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《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):345-351
A recapitulation of the records of tropical fishes from European Atlantic waters shows that 67.6% were fishes caught from the upper slope, between approximately 200 and 600 m; 19.8% were fishes caught from the continental shelf; and 13.5% were specimens caught from the middle slope, between 700 and 1 300 m. Since 1963, the upper slope species have made regular northward range extensions off of south Portugal to north-western Ireland (about 55° 30′N), more and less rapidly, about 30 years for Cyttopsis roseus and only 6 years for Sphoeroides pachygaster. The continental shelf species, observed from 1969 but mostly from 1981, have a northward range to south-eastern Ireland (about 52° N), but 65.2% of them have been caught off the south of the Bay of Biscay. The middle slope species, recorded only from 1991 according to the development of the deep fishery, were caught between 48° N and 60° N. The northward range extension of upper slope species and the higher frequency of records of continental shelf species from the southern part of the Bay of Biscay coincide with the investigations on the warming of the south-north current in the upper slope of northern Spain and of the south French Atlantic continental shelf.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):209-221
Coastal waters are generally a product of mixing between continental and oceanic originated water masses. Near river mouth areas, as in the Gironde estuary, oceanic waters are modified by the influence of freshwater discharge that introduces suspended and dissolved substances, including pollutants. Within PNOC (Programme National d'Oceanographie Côtière) our objective is to determine the extent of the influence of the Gironde estuary on to the Aquitanian continental shelf. Several cruises for collecting hydrological data have been carried out in this area. The data of every cruise were coupled with a NOAA-11 satellite passage. The recorded images have been analysed and were compared with the results given by a 3D mathematical model. The interaction among different dynamical factors (density, wind-driven and tidal circulation) controls the mixing and the transport of low salinity waters.  相似文献   

