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Radio astronomy at decameter wavelengths is currently undergoing very active development. Large-scale, new generation low-frequency radio telescopes are being constructed and already used in many countries around the world. As before, the largest, most sensitive, and most versatile telescope at decameter wavelengths is the Ukrainian UTR-2 radio telescope operating at 8–32 MHz, which has an effective area of more than 105 m2 and an angular resolution of about 0.5?, as well as the URAN interferometric system based on the UTF-2. Many studies that have been carried out on these facilities have been based on important results and far-sighted predictions of Shklovskii. These include, in particular, studies of dynamical spectra and the brightness distributions of the sporadic and quiescent decameter radio emission of the hot solar corona, complex, broadband radio spectroscopy of the interstellar medium, and multi-frequency monitoring of secular decreases in the flux densities of supernova remnants. The coordinated use of highly effective existing and newly constructed radio telescopes joined into ground networks, as well as specialized space missions, are opening new prospects for low-frequency radio astronomy.  相似文献   

Summary The crystalline basement rocks of the Sopron Mountains are the easternmost and most isolated outcrops of the Austroalpine basement of the Eastern Alps. Ar/Ar and K/Ar dating of phengitic mica indicates that the Eoalpine high-pressure metamorphism of the area occurred between 76 and 71Ma. Short-lived metamorphism is characterised by fluid-poor conditions. Fluid circulation was mostly restricted to shear zones, thus the degree of Alpine overprint has an extreme spatial variation. In several metamorphic slices Variscan mineral assemblages have been preserved and biotite yielded Variscan and Permo-Triassic Ar ages. Different mineral and isotope thermometers (literature data) yielded temperatures of 500–600°C for the peak of Alpine metamorphism in the Sopron Mountains, but muscovite and biotite do not show complete argon resetting. Thus, we consider this crystalline area as a well constrained natural test site, which either indicates considerably high closure temperatures (around 550°C) for Ar in muscovite and biotite in a dry metamorphic environment, or which is suitable for testing the widely applied methods of temperature estimations under disequilibrium conditions.Apatite fission track results and their thermal modeling, together with structural, mineralogical and sedimentological observations, allows the identification of a post-metamorphic, Eocene hydrothermal event and Late Miocene-Pliocene sediment burial of the crystalline rocks of the Sopron Mountains.  相似文献   

The compositions and phase conditions of water-hydrocarbon fluids in synthetic quartz inclusions were studied by the methods of microthermometry, local IR spectroscopy, and gas-liquid chromatography. Synthetic quartz was grown in near-neutral fluoride, low-alkali bicarbonate, and alkali carbonate solutions with crude oil and its major fractions. The crystals with fluid inclusions were grown under thermal gradient conditions at relatively low temperatures (240–280°C) and pressures (6–45 MPa). After the study, the inclusions of grown crystals were subject to thermal processing in autoclaves at 350–380°C and 80–125 MPa. As a result, the initial water-hydrocarbon inclusions underwent significant changes. Hydrocarbon gases, largely methane and residual solid bitumens, appeared in their composition; the gasoline-kerosene fraction content increased substantially in liquid hydrocarbons (HCs). These changes are caused, first of all, by crude oil cracking, which is manifested already at 330°C and attains its maximum activity at 350–500°C (pressure of saturated vapor and higher). In natural conditions with increase in depths and, thus, the thermobaric parameters, this process is inevitable. According to the obtained experimental data, this very phenomenon and the existence of real thermal and baric gradients in the Earth’s interior provide for the formation of vertical zoning in the distribution of hydrocarbon deposits of different types.  相似文献   

