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《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):923-935
As part of the Programme National d'Océanographie Côtière, the nutrient dynamics of the Bay of Seine were studied between 1992 and 1994 in order to complement work on ecological modelling. Firstly, the River Seine's nutrient fluxes were established: 80 000–130 000 t a−1 of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 6 400–8 4001 a−1 of dissolved phosphorus and 20 000–77 000 t a−1 of dissolved silicium. Estuarine processes were taken into account. Consequences of nutrient loading for the bay were then evaluated at the pelagic level (nutrient and chlorophyll enrichments) and the benthic level (distribution of various phosphorus fractions in superficial sediments). The large continental inputs always induce concentration gradients in the water from the mouth of the river to the northwest of the bay. The northward spreading of fine particulate matter controls the distribution of adsorbed phosphate and iron-aluminium bound phosphate in sediments. In contrast, calcium bound phosphate, the main fraction in sediments, is not affected by river inputs. Organic phosphorus in sediments is related to phytoplankton blooms, with increasing concentrations during productive periods; afterwards the fast recycling prevents sedimentary accumulation. The nutrient depletions observed beyond the turbid plume during spring 1992 enabled the calculation of nutrient uptake rates, and the comparison of these rates with phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a + phaeopigments). Ratios of nutrient consumption to pigment concentration were estimated at 1 μmol μg−1 for nitrogen, 0.05 for phosphorus and 0.5 for silicate. These values, as N/P and Si/N uptake ratios (respectively 17.5 and 0.4), were similar to usual values.  相似文献   

Bathyscaph dives off Madeira permitted discovering at a depth of about 1200 m, a morphologic feature interpreted as a volcanic crater or a small caldera. Between 900 m and 1700 m deep, volcano-sedimentary formations, interpreted as hyaloclastites of explosive origin, were observed. It is assumed that these formations were initially deposited at shallower depths and may reflect the subsidence of the Madeira archipelago owing to the great thickness of its volcano-sedimentary series (more than 6000 m).  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of Hg, Cu, Zn and Pb ions was studied in three mollusc species at three sites in the Berre lagoon (Marseille, France), which have been selected according to their hydrodynamic conditions. The degree of the contamination of these mollusc populations was calculated in order to determine the levels of the metal ions present. The uptake of metal ions was regularly monitored for two successive years; the causes of the high variability was observed throughout the two years for all the species studied are discussed.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):887-906
This paper presents an ecological modelling of the Bay of Seine (Eastern Channel) over the last twenty years, chosen as a typical case of eutrophication in a river plume. In the physical sub-model, the Bay is divided into 42 boxes and water fluxes between them are calculated automatically using Ifremer's “Elise” software. A two-layer, vertical thermohaline model is then linked with the horizontal circulation scheme in order to take vertical stratification into account. The biological submodel deals with two chemical elements, nitrogen and silicon, and splits phytoplankton into diatoms and flagellates. Results from this ecological model point out the spatial concordance of highest phytoplanktonic concentrations with the river plume spreading in the bay. Contrary to diatoms, flagellate production appears to be mainly confined to the eastern bay, due to the vertical haline stratification in front of the river mouth. As far as the whole bay is concerned, the interannual fluctuations of diatom production are related to the level of spring insolation, whereas silicon inputs regulate diatom production in the river plume. The flagellate summer production in the plume is enhanced by high water temperature and high N/Si ratios, which appear during dry years with low discharge regimes. Finally, interannual increase of flagellate production could be related to gradual increase of nitrogen loadings, contrasting with silicon loadings, which remained stable for twenty years.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):345-351
A recapitulation of the records of tropical fishes from European Atlantic waters shows that 67.6% were fishes caught from the upper slope, between approximately 200 and 600 m; 19.8% were fishes caught from the continental shelf; and 13.5% were specimens caught from the middle slope, between 700 and 1 300 m. Since 1963, the upper slope species have made regular northward range extensions off of south Portugal to north-western Ireland (about 55° 30′N), more and less rapidly, about 30 years for Cyttopsis roseus and only 6 years for Sphoeroides pachygaster. The continental shelf species, observed from 1969 but mostly from 1981, have a northward range to south-eastern Ireland (about 52° N), but 65.2% of them have been caught off the south of the Bay of Biscay. The middle slope species, recorded only from 1991 according to the development of the deep fishery, were caught between 48° N and 60° N. The northward range extension of upper slope species and the higher frequency of records of continental shelf species from the southern part of the Bay of Biscay coincide with the investigations on the warming of the south-north current in the upper slope of northern Spain and of the south French Atlantic continental shelf.  相似文献   

