研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
上世纪70年代以来,国内外基本形成了以监测震中附近断层预滑动进行地震预测的研究思路,但近些年来,一些大地震前近震源区域的形变变化却引起了巨大的争议.本文应用芦山地震震中附近跨断层及连续形变观测资料,分析了震前不同阶段地形变变化的特点,讨论了震中附近区域异常时空演化过程.分析结果表明,沿鲜水河断裂带一些跨断层基线、安宁河及则木河断裂带个别场地的跨断层水准基线出现的显著异常变化,这些异常出现在远离芦山地震震中的区域上;在近震源区域,在龙门山断裂带南段的一些断层水准变化量极小,在鲜水河、龙门山和安宁河3条主要断裂围成的三叉口地区,倾斜、应变、重力及断层水准和蠕变观测临震前未有显著的异常变化,该区是形变变化或形变异常分布的“空区”.本文也与汶川地震前形变异常分布进行了对比,认为震前形变“空区”现象可能是强震前的一种共性特征.  相似文献   

断层带土壤气的映震效能与地震短期预报   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文系统总结了首都圈地区(115.0°─117.5°E,39.5°─41.0°N)近3年来开展的断层带土壤气观测研究的结果,评价了断层气异常的映震效能,分析了映震特征,初步建立了地震短期预报的指标与方法。  相似文献   

将统计物理学中相变临界现象与震源孕育模式相结合,讨论了地震预报问题。这些临界现象是:长程关联、涨落加剧、奇异吸引子、岔点外敏、临界慢化、趋向分维、临界乳光、λ型、临界软模等。以上临界现象对应的前兆,是综合预报的物理基础。  相似文献   

对发震构造呈复杂几何关系(发震构造在平面投影呈非平行关系)下彼此发震影响的机理进行了研究.从发震的“垂震底继”影响关系研究了1933年迭溪地震M7.5和1976年松潘Ms7.2地震对后来发生汶川M8地震的龙门山地震构造的孕震能量叠加的加震作用;同时也指出汶川8级地震对周边断裂的减震作用,计算并指出了其影响减震的距离.研究对CPSHA中对发震构造呈复杂几何关系时,如何确定地震带内各潜在的震源空间分布函数fi,mj提供了大震加减震的判断理论依据.还讨论了汶川地震孕震模式的更复杂性,针对某些用巴颜喀拉块体向东南方向移动挤压龙门山孕震构造,进而解释汶川地震的逆冲性所带来的矛盾的观点,对其孕震的复杂性提出了问题所在和初步探讨.  相似文献   

简要介绍了强震短临前兆的HRT波模型,和用HRT波模型分析强震前地电观测资料预测未来强震的时间、地点、震级三要素方法。用HRT波模型分析了2008年汶川MS8.0地震前四川红格地电台的记录资料,提取出了汶川MS8.0地震前短临前兆信息。  相似文献   

本文研究了六合体应变的映震效能。研究表明位于六合地震台以西的地震异常表现为负异常,而以东则表现为正异常。2006年7月26日5时18分在安徽定远发生4.2级地震,此次地震距南京市六合地震台126km。依据研究成果,7月2日—25日我们围绕六合台体应变异常开展了有效的短临跟踪及预测工作,初步总结了预测经验,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

汶川地震前南北地震带中北段地形变变化特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牛安福  张凌空  闫伟  贾晓东  李晓帆 《地震》2009,29(1):100-107
2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震是我国自建国以来灾难最为严重的一次强地震。 文中讨论了汶川地震前震源附近与外围地区潮汐形变变化及龙门山地震带、 鲜水河地震带和祁连山地震带断层活动的特点。 分析结果表明: 震前沿龙门山地震带分布的雅安、 汶川及茂县观测台地倾斜测项在2006年初发生转折, 由单向东倾或西倾转向平稳, 临震前无明显变化; 龙门山断裂带及附近地区有5个断层水准观测场地, 除耿达场地观测到巨幅变化外, 其他场地震前未观测到突出的前兆性变化。 震源外围龙灯坝断层蠕变仪(Δ=220 km)震前观测到持续时间在3个月左右的突变性异常, 但依据突变持续时间较难估计相应地震为8级。 而离震中较远的祁连山地震带中西段, 震前也有巨大的断层水准变化, 其与汶川地震的关系值得讨论。  相似文献   

本研究以5年为时间窗,1年为滑动步长构建自变量序列,建立了新疆各研究区的投影寻踪自回归中长期地震预测模型;同时应用应变积累释放模型探讨了各区不同时段应变积累与释放特征,依据各区的应变积累水平及其地震活动分期特征判定未来地震趋势。综合分析两个模型的地震趋势预测意见,给出了新疆各研究区未来5年(2006-2010年)的地震危险性判定意见。  相似文献   

1999年台湾7.6级大震与江苏-南黄海地区中强震预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析讨论了台湾地区7级大震与本区中强震之间相关关系,指出1999年台湾7.6级大震后2-3年内,本区将有5-6级中强震发生。同时应用可公度模型和“带头地震”的异年倍九法联合对本区中强震发震时间进行分析预测。结论表明,该方法可以较好地应用于本区短临地震预报实践。  相似文献   

We infer the groundwater-level anomalies associated with a hypothetical preslip prior to the anticipated M 8 Tokai earthquake, and evaluate the detectability of the anomalies using data from seven groundwater wells. We evaluate the detectability of the anomalies under the following assumptions: (1) an Mw 5.5–6.5 aseismic preslip event occurs at the plate boundary in and around the hypothetical focal zone of the Tokai earthquake; (2) the total amount of the strain step at each observation associated with the preslip can be calculated by tensile and shear faulting based on the dislocation model; (3) a normalized strain history associated with the preslip is defined from the results of numerical simulations based on rate- and state-dependent friction laws; and (4) the groundwater-level anomaly prior to the earthquake is proportional to the estimated history of the strain change associated with the preslip. We investigate the detection time of the anomaly at seven wells given an Mw 5.5, 6.0, or 6.5 aseismic preslip at one of the 272 grid points in and around the area of the hypothetical focal zone of the Tokai earthquake. As a result, over the time interval between 1 and 48 hours prior to the hypothetical Tokai earthquake, we are able to detect at each of the seven wells a hypothetical Mw 6.5 preslip at 10–86 of the 272 grid points, an Mw 6 preslip at 0–19 grid points, and an Mw 5.5 preslip at 0–5 grid points.  相似文献   

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