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Deformation of host rocks during growth of a laccolithic intrusion is analyzed using the theory of bending a stack of thin elastic plates. The theoretical model suggests that magma spreading laterally in the form of a sill will eventually gain sufficient leverage on the overlying strata to deflect them upward and form a laccolith. The amount of bending increases as the fourth power of the distance the magma spreads, whereas the overburden resists bending as the third power of its effective thickness. Effective thickness is the thickness of a single layer which has the same resistance to bending as a multilayer of similar length and elastic modulus. The effective thickness of overburden in the Henry Mountains is estimated as between and of the actual thickness. The form of bending is similar for Newtonian, pseudoplastic, and Bingham magmas. The magnitude of the bending depends upon the total upward force and its distribution and is not simply related to magma viscosity as has been suggested by several previous investigators.After elastic bending strata should fail over the periphery of an intrusion, the site of maximum bending strain and differential stress predicted by the theory. Field observations described in Part I correlate well with these predictions. Because bending strains are proportional to layer thickness, strata of comparable strength but different thicknesses fail at different stages of laccolith development. This leads to the different cross-sectional forms of laccoliths observed in the field.The effect of host rocks on sill form and growth is analyzed using the elastic solution for an elliptical hole under uniform pressure. The theory suggests that sill thickness increases in proportion to length. The concentration of high stresses near the sill termination should induce permanent deformation and account for the blunt terminations described in Part I. This blunting is most likely to occur in relatively ductile rocks whereas sills simply split brittle rocks and maintain sharp terminations. The driving pressure in sills can be calculated from measurements of length and termination radius of curvature, if the yield strength of the host rocks can be estimated. This driving pressure must be greater than the overburden pressure, but sills apparently do not form or propagate by lifting their overburdens. Instead they propagate by locally deforming the host rock. After spreading over a distance about three times the effective overburden thickness, the overlying layers begin to bend upward significantly. This stage marks the transition from a sill to a laccolithic intrusion.  相似文献   

The shapes of sills and laccolithic intrusions and associated host rock deformation were studied at several locations on the flanks of the Henry Mountains. Diorite sills range from 0.5 to 10 m in thickness, are less than 1 km2 in areal extent, and have blunt terminations. The laccolithic intrusions range from 10 to 200 m in thickness, and from 1 to 3 km2 in areal extent. The host rock, principally sandstone and shale, is deformed along closely spaced cataclastic shear planes. This deformation is concentrated at contacts, especially near sill terminations and over laccolith peripheries. The diorite contains plagioclase phenocrysts which are usually sheared in a thin zone adjacent to each contact. Field observations suggest that sills are the forerunners of laccolithic intrusions which form only after magma has spread far enough laterally (greater than about 1 km2 in the Henry Mountains) to gain leverage to bend the overburden upward. Further injection of magma results in laccolithic peripheries or terminations with one of three distinct cross-sectional forms: (1) blunt termination of the diorite accompanied by bending and minor faulting of the host rock; (2) termination at a peripheral diorite dike cutting upward across the host rock; or (3) abrupt termination of the diorite against a nearly vertical fault zone.In order to study some of the processes of sill and laccolith intrusion, mechanical models for the driving pressure, physical properties, and flow behavior of the diorite magma are derived and discussed. A static driving pressure (equal to the difference between total magma pressure and lithostatic pressure) of up to 700 bar is estimated. The rheological behavior of the magma in the Henry Mountains is unknown. However, flow behavior is calculated assuming three of the more common models for fluids: Newtonian viscous, pseudoplastic, and Bingham. Suspended crystals probably contributed to the finite strength of the magma (estimated to be at least 103 dyn/cm2 for the Henry Mountains magma) which enables it to support dense zenoliths and also fixes maximum limits on the lengths of sills or dikes. Pressure in magma flowing along tabular intrusions of uniform thickness drops linearly in the flow direction for all three rheological materials. Thickening of tabular intrusions tends to make the pressure drop less rapidly, but pressure drops more rapidly in the tapered region near a termination. Pressure distributions under these and other conditions are derived in order to use them in the models of host rock deformation presented in Part II.  相似文献   

