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本对Veron-Cetty和Veron类星体表中3197颗红移精度为0.001的类星体做了红移分布的周期性分布。结果表明:类星体红移植在几个方向上存在高频波动的周期性分布,且置信度水平较高。根据我们的分析,这种周期性不可能完全是由于选择效应引起的。因此,类星体在大尺度上的分布很可能具有大约50Mpc的周期涨落。  相似文献   

根据红移定义1+z=λi/λ0i,我们认为类星体红移分布ln(1+z)周期性受两个因素影响。首先,决定类星体红移的主要线(如Lα1216,CIV1549,CIII1909,MgII2798,NeV3426,OII3727,NeIII3868,Hγ4340,Hβ4861,OIII5007)固有波长可能构成0.205的周期性;另外,这些谱线的观测波长进入一定光学窗口对红移有一定限制,在一定条件下,它正好在某些红移出现峰值,并与ln(1+z)=0.205预言峰值一致。我们还在这两个基本考虑下进行模拟取样,发现有明显周期性,定量上证实了我们的基本考虑。本文是类星体红移分布的一种解释,它能说明为什么统计分布不同样品能得到不同的结论。进而,我们认为红移分布周期性不能成为内禀红移观点的观测支持。  相似文献   

通过对2000年版Veron类星体星表和NVSS巡天数据进行交叉证认,得到了301颗新发现有射电辐射的类星体,计算了射电类星体的射电谱指数、射电光度、偏振度等物理量并进行了统计分析,讨论了射电类星体所理比例随红移和绝对星等的分布,以及夺度随红移的演化关系。结果发现,强射电类星体在所有类星体中所占的比例F(RLQ)随着MB的增加而增大,随红移的演化是z=0.0到z=0.8逐渐上升,在z=1.5附近开  相似文献   

王家庆 《天文学报》1996,37(4):449-454
文[1]提出,类星体红移分布周期性可能由两点因素造成:首先是主要谱线固有波长呈周期性;其次是光学窗口对谱线红移范围的限制.本文赞同上述第二论点,同时论证了上述第一论点不能成立.此外,该文在处理方法上也有一些不当之处.本文屏弃上述第一论点,仅从第二论点出发,应用概率分析方法,得到类星体相对观测几率-红移分布.此分布与部分观测结果符合较好,大致可解释类星体红移周期分布现象.  相似文献   

通过对2000年版Veron类星体星表和NVSS巡天数据进行交叉证认,得到了301颗新发现有射电辐射的类星体.计算了射电类星体的射电话指数、射电光度、偏振度等物理量并进行了统计分析,讨论了射电类星体所占比例随红移和绝对星等的分布,以及偏振度随红移的演化关系.结果发现,强射电类星体在所有类星体中所占的比例F(RLQ)随着MB的增加而增大,随红移的演化是从。=0.0到z=0.8逐渐上升,在z=1.5附近开始缓慢下降,到z= 2.0附近降到谷底,然后又有上升趋势.射电偏振度大部分小于 4.0%,偏振度越小,类星体数目越多.而射电偏振度与红移之间似乎没有相关性.  相似文献   

本文对类星体的发射线红移分布作了功率谱分析,进一步证实了其中明显地存在着相对于x=F(z,q_0)(方程(8))的周期性。这种周期性的存在并不表明类星体的红移是非宇宙学的,因为,它可以被解释为大爆炸早期宇宙中的密度波(声波)扰动的一种遗迹。对这种模型做了下列的分析检验:1.周期成分与非周期成分之比随着样品的增加而逐渐减少;2.对于给定方向上的一组类星体,其周期性应比全天类星体的周期性更显著;3.复合时期之前的Jeans波长应决定这种周期性的波长. 利用这种周期性推得减速参数q_0>0.5。这进一步支持了通过其他途径得到的结论:宇宙可能是封闭的。  相似文献   

本文讨论了类星体成团随红移的变化。利用Hewitt-Burbidge类星体星表和寻找类星体对的统计方法,分析结果表明类星体成团主要是由于小红移类星体的贡献,大红移类星体没有成团分布的证据。进一步分析表明不同红移类星体在成团分布上的区别并不是由于样品的绝对光度不同而引起的选择效应,而是反映了类星体团随宇宙时间变化的演化效应。  相似文献   

近年来在类星体空间成团分布的研究中取得了一些重要的进展。越来越多的光学巡天样品和类星体星表被认真地进行了空间分布特性的统计分析。研究结果表明在较高的统计置信度水平上,类星体至少在低红移(Z<2)和小尺度(<10Mpc)上是成团分布的。并有证据表明类星体成团特性有随着红移演化的趋向,也可能与类星体自身的性质有关。  相似文献   

