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Weathering of chert artifacts from three Lapita sites (ca. 3000–2000 B.P.) in the Southeast Solomons is examined. It is shown that the rate of weathering is strongly influenced by soil pH, mineralogy, and prehistoric burning of the material. The concentrations of some major elements (Na, Cl, K, Al) are shown to have been altered during the weathering process. Implications of this work for the sourcing and dating of cherts are discussed.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2438-2462
Curves for Holocene lake levels and salinity changes are presented for An Loch Mór, a small oligohaline lake on the Aran Islands off the west coast of Ireland, based on palaeoecological investigations of a 12 m long, lake-sediment core. New insights are also provided into Holocene sea-level change in the Galway Bay region. Particular emphasis has been placed on the ostracod fauna, both past and present. Salinity and lake-level changes were reconstructed from the fossil ostracod assemblages, based on the known tolerances of individual species and on the assemblages as a whole. Additional evidence was provided by other proxies including strontium–isotope ratios derived from ostracod shells and other carbonates, plant macrofossil and pollen analyses, and sedimentological changes. The early Holocene (pre-Boreal, i.e. 11.5–10 ka) was characterised by low lake levels and slightly elevated salinity values, probably the result of high evapotranspiration and low precipitation rather than elevated sea levels. Early Holocene plant and animal migration to the island does not seem to have been impeded but relative sea levels were not necessarily so low (below −40 m a.s.l.) that landbridges were present to the mainland. Between ca 10 and 8.5 ka, relatively high lake levels prevailed. At 8.3 and 7.5 ka, minor fluctuations (lowering) of the lake level occurred that are assumed to relate to early Holocene abrupt events. Beginning at 7.05 ka, lake levels declined sharply. A general trend towards rising lake levels started at ca 6.4 ka and accelerated at ca 5.6 ka as runoff increased as a result of Neolithic clearances. At ca 4.8 ka, lake levels began to rise once again, probably in response to changes in rainfall and/or evapotranspiration and runoff. Lower lake levels during the first half of the 1st millennium AD were probably a response to decreased runoff as a result of a drier climate coupled with regeneration of woody vegetation. The sharpest rise in both lake levels and salinity began during the ninth century AD, which is attributed to a rapid rise in relative sea level.  相似文献   

Chullpas are pre‐Columbian burial towers built by indigenous Aymaras on the Bolivian Altiplano. Bolivian chullpas date back to the Late Intermediate Period (A.D. 1000–1476) and the Late Horizon (A.D. 1476–1532). We recorded 228 chullpas among 84 sites in the Huachacalla region of west‐central Bolivia. In our study area, the chullpas are on debris flows and coarse alluvium in the proximal and medial segments of alluvial fans at the foot of two volcanoes. Grain‐size, element, and mineralogical analysis of chullpa wall material and local sediment revealed that the burial towers are composed of calcareous sand that is readily available in alluvial fan deposits near the sites. Our data suggest that the Aymaras considered environmental factors, such as drainage and stability of the soil, when they selected the locations of chullpas, whereas cultural factors played a significant role in chullpa architecture. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A 210Pb chronology of sedimentation in a small floodplain lake in the Jamari river basin (Rondonia, Brazil) provided insight into the relationship between development and erosion in the Brazilian Amazon. Positive correlations between increased sedimentation in the lake and levels of deforestation and mining in the Jamari basin suggested a major increase in erosion associated with these activities. This increase in erosion could diminish agricultural yields in the basin and significantly reduce the useful life of a hydro-electric plant recently built on the river.  相似文献   