This work describes a complete procedure to simplify pre-analytical operations and to reduce problems of contamination during nutrient analysis which prove the importance of the various potential contaminations: fingerprints, atmosphere, particulate matter. For instance, on a fingerprint there is enough urea to bring about 80 μmol litre to an autoanalyzer cup, i.e 150 times the mean value in seawater. Atmospheric contact increases the ammonia concentration by about 1·5 μmollitre per hour. The overestimation due to the interference of particulate matter reaches 15–80% of dissolved phosphate in summer in coastal seawater.In order to minimize tese contaminations, the sample is never poured out of its sampling flask. Thus, when the level of suspended matter is too high, centrifugation of the sample is performed directly in the vial, just before Analysis, instead of the usual filtration. Moreover, a Technicon Sampler IVhas been modified to receive vials up to 125 ml. In this way any filling of cups is avoided and atmospheric contamination is greatly reduced because of the larger volume of sample.The results show the improvement induced by our modifications: with reduced handling results are expected to be more reliable and representative.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):191-207
The Gironde estuary (France) discharges to the ocean an important amount of suspended particulate matter in the form of turbid plumes. The surface plume is more particularly studied from coastal oceanographic surveys and NOAA/AVHRR satellite data collected during a French programme of coastal oceanography (PNOC-Atlantic). The AVHRR reflectances are atmospherically corrected according to an algorithm based on the clear water concept. The comparison with suspended sediment concentrations are realised by direct and indirect calibrations. The correlations obtained show that at a same concentration the reflectance varies, probably because of varying particle (floc) size and composition. The shape and the surface measured from low resolution (4 km × 4 km) and high resolution (1 km × 1 km) AVHRR data are then compared to the forcings introduced by the fluvial output, the tide, neap and spring tide and the wind variations. The latter have an important effect on the orientation of the distal part of the turbid plume.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):939-950
The release of enteric pathogenic bacteria in aquatic environments poses the problem of the fate of these bacteria under the effects of environmental factors (solar radiation, salt concentration, temperature, nutrient level, pH, competition). Frequently, these bacterial cells, potentially pathogenic, enter into a non-culturable state on routine bacteriological plating media. However, the use of direct detection methods DAPI stained cells allows the visualization of these Viable but Non Culturable cells VNC. But, beyond the characterization of the viability of the cells electron transport activity, metabolic activity, membrane integrity, structure and/or quantity of DNA, what happens with the virulence of these cells? This problem was experimentally investigated according to the bacterial model Salmonella Typhimurium. The virulence of this strain, which is the agent of the murine typhoid, was evaluated on a mouse model. Experimentally, the effects of some environmental factors on the survival and on the maintenance of virulence of Salmonella Typhimurium were measured in microcosms exposed to UV radiation (four germicidal lamps 8 mW s−1 cm−2, wave length: 254 nm, salt concentration (Sea Salt Sigma, 37, nutrient starvation. The microcosms were simultaneously submitted to these three factors, with variable exposure times. For each of those times, the viability of the nonculturable cells which became nonculturable because of the exposure to the three factors was measured through different physiological states notable in the cells, after using different fluorescent dyes. The stained cells were observed by epifluorescence microscopy and analysed by image cytometry. So, the cellular populations are characterised by enumeration of respiring bacteria CTC, [39], metabolising bacteria YEK, [22] modified, bacteria owning an undamaged cytoplasmic membrane LD, Live/Dead BacLight Viability Kit. Molecular Probes Inc.; we also determined the quantity and/or structure of DNA of the cells fluorescence level of DAPI stained cells), After exposure to the three factors for one hour 13.56 J cm−2, while the plate count cell density rapidly decreased from #107 cells mL−1 to0.1 cell mL−1, physiological states of these viable but non-culturable cells are similar to those of non-exposed cells. On the other hand, after exposure for three hours, only 10 % of the cells deposit a CTC formazan-crystal and 20 % are substrate responsive cells enlarged cells in presence of Yeast Extract and Cephalexin: YEC. Half of the cellular population presents an undamaged cytoplasmic membrane and the level of fluorecence of DAPI stained cells is close to 85 %, which shows that the DNA of these cells is weakly damaged. After exposure to the three experimental factors for24 hours 315 J cm−2, weak replies to the physiological tests used in this study to characterize the viability of the non-culturable cellular population are observed CTC: 4 %; YEC: 2 %; LD: 11.8 % while the fluorescence level of DAPI stained cells remains firm at 80 %. At the same time, the virulence expression of VNC cells of Salmonella Typhimurium, evaluated by intraperitoneal injection to the mouse route which excludes uncontrolled parameters, unlike the per os route does not seem to be correlated with the cellular viability such as it has been evaluated in this study. A 30 min exposure (6.73 J cm−2) to the three environmental factors, leading to the non-culturability of almost the entire exposed cell population 0.08 culturable cell mL−1 whereas the level of viability of those culturable cells is closed to the one of non-exposed cells. The injection of 1000 of those cells 0.001 culturable cells in 100 μL inoculated into the mouse a group of ten mice does not cause any mortality four weeks post-inoculation, whereas the injection of the same dose of non-exposed cells leads to the death of all mice in the group one week post-inoculation. According to our preliminary experiments on Salmonella Typhimurium, the loss of the state of culturability and the loss of virulence towards mice by intra-peritoneal route, because of the exposure to associated effects of UV irradiation 254 nm, salinity 37 and nutrient starvation, seem to be concomitant.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):923-935
As part of the Programme National d'Océanographie Côtière, the nutrient dynamics of the Bay of Seine were studied between 1992 and 1994 in order to complement work on ecological modelling. Firstly, the River Seine's nutrient fluxes were established: 80 000–130 000 t a−1 of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 6 400–8 4001 a−1 of dissolved phosphorus and 20 000–77 000 t a−1 of dissolved silicium. Estuarine processes were taken into account. Consequences of nutrient loading for the bay were then evaluated at the pelagic level (nutrient and chlorophyll enrichments) and the benthic level (distribution of various phosphorus fractions in superficial sediments). The large continental inputs always induce concentration gradients in the water from the mouth of the river to the northwest of the bay. The northward spreading of fine particulate matter controls the distribution of adsorbed phosphate and iron-aluminium bound phosphate in sediments. In contrast, calcium bound phosphate, the main fraction in sediments, is not affected by river inputs. Organic phosphorus in sediments is related to phytoplankton blooms, with increasing concentrations during productive periods; afterwards the fast recycling prevents sedimentary accumulation. The nutrient depletions observed beyond the turbid plume during spring 1992 enabled the calculation of nutrient uptake rates, and the comparison of these rates with phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a + phaeopigments). Ratios of nutrient consumption to pigment concentration were estimated at 1 μmol μg−1 for nitrogen, 0.05 for phosphorus and 0.5 for silicate. These values, as N/P and Si/N uptake ratios (respectively 17.5 and 0.4), were similar to usual values.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(4):413-420
The carbonates associated with the macrofauna of shallow fine sands have been evaluated at six stations located at five different sites on the French Mediterranean coast. The carbonate content of forty species or zoological groups has been estimated. At each station the mean calcimass has been calculated during a year-long cycle, showing the participation of the different zoological groups, mainly molluscs and echinoderms. The comparison of calcimass and associated biomass shows that CaCO3/AFDW ratio fluctuates between 1.6 to 19.3. These values are similar to those obtained in some rocky bottom communities. Calcimass values usually largely exceed biomass ones; therefore the carbon linked to carbonates cannot be excluded from the carbon balance including macrofauna, which are usually represented only by biomass organic matter. According to mean longevity of species providing CaCO3, the annual carbonate production by macrobenthos in Mediterranean fine sands can be roughly estimated as being one third of its calcimass value.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2003,26(5-6):645-655
The Medusae of Tunis Gulf (25 species) are qualitatively the third zooplanktonic group after Tintinnids and Copepods. Anthomedusae (eight species), Trachymedusae (five species) and Leptomedusae (four species) represent the major part among the 20 species of Hydromedusae identified during our study (December 1993–November 1995). However, the Limnomedusae (two species) and the Narcomedusae (one species) are poorly represented. In the Bay of Tunis, Obelia spp., the most common and dominant species, command the quantitative fluctuations of Hydromedusae and reach exceptionally the density of 25 800 ind. m–3. Within the Scyphomedusae (five species), Pelagia noctiluca is the most common species which outbreaks in winter and autumn. Tunis Gulf seems to be composed of two jellyfish communities; the first one is composed of endogenous species showing a constant period of blooming like Olindias, Cladonema, Aurelia, Cotylorhiza and Rhizostoma and sometimes permanent like Obelia spp. and Clytia spp.; the second is represented by exogenous species considered as “visitors” like Velella, Sminthea or Pelagia whose presence on the coast is dependent on local and particular winds and currents.  相似文献   