本文采用了三组具有代表性的类星体观测资料:(1)类星体第二总表,(2)赤纬-40°天区类星体,(3)室女座星系团区类星体。分析的内容包括:类星体红移和星等的大尺度分布,类星体在局部天区内的空间分布,类星体与场星系以及与星系团中亮星系的成协性。 得到的初步结果是:(1)类星体就整体来说其红移和星等在各种尺度上的分布是不均匀的;(2)在局部天区内这种不均匀性表现得更为显著;(3)类星体与场星系的普遍成协性不明显;(4)类星体与星系团中亮星系普遍成协的可能性是统计显著的;(5)类星体在演化上应该具有不同的起源。就其本质来说很可能是宇宙论性和非宇宙论性两者兼之。  相似文献   

自对类星体红移解释发生激烈争论以来,近7、8年新的观测证据、统计分析和理论解释,都是有利于宇宙学红移解释的。它们包括: a)与类星体红移相等但光学光度弱得很多的成协星系的系统观测和结果; b)引力透镜事例的发现和解释; c)标准烛光化后获得的视星等-红移关系; d)标准宇宙模型下解释了类星体发射线红移分布; e)射电子源间最大角径θ与红移图上上包络线的存在; f)理论上给出了可能的产能机制和传能过程,并获得新的观测证据。但是与类星体红移不等的星系成协事例,仍有待深入观测和进一步研究。  相似文献   

The association of low redshift, active galaxies with high redshift quasars is here tested in two regions uniformly surveyed for quasars to faint limits. Three active galaxies in these regions all show significant association with nearby quasars. Radio, optical and X-ray data available for these galaxies give new information on the processes which accompany the proposed ejection of the quasars. It is concluded that the quasars are originally relatively compact compared to the galactic medium through which they exit but can be slowed. It is argued that effects of ejection can be seen on the galaxies and may be connected with spiral structure. Evidence for periodicity of the redshifts is discussed.  相似文献   

The large-scale angular distribution of quasars from a complete sample of extragalactic radio sources is examined at different redshifts. The sample contains 264 quasars which have been found so far among the complete sample of 518 radio sources stronger than. 1 Jy at 5 GHz. Of these, 19 quasars have redshift z > 2. Dividing the entire sky into three separate declination zones of equal area, the counts of quasars seem to indicate a deficit of high redshift quasars in the northernmost declination zone. On the other hand, the Iow-redshift quasars (z < 1) appear fairly uniformly distributed. We discuss some possible selection effects that might have led to the apparent anomaly at high redshifts and estimate the expected number of high-redshift quasars amongst the radio sources in the sample for which redshifts are presently not available.  相似文献   

We examine a Doppler theory of quasars in which it is assumed that a fraction of the total population of quasars are fired from centres of explosion with moderate cosmological redshifts. It is argued that the substantial part of the redshift of a typical high redshift quasar could be of Doppler origin. If Hoyle’s recent hypothesis that quasars emit the bulk of their radiation in a narrow backward cone is given a quantitative form, it is shown that the kinematic and emission parameters of this model can explain the observed features of the four aligned triplets of quasars discovered by Arp and Hazard (1980) and by Saslaw (personal communication). The model predicts a small but nonzero fraction of quasars with blueshifts. Further observational tests of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 47 faint Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio sources selected from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) has been imaged in the optical and near-infrared, resulting in an identification fraction of 87 per cent. The R  −  I R  −  K colours of the faint optical counterparts are as expected for passively evolving elliptical galaxies, assuming that they follow the R -band Hubble diagram as determined for radio-bright GPS galaxies. We find evidence that the radio spectral properties of the GPS quasars are different from those of GPS galaxies. The observed distribution of radio spectral peak frequencies for GPS sources optically identified with bright stellar objects (presumably quasars) is shifted compared with GPS sources identified with faint or extended optical objects (presumably galaxies), in the sense that a GPS quasar is likely to have a higher peak frequency than a GPS galaxy. This means that the true peak frequency distribution is different for the GPS galaxies and quasars, because the sample selection effects are independent of optical identification. The correlation between peak frequency and redshift that has been suggested for bright sources has not been found in this sample; no correlation exists between R magnitude (and therefore redshift) and peak frequency for the GPS galaxies. We therefore believe that the claimed correlation is actually caused by the dependence of the peak frequency on optical host, because the GPS galaxies are generally at lower redshifts than the quasars. The difference in the peak frequency distributions of the GPS galaxies and quasars is further evidence against the hypothesis that they form a single class of object.  相似文献   

An X-ray source close to the classical Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068 is identified as a quasar with a redshift of 0.63. The very high surface density of quasars around NGC 1068 suggests that the quasars may be physically associated with this active galaxy.  相似文献   

