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用卡尔曼滤波预报南海热带气旋路径的试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用卡尔曼滤波方法预报南海热带气旋路径,发现采用卡尔曼滤波可以大大地降低预报误差,提高预测模型的预报能力。  相似文献   

南海区域台风路径数值预报业务模式的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出一套解决台风数值预报初始场的方案,构造一个与模式物理过程相协调的人造台同环流,并在此基础上产生人造资料,将人造资料与常规资料混合起来分析,再经过正规模初始化,使模型台风进一步与作者新近研制的有限区域数值预报模式相协调,最后对南海区域台风路径预报作了多方面的敏感性试验,对1993、1994两年在华南登陆的台风逐一进行预报的结果说明,本模式对华南区域台风的路径完全具有预报能力。  相似文献   

南海异常路径台风预报的数值试验   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用广州热带海洋气象研究所最近发展的热带有限区台风数值预报模式,对1991年登陆广东的9116号强热带风暴(Joel)进行了数值预报试验。结果表明:模型台风的加入,模式水平和垂直分辨率的提高,物理过程的完善,能大大提高台风路径的预报准确率。  相似文献   

In this paper, a statistical interpretation composite forecast model for typhoon track is set up by using numerical forecast products and several forecast schemes. Tested in 1994 typhoon season, its forecastperformance is much better than that of a previous statistical forecast model. The test shows that it is aneffective method that sufficiently Anproves objective forecast of typhoon track using the numerical forecast output products obtained in forecast and adopting several schemes in composition.  相似文献   

The TOVS data are used to study the structure of a number of tropical cyclones for the year 2000. Differences are found to some extent between what is found and classic conceptual models in that (1) the horizontal structure is asymmetric and variable so that the low-value centers at low levels of the geopotential height field (or the high-value centers at high levels) do not necessarily coincide with the high-value centers of the temperature field; (2) the vertical structure is also variable in the allocation of the anomalies of the geopotential height field between low values at low levels and high values at high levels. It is especially noted that the centers of the anomalies are tilting at both high and low levels or the high level is only at the edge of a high-pressure zone. There is not any significant high-value anomalous center in a corresponding location with the tropical cyclone. The structure of tropical cyclone in the TOVS is also used as reference to modify the structure of typhoon BOGUS in the numerical prediction model system of tropical cyclones. It is found that the modified BOGUS performs better in coordinating with the environment and predicting the track of the tropical cyclone. The demonstration is two-fold — the structure of the typhoon BOGUS is such that it means much in the track prediction and the use of the TOVS-based tropical cyclone structure really helps in improving it. It provides the foundation for modification and evolution of typhoon BOGUS.  相似文献   

分析了各嵌套变量的作用和效果,发现采用部分变量嵌套就能取得一定效果,各变量的作用也不完全相同。这样,可以选取作用大,质量好,易处理的变量进行嵌套。并相应地提出了一个边界嵌套处理方案,应用于南海带热带气旋数值预报有限区模式(TL10)与全球谐模式(T63)的嵌套过程,通过数值预报试验,表明采用该嵌套处理方案能够取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

Daily and weekly sea surface temperature data of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System sensors are used as forcing of the underlying sea surface in the mesoscale numerical model to simulate Typhoon Dujuan that moved across the South China Sea in 2003. The numerical results show that different SSTs near the typhoon center result in differences in the atmospheric wind field, indicating that the model has a fast and obvious response to SSTs. Different SST influences the intensity and track of Dujuan to some degree and has significant impacts on its precipitation and latent heat flux near the eye. The SST influence on Dujuan is mainly fulfilled by changing the latent heat flux between the ocean surface and the atmosphere above.  相似文献   

Accurate simulation of tropical cyclone tracks is a prerequisite for tropical cyclone risk assessment. Against the spatial characteristics of tropical cyclone tracks in the Northwest Pacific region, stochastic simulation method based on classification model is used to simulate tropical cyclone tracks in this region. Such simulation includes the classification method, the genesis model, the traveling model, and the lysis model. Tropical cyclone tracks in the Northwest Pacific region are classified into five categories on the basis of its movement characteristics and steering positions. In the genesis model, Gaussian kernel probability density functions with the biased cross validation method are used to simulate the annual occurrence number and genesis positions. The traveling model is established on the basis of the mean and mean square error of the historical 6 h latitude and longitude displacements. The termination probability is used as the discrimination standard in the lysis model. Then, this stochastic simulation method of tropical cyclone tracks is applied and qualitatively evaluated with different diagnostics. Results show that the tropical cyclone tracks in Northwest Pacific can be satisfactorily simulated with this classification model.  相似文献   

