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A case study of the structure of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) over complex terrain is presented. Observations were made during the third night of Project STABLE (Weber and Kurzeja, 1991), whose main goal was to study turbulence and diffusion over the complex terrain of the Savannah River Site (SRS) near Augusta, Georgia.The passage of a mesoscale phenomenon, defined as a turbulent meso-flow (TMF) with an explanation of the nomenclature used, and a composite structure of the lowest few hundred meters over complex terrain are presented. The spatial extent of the TMF was at least 30–50 km, but the forcing is not well understood. The TMF occurred without the presence of a synoptic-scale cold front, under clear conditions, and with no discernible discontinuity in a microbarograph pressure trace. The structure of the NBL over the complex terrain at SRS differed from the expected homogeneous terrain NBL. The vertical structure exhibited dual low level wind maxima, dual inversions, and a persistent elevated turbulent layer.The persistent elevated turbulent layer, with a spatial extent of at least 30 km, was observed for the entire night. The persistent adiabatic layer may have resulted from turbulence induced by shear instability.  相似文献   

The roughness height z 0 and the zero-plane displacement height d 0 were determined for a region of complex terrain in the Pre-Alps of Switzerland. This region is characterized by hills of the order of 100 m above the valley elevations, and by distances between ridges of the order of 1 km; it lies about 20 to 30 km north from the Alps. The experimental data were obtained from radiosonde observations under near neutral conditions. The analysis was based on the assumption of a logarithmic profile for the mean horizontal wind existing over one half of the boundary layer. The resulting (z 0/h) and (d 0/h) (where h is the mean height of the obstacles) were found to be in reasonable agreement with available relationships in terms of placement density and shape factor of the obstacles, which were obtained in previous experiments with h-scales 2 to 4 orders of magnitude smaller than the present ones.  相似文献   

The concepts of mountain-induced wave drag are applied to the smaller scale problem of the boundary layer over complex terrain. It is found that the Reynolds stress and surface drag caused by surface-generated waves can be at least as large as those conventionally associated with turbulence. Conditions in which wave effects are important are identified.ATDD Contribution No. 88/5.  相似文献   

The effects of sea-breeze interactions with synoptic forcing on the PBL height over complex terrain are investigated through the use of a 3-D mesoscale numerical model. Two of the results are as follows. First, steep PBL height gradients—order of 1500 m over a grid interval of 10 km — are associated with the sea-breeze front and are enhanced by the topography. Second, a significant horizontal shift in the maximum PBL height relative to the mountains, is induced by a corresponding displacement of the thermal ridge due to the mountains, in the presence of large scale flow.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of closure assumptions implemented in turbulent boundary-layer models is rather uncertain over complex terrain. Different closure schemes for Reynolds shear stress based on the mixing-length concept are compared with data from wind tunnel experiments over complex terrain and the results are analysed on the basis of second-order moment equations. A good estimation of the vertical momentum flux velocity scale turns out to be given by the standard deviation of the vertical velocity while the turbulent kinetic energy scaling gives less satisfactory results in regions where turbulence anisotropy is large. Fairly good results are given by closure models implementing a shear-limited mixing-length already proposed for non-logarithmic wind profiles, while large errors characterize traditional mixing-length formulations.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model for wind prediction over rough terrain has been developed for practical use. It is a compromise between hydrodynamic and objective wind models. The proposed model includes: (1) a statistical model to predict the wind velocity and potential temperature at anemometer height at observing stations, (2) the drainage wind model expressed by Prandtl's analytic solution for the slope wind, (3) the Businger-Dyer surface-layer formulation which considers the surface energy budget and (4) the model for three-dimensional boundary-layer solutions to the stationary flow. In this model, mass consistency is guaranteed by using flow fields that satisfy the continuity equation. Model predictions show good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

TheEfectofMesoscaleFlowsonRegionalAtmosphericTransportinaComplexTerainJiaXinyuan(贾新媛)InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseAca...  相似文献   

A two-dimensional turbulent diffusion equation is derived in a streamline coordinate system, defined for rotational flow over complex terrain and limited aloft by an elevated, impenetrable inversion. In the first instance, the steady-state equation is solved for an inner region of the boundary layer, in which the effect of curvature is negligible and, for simplicity, it is assumed that vorticity has a power-law dependence upon stream function. A variational method of solution is also discussed, in which vorticity may have a more general representation. A numerical calculation is performed for a special case of symmetrical flow over an isolated hill. The dependence of pollutant concentration upon the flow field, downwind distance and source is examined and the effect of wind acceleration in the neighbourhood of the top of the hill is discussed. It is pointed out that the diffusion model can be applied to any realistic flow field, provided that the streamlines are specified.  相似文献   