Colonel By Lake, located near Kingston, Ontario, was created in the early 19th century during the construction of the Rideau Canal waterway. Canal flooding inundated a large area of the Cataraqui River lowlands, submerging important pre‐contact and colonial settlements. In order to gain a better understanding of the pre‐canal environment and its archaeological setting, a systematic bathymetry and side‐scan sonar survey was conducted over a 2‐km2 area of Colonel By Lake. A 2‐D digital bathymetric model (DBM) of the lake bottom was constructed and overlain with side‐scan mosaics to map the paleogeography of the river flood plain. The data‐fused sonar images clearly identify the submerged pre‐canal topography, including the former Cataraqui River channel, relict meanders, tree stump fields, and bedrock uplands defining the valley sides. By comparing the DBM with landscapes depicted in pre‐canal period maps (ca. 1828), the locations of several potential archaeological targets were identified. The DBM provides a basis for mapping submerged cultural resources in the Rideau and for predicting the location of undiscovered archaeological sites. The results show that integration of single‐beam bathymetric mapping with side‐scan imagery is an effective strategy for mapping submerged terrestrial landscapes and archaeological inventory in shallow water settings. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The detection, surveying, and analysis of ancient settlement structures using remote sensing techniques offer a unique opportunity to quickly map the locations of archaeological objects in a relatively short time. High‐resolution images contribute information to the documentation and spatial relation of these objects, especially if Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Web‐based applications are used. The aim of this study was to assess the potential use of satellite data and aerial imagesacquired by a remote‐controlled balloon to generate geospatial data with a range of resolutions and information depths. The study area was Doliche, in the landscape of ancient Commagene (Turkey), where conventional flight campaigns are impossible or strongly restricted. Recently generated data sets (i.e., topographic maps, ortho‐images, terrain models) were combined with field observations to derive ancient and modern landscape patterns and their possible relation to an assumed “ancient procession road” between the village Doliche (Dülük) and the nearby sanctuary of theRoman divinity Iupiter Dolichenus. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rathlin Island, off the north coast of Ireland, has a history of settlement and seafaring from the Late Mesolithic period to the present day. The maritime Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) for Rathlin indicates many wrecking incidents. In 1999, a reconnaissance side‐scan sonar survey confirmed the presence of 46 targets of possible archaeological potential around Rathlin Island. Thirteen of these anomalies were positively identified as shipwrecks. Of the remaining 33 targets, nine were dived on in order to ground‐truth the geophysical data. A successful and rapid methodology of ground‐truthing side‐scan sonar data for archaeological purposes was developed. The results confirmed the presence of a Danforth Anchor at one site, while the remaining anomalies were identified as geological features. The results from the side‐scan survey and diver‐truthing exercise enhanced the existing maritime SMR. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of Scandinavian open‐air archaeological settlements is usually characterized as homogeneous, highly enriched in decomposing organic matter and poor in biogenic carbonates such as shells or bones. As a result, stratigraphies are often difficult to read in the field and settlement sequences may pass unnoticed by archaeologists. Here we show how the integration of bulk analyses, soil micromorphology, X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning and multivariate statistics can help in overcoming such limitations. We use the case study of Håkonshella 8, a Mesolithic hunter‐fisher‐gatherer settlement located in Bergen (W Norway). Fluctuations in the organic matter content, geochemical proxies (mainly P, Ga, Ti and the Si/Al ratio) and redoximorphic features highlight four cycles of site occupation and abandonment in an otherwise massive anthropogenic deposit. Following these settlement sequences, the site was covered by colluvium from nearby slopes over which a waterlogged soil formed. The approach used in Håkonshella has the potential to improve our capacity to interpret organically enriched anthropic deposits formed in coastal Scandinavia and in similar climatic regions.  相似文献   

