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沙龙滨  任健  蒋辉  Kuijpers A 《极地研究》2008,20(3):229-239
本文分析了西格陵兰Disko湾的表层沉积物硅藻,发现并统计了分属于39个属的78个硅藻种及其变种。应用对应分析方法,对Disko湾表层沉积硅藻组合进行了分类:组合Ⅰ为Fragilariopsis cylindrus-Fragilariopsis oceanica组合,主要分布在西格陵兰Disko湾南部的近岸和外海处;组合Ⅱ为Detonula confervaceae休眠孢子-Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii组合,都分布在Dis-ko湾北部海域。其中,根据海流等环境要素的不同,组合Ⅰ又可进一步划分为两个亚区:组合Ⅰa为F.cylindrus-F.oceanica-Pauliella taeniata组合,主要分布于沿岸海区;组合Ⅰb为F.cy-lindrus-F.oceanica-Thalassiosira antarcticavar.borealis休眠孢子-Thalassiosiracf.antarcticavar.borealis组合,分布于外海区域。  相似文献   

Johan M. Bonow   《Geomorphology》2005,72(1-4):106-127
Classifications of large-scale landscapes in Greenland have traditionally been based on type and intensity of glacial erosion, with the general idea that present landforms are mainly the result of erosion from ice sheets and glaciers. However, on southern Disko and in areas offshore in Disko Bugt, a basement surface has preserved remnants of weathered gneiss and pre-Paleocene landforms, recently exhumed from Paleocene basalt. Isolated hills and lineaments have been mapped in a digital terrain model and aerial photographs. Offshore have hills been mapped from seismic lines. The medium size bedrock forms on southern Disko as tors, clefts and roche moutonées have been studied in the field. Remnant saprolites were inventoried, sampled and analysed according to grain size and clay mineralogy. The basement surface retains saprolites up to 8 m thick in close relation to the cover rocks. The landforms in the basement rocks belong essentially to an etched surface only slightly remodelled by glacial erosion and, below the highest coastline, also by wave action. The outline of hills is governed by two lineament directions, ENE–WSW representing the schistocity of the gneiss and NW–SE fracture zones. These structures are thus interpreted to have been exploited by the deep weathering while the frequent N–S lineaments have not and thus might be younger. Main ice-flow has been from the NE and has resulted in plucking of SW facing lee sides, however the resulting bedrock forms are mainly controlled by structures and orientation of joints. The identification of re-exposed sub-Paleocene etch forms on Disko and the hills of similar size offshore, forming a hilly relief, have implications for identification of a hilly relief south of Disko Bugt, its relation to younger planation surfaces as well as for conclusions of uplift events.  相似文献   

Frich, Povl and Brandt, Erik: Holocene talus accumulation rates,—and their influence on rock glacier growth. A case study from Igpik, Disko—West Greenland. Geografisk Tidsskrift 85: 32–44 Copenhagen, October 1985.

The Igpik area is located ten km east of Godhavn on the south-coast of the island Disko. Geologically the area is dominated by Tertiary basalt formations.

A general geomorphological classification of this area, which covers approximately three square kms, has been made. Based on radiocarbon ages of former marine levels in the Disko Bugt area, the beginning of talus accumulation has been determined for two talus cones situated on raised beaches. They have ages of 5800 and 7900 14C y. B.P. Using theodolite readings, the volumes of three different talus cones have been determined and two average talus accumulation rates have been calculated for the cones located on raised beaches. These values are transformed into an average Holocene rockwall retreat rate of 0.0005 and 0.0015 m/year, respectively. The total volume of two lobate rock glaciers is calculated to be 2.2 mill, cu.m and as they are located inside 9000 years old local moraines, the average Holocene mass-transfer through the third talus cone has been estimated to 1.4 106 tons×m/sq.km/y. Finally the results are discussed, with reference to other areas, and as a possible threshhold for the initiation of rock glaciers.  相似文献   

The geomorphology of a coarse clastic coastal landscape at Tuapaat (69°24'N 52°36'W), southeastern Disko Island, central West Greenland, is described, and a coastal morpho-stratigraphy of the landscape is constructed. 14C ages on marine shells, whale bones, peat and gyttja are used to construct relative sea level changes throughout the Holocene. The emergence of SE Disko Island occurred in the early part of the Holocene. The Holocene marine limit is situated ca. 80m a.s.l. Between 4.7 and 1.0ka BP, the relative sea level approached the present sea level and it has probably been below present sea level between 4.7 ka BP and the present. The morpho-stratigraphy in the lowest part of the coastal landscape at Tuapaat suggests a complex late Holocene relative sea level history which includes at least 3-4 transgressions during the last ca. 2.5 ka.  相似文献   

188 new and previously published radiocarbon dates on Holocene material from Disko Bugt, central West Greenland, are presented together with relevant informations (laboratory number, place name, dated material, geografic coordinates, altitude and δ13C-value) about the dates.