Mesoscale models using a non-local K-scheme for parameterization of boundary-layer processes require an estimate of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) height z i at all times. In this paper, two-dimensional sea-breeze experiments are carried out to evaluate three different formulations for the advective contribution in the z i prognostic equation of Deardorff (1974).Poor representation of the thermal internal boundary layer in the sea breeze is obtained when z i is advected by the wind at level z i . However, significantly better results are produced if the mean PBL wind is used for the advecting velocity, or if z i is determined simply by checking for the first sufficiently stable layer above the ground.A Lagrangian particle model is used to demonstrate the effect of each formulation on plume dispersion by the sea breeze.  相似文献   

The report presents the results of a wind-tunnel study of the flow of the natural wind over complex terrain. A 1:4000 undistorted scale model of Gebbies Pass in the South Island of New Zealand was prepared and tested in the boundary-layer wind tunnel in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Canterbury.Three forms of construction, viz., terraced, contoured and roughness-added, were compared. Velocity and turbulence profiles, Reynolds stresses and spectra were measured, and correlation of results between different types of construction was calculated. The terraced form was much simpler to construct but was found to be unsatisfactory. The correlation between the contoured and roughness-added models was as high as 0.94, although the roughness-added model made a significant difference to the results in the lower 20%; of the boundary layer. The results of these tests will be compared with results from the field in a future report.  相似文献   

Turbulence data collected in an area of three-dimensional complex terrain using instruments atteched to the tether cable of a captive balloon together with radiosonde ascents are presented. In addition, data collected using only radiosonde ascents in an area of two-dimensional complex terrain of large slope are also shown. Eddy correlation measurements of the turbulent momentum flux and wind velocity profiles are used to deduce the magnitude of the effective roughness from the drag coefficient and normalised velocity profiles. A relationship connecting the terrain characteristics and the roughness length is compared with the experimental data for both types of terrain plus previous experimental estimates of the roughness length over complex terrain. The formula taken from previous work by Grant and Mason (1990) is found to agree with the data when representing an area of order 100 km2.  相似文献   

Based on a statistical approach, the surface potential temperature at seven observing stations in complex terrain has been examined. It is shown that the surface potential temperature depends primarily on the rate of change of slope wind and on the geostrophic-level potential temperature.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Studies in Complex Terrain (ASCOT) program began in the fall of 1978 as a multiple DOE and other Federal Laboratory program devoted to developing a better physical understanding of atmospheric boundary layer flows in areas of complex terrain. The first technical challenge undertaken by the program was an investigation of atmospheric boundary layer phenomena associated with the development, continuation and breakup of nocturnal drainage wind flows. This paper discusses the general objectives the program has addressed during the past several years and focuses on results from a major field experiment conducted in 1980 in The Geysers area of northern California. Specifically, results from measurements of simultaneous tracer releases are compared to calculations from a mass-consistent wind field model coupled to a particle-in-cell transport and diffusion model. Results of these comparisons show that model calculations agree with measurements within a factor of 5 approximately 50 percent of the time. Part of the difficulty faced by the models in these comparison studies is associated with large variabilities between measurements made by samplers located one or two x apart when compared to the resolution of the models. Space and time averaging improves the comparisons considerably, although the design of the field experiment did not allow the determination of optimum spacial and temporal averages.  相似文献   

Canopy turbulence plays an important role in mass and energy exchanges at the canopy-atmosphere interface. Despite extensive studies on canopy turbulence over a flat terrain, less attention has been given to canopy turbulence in a complex terrain. The purpose of this study is to scrutinize characteristics of canopy turbulence in roughness sublayer over a hilly forest terrain. We investigated basic turbulence statistics, conditionally sampled statistics, and turbulence spectrum in terms of different atmospheric stabilities, wind direction and vertical structures of momentum fluxes. Similarly to canopy turbulence over a homogeneous terrain, turbulence statistics showed coherent structure. Both quadrant and spectrum analysis corroborated the role of intermittent and energetic eddies with length scale of the order of canopy height, regardless of wind direction except for shift of peak in vertical wind spectrum to relatively high frequency in the down-valley wind. However, the magnitude of the momentum correlation coefficient in a neutral condition was smaller than typical value over a flat terrain. Further scrutiny manifested that, in the up-valley flow, temperature skewness was larger and the contribution of ejection to both momentum and heat fluxes was larger compared to the downvalley flow, indicating that thermal instability and weaker wind shear in up-valley flow asymmetrically affect turbulent transport within the canopy.  相似文献   