Puget Sound is a fjord-like estuary and bottom-water intrusions are major circulation features which play a dominant role in the replacement of water below still depth. New observations on the inside and outside of the entrance sill show that, while intrusions occur during neap tides as previously thought, the onset of the intrusions is a results off fluctuations in the horizontal density gradient caused by salinity variations across the sill. Salinity changes outside the sill in the Strait of Juan de Fuca estuary appear to be the result of storms on the Pacific Coast causing reversals of surface flow and variations in deep flow more than 135 km from the coast. Previous observations have shown deep salinity variations midway along the straight, but these are the first to show this effect can penetrate the full length of the Strait causing near-bottom salinity variations of sufficient magnitude to influence flow into Puget Sound. This influence probably occurs from the onset of storms in autumn through subsidence in spring, although occasional large storms occur in summer. Although Puget Sound is more characteristic of a fjord, the simple model calculations here suggest similar processes may occur in lower-layer flow at the mouth of coastal plain estuaries.  相似文献   

为了研究山区急倾斜煤层开采上覆岩层的弯曲变形规律,建立了上覆岩层弯曲变形的力学模型,运用弹性力学中的薄板弯曲理论,推导了上覆岩层弯曲挠度的预计公式,利用此公式对上覆岩层的弯曲挠度进行了计算。研究结果表明:(1)由于山区急倾斜煤层覆岩的线性荷载的作用,岩板的弯曲挠度曲线不再具有对称性,岩板弯曲挠度的最大值偏向于岩板倾斜的下山方向;(2)岩板弯曲挠度随着采深的增大而增大,岩板弯曲挠度最大值出现的位置逐渐由下山方向向采空区中点移动,但是最大挠度出现的位置不会越过采空区中点而位于倾斜岩板的上山方向;(3)岩板弯曲挠度随着山地倾角的增大而增大,岩板挠度最大值出现的位置距离采空区中点越来越远;(4)岩板弯曲挠度随着煤层倾角的增大而减小,岩板弯曲挠度最大值出现的位置距离采空区中点越来越远。  相似文献   

Sixteen 40Ar–39Ar ages are presented for alkaline intrusions to appraise prolonged post-breakup magmatism of the central East Greenland rifted margin, the chronology of rift-to-drift transition, and the asymmetry of magmatic activity in the Northeast Atlantic Igneous Province. The alkaline intrusions mainly crop out in tectonic and magmatic lineaments orthogonal to the rifted margin and occur up to 100 km inland. The area south of the Kangerlussuaq Fjord includes at least four tectonic lineaments and the intrusions are confined to three time windows at 56–54 Ma, 50–47 Ma and 37–35 Ma. In the Kangerlussuaq Fjord, which coincides with a major tectonic lineament possibly the failed arm of a triple junction, the alkaline plutons span from 56 to 40 Ma. To the north and within the continental flood basalt succession, alkaline intrusions of the north–south trending Wiedemann Fjord–Kronborg Gletscher lineament range from 52 to 36 Ma.

We show that post-breakup magmatism of the East Greenland rifted margin can be linked to reconfiguration of spreading ridges in the Northeast Atlantic. Northwards propagation of the proto-Kolbeinsey ridge rifted the Jan Mayen micro-continent away from central East Greenland and resulted in protracted rift-to-drift transition. The intrusions of the Wiedemann Fjord–Kronborg Gletscher lineament are interpreted as a failed continental rift system and the intrusions of the Kangerlussuaq Fjord as off-axis magmatism. The post-breakup intrusions south of Kangerlussuaq Fjord occur landward of the Greenland–Iceland Rise and are explained by mantle melting caused first by the crossing of the central East Greenland rifted margin over the axis of the Iceland mantle plume (50–47 Ma) and later by uplift associated with regional plate-tectonic reorganization (37–35 Ma). The Iceland mantle plume was instrumental in causing protracted rift-to-drift transition and post-breakup tholeiitic and alkaline magmatism on the East Greenland rifted margin, and asymmetry in the magmatic history of the conjugate margins of the central Northeast Atlantic.  相似文献   