Multi‐element archives housed within archaeological soils and sediments are useful for identifying ancient human activities invisible to routine methodologies. These records, however, are rarely studied in the Canadian Arctic. Contributing to this area of research, we address the fundamental issue of isolating natural and anthropogenic multi‐element signatures in archaeological soils from the region. We specifically investigated the element record in the soil system at the Ikirahak site, a Taltheilei hunter‐gatherer camp in southern Nunavut that was established roughly 2000 years ago. Ikirahak soils displayed high potential for the preservation of anthropogenic element additions. This owes to the fine textures, high cation adsorbance capacities and acidic pH levels of the local soils, as well as the absence of processes such as brunification and solifluction. Multi‐element characterization was accomplished using x‐ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma ‐ mass spectroscopy. Several locations with anomalous concentrations were pinpointed using enrichment factors. Natural and anthropogenic signals were untangled using categorical principal components analysis of a mixed quantitative/qualitative data set comprised of the element concentrations and contextual information such as the presence of specific archaeological materials, organic matter content, and vegetation communities. Results indicated that enrichments in CaO, P2O5, Ba, Fe2O3, MnO, Cu and Sc across the site relate to the disposal of burned refuse that was produced in pit‐house hearths. Concentrations of Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs (alkali metals), Mg and Sr (alkaline earths), Ti, V, Cr, Ni, Zn, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo and Hf (transition metals), Al, Ga and Pb (post‐transition metals), and La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu (rare earths) were linked to esker and lacustrine parent sediments.  相似文献   

The exact pattern, process and timing of the human re‐colonization of northern Europe after the end of the last Ice Age remain controversial. Recent research has provided increasingly early dates for at least pioneer explorations of latitudes above 54°N in many regions, yet the far north‐west of the European landmass, Scotland, has remained an unexplained exception to this pattern. Although the recently described Hamburgian artefacts from Howburn and an assemblage belonging to the arch‐backed point complex from Kilmelfort Cave have established at least a sporadic human presence during earlier stages of the Lateglacial Interstadial, we currently lack evidence for Younger Dryas/Greenland Stadial 1 (GS‐1) activity other than rare stray finds that have been claimed to be of Ahrensburgian affiliation but are difficult to interpret in isolation. We here report the discovery of chipped stone artefacts with technological and typological characteristics similar to those of the continental Ahrensburgian at a locality in western Scotland. A preliminary analysis of associated tephra, pollen and phytoliths, along with microstratigraphic analysis, suggest the artefacts represent one or more episodes of human activity that fall within the second half of GS‐1 and the Preboreal period. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


非花粉类遗存(Non-Pollen Palynomorphs)包括在花粉分析过程中可以同时观察到的真菌、藻类、无脊椎生物等来源的微体化石,可以反映环境和人类活动。相比于国际上四十余年的研究历史,我国的零星研究案例主要集中在青藏高原和长江下游地区,在空间和时间上都存在大量空白,特别是缺乏对考古遗址堆积物样品的研究。本研究总结了非花粉类遗存在考古学中的指示意义,并以浙江井头山遗址为例进行分析。对井头山遗址贝丘堆积物样品的分析结果表明,粪生型、纤维素分解型和植物寄生型真菌孢子在主要文化堆积中大量出现,显示粪便、古人利用的纤维素材料以及其他植物遗存与贝类在堆积中共存,均来自古人生活的废弃物。与长江下游其他地点自然沉积物及考古遗址堆积物的分析结果比较,井头山遗址贝丘堆积中真菌孢子的组合存在差异,可能与不同的人类活动有关。


The ESAs (Environmentally sensitive areas) procedure was recently developed in the framework of MEDALUS European project to identify desertification-sensitive areas and used in many Mediterranean countries (Greece, Portugal, Italy, Egypt). The identification of areas sensitive to desertification by using the ESAs model was carried out in the Tusciano River basin (261 km2) located in southern Italy (Campania region). All data characterizing the four groups of parameters related to soil quality, climate quality, vegetation quality and management quality were introduced in a geographical database, and superimposed using a GIS. A sensitivity analysis highlighted the impact of desertification on the river Tusciano catchment, highly diversified in terms of morphological, geological, climatic and land use features. The results of the ESAs model, showing that more than half of the area is sensitive to desertification, were compared with those related to soil loss, achieved by Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, based approximately on the same environmental factors. Nevertheless, ESAs procedure considers a wider range of parameters, allowing to characterize in greater detail the catchment in terms of climate, geomorphology, vegetation cover and socio-economic features. The drawn map therefore characterizes the sensitivity to erosion/desertification of the Tusciano catchment and can be regarded as a synthesis-sensitivity map, showing the areas with higher vulnerability on which mitigation measures should be focused.  相似文献   