利用华南沿海代表站逐日历史资料和南海附近区域再分析格点资料,采用灰色拓扑预测、天文周期、阴阳历叠加等方法,建立非线性综合集成预测模型,对上述站点和区域的逐日气压、降水量等要素进行气候预测;通过分析沿海各代表站气压谷值、降水峰值的出现时间、以及南海区域气压场中低压环流的位置和动态,综合确定年内影响华南的热带气旋可能出现的时间段和区域。该方法在广东省气象台投入业务应用多年,经检验近5年(7—9月台风活跃季节)热带气旋影响时段的平均预测准确率达到70%左右。  相似文献   

Today, the nested model is used widely. The effect and role of each nested variate is analyzed in this paper. It is found that the forecast could benefit by nesting part of the variates and the effect of each of the variates may be different. Therefore, only the effectual variates are chosen for the nesting. According to this finding, a scheme is suggested and applied to the limited area mode (TL10) nested with global spectral mode (T63) for forecasting tropical cyclones over the South China Sea. A few numerical prediction tests show that this scheme is reasonable and efficient.  相似文献   

不同海表面温度对南海台风“杜鹃”的影响试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水平分辨率0.25 °×0.25 °的日平均和周平均的卫星微波成像仪(TMI)和卫星微波辐射计(AMSRE)的海温资料(TMI-AMSRE SST)作为下强迫源,利用中尺度数值模式MM5对南海过境台风"杜鹃"进行了模拟.试验结果表明:台风中心附近SST的差异会导致大气风场的差异,从而使模式对SST有比较快速而且明显的响应;不同的SST对台风的强度和路径都有一定的影响,而对台风降水和台风中心附近潜热通量有明显的影响;不同SST对台风的影响主要是通过改变海-气潜热通量来实现的.  相似文献   

台风路径集合预报的实时订正技术研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在台风业务预报中,由于模式运行、后处理及资料传输等原因,数值模式指导产品包括集合预报都存在一定时间的滞后,若直接使用会造成数值模式或集合预报平均的预报效果降低。利用ECMWF集合预报台风路径和中央气象台(简称中央台)实时业务定位,在统计分析的基础上,提出一种业务上可用的针对单模式集合预报的台风路径实时订正技术。结果表明,该方法明显优于单模式集合预报平均和确定性预报,在对2012年的预报试验中,24、48、72、96 h的时效路径预报误差分别比集合平均提高了15%、6%、10%、8%。同时其路径误差优于目前我国业务路径预报,2012年平均24、48、72、96 h的路径误差分别减小7、7、11、10 km。  相似文献   

南海热带气旋路径集合预报试验   总被引:6,自引:14,他引:6  
利用3种不同模式的初始资料,通过它们生成得到16个不同的初始场,分别对2004年南海及其周边地区9个热带气旋个例进行集合预报试验,最后筛选得到了7个南海热带气旋初值集合成员,由此初步探讨了南海热带气旋初值集合成员的生成方法。结果表明,采用不同模式的初始资料生成得到初值集合成员的方法用于集合预报,对南海热带气旋路径预报有一些明显的改进。  相似文献   

南海海温异常对华南气候影响的数值研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析的500hPa高度场、海温场(SST)、极冰资料,分析讨论了登陆广东省热带气旋活动异常与大气环流、极冰、SST、各种环流指数等影响因子之间的关系,得到登陆广东省热带气旋(TC)偏多、偏少年对应的大气环流、极冰、SST、各种环流指数的概念模型。分析结果表明:(1)亚欧大陆在秋、冬季中高纬度以经(纬)向环流为主,则次年登陆广东省的TC偏多(少);(2)赤道东太平洋SST对热带气旋的影响最稳定和最明显,当1~4月赤道东太平洋SST偏暖(冷)时,当年登陆广东省的TC偏少(多),次年登陆的TC偏多(少);(3)夏、秋、冬季多(少)冰年,或者秋冬季连续多(少)冰年时,登陆热带气旋多为正常偏少(多)。  相似文献   