成矿侵入体的岩石学标志   总被引:8,自引:11,他引:8  
侵入体的含矿性是资源勘查领域最为关注的问题之一。确定含矿性的宏观标志并为其提供理论基础因而是科学研究的重要任务。但是,传统岩石学研究主要关注含少量水体系或干体系的形成与演化,内生金属成矿作用却主要与流体有关,所取得的岩石学认识常常不适应矿区的地质实际。本文基于透岩浆流体成矿理论分析了熔浆-流体相互作用的性质及其对成矿作用的可能影响,指出在大量流体参与的情况下,成岩过程将具有明显不同的特征,并留下显著的岩石学标志。流体的增减可以导致岩浆密度和黏度的巨大变化,也导致熔浆固相线温度和首晶区矿物相类型和共结成分的变化,因而侵入岩结构构造特征可反映流体参与成岩过程的程度,并指示侵入体的成矿潜力。熔浆与流体的分离导致岩浆黏度增加和快速固结,达到临界值后必然圈闭部分含矿流体于颗粒之间和内部,因而含有造矿矿物的共结结构和浸染状构造确定性地指示了含矿流体通道的位置。多晶体岩浆的流变学特征与多斑斑状结构在矿区的广泛出现是一对线性系统中不可调和的矛盾,可以用含矿流体的突然大规模注入来解释。据此,可以认为多斑斑状是大部分成矿金属仍保留在侵入体内的可靠标志。此外,文章还提供了另外几个辅助性标志,可用于综合分析侵入体的含矿潜力。最后,作者得出结论,大量流体参与的成岩过程是一种非线性过程,可以产生一系列特殊的结构构造,对成矿作用具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

层状岩体的成因及成矿作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
层状岩体的典型特征是其具有层状构造和韵律结构。层状镁铁质岩体不仅是研究岩浆分异演化过程和地壳混染作用的最佳天然实验室,其中还广泛赋存重要的稀有金属和贱金属矿床。文中主要总结了不同类型层状岩体形成的构造背景、基本特征、母岩浆特征和韵律层理成因,以及岩浆混合和地壳混染在岩浆演化过程中起到的重要作用。文中还介绍了层状岩体中典型矿床的成矿作用与岩浆演化过程的成因联系。  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the possibility of inverse remanent magnetization that is acquired in intrusive rocks due to a magnetic field that is produced by a sum of the normal core field and an anomalous effect induced by solidified rocks. A computer program has been created to simulate the process of solidification of intrusive body rocks from its edges to the center. The computing results showed the possibility of remanent magnetization that is acquired, which can have a different direction as compared to the external magnetic field, up to the inverse one.  相似文献   

Appinitic intrusions in the English Lake District   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Within the Skiddaw Group, which underlies the mid-Ordovician volcanic arc of the English Lake District, are minor intrusions of calc-alkaline, hornblende-augite rich, dioritic to picritic bodies reminiscent of the appinite suite of the Scottish Caledonides. Representative of these is the Scawgill Bridge microdiorite, a variable, hornblendic body which includes augite-phyric meladiorite and pyroxenite; others include the picrtte (augite-meladiorite or cortlandtite) plugs at Dash and Barkbeth. They are distinct from tholeiitic intrusions of similar age represented by the Embleton Diorite, and also from late Silurian biotite-lamprophyres. Despite alteration, primary variation trends indicated by immobile trace elements are also expressed by major elements including Mg, Fe and Ca. Differentiation at Scawgill Bridge is modelled as fractionation of olivine, augite, hornblende and chromite, and a similar process is inferred for the meladiorite intrusions. It is concluded these bodies represent primitive, calc-alkaline magmas related to the Lower Borrowdale Volcanic Group, which fractionated under confined conditions of high P(inH2o). In contrast, the Lower Borrowdale Volcanic Group itself is dominated by plagiophyric rocks which resulted from fractionation at lower P(inH2O).
Appinitische Intrusionen im englischen Lake District
Zusammenfassung Die Skiddaw-Gruppe im Liegenden des mittelordovizischen Vulkanbogens des englischen Lake District enthält kleinere Intrusionen von kalkalkalischen, HornblendeAugit-reichen, dioritischen bis pikritischen Magmen, die an das Appinit-Vorkommen in den schottischen Kaledoniden erinnern. Für diese Intrusionen ist der Scawgill Bridge-Mikrodiorit repräsentativ. Er stellt einen variablen, Hornblende-reichen Körper mit Einschlüssen von Augit-porphyrischem Meladiorit und Pyroxenit dar; zu den anderen gehören die pikritischen (Augit-Meladiorit oder Cortlandit) Stöcke bei Dash und Barkbeth. Sie unterscheiden sich von tholeiitischen Intrusionen gleichen Alters, die durch den Embleton-Diorit vertreten sind, und auch von den spätsilurischen Biotit-Lamprophyren. Trotz Alteration werden primäre Korrelationen, die durch immobile Spurenelemente angezeigt werden, auch von Hauptelementen einschließlich Mg, Fe und Ca nachgezeichnet. Die Differentiation bei Scawgill Bridge wird als eine Fraktionierung von Olivin, Augit, Hornblende und Chromit modelliert, und ein ähnlicher Prozeß wird für die Meladiorit-Intrusion angenommen. Daraus wird geschlossen, daß diese Körper primitive, kalkalkalische Magmen repräsentieren, die zur Unteren Borrowdale Volcanic Group gehören und die unter hohem PH2O fraktionierten. Im Gegensatz dazu wird die Untere Borrowdale Volcanic Group selbst von plagiophyrischen Gesteinen dominiert, die durch Fraktionierung unter niedrigem P(inH2O) entstanden sind.