In October 1990 an automatic weather station was established at the Arctic station (65 °15′N,53 °31′W), Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Central West Greenland. The Station register parameters each 20 min., and the parameters have been described in an earlier paper in this journal by Nielsen et al. (1995). The present paper summarises main points of the climate during 1996.

Open system, or more correctly, hydraulic pingos, are genetically poorly understood. A continuing problem concerns their need for a perennial groundwater supply (intra- or sub-permafrost). This has to be maintained despite the existence of continuous permafrost in many areas where they are located. Recent work on Disko Island has suggested a new type of hydraulic pingo developing only in a “marsh environment”. It is argued that the marsh setting is not relevant to the formation of these features and that they are simply hydraulic pingos.


A group of marsh initiated open system pingo remnants from the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley mouth, in Mellemfjord, Disko Island, Central West Greenland was described in Christiansen (1995). Gurney and Worsley (1997) state that the location of this group of pingo remnants in the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley mouth is of no relevance to their genesis, and that they presumably were the result of an assumed late Holocene sea level regression, causing permafrost to be established in the valley bottom. In this reply the arguments by Gurney and Worsley (1997) on the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley pingos are commented, and it is argued by way of sea level information, frost penetration and water supply that the special setting must indeed have caused pingo initiation and growth. Furthermore, the area has experienced a relative sea level rise during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

长江流域全新世环境考古研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长江流域是我国重要的经济区和人类文明孕育、诞生和发展区,也是水旱等自然灾害频繁发生的地区,在该区开展全新世环境考古研究,对弄清全新世10.0~3.0 ka BP无文字记载期的环境演变和人地关系互动影响有着重要的科学意义。近年来,长江流域全新世环境考古主要以古洪水和海面变化事件地层学为依据和线索,从遗址时空分布学研究、典型遗址考古地层学研究,以及区域内自然沉积地层记录的环境演变背景特征研究这三个方面入手,在长江流域的上、中、下游地区均获得了有重要意义的进展,表明长江流域全新世环境考古正在向更深更广的领域发展。同时,国际环境考古研究也在不断深入发展,新出版的PAGES Magazine杂志就特别关注了分辨率高达一年至数月的过去沉积记录;遥感、GIS等技术和DNA等分子生物学技术正不断在环境考古领域得到应用。  相似文献   

Four relative sea-level curves from Edgeøya and Barentsøya are constructed based on 81 radiocarbon age determinations on carefully selected and levelled samples in raised beaches, mostly driftwood embedded in beach gravel. All the dates, covering the period from the deglaciation to the present, are calibrated to calendar years, and the sea-level curves are defined by fitting the data with a least square regression curve. The dates are internally very consistent, and the results are some of the most precise sea-level curves from the Arctic.
The four curves are quite similar, and from the marine limit at 85-90 m a.s.l. they show a rapid emergence (ca 40 mm/year), formed about 11,000 cal yrs BP (∼10,00014C yrs BP). A minimum rate of emergence close to 8000 cal years ago is explained by a decreased rate in isostatic uplift parallel with a sustained rate of eustatic sea-level rise. During the last 7000 cal years, the emergence rate has decreased linearly. The uplift rates have been slightly higher on southern Edgeøya than further north during the last 7000 years. By comparing the sea-level curves from Storøya (ca 270 km to the north) and Hopen (ca 150 km to the south), we suggest that a memory of an earlier and larger glacio-isostatic downwarping in the southern Barents Sea is detected in the sea-level curves from Hopen and southern Edgeøya.  相似文献   

Jacobsen, N. Kingo, et.al. Report of activities at Tugtuligssuaq, Melville Bugt, 1978–79. Geografisk Tidsskrift 80: 29–44. Copenhagen, June 1980.