Archaeological sites dating to the Ertebolle period of the Mesolithic have been recorded below a thin layer of marine sands in a reclaimed bay on northern Falster Island in Denmark. The finds seemed randomly distributed throughout the bay; there was no obvious pattern related to the modern landscape. However, by coring through the veneer of marine sands and mapping the pattern of the underlying Late Quaternary deposits, the authors were able to reconstruct the Mesolithic landscape and thereby explain the distribution of archaeological sites. This approach allows archaeologists to focus subsurface exploration in geomorphic settings, such as former fjords and coastlines that have a high potential for yielding prehistoric sites. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Wind erosion is a major problem for modern farmers, a key variable affecting nutrient levels in ecosystems, and a potentially major force impacting archaeological site formation; however, it has received scant consideration in geoarchaeological studies of agricultural development compared with more easily quantifiable environmental costs, such as vegetation change or fluvial erosion. In this study, soil nutrient analysis is used in the Kalaupapa field system, Moloka'i Island, Hawai'i, to detect an increase in wind erosion attributable to intensive agriculture following the burning of endemic forest. This practice began on a small scale in the 13th century A.D., expanded around cal A.D. 1450–1550, and continued until the near total abandonment of the fields after European contact in the 18th century. Nutrients that naturally occur in high amounts in coastal windward areas due to the long‐term, cumulative effect of sea spray were especially impacted. However, thanks to the unique landform of the Kalaupapa Peninsula, nutrient depletion in windward areas was offset by downwind enrichment and likely contributed to the long‐term sustainability of the system as a whole. Future research on tropical and arid agriculture should consider the cumulative environmental cost of increased eolian erosion attributable to anthropogenic landscape modification. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Stratigraphical investigations, geomorphological mapping, and diatom, plant macrofossil and pollen analyses were undertaken in and around two lakes in central Ireland to establish correlations between changes in lake conditions and catchment vegetation throughout the Holocene. Similar investigations of an adjacent mire reveal early Holocene changes in lake level and area. The palaeoecological data show high correlations related to variations in lake depth and area, catchment vegetation type, organic inputs and trophic status. Catchment‐scale deforestation is gradual and occurs through the Bronze and the Iron Ages, and the construction of a crannog in the early Medieval period (seventh century AD ) appears to be associated with a widespread increase in deforestation and mixed agriculture in the catchment. Both pollen and plant macrofossils suggest that one of the crannogs was used for crop storage in addition to domestic and any other activities. In the early to middle Holocene similarities in the proxy‐data appear to be climatically driven through changing lake levels and areal extent whereas the later Holocene record is clearly dominated by anthropogenic changes within the catchment and the construction of crannogs in the lakes. The advantages of combining multi‐proxy indicators of lake hydroecology with the vegetation record are illustrated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results of detailed pollen‐analytical investigations of a core from Lough Dargan, Co. Sligo, Ireland are presented. The pollen diagram spans much of the postglacial and documents changes in woodland composition and cover, and farming activity. Special attention is paid to prehistoric farming and to the significance of cereal‐type pollen. The first sign of arable farming coincides with the Elm Decline at c. 3760 BC. This early Neolithic farming phase extended over c. 750 years, the main Landnam phase having a duration of 700 years. After a break of about three centuries, Neolithic farming resumed. Late Neolithic farming was at first predominantly pastoral, but later (c. 2360–2130 BC) it had a distinct arable component. In the early Bronze Age, beginning c. 2130 BC, farming increased and woodland was substantially reduced for the first time. From then until the beginning of the late Iron Age (c. 80 BC), there was a sustained and strong human impact. In the late Iron Age, a distinct lull in pastoral farming lasted for about four centuries (c. 80 BC–AD 350). This facilitated woodland regeneration that included yew. Substantial woodland clearance, and farming that included a considerable arable component, characterized the Medieval and later periods. The changes recorded at L. Dargan and other sites in the region are discussed in the light of evidence for climate change provided by regional and super‐regional climate proxies. It is argued that climate may not have been a decisive factor in determining human impact and farming activity.  相似文献   