对阿尔泰造山带南缘锡泊渡、阿拉托别和托斯巴斯陶等镁铁质岩体的主量元素和微量元素地球化学特征进行研究,并与喀拉通克岩体进行了对比。结果表明,这些岩体的形成过程与喀拉通克岩体不同,进而评价了这些岩体的找矿前景,提出锡泊渡北岩体具有较好的成矿条件,其他几个岩体成矿条件不十分理想。  相似文献   

新疆喀拉通克镁铁质岩体群的岩石成因研究   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10  
喀拉通克镁铁质岩体群位于准噶尔板块北缘,由13个小岩体组成。主要岩石类型为方辉橄榄岩、橄榄苏长岩、辉长苏长岩、辉长岩、淡色辉长岩、辉长闪长岩等。主要造岩矿物为贵橄榄石、普通辉石、紫苏辉石、斜长石和数量较多的褐色普通角闪石、黑云母等。主量元素分属钙碱性系列、岛弧拉斑玄武岩系列和具有MORB属性的拉斑玄武岩系列。大多数样品具有高LREE/HREE比值、富集大离子亲石元素,相对亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti)。εNd(t)=+6.2~+8.2,4件样品的εSr(t)=-0.6~-36.3,另有1件样品为+36.5;(206Pb/204Pb) i=17.784~18.008,(207Pb/204Pb) i=15.400~15.555,(208Pb/204Pb) i=36.973~37.560。元素地球化学和Nd、Sr、Pb、Os、O、S同位素体系证明,岩浆仅在局部遭受了同化混染作用。原生岩浆为高镁的拉斑玄武岩浆(MgO=11.6%)。岩浆在上侵和运移过程中经历了以单斜辉石为主的暗色矿物的广泛分离结晶作用和斜长石的凝聚,导致了淡色辉长岩的广泛分布和超镁铁岩的严重缺失。岩浆源区由被消减板片交代的地幔楔物质和软流圈地幔物质组成,因而富集不相容元素和水,并因交代作用与岩浆生成的时差短,而保持放射成因同位素的亏损状态。在岩石圈根部拆沉和软流圈地幔上涌过程中生成了喀拉通克镁铁质岩体群。  相似文献   

Primary carbonate‐bearing lamprophyric rocks have been recognised in the Walloway Diapir, South Australia. Their petrography and trace‐element geochemistry indicates that they have carbonatitic affinities. The rocks are magnetic and can be detected by ground magnetometer surveys.  相似文献   