The study of recent geological and geophysical data, collected west of France, allows of delineating a large fracture zone, with a 130° N dextral slip, between Ireland and Aquitaine (France). This zone belongs to a wider structure which extended from Labrador to Spain and which sheared the Caledonian and Hercynian systems before the opening of the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):831-843
Shellfish farming leaves its mark on the environment in which it has developed, and the men who depend upon it. These changes have altogether balanced the lagoon cycle and have caused disastrous episodic events. Increased water clarity caused by the uptake of particulate material by shellfish farming allows seagrass to grow in deeper areas of the lagoon (down to five metres). Shellfish farming nutrient transformations increase ecosystem productivity, even if the filtration pressure keeps phytoplankton biomass at a low level. Storage of phosphorus and nitrogen in animal tissue limits eutrophication in this ecosystem. Transfer of oysters from growout facilities increases animal and vegetal specific diversity. The presence of large amounts of shellfish allows for the development of a masive benthos, while organic enrichment from biodeposition changes the specific composition of soft-bottom benthos. In the deeper areas, (less than six metres), where summer thermoclines limit oxygen transfer from surface water, the organically enriched substrate induces oxygen depletion and ammonium and nitrogen sulfide accumulation in the water column. This ecosystem dysfunction kills benthic populations, and sometimes reaches pelagic populations and affects the shellfish farming economy.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):263-269
A study of the recent sedimentation of the ria de Gernika (Bay of Biscay) is undertaken to characterise different steps of its Holocene filling. Sedimentological and micropalaeontological analysis of six cores sampled in the ria, completed with absolute dating (14C, and based upon 210Pb exc.), allow us to identify three phases in the filling of the ria that are limited by two transgressive shifts (3500 and 2500 yr. B.P.) already described in other areas of the Bay of Biscay. In the first phase, lithologies as well as benthic foraminifera and ostracode assemblages are typical of coastal marine palaeo-environment. During the second phase the euryhaline waters progessively occupy the central area of the estuary. Here the presence of allochthonous microfauna, particularly of planktonic foraminifera, indicates an increase of exchanges with marine waters that can reach the inner areas of the estuarine system. The last phase (2500 yr. B.P. to the present), which corresponds to the recent and active sedimentation, is marked by an impoverishment of the microfaunas, the filling of some channels and the increase of salt marshes. The estimated sedimentation rate for the upper decimetres of the cores (0.73-1.29 cm·yr−1) shows faster sedimentary filling of the ria with anthropic action evidenced by the presence of metallic contaminants and hypohaline microfauna.  相似文献   

A detailed mapping and data from borings support the conclusion that there is a late lava flow inside the Papenoo valley, the main valley of Tahiti island. This last volcanic manifestation which took place 400,000 years ago came after the phase of erosion corresponding to the Illinoian glacial period. It is one of the four phases of erosion followed by filling observed in the cross section of the Papenoo valley.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):371-381
Regular flights over the Bay of Biscay by the French Customs Air Service, have enabled us to record more precisely, from 1989 to 1995, the geographical locations of French and other European Community (EU) fishing boats. Data showed three main ‘métiers’ within the Bay of Biscay fishing fleet: French and Spanish bottom trawlers (61 %), French gill-netters and Spanish longliners. More than 80 % of gill-netters worked inside the territorial sea (12 nautical miles) and 60 % of them worked south of Noirmoutier (47°N). Longliners moved according to the seasons, from the edge of the continental shelf to the 50–100 m sounding lines. Since they work at night, only few pelagic trawlers have been recorded (records being made in daylight). The potters, liners and other small ‘métier’ boats of the bay were only located along the coast. The position of the French boats' positions according to their registration district showed that most boats worked close to their landing ports and that the overlap is small between the areas of two neighbouring fleets. Further analysis of the spatial distribution of boats in the French EEZ showed that Spanish boats were mainly recorded in the southern part of the Bay of Biscay, and that most were Basque. Belgian and Dutch beam trawlers fished their quota of sole off the ‘Pertuis Charentais’, the Gironde estuary and the ‘bassin d'Arcachon’. The 100 m sounding line appeared to constitute a demarcation line between the major fraction of the French fleet and other EU fishing boats. Although some fishing areas were only visited by boats practising a particular ‘métier’, others were coveted by everybody and, consequently, were areas with the most serious risk of conflicts.  相似文献   