Timimoun is located in the hyper-arid zone of the Sahara, with an annual rainfall not exceeding 100 mm/year. To fill the shortage of rainfall, the oasis has developed a traditional means for mobilization of the groundwater. In the foggara with this hydraulic system, oases have been developed throughout the region of Timimoun over ten centuries. Today, we witness the gradual disappearance of foggaras; we lose about one to two foggaras per year for over half a century. The discharge of the 250 functional foggaras shows a significant drop: 850 l/s in 1960 and 355 l/s in 2001, enough to irrigate 350 ha. The causes of declining foggaras are technical, social, and environmental. The surveys that we have led nearly with the population in the ksour during two missions in 2007 and 2008 in the oasis of Timimoun reveal that socio-economic problems (Heritage and depopulation) are common to both types of foggara (foggara of the Erg and foggara Albian). Environmental problems (silting and flooding of the galleries by wild plants) are the main causes of the disappearance of foggaras of Erg. Technical problems (collapse of tunnels) are mainly the causes of degradation to Albian’s foggaras. Attempts to introduce changes to foggaras are temporary solutions. The modern collection of water (pump and drilling) is gradually replacing the traditional hydraulic system.  相似文献   

Tehran lies on the southern flank of the Central Alborz, an active mountain belt characterized by many historical earthquakes, some of which have affected Tehran itself. The border between the Alborz Mountain and the Tehran’s piedmont (northern part of Tehran City) is marked by the North Tehran Fault (NTF), dividing the Eocene rock formation from the alluvial units of different ages (Early Pleistocene to the recent alluvium). A detail mapping of the piedmont, combined with structural study reveal that two active thrust faults (situated south of the NTF) are of importance for hazard assessment of the City. The geomorphological evidences along the NTF are not in agreement with an active fault, indicating that the fault activity may have been shifted southward. Furthermore differentiation of newly recognized alluvial units and their inferred ages, together with the mapped fault pattern permit us to characterize the Quaternary deformation. The Late Pleistocene alluvial deposits consist of three alluvial fans among them the youngest one together with the modern alluvial fan defines the Holocene deposit. The present deformation in the piedmont is accommodated along vertically left-lateral strike-slip faults and low-angle thrust faults trending in range from N070 to N110E.  相似文献   

Levin  B. W.  Sasorova  E. V.  Zakupin  A. S.  Kamenev  P. A. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2018,483(2):1575-1578
Doklady Earth Sciences - On the basis of three methods, the current seismic situation in the zone of the Central Sakhalin Fault is assessed and the scenarios of its development are predicted. It is...  相似文献   

This study presents laser step-heating 40Ar/39Ar age determinations of basaltic lava samples from Tamu Massif, the oldest and largest edifice of the submarine Shatsky Rise in the northwest Pacific and Earth’s proposed largest volcano. The rocks were recovered during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 324, which cored 160 m into the igneous basement near the summit of Tamu Massif. The analyzed lavas cover all three major stratigraphic groups penetrated at this site and confirm a Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous age for the onset of Shatsky Rise volcanism. Lavas analyzed from the lower and middle section of the hole yield plateau ages between 144.4 ± 1.0 and 143.1 ± 3.3 Ma with overlapping analytical errors (2σ), whereas a sample from the uppermost lava group produced a significantly younger age of 133.9 ± 2.3 Ma suggesting a late or rejuvenated phase of volcanism. The new geochronological data infer minimum (average) melt production rates of 0.63–0.84 km3/a over a time interval of 3–4 million years consistent with the presence of a mantle plume.  相似文献   

Small tectonic slices of undeformed eclogites and ultrahigh-pressure granulites occur in three tectonic units of the Śnieżnik Mts. (SW Poland). Ultrahigh-pressure granulite/eclogite transitions with peak metamorphic conditions between 21 and 28 kbar at 800 to 1000 °C occur only in the Złote unit. Conventional U-Pb multigrain analyses of zircons from a mafic granulite provided 207Pb/206Pb ages between 360 to 369 Ma which are interpreted to approximate timing of original crystallisation from a melt. Diffusion kinetics and the restricted availability of a fluid phase mainly controlled the conversion from granulite to eclogite, although some bulk-chemical differences were also recognised. The ultrahigh-pressure granulites from the Złote unit exclusively contain H2O-rich inclusions with variable salinities which distinguishes them from high-temperature (HT)-granulites world-wide. This is also in contrast to the fluid regime (H2O-N2-CO2) recognised in the lower-temperature eclogites (600–800 °C) from the closely associated Międzygórