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One of the major challenges of moving toward more sustainable and water sensitive futures is to change people's everyday water consumption habits. The experience of the Millennium drought in Australia (1996–2010) and water restrictions introduced during that time intervened to change everyday water practices in specific ways creating durable change in some practices and mutable change in others. Drawing on focus groups with 62 people, in three diverse Australian cities, a rich picture of diverse water practices emerges. Using a specific social practice framework we explore the key practices of garden watering and showering and tease out the elements in each – we discuss how and why there has been more innovation and change in garden practices than shower practices. We argue that sustained water restrictions drive material change in households and these material changes appear to be more effective in changing water use than transforming water saving competencies or meanings alone. Further, we show that the commitment and resistance to water saving has a spatial context – data from three different cities allowed us to see how location, climate and policy responses interweave with everyday practices. The implication of our research is that policy interventions should be 'fit for purpose' according to social practices in spatial context.  相似文献   

In the Maya Lowlands of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala two main types of wetlands have played important roles in human history: bajos or intermittently wet environments of the upland, interior Yucatán and perennial wetlands of the coastal plains. Many of the most important Maya sites encircle the bajos, though our growing evidence for human–wetland interactions is still sparse. The deposits of these wetlands record two main eras of slope instability and wetland aggradation: the Pleistocene–Holocene transition as rainfall increased and forests eclipsed savannas and the Maya Preclassic to Classic as deforestation, land-use intensity, and drying increased. The ancient Maya adapted with terraces around these bajo margins but retracted in the Late Preclassic in some areas. The perennial wetlands of the coastal plains have different histories, and the first conceptual model of human–wetland interaction described intensive wetland agriculture in the Preclassic through Classic based on raised fields and canals. But a second model arose that interpreted the wetland stratigraphy and canals as more indicative of natural aggradation by accelerated erosion and gypsum precipitation that buried Archaic and Preclassic fields and there was little Classic era use. We present new data on a third and fourth model in this study. The third is a hybrid of the models one and two, including the Archaic to Preclassic aggradation of the second model, and the first model's Classic period fields and canals as piecemeal attempts by the Maya to adapt to these and other environmental changes. The fourth conceptual model describes a very Late/Terminal Classic, preplanned project on a floodplain. These wetland fields were short-lived, aggraded rapidly but with some reoccupation in the Postclassic. All of these new models display the burgeoning evidence for intricate Maya interactions with wetlands, and the diversity of evidence from the relatively few studies underscores the infancy of our understanding of Maya interaction with tropical wetlands.  相似文献   

In India, as a result of development, the demand for water is increasing both in urban and rural areas. This may increase tensions and disputes over sharing of water resources. For water demand management, it is crucial to know the details of actual water use on a household level. Therefore, this paper explores the pattern of domestic water consumption in semi-arid Dhani Mohabbatpur village of Hisar district in Haryana state of India, to improve the understanding of how local communities in the region relate to water, based on questionnaires and interview surveys of 763 households. The study has examined the households daily and activity wise water consumption, sources, quality, duration, frequency of water supply, distance of different sources and the level of awareness about rainwater harvesting. Results of the study revealed that the daily average water consumption for the village was found to be 117.0 l per person per capita per day (SD = 35.8). Washing of clothes consumes the highest amount of water, whereas 85 % of the households are using government water supplies with very safe water quality. However, 77 % households are not satisfied with duration of water supply and 86 % do not have awareness about rainwater harvesting technology. This needs to be addressed immediately by changing public perception through media and by organizing public awareness programs. It is hoped that the results of the study would benefit the policy and planning executives in India in optimizing the existing water resources for rural development.  相似文献   

论新时期地下水开发利用与管理的新使命   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李佩成 《地下水》2001,23(1):2-5
1994年本文作者曾在本刊发表文章 ,论述了地下水研究面临的历史转变。面对新世纪创造新辉煌的期盼 ,时过七年 ,在人类已跨入新世纪 ,面临创造新辉煌的形势下 ,地下水战线也应有新的作为、新的进展。本文论述了新时期在地下水开发利用与管理领域面临的应有转变和主要任务 :( 1)地下水开发与经营的指导思想要从比较放任 ,转变到高效利用与永续经营 ;( 2 )在三水统观统管联合运用中要把地下水作为珍贵后备水资源和抗旱的救命水加以对待 ;( 3)要把保护水质不受污染作为地下水管理的突出任务 ,要在重点地区建立地下水保护带 ;( 4)要建立和完善包括水位、水质动态观测在内的水环境综合观测网站 ,加强对地下水的全面观测 ;( 5 )要认真总结 5 0年来的地下水开发利用及管理工作 ,制定未来 30年的地下水事业发展规划 ;( 6 )要完善地下水开发利用保护法规 ;( 7)理顺地下水专业人才的培养渠道 ,认真培养地下水领域的高级专门人才 ;( 8)加强信息网建设 ,办好《地下水》刊物 ,在不断提高地下水科技水平的同时 ,重视科普宣传  相似文献   

本文主要通过施工区的全国土地调查之农村土地调查的作业过程和方法进行阶段性的归纳和总结。  相似文献   


This paper examines community-based water supply management (CBWSM) in three rural districts of Northwest Cameroon as well as a review of the literature focusing on some successful community-based natural resource management initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa. Using empirical and secondary data collected through participatory research methods, it is argued that CBWSM has failed to achieve sustainable water supplies in Northwest Cameroon. Findings revealed that centralized control, the prevalence of poverty, passive involvement of public, private and grassroots community has continued to thwart water supplies within these districts. It is important to note that in any natural resource management system, power becomes a crucial factor as it determines who has and does not have access to common-pool resources. This paper argues that argues that strong traditional leadership, resolute devolution, and active participation of rural communities will facilitate and invigorate a platform for capturing the views of diverse user groups and this can bring about a people-centered and community-driven development process. Some aspects of best practice arising from successful case studies in Cameroon can contribute significantly to promoting the development of effective CBWSM in other rural communities with similar characteristics in and out of Cameroon. This will be possible only if rural groups are involved and engaged in the management of their resources while integrating some aspects of best practice.


水是人类生存不可缺少的重要资源,也是制约区域经济发展的瓶颈.研究区域的主要供水层为灰岩裂隙水,利用直流电阻率法寻找地下水资源,布置了2个测站,共长610 m,借助网络并行电法仪器设备WBD-GD采集数据,运用三维反演软件立体成像,根据实际需求选取了6个不同深度的水平切片,立体确定了水源井的大体位置,即既确定了水源井的平面位置,还确定了水源井的合理深度,后经验证效果显著,为山区石料厂的生产及生活提供了保障.  相似文献   

田志义  王清发 《地下水》2001,23(1):23-26
本文通过西部大开发陕西省水资源合理开发及有效利用调研活动中获得的资料,对地下水开发利用中存在的几个问题阐述了个人的一些见解,主要谈了地下水降落漏斗、超采漏斗与区域性地下水位下降的区别,以及防止地下水超采漏斗扩展带来危害的措施。同时,指出了今后机井工程发展的区域、渠井双灌的必要性、当前地下水开发利用中需要进行的前期工作和急需解决的地下水动态监测的经费等几个问题。  相似文献   

The types, factors and formation conditions of typical geological disasters within the permafrost zone in the Greater Khingan Range area of Heilongjiang province were analysed in the paper. The formation mechanism behind geological disasters was illustrated, and the development trend, prevention programs and effects of the typical disaster on communities, agricultural lands and landscapes were reviewed.  相似文献   

Ngwa Nebasina E 《GeoJournal》1995,35(4):515-520
Rural Cameroonian women interact with the environment through their numerous daily chores, and so produce in each Cameroonian ecological zone specific problems which with time can no longer be managed. In cutting down and burning the vegetation so as to create farms, in fetching water, fuel wood and so on in order to satisfy the needs of each household, the Cameroonian rural woman is pushed into a situation where she devastates and accelerates environmental degradation.In any ecological, climatic, ethnic or cultural zone, in which she finds herself, she sets in motion the continuous natural resource consumption process. Unfortunately, she has no firm authority over the land, credit and decision-making where she can come in, interact and check some of these negative consequences. The men have also been identified as accomplices in this environmental degradation process since they push the women into taking much from the environment so as to satisfy men and general domestic needs.Since the rural Cameroonian women constitute a potential partner (56,6%) of the rural production force, this paper highlights the problems created in each zone with the view of awakening public opinion, and creating an awareness of the magnitude in each zone. Some proposals, through the discussion methodology are envisaged. This, through compensatory measures, exchanges in take and give, and in farm community actions to uphold any positive checks. When all these are properly focused and the women's right to land, credit, training and decision-making recognised, they can be brought to the forefront as partners in the better management of the environment.  相似文献   