A joint cooperative Greenland/Danish expedition to the Melville Bugt area, Tugtuligssuaq/Kap Seddon to throw light on the Eskimos' immigration routes to Greenland seen in relation to climatic fluctuations. Studies of geography, botany, zoology, archaeology, and ethnohistory have been carried out.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven surface samples were collected from the Kjelst Enge salt marsh in Ho Bugt, Jutland, to investigate the potential use of salt-marsh foraminifera as sea-level indicators in Holocene intertidal deposits. Previous work from many coastlines around the world has shown that the vertical distribution of salt-marsh foraminifera is strongly controlled by the duration of tidal flooding (or height relative to tide level). Concentrations of foraminifera in Kjelst Enge salt marsh are low, especially in the high marsh, but a strong correlation was found between relative abundances of foraminiferal species and tidal elevation for 16 samples containing more than 30 specimens per 5 cc of sediment (r2 = 0.80, root mean square error = 0.16 m). Sediment pH also has a strong influence on the distribution of the foraminifera, but salinity appears to be insignificant.  相似文献   

Two perched dune systems are investigated in the Baie d'Audierne (Finistère, Brittany, northwest France). A maximum age of 4545–4160 cal. yr bp for the onset of sand accretion is provided through radiocarbon (14C) analysis of an organic-rich basal palaeosol, corresponding closely to deceleration, but before stabilisation, of regional Holocene relative sea levels (RSLs). Molluscan analysis through the dune sand indicates an initial bare sand or sparsely vegetated surface, subsequently maturing and colonised by scrub vegetation, and finally returning to more open dune grassland conditions. These data suggest a three-stage Perched Dune Development Model (PDDM), which may be applicable to perched dunes on at least a regional scale: (1) initial sand sheet inundation as RSL rises; (2) stabilisation of RSL allowing dune to mature; and (3) sea-level stabilisation stimulates cliff formation, perching and progressive landward retreat of the dune shore. This study recognises that perched dunes hold greater potential for establishing chronologies for regional Holocene dune development than the more widely studied lowland dune systems, where evidence for early sand inundation may be obscured or lost by modest rises in sea level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper presents evidence for a neotectonic influence on Late Pleistocene/Holocene records of environmental change in the southern Strait of Magellan. We concentrate on one site, Puerto del Hambre, a key location for reconstructing palaeoenvironmental change in southernmost South America. We report geomorphological, structural geological, seismic and topographic data that all show the site has been affected by postglacial faulting. There is also indirect evidence from the site stratigraphy that the site has been displaced. Also, recent faulting explains some of the puzzles associated with interpretation of the palaeoenvironmental record at Puerto del Hambre. The implication of this work is that neotectonic faulting had a pervasive influence in the southern part of the Strait of Magellan and southernmost Tierra del Fuego, and thus affects glacial or sea level reconstructions in the area.  相似文献   

Nielsen, Niels: Periglaciale former på kyster opbygget af løse sedimenter—nogle iagttagelser fra Disko, Vestgrønland. Geografisk Tidsskrift 82: 67–73, København, November 12, 1982.

The dynamics of ice-foot and sea ice and the resulting morphological effect on arctic coasts are described, focussing upon the ice as sediment-transporting factor and the thermokarst-like development of forms on the foreshore during the melt period.


Om vinteren islægges havet omkring arktiske kyster, hvilket betyder en midlertidig afbrydelse af bølgernes påvirkning af kysterne. Men på trods heraf er den littorale zone ikke morfodynamisk inaktiv i denne periode.

Observationer foretaget på Disko, Gr0nland, viser, at såvel isfoden som havisen umiddelbart foran isfoden kan have en betydelig effekt på kyster udformet i klassiske sedimenter.

Tidevandsforskellen omkring Disko er 2,9 m ved springtid, ogden karakteristiske isfodsdannelse er af typen »tidal platform ice-foot«.

lsfodsdannelse på sedimentkyster anses ofte som konserverende for kysten. lagttagelser har dog vist, at bølgeopkastede isblokke og isflager, lastet med sediment, forårsager en thermokarst-lignende formudvikling på stranden. I samme forbindelse er der observeret struktur- og teksturfænomener i såvel sand- som rullestenkysters sedimenter, som kan henf0res til isens påvirkning.  相似文献   