赵滨  张博 《大气科学学报》2018,41(5):657-667
利用模式三维预报变量,结合地面要素预报产品,采用2 m温度三维插值方法进行地形订正,以确保预报与观测三维空间上的一致性,在地形订正基础上,利用历史月均预报误差作为参考误差,剔除模式系统性误差,获取具备日变化特征的预报产品。基于陕西地区复杂地形条件下的典型观测站点,利用2016年8月28日48 h预报个例进行对比分析发现,三维插值方法有效改善了地形差异引起的评估误导问题,但无法改进模式预报的日变化趋势,进一步采用系统性误差订正后,日变化特征明显改善,特别是前24 h预报效果体现出与实况良好的一致性及更佳的预报技巧。通过2016年夏季统计评估表明,误差订正后的2 m温度预报产品有效改善了周期性误差振荡,均方根误差稳定在2 K左右,显示出明显的改进优势。  相似文献   

根据威宁地区的地形、气候特征,建立三维冰雹云数值模式,对冰雹研究有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

四川地形谱特征及中尺度模式水平网格分辨率选取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
四川地形复杂多样,暴雨频发,常诱发山洪、泥石流等灾害。在利用中尺度模式对复杂地形区域的暴雨进行研究时,模式水平分辨率的选取缺乏定量依据。为了揭示四川地形的复杂特征和给中尺度模式水平网格分辨率的选取提供定量依据,利用二维离散余弦变换,对四川地形高度场和暴雨分布场进行谱分解,根据暴雨分布特征分区讨论了四川盆地地形特征,同时利用地形谱方差和数值试验定量讨论了数值模式水平分辨率的选取问题,得到主要结论有:(1)二维离散余弦变换能较好地表现出研究区域各向异性的复杂特征;(2)雅安地区和四川盆地西北部的地形谱与降水谱有较好的同相关系,盆地东北部和盆地中部的地形谱与降水谱在波长较大处出现反相关系;(3)针对某个区域的地形特征,可以通过计算模式能分辨的地形方差与总地形方差的比值来确定合适的中尺度模式水平网格分辨率。  相似文献   

Summary The analysis of high resolution temperature data over complex topography is often problematic due to the specific influence of orography and thus, requires a special methodology. The new concept of Low Level Temperature (LLT) is defined, and can be obtained when potential temperature observations are reduced to the height of the so-called Minimum Topography, a special low level topography that accentuates basins and valleys but smoothes out single summits and scarped slopes. The Vienna Enhanced Resolution Analysis (VERA) is used to produce a comprehensive set of LLT analyses over the Alpine region by evaluating three-hourly synoptic ECMWF data for the period 1980–2001. LLT fields are then evaluated climatologically in order to gain two-dimensional representations and single grid point time series. Mean LLT fields for different months and times of the day provide highly resolved spatial and temporal information on temperature fields over basins and valleys i.e., the main settlement areas in mountainous terrain.  相似文献   

Mesoscale modeling study of severe convection over complex terrain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Short squall lines that occurred over Lishui, southwestern Zhejiang Province, China, on 5 July 2012, were investigated using the WRF model based on 1°× 1° gridded NCEP Final Operational Global Analysis data. The results from the numerical simulations were particularly satisfactory in the simulated radar echo, which realistically reproduced the generation and development of the convective cells during the period of severe convection. The initiation of this severe convective case was mainly associated with the uplift effect of mesoscale mountains, topographic convergence, sufficient water vapor, and enhanced low-level southeasterly wind from the East China Sea. An obvious wind velocity gradient occurred between the Donggong Mountains and the southeast coastline, which easily enabled wind convergence on the windward slope of the Donggong Mountains; both strong mid–low-level southwesterly wind and low-level southeasterly wind enhanced vertical shear over the mountains to form instability; and a vertical coupling relation between the divergence on the upper-left side of the Donggong Mountains and the convergence on the lower-left side caused the convection to develop rapidly. The convergence centers of surface streams occurred over the mountain terrain and updrafts easily broke through the lifting condensation level(LCL) because of the strong wind convergence and topographic lift, which led to water vapor condensation above the LCL and the generation of the initial convective cloud. The centers of surface convergence continually created new convective cells that moved with the southwest wind and combined along the Donggong Mountains, eventually forming a short squall line that caused severe convective weather.  相似文献   

This paper describes a nonhydrostatic and incompressible mesoscale model formulation using a terrain-following coordinate system. A tensor transformation procedure is used to derive a diagnostic equation for the nonhydrostatic pressure field. The model features a simplified second-order turbulence closure scheme. The two-dimensional version of the nonhydrostatic model, as well as the corresponding hydrostatic model, are applied to simulate stably stratified airflow over mesoscale bell-shaped mountain ridges. The results show that the nonhydrostatic model is capable of simulating nonhydrostatic dynamics of mesoscale lee wave systems such as the trapped wave phenomenon.  相似文献   

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