由于地裂隙水埋藏分布规律的复杂怀,致使裂隙水的开发利用十分困难。因此,获取和利用理论水平高、实践经验丰富的基岩裂隙水专家的知识,通过计算机技术形成具有智能功效和的专家系统,就具十分重要的理论和实际意义。本文详细介绍了基岩裂隙水七开发专家系统(BFWP)的建立过程,包括系统的知识库建造,推理机设计,以及系统的图形功能  相似文献   

王平  李继文  张漫里  毛志国 《吉林地质》2010,29(4):161-162,178
吉林省矿泉水资源丰富,种类多样,截止2009年共发现天然矿泉水707处,其中已评价鉴定352处,天然矿泉水总允许开采量76.78×104 m3/d。长白山地区天然矿泉水多以泉的一些出露,开采技术条件简单,便于开发利用,而中、西部平原及东部山间盆地,多以人工揭露(井)的形式出露,不利于资源保护。  相似文献   

Recent investigations at a number of sites in the highlands of Guatemala have uncovered the existence of man-made, man-modified, and pseudo-karst caves. The caves were excavated from volcanic or volcanically derived Tertiary and Quaternary age rocks, with construction methods varying according to rock hardness, and the pre-existence of pseudo-karst caves and springs. Some of these caves are of considerable length and are associated with site centers or places of particular ritual importance. Their continued role as local and even regional foci of ritual activity suggests that these features were created to lend a sense of sanctity to the sites where they are located. The analysis of these features within the context of site architecture deomonstrates the central symbolic importance of caves within Maya cultural geography.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Landslides are common phenomena that occur worldwide and are a main cause of loss of life and damage to property. The hazards associated with landslides are a challenging concern...  相似文献   

This article presents the analysis of the temporal changes in water chemistry in a semi-confined aquifer (Wielkopolska Buried Valley aquifer, Poland) during one decade of water exploitation. It is shown that the groundwater contamination, as documented in a previous work, still persists and has lead to steady groundwater quality deterioration. The most intensive changes in water chemistry due to contamination are observed in the regions recognized earlier as the most vulnerable parts of the aquifer. The influence of contamination is effective despite implementation of groundwater protection activities. The travails of groundwater quality protection of the confined or semi-confined aquifers were accented.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of interacting flow and transport processes between different hydrological compartments, such as the atmosphere/land surface/vegetation/soil/groundwater systems, is essential for understanding the comprehensive processes, especially if quantity and quality of water resources are in acute danger, like e.g. in semi-arid areas and regions with environmental contaminations. The computational models used for system and scenario analysis in the framework of an integrated water resources management are rapidly developing instruments. In particular, advances in computational mathematics have revolutionized the variety and the nature of the problems that can be addressed by environmental scientists and engineers. It is certainly true that for each hydro-compartment, there exists many excellent simulation codes, but traditionally their development has been isolated within the different disciplines. A new generation of coupled tools based on the profound scientific background is needed for integrated modeling of hydrosystems. The objective of the IWAS-ToolBox is to develop innovative methods to combine and extend existing modeling software to address coupled processes in the hydrosphere, especially for the analysis of hydrological systems in sensitive regions. This involves, e.g. the provision of models for the prediction of water availability, water quality and/or the ecological situation under changing natural and socio-economic boundary conditions such as climate change, land use or population growth in the future.  相似文献   

本文以工程实例,论述了中埋深高承压岩溶水的勘探及大口径井开发的技术问题,与同行共同切磋。  相似文献   

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