We assess the effect of a population of high-redshift quasars on the 21-cm power spectrum during the epoch of reionization. Our approach is to implement a seminumerical scheme to calculate the three-dimensional structure of ionized regions surrounding massive haloes at high redshift. We include the ionizing influence of luminous quasars by populating a simulated overdensity field with quasars using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm. We find that quasars modify both the amplitude and shape of the power spectrum at a level which is of the same order as the fractional contribution to reionization. The modification is found both at constant redshift and at constant global neutral fraction, and arises because ionizing photons produced by quasars are biased relative to the density field at a level that is higher than stellar ionizing photons. The modification of the power spectrum is likely to be small, rendering the effect of quasars difficult to isolate. However, we find the modification of the power spectrum by quasars to be at a level that is comparable to the precision expected for future low-frequency telescopes. Correct interpretation of observations will therefore require the effect of quasars to be considered, and our results imply that quasar ionization will need to be included in detailed modelling of observed 21-cm power spectra.  相似文献   

塞佛特星系NGC1 0 6 8是一个非常令人注目的特殊天体 ,它是Seyfert[1]发现的第一批此类星系中离我们最近 (1 9Mpc,取H0 =6 0kms- 1Mpc- 1)和最亮的一个塞佛特星系 ,因此天文学家从射电到X 射线整个电磁波段对它进行了详尽的观测和研究。NGC1 0 6 8最初被归类为塞佛特II型天体 ,但是通过对其偏振光的光谱观测 ,发现了认为被遮挡住的塞佛特I型核发出的± 432 0km/s的宽Hβ发射线 ,因此被认为是活动星系核统一模型的一个范例 (见文 [2 ] )。射电与光学的观测资料都表明NGC1 0 6 8的中心部分有激烈的喷射活动…  相似文献   

The chance that the pair of X-ray sources observed across NGC 4258 is accidental can be calculated as 5×10–6. The recent confirmation as quasars, and determination of the redshifts of the pair, atz=0.40 and 0.65 by E.M. Burbidge enables the final accidental probability of the configuration to be calculated as <4×10–7. In addition there are a number of observations which indicate the central Seyfert galaxy is ejecting material from its active nucleus.The NGC 4258 association is compared to four other examples of close association of pairs of X-ray quasars with low redshift galaxies. It is concluded that in each of these five cases the chance of accidental association is less than one in a million. The ejection speed calculated from the redshift differences of the X-ray quasars is 0.12c. This agrees with the ejection velocity of 0.1c calculated in 1968 from radio quasars associated with low redshift peaks become narrower—simultaneously strengthening the ejection origin for quasars and the quantization property of their redshift  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic observations of a sample of faint gigahertz peaked‐spectrum (GPS) radio sources drawn from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS). Redshifts have been determined for 19 (40 per cent) of the objects. The optical spectra of the GPS sources identified with low‐redshift galaxies show deep stellar absorption features. This confirms previous suggestions that their optical light is not significantly contaminated by active galactic nucleus-related emission, but is dominated by a population of old (>9 Gyr) and metal-rich (>0.2 [Fe/H]) stars, justifying the use of these (probably) young radio sources as probes of galaxy evolution. The optical spectra of GPS sources identified with quasars are indistinguishable from those of flat-spectrum quasars, and clearly different from the spectra of compact steep‐spectrum (CSS) quasars. The redshift distribution of the GPS quasars in our radio-faint sample is comparable to that of the bright samples presented in the literature, peaking at z ∼2–3. It is unlikely that a significant population of low-redshift GPS quasars is missed as a result of selection effects in our sample. We therefore claim that there is a genuine difference between the redshift distributions of GPS galaxies and quasars, which, because it is present in both the radio-faint and bright samples, cannot be caused by a redshift–luminosity degeneracy. It is therefore unlikely that the GPS quasars and galaxies are unified by orientation, unless the quasar opening angle is a strong function of redshift. We suggest that the GPS quasars and galaxies are unrelated populations and just happen to have identical observed radio spectral properties, and hypothesize that GPS quasars are a subclass of flat-spectrum quasars.  相似文献   

Building on evidence starting from 1966, X-ray observations have once again confirmed the association of quasars with low redshift galaxies. Enough examples of quasar-like objects ejected in opposite directions from nearby, active galaxies have accumulated so that an empirical evolutionary sequence can be outlined. The quasars start out with low luminosity and high (z > 2) redshift. As they travel away from their galaxy of origin they grow in size and decay in redshift. The redshifts drop in steps and near the quantized values of z = 0.6, 0.3, and 0.06 the quasars become particularly active, ejecting or breaking up into many objects which evolve finally into groups and clusters of galaxies. The observations massively violate the assumptions of the Big Bang and require continuous, episodic creation in a non expanding universe of indefinitely large size and age.  相似文献   

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