Strontium isotopic and petrologic information, obtained from sediment cores collected in the Nile delta of Egypt, indicate that paleoclimatic and Nile baseflow conditions changed considerably from about 4200 to 4000 cal yr B.P. in the Nile basin. Our study records a higher proportion of White Nile sediment transported during the annual floods at ca. 6100 cal yr B.P. than towards 4200 cal yr B.P., at which time suspended sediment from the Blue Nile formed a significantly larger fraction of the total load. This resulted from a decrease in vegetative cover and an increase in erosion rate accompanying the marked decline in rainfall. These new geoscience data indicate major changes in annual flooding and baseflow of the river Nile, marked short‐term paleoclimatic‐related events that may in part have led to the collapse of the Old Kingdom. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Northern Hemisphere cooling event 8200 years ago is believed to represent the last known major freshwater pulse into the North Atlantic as a result of the final collapse of the North American Laurentide ice sheet. This pulse of water is generally believed to have occurred independently of orbital variations and provides an analogue for predicted increases in high‐latitude precipitation and ice melt as a result of anthropogenically driven future climate change. The precise timing, duration and magnitude of this event, however, are uncertain, with suggestions that the 100‐yr meltwater cooling formed part of a longer‐term cold period in the early Holocene. Here we undertook a multiproxy, high‐resolution investigation of a peat sequence at Dooagh, Achill Island, on the west coast of Ireland, to determine whether the 8200‐year cold event impacted upon the terrestrial vegetation immediately ‘downwind’ of the proposed changes in the North Atlantic. We find clear evidence for an oscillation in the early Holocene using various measures of pollen, indicating a disruption in the vegetation leading to a grassland‐dominated landscape, most probably driven by changes in precipitation rather than temperature. Radiocarbon dating was extremely problematic, however, with bulk peat samples systematically too young for the North Atlantic event, suggesting significant contamination from downward root penetration. The sustained disruption to vegetation over hundreds of years at Dooagh indicates the landscape was impacted by a long‐term cooling event in the early Holocene, and not the single century length 8200‐year meltwater event proposed in many other records in the North Atlantic region. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A synthesis of pollen evidence from Etang du Pourra, a small pond in Rhodanian Provence, France, complemented by new sedimentological, mineralogical and palynological data allow a reassessment of the Lateglacial-Holocene vegetation and climatic history of the area. The Etang du Pourra succession is shown to consist of two parts; the lower part dates from the Lateglacial and the upper reveals the Holocene pollen-stratigraphic succession typical of the region. In the Lateglacial, a humid and cooler phase is recorded before the Younger Dryas conditions progressively set in. In the Holocene succession, the consequences of human modifications on the environment are clearly visible in changes in mineralogy and pollen stratigraphy.  相似文献   

A multi‐technique approach has been adopted in a study of the lithostratigraphy of glacial deposits in southwestern Ireland, including clast lithological analysis, fine sand geochemistry, low frequency mass specific susceptibility and fine sand calcium carbonate (equivalent) content. A revised lithostratigraphical scheme is suggested for the Quaternary glacial deposits of the region, together with a simple strategy that may be adopted for stratigraphical studies in other regions of southern Ireland. It appears that geochemical determinations via inductively coupled plasma–atomic absorption spectrometry are particularly useful in characterising and discriminating between till units within local stratigraphical studies and may be used to inform the applicability of other utilitarian techniques for use on a regional scale. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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