西北太平洋(含南海)热带气旋路径集成预报分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于2004—2009 年中国中央气象台、日本气象厅、美国联合台风警报中心、欧洲中心对西北太平洋和南海编号热带气旋主客观预报资料,利用算术平均、多元回归以及历史平均误差等三种集成方法,建立了热带气旋路径集成预报业务化系统。通过2007—2009 年的业务运行结果分析发现,欧洲中心客观预报参与的24、48 和72 h 集成比主观预报三个成员集成预报水平分别提高约2%、3%~5%和3%~5%,减小误差2.5 km左右、6~9 km 和10~12 km。技巧分析发现,24~72 h 集成预报有正技巧,多元回归集成技巧相对稍低,而算术平均和以各成员平均误差的平方倒数为权重系数的集成技巧对于各集成成员来说技巧差异不大。96 h 集成预报对欧洲中心的客观预报没有正技巧。   相似文献   

An approach is proposed for predicting turning and acceleration motion trend of the tropicalcyclones over the South China Sea for 72 h in the extrapolated track coordinates.Cross-track(CT)and along-track(AT)components are defined according to the persistently extrapolatedtrack coodinates based on observed positions at the initial and past 24 h times.A kind of straight-forward measure may be provided with CT and AT components for typhoon turning motion and ac-celeration motion.Canonical correlation analysis(CCA)is performed to reveal the correlaotions be-tween tropical cyclone tracks and environmental 500 hPa geopotential height fields.A stepwise dis-criminate analysis technique is adopted to derive the classification functions of the respective threecategories for AT and CT components.Especially,categorical combinations of CT and AT compo-nents are divided into possible 9 regions corresponding with tropical cyclone behaviors.Not onlycan 9 motion trends of a tropical cyclone be predicted,but also the location and its maximum errorat least in certain direction are available.The perfect prediction(PP)verifications indicate that thepercent corrects for the CT and AT categories are 67% and 69% in the independent samples,73%and 53% in the dependent samples,respectively,higher than that of 33.3% for random chance;moreover,the rate for successfully forecasting that in which one of the nine regions the tropical cy-clones will fall at 72 h is about 40%,also higher than the stochastic probability of 11%.Themethod has been proved to be skillful and promising.  相似文献   

东海热带气旋路径预报模式业务运行结果及改进模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
统计分析了东海热带气旋路径预报模式在1996年、1997年和1998年三年业务运行的结果;系统地与主观预报和日本数值预报结果进行了同个例同时次的比较:对模式边界层物理过程中摩擦拖曳系数以及二次台风Bogus技术、三维最优插值客观分析方法和资料同化等影响热带气旋移动的作用进行了试验研究;实现了间歇资料同化处理的业务化运行。  相似文献   

Using data of tropical cyclones making landfall in China between May and October each year during the 1951-2015 period from the Shanghai Typhoon Institute, China Meteorological Administration (CMA-STI) Tropical Cyclone (TC) Best Track Dataset, we developed a method of rapid classification of TC tracks based on their average movement velocities and noted three types of tracks: a westward type, a northwestward type, and a northward type. We compared the climate characteristics of the westward and northward types and discuss their corresponding causes. The results show that the westward and northward types account for more than 80% of all TCs making landfall in China. Their climate characteristics, such as the frequency, landfall intensity, duration over land, velocity over land, movement distance over land, and other changes, show both similarities and differences. Both TC types show significant increases in their over-land durations, indicating that the effects of these landfalling TCs are increasing. However, the causes of these two TC types are similar and different in certain respects. The changes in large-scale steering flows have significantly affected the frequencies and over-land velocities of the landfalling TCs of the westward and northward types. In addition, differences between the changes in formation locations of the westward and northward types may lead to significant difference in their landfall intensities.  相似文献   

Three typhoon cases are selected to conduct a series of simulations that are initialized from sequential analyses. The results show that the forecast error in crucial area where a tropical cyclone (TC) interactes with the upstream trough is highly correlated to the track forecast error after the TC recurvature. Furthermore, sensitivity experiments confirm that the developments of the midlatitude downstream circulations and then the TC track after its recurvature are highly sensitive to the TC intensity and its location relative to the upstream trough, which can give an example or one way of sensitivity of the TC track to the TC-trough interaction. If the TC interacts with the upstream trough more strongly (e.g., the TC being intensified or getting closer to the upstream trough), the downstream circulations will be more meridional, thus the TC track will be more northerly and westerly; otherwise, the downstream circulations will be more zonal, and the TC track will be more southerly and easterly.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to develop a predictive model of the yearly frequency of typhoon.Based on historical data, a predictive model of yearly frequency of typhoon that landed in South China was proposed during the season of typhoon using the basic thinking and its algorithm of Pro.jcction Pursuit Regression (PPR). The results show that the predictive precision of PPR model is much better than that of stepwise regression (SR) model.  相似文献   

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