姚安和马厂箐富碱侵入岩体的地球化学特征   总被引:32,自引:7,他引:32  
姚安岩体和马厂箐岩体属哀牢山-金沙江富碱侵入岩带的组成部分,位于NW-WNW向哀牢山-金沙江深大断裂东侧。姚安岩体主要为正长斑岩,马厂箐岩体主要为花岗斑岩两岩体化学成分上具有富碱、高钾的特点。岩石富轻稀土和Rb、Sr、Ba、Th、La等大离子亲石元素而亏损Nb、Ta和Ti等高场强元素。岩石的Rb/Sr、La/Nb和Ba/Nb以及LREE/HREE比值高,铕异常不明显,ISr值偏高,εNd值偏低。研究表明:(1)姚安岩体和马厂箐岩体形成于喜山期大陆弧伸展环境。两岩体的岩浆均起源于富集地幔(EMII),其壳幔混合特征,主要是俯冲带地幔楔内壳-幔物质源区混合的结果;(2)尽管姚安和马厂箐岩体在成岩构造背景、成岩时代、成岩方式和源区特征以及成分上高碱富钾等方面具相似性,但它们在岩性和组成上仍存在较大差异。这种差异可能是由源区物质部分熔融程度不同,以及岩浆结晶时温压和氧逸度等条件的不同所造成;(3)金矿化主要与相对高温、低压和高氧逸度的碱性系列岩浆活动有关,而铜矿化则主要与相对低温、高压和低氧逸度的碱性-亚碱性过度系列岩浆活动有关。  相似文献   

侵入岩填图方法体系及专题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王涛  童英  郭磊  张建军  苏尚国  焦建刚  王连训 《地质通报》2017,36(11):1953-1962
中国侵入岩填图经历了不同发展阶段。目前,需要探索中大比例尺(1∶5万~1∶2.5万)填图方法。依据以往的填图实践经验,特别是同源花岗岩、异源花岗岩、中基性岩、超基性岩试点填图,提出侵入岩填图方法体系。无论何种成因,侵入岩填图应该建立不同级别的等级体制填图单位,即侵入体-单元-序列(或岩套)-超序列(或超岩套)-超序列组合(或超岩套组合),分别对应岩体-岩基-岩带-巨型岩带。同源花岗岩岩浆,可以按照以往的谱系单位填图,其侵入体-单元-序列-超序列应该是同一个岩浆旋回演化的产物。岩浆混合花岗岩,可以按照混合程度划分单元,归并序列。中基性-超基性侵入岩,也可以参考上述谱系单位和混合单位填图。侵入岩不同级别等级体制单位的建立有利于深入认识岩浆系统及其制约因素。此外,花岗岩等侵入岩蕴含了丰富的地球动力学信息,有必要开展深入的专题研究。  相似文献   

天山地区下石炭统与下伏地层角度不整合接触的地质意义   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
新疆天山地区下石炭统出露广泛且与下伏地层多呈角度不整合接触,如西部北天山的大哈拉军山组,中部中天山的马鞍桥组及东部南天山的甘草湖组均与下伏地层呈角度不整合接触。显然,这是一个区域性角度不整合。两套地层间的角度不整合是鉴别造山运动的直接标志之一,此不整合可能暗示了古天山洋在早石炭世前已经闭合碰撞造山并进入陆内伸展演化阶段。  相似文献   

正秦岭造山带由华北板块和扬子板块及其间的微板块经过多期次不同构造运动叠加复合形成,是我国中央造山带的重要组成部分,其形成和演化过程记录了华北板块和扬子板块元古代俯冲消减、古生代弧-陆碰撞和早中生代的陆内造山运动的重要信息(Meng Qingren et al., 2000)。秦岭杂岩(原秦岭岩群)作为秦岭造山带最古老的前寒武纪结晶基底,是研究秦岭造山带构造演化的重要窗口。前人对侵入其中的小型岩体、岩脉研究较少。本次研究  相似文献   

A two-dimensional mechanical model for sheet intrusions based on the elastic deformation around a pressurized elliptical hole is derived. After evaluating the effects of irregularities in contact shape, possible magma pressure distributions, regional boundary conditions, host rock properties, and interference from adjacent intrusions the model can be applied with confidence to understand many features associated with dike or sill emplacement. Three mechanisms for sheet intrusion propagation are extension fracturing, brittle faulting, and ductile faulting. This deformation is concentrated at the intrusion termination, the site of large principal stress differences and large stress gradients. In both brittle and ductile host rock the magma pressure needs only barely to exceed the regional stress acting normal to the intrusion's length for propagation to occur. Propagation direction is controlled by the regional stress orientation, interference from adjacent intrusions, planar discontinuities, and changes in host rock properties. The classic method of distinguishing dilational from non-dilational intrusions may not work because contacts are not planar or parallel and displacements are not everywhere perpendicular to the intrusion's length. Equations are derived for calculating the magma pressure for intrusions in relatively simple tectonic settings.  相似文献   

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