A detailed mapping and data from borings support the conclusion that there is a late lava flow inside the Papenoo valley, the main valley of Tahiti island. This last volcanic manifestation which took place 400,000 years ago came after the phase of erosion corresponding to the Illinoian glacial period. It is one of the four phases of erosion followed by filling observed in the cross section of the Papenoo valley.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(3):353-364
The Bay of Guaratuba, whose area is approximately 45 km2, is a basin, situated to the south of Brazil (25° 52′ S; 48° 39′ W) and connected to the Atlantic ocean. In its northern part, a region of mangrove is found, under the influence of seasonal fluvial contributions, dominated by Laguncularia racemosa. The depth exceeds 6 m in some places. According to the period of the year, salinity varies between 3 and 37, and temperature between 15 and 28 °C. Several of the present fish species are exploited by commercial and recreational fisheries. This work describes characteristics of the fish populations occupying this mangrove, and temporal and spatial evolution of populations of the main species from available data on their biology. Between September 1993 and August 1996, fish samplings have been undertaken monthly by trawl, according to the same fishing effort (20 min), in channels of this ecosystem. Size, numerical abundance and weight of each individual of species were measured, as well as surface and bottom temperatures and bottom salinity. Species richness, Shannon-Weaver's diversity index were calculated and abundances were processed by the multivaried analysis. The global species richness is 61 species, distributed in 28 families; the better represented species are Sciaenidae (10), Gerreidae (5), Carangidae (5), Ariidae (4), Haemulidae (3), Serranidae (3), Bothidae (3). Each year, the number of species varies between 41 and 44, and a group of eight species represents between 80 to 90 % of the density and 75 % of the biomass. The constancy of this dominance is the main characteristic of this fish assemblage. The most represented species in abundance is Pomadasys corvinaeformis is the first two years, then Stellifer rastrifer. The group of eight main species is shared by 15 species in total, of which 13 for the density and 14 for the biomass. The most important monthly catches take place in winter season, during which one observes a decrease of water temperature and an increase of salinity. These species, however, being likely to be replaced by others according to the year or the season; one never finds the same composition in the assemblage which preserves always the same structures. Seasonal differences between seasons under marine (winter) and continental (summer) influences play a major role on the dynamics of fish in the Guaratuba mangrove. This ecosystem plays a functional role in the achievement of the life cycle of many permanent or temporary species. Those having succeeded to reach high levels of abundance are not represented in a uniform way in the course of the year, even when they reside permanently in the ecosystem. Periodic displacement strategies for self regulation of stocks abundance, are necessary mechanisms for these populations, which thus success to coexist in occupying the mangrove.  相似文献   

A sampling survey in the Ligurian Sea and north of the Balearic Islands (Mediterranean Sea) brought back samples containing the following elements: (1) lithified Quaternary crust and deep-lying corals; (2) Early Pliocene marls corresponding to reflector level M in some cases; (3) red sediments tentatively assimilated with the Messinian continental equivalent; (4) rocks coming from the basement; (5) volcanic rocks.For the first time, basalts with olivine were discovered in the Algero-Provencal Abyssal Plain.A volcano 500 m high was sampled by dredging north of Minorca.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of Hg, Cu, Zn and Pb ions was studied in three mollusc species at three sites in the Berre lagoon (Marseille, France), which have been selected according to their hydrodynamic conditions. The degree of the contamination of these mollusc populations was calculated in order to determine the levels of the metal ions present. The uptake of metal ions was regularly monitored for two successive years; the causes of the high variability was observed throughout the two years for all the species studied are discussed.  相似文献   

The interpretation of sedimentological and geochronological results lead us to the conclusion that the sedimentary levees flanking the deep-sea channels of the Rhône deep-sea fan are made up of various kinds of turbidites originating from different coastal areas and were deposited during the Quaternary glacial epochs.  相似文献   

The outer slope of the eastern reefs of Mauritius shows: from 0 to 15 m depth, a spurs-and-grooves zone of coral morphogenesis, sometimes replaced by a flagstone of coral morphogenesis (down to 20 m) or a spurs-and-grooves zone of volcanic morphogenesis; from 20 to 50 m, a volcanic flagstone with a thin coral-built layer and a buttresses-and-valleys zone of volcanic morphogenesis. The living cover of the upper part (0–15 m) is also quite similar to the cover of the leeward side. On the contrary, the volcanic basement in the lower part is poorly covered by reef-building organisms, while soft or slightly calcified algae are of widespread occurrence.  相似文献   

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