During the last glacial maximum, a coalescent ice mass consisting of the grounded Ross Sea ice sheet and an expanded Wilson Piedmont Glacier covered the southern Scott Coast. This coalescent ice mass was part of a larger grounded ice sheet that occupied the Ross Sea Embayment during the last glacial maximum. Deglaciation of the western Ross Sea Embayment adjacent to the southern Scott Coast was delayed until shortly before 6500 14C yr bp , aconclusion based on ages of marine shells from McMurdo Sound, a relative sea-level curve, and algae that lived in ice-dammed lakes. Therefore, most recession of grounded ice in the Ross Sea Embayment occurred in mid to late Holocene time, after deglacial sea-level rise due to melting of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets essentially was accomplished. Rising sea level alone could not have driven grounding-line retreat back to the present-day Siple Coast.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages and sulfur content in sediments were analyzed to clarify changes in the sedimentary environment of Kushu Lake, a coastal lake on Rebun Island in Hokkaido, Japan. Salinity variations were assessed by means of a diatom-based index of paleosalinity and the sedimentary sulfur content. This paper discusses the Holocene development of the lake, in relation to Holocene relative sea-level change. For paleoenvironmental interpretation of the lake development, the rationale of the threshold method (Anundsen et al., 1994) was applied.At ca. 8000 yr BP, a coastal embayment (paleo-Kushu Bay) resulted from marine ingression. The threshold elevation at the mouth of the paleo-Kushu Bay kept pace with the rising sea-level, resulting in its enclosure at the culmination of Holocene marine transgression (ca. 6500–5000 yr BP). From predicted relative sea-level at ca. 6000 yr BP for Rebun Island (Nakada et al., 1991), the threshold may have been at least above –3 to –5 m altitude. A freshwater lake environment with strongly anoxic bottom conditions may have occurred from ca. 5500 to 5100 yr BP. After an important episode of marine ingression, the lake was isolated completely from the open sea at ca. 4900 yr BP. The diatom record suggests that the maximum lacustrine extent occurred at ca. 4900–3100 yr BP. Thereafter, water depth decreased at the lake margins.In Kushu Lake, the threshold elevation, due to a build-up of a coastal barrier, prevents us from determining the amplitude of sea-level changes, even though the age of isolation contacts corresponds to periods of regression and climatic deterioration. In spite of isostatic subsidence, the effective protection provided by the well-developed barrier did not allow registration of any relative sea-level fluctuations since its isolation.  相似文献   

An evolutionary model of sedimentary environments since late Marine Isotope Stage 3 (late MIS 3, i.e., ca. 39 cal ka BP) along the middle Jiangsu coast is presented based upon a reinterpretation of core 07SR01, new correlations between adjacent published cores, and shallow seismic profiles recovered in the Xiyang tidal channel and adjacent northern sea areas. Geomorphology, sedimentology, radiocarbon dating and seismic and sequence stratigraphy are combined to confirm that environmental changes since late MIS 3 in the study area were controlled primarily by sea-level fluctuations, sediment discharge of paleo-rivers into the South Yellow Sea (SYS), and minor tectonic subsidence, all of which impacted the progression of regional geomorphic and sedimentary environments (Le., coastal barrier island freshwater lacustrine swamp, river floodplain, coastal marsh, tidal sand ridge, and tidal channel). This resulted in the formation of a fifth-order sequence stratigraphy, comprised of the parasequence of the late stage of the last interstadial (Para-Sq2), including the highstand and forced regressive wedge system tracts (HST and FRWST), and the parasequence of the postglacial period (Para-Sql), including the transgressive and highstand system tracts (TST and HST). The tidal sand ridges likely began to develop during the postglacial transgression as sea-level rise covered the middle Jiangsu coast at ca. 9.0 cal ka BP. These initially submerged tidal sand ridges were constantly migrating until the southward migration of the Yellow River mouth to the northern Jiangsu coast during AD 1128 to 1855. The paleo-Xiyang tidal channel that was determined by the paleo-tidal current field and significantly different from the modern one, was in existence during the Holocene transgressive maxima and lasted until AD 1128. Following the capture of the Huaihe River in AD 1128 by the Yellow River, the paleo-Xiyang tidal channel was infilled with a large amount of river-derived sediments from AD 1128 to 1855, causing the emergence of some of the previously submerged tidal sand ridges. From AD 1855 to the present, the infilled paleo-Xiyang tidal channel has undergone scouring, resulting in its modern form. The modern Xiyang tidal channel continues to widen and deepen, due both to strong tidal current scouring and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

太湖地区多剖面地层学分析与良渚期环境事件   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
史威  马春梅  朱诚  王富葆  李世杰 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1129-1138
太湖地区多剖面地层学分析和环境考古研究表明:本区良渚期为全新世大暖期中气候逐渐向干凉转变的时期,但大部分时间里仍略比今天暖湿。良渚期末气候走入低谷并剧烈波动,良渚期侵蚀面反映一次较长时间的海面下降过程,气候剧烈波动的转型期与海面下降至低海面过程相一致。此时本区洪积层、埋藏遗址及遗址地层中文化间歇层等发育皆反映古洪水泛滥事件的存在;而良渚期侵蚀面上的铁锰结核聚集现象及现没于水下的众多良渚期开挖的古井等遗迹还反映出这一时期也曾发生过气候干燥事件。分析认为良渚文化繁荣发展期陆地面积扩大,气候略好于今天;而良渚文化衰亡期则处于4300~3800aB. P.间的水、旱灾丛生的低海面气候异常期。  相似文献   

Record of sea-level fall in tropical carbonates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Stratigraphic forward modeling and comparison with published case studies have been used to determine the controls and stability domains of two conceptual models concerning relative sea-level fall in carbonate sequence stratigraphy. In the standard model, deposition occurs principally during rise and stillstands of relative sea level; a continuous erosional unconformity develops during sea-level fall. The falling-stage systems tract model (FST) postulates significant deposition during sea-level fall. Sedimentological principles, numerical models and published case studies of tropical carbonate sequences indicate that presence or absence of FST is not simply a function of the rate of sea-level fall but depends on the balance of the rates of erosion, sea-level fall and carbonate production, whereby the FST is favoured by high production, slow erosion and slow sea-level fall. Case studies plotted in the parameter space spanned by these variables support the modeling results. The ranges of rates required for the FST in the modeling runs are common in the geologic record. Consequently, the FST can be expected to be more common in tropical carbonate rocks than published records, particularly seismic data, currently indicate.  相似文献   

淀山湖太湖形成的古生物证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
闵秋宝 《地理研究》1987,6(4):26-35
通过对湖泊周围钻孔样品的微体古生物分析,根据化石群的生态特征,结合岩性、孢粉、14C等资料探讨晚更新世中期以来淀山湖、太湖沉积环境的演变过程,并比较其异同。现代湖泊的形成于全新世晚期。  相似文献   

An evolutionary model for sabkha development on the north coast of the UAE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The north coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) provides a typical example of coastal sabkha (supratidal flat) formation. Various stages of sabkha development can be recognized along this coast. This paper combines previous studies of sabkha environment with the results of field investigation of sabkha geomorphology, sedimentology, and stratigraphy on the north coast of UAE, to formulate a model of sabkha evolution.The model has six stages in the evolution of coastal sabkhas following the early Holocene sea-level rise. These are: Stage 1: sea-level rise results in the formation of an embayment. Stage 2: involves subsequent spit development and progradation across the bay as a result of sediment availability. Stage 3: coincident with spit evolution is the development of a khor (tidal inlet) with or without mangrove. Channel depth of Khors varies from 4 to 6 m. Stage 4: sediment accumulates in the khor reducing the khor depth, turning it into a lagoon. There are three sub-stages of the lagoon stage. (a) With lagoon depths of 1–2 m, (b) with lagoon depths 0.5 m or less, (c) when the lagoon floor is exposed at low tide. Stage 5: is sabkha formation; development occurs in two sub-stages. In the first the sabkha is immature and flooded during rain storms and spring tides (0.1 m above present sea-level). Later the sabkha is only flooded after rainstorms, when it reaches an elevation of about 1 m or more above present sea-level. Stage 6: in sabkha development is the coastal plain, which results when large sabkhas are linked together.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 110(2):279–296, 2010

Archaeological field research was undertaken in northwestern Greenland between 2004 and 2009 by the Inglefield Land Archaeology Project (ILAP). Over 2400 cultural features were recorded during foot survey, with additional sites located during helicopter reconnaissance. Focusing on the late prehistoric to historic transition, excavation of two Thule-Inughuit winter houses and adjacent middens was carried out at Iita, Foulke Fjord, western Inglefield Land, in 2006. Although constructed during the mid-1800s to early 1900s, the structures were dug into early through late Thule and Paleoeskimo deposits. At Cape Grinnell, in central Inglefield Land, three Thule sod-block houses, a Thule fall-winter qarmat, a Thule cache, a Late Dorset axial-feature, and an early Paleoeskimo axial-feature were excavated. Radiocarbon analysis revealed a tight cluster of dates, ca. AD 1200–1420, from the Late Dorset and Thule features. Preliminary analysis suggests near continual occupation of Iita for at least 1000 years. Cape Grinnell appears to have been inhabited, at least periodically since initial migration of Paleoeskimo into the region ca. 4000 years ago, with intensified Late Dorset-early Thule occupation followed by apparent abandonment coincident with the onset of climatic cooling.  相似文献   

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