一到夏天,坐落在美国海滨的美丽小城艾米蒂就热闹非凡,从世界各地赶来的游客都仰慕这里的海滨浴场,纷纷来这里避暑消夏。一天,艾米蒂警察局局长布劳迪接到海滨浴场管理人员打来的电话:“局长,刚刚有一位女士在浴场那边  相似文献   

台湾“总统”李登辉人老心不老,陈年婚外情,最近被他在台大农经系就读时的老师、也是前行政院长徐渊涛和“新总统”参选人李敖揭露,给读者提供了一些笑料。原本此类丑闻与本刊八竿子打不着,但本刊的老朋友香港记者嘉伟说:“会有人看的啦。”就给发来了。读者不妨也看看。李登辉也真不容易,明里要叫嚣“两国论”,暗里还要糊弄好几个女人……  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(1):23-30
The colonization of a fringing reef of Reunion Island by fish larvae takes place essentially from August to February with two peaks, in August-September, when the water temperatures are coldest, and in February when they are at a maximum. The number of fishes, as well as the number of sampled species, present similar values over two consecutive years with, nevertheless, a strong variation in the species involved. In Reunion Island, the number of post-larvae which colonise the reef is one hundred to four hundred times lower than on larger and more structured reefs. This phenomenon could be explained by the geographical characteristics of the island. The stock control of the adult fish in Reunion could largely be the result of the arrival of post-larvae on reefs and would correspond to the model of “recruitment limitation”.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):383-388
Factors of mortality in marine turtles near the French coast of the Bay of Biscay have been recorded for four species: leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), loggerhead (Caretta caretta), Ridley's turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Most accidental captures of D. coriacea by fishing gears lead to drowning, but the main threat for the species is the ingestion of floating waste. Plastic bags induce occlusion or lesions in the stomach and subsequent death. For C. caretta, L. kempii and C. mydas, the pathology points out mainly two features: external or internal mycosis.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(3):353-364
The Bay of Guaratuba, whose area is approximately 45 km2, is a basin, situated to the south of Brazil (25° 52′ S; 48° 39′ W) and connected to the Atlantic ocean. In its northern part, a region of mangrove is found, under the influence of seasonal fluvial contributions, dominated by Laguncularia racemosa. The depth exceeds 6 m in some places. According to the period of the year, salinity varies between 3 and 37, and temperature between 15 and 28 °C. Several of the present fish species are exploited by commercial and recreational fisheries. This work describes characteristics of the fish populations occupying this mangrove, and temporal and spatial evolution of populations of the main species from available data on their biology. Between September 1993 and August 1996, fish samplings have been undertaken monthly by trawl, according to the same fishing effort (20 min), in channels of this ecosystem. Size, numerical abundance and weight of each individual of species were measured, as well as surface and bottom temperatures and bottom salinity. Species richness, Shannon-Weaver's diversity index were calculated and abundances were processed by the multivaried analysis. The global species richness is 61 species, distributed in 28 families; the better represented species are Sciaenidae (10), Gerreidae (5), Carangidae (5), Ariidae (4), Haemulidae (3), Serranidae (3), Bothidae (3). Each year, the number of species varies between 41 and 44, and a group of eight species represents between 80 to 90 % of the density and 75 % of the biomass. The constancy of this dominance is the main characteristic of this fish assemblage. The most represented species in abundance is Pomadasys corvinaeformis is the first two years, then Stellifer rastrifer. The group of eight main species is shared by 15 species in total, of which 13 for the density and 14 for the biomass. The most important monthly catches take place in winter season, during which one observes a decrease of water temperature and an increase of salinity. These species, however, being likely to be replaced by others according to the year or the season; one never finds the same composition in the assemblage which preserves always the same structures. Seasonal differences between seasons under marine (winter) and continental (summer) influences play a major role on the dynamics of fish in the Guaratuba mangrove. This ecosystem plays a functional role in the achievement of the life cycle of many permanent or temporary species. Those having succeeded to reach high levels of abundance are not represented in a uniform way in the course of the year, even when they reside permanently in the ecosystem. Periodic displacement strategies for self regulation of stocks abundance, are necessary mechanisms for these populations, which thus success to coexist in occupying the mangrove.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(3-4):119-124
The comparative effect of the uptake of fresh and degraded detritus of halophytic plants, harvested from salt marches of the Mont Saint-Michel Bay (France), on the growth of a juvenile population of the annelid polychaete Ndiversicolor (L.) was studied under experimental conditions in summer 1993. Fresh and degraded detritus of Spartina anglica, Halimione portulacoides and Salicornia europeae, as well as the green algae Enteromorpha sp. were distributed separately to homogenous set of juveniles for a 75 d period. The highest growth rate was obtained for worms fed with Enteromorpha sp. Administration of fresh detritus of a given halophyte species to Ndiversicolor juveniles always leads to a significantly higher growth rate than did degraded detritus. This is probably due to a great microbial biomass occurring on the fresh detritus, which is moreover, much better assimilated than the detritus they colonize.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(2):179-191
The grain size of mature coastal sands changes rapidly in response to the variation of the energy regime which provokes either erosion or deposition of fractions of the textural assemblage. Whatever the dynamic conditions, questions of paramount importance such as the size of grain populations transported simultaneously, the most common size of the grains in movement and the grain-size range of the sediment fraction involved are still poorly understood. The present paper deals with an attempt to describe this fraction without any consideration of the processes responsible for the observed changes. A major problem results from the fact that the distribution of the mobilized fraction cannot be known and described by direct comparison between the initial and the final grain-size curves. The only way to characterize the mobile fraction between two subsequent grain-size states is to simulate various kinds of removal or deposition. The first question is to express the shape of the actual distributions of the sediments mathematically. The simple Gaussian approximation being irrelevant, distributions can be expressed using advanced computer programmes which can provide mathematical expressions for all distributions. The cubic-spline approximation was chosen. The mobile fraction was assumed to have a Gaussian distribution. Various tests were made in order to simulate qualitative phenomena observed in nature (bimodality, grain-size parameter changes…) and to assess the three parameters which define the characteristics of the fraction deposited or removed: modal value, dispersion of the mobile population and relative amplitude of the change. An application was carried out on the Senegalese coast offshore from the Senegal delta and on the Mediteranean coast in the Gulf of Lions. It suggests that the dynamic agents have a great selectivity. Further developments are considered.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(3):337-352
We compared the ability of three direct methods (increment summation, loss summation and instantaneous growth rate coefficient), the size-frequency method, and eight indirect methods (Banse and Mosher, Benke, Brey, Edgar, Morin and Bourassa, Plante and Downing, Robertson and Schwinghamer et al.) to measure or to predict the secondary production of a Mediterranean population of the polychaete Ditrupa arietina. This comparison was carried out both on the 1994 cohort during its two-year lifespan and on the entire population during the two years of the study (1994–1996). Our results showed that all three direct methods are more or less equivalent. Results referring to the year 1994–1995 showed a strong overestimation of the actual production by the size frequency method. This is attributed to the existence of an average individual maximal size below which the actual production equals zero. During the same year, the results obtained using indirect methods were highly variable, partly, but not solely, due to the type of environment for which the regression models were built. The incorporation of temperature as an independent variable within the most recent regression models did not contribute to improving the quality of the predictions. Results referring to the year 1995–1996 confirm the incapacity of both the size frequency and the indirect methods to predict changes in the P/B ratio in relation with age structure and recruitment irregularities. These results are discussed in the context of inferring productivities both at the population and the community level.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(5):645-654
Intensity and spectral characteristics of the fluorescence of water samples collected along the transect Cherbourg-Isle of Wight during four cruises for excitations at 370, 313 and 270 nm have been investigated within the framework of the FluxManche II program. Seasonal and spatial differences appeared to reflect on the one hand, variations in terrestrial inputs, and on the other hand, waters masses structuring. The observed linear variation of the fluorescence intensity with salinity indicates a gradual dilution of the continental humic material in going from the coasts to the central part of the English Channel. The largest signal was observed for the English coastal waters in agreement with important terrestrial inputs from the Solent river. While the fluorescence intensity was not found to be correlated with the DOC, it shows a good correlation with the nutrients. This result could indicate both a supply from terrestrial inputs and an almost simultaneous autochtonous regeneration. As similarly reported for waters in the eastern part of the French coastal zone, excitation at 313 nm gives evidence for the presence of two classes of fluorescent dissolved organic matter. These two fluorescent components are indicative of the simultaneous presence of continental humic substances and substances whose assignment to marine humic substances or to heterotrophic related substances are still an open question. As compared to the eastern part of the Channel along the French coasts, excitation at 270 nm indicates a lower content of protein-like compounds which may be related to a lower biological activity along the transect or may be due to the fact that the samplings were made out of the phytoplanktonic bloom period (April–May 1995).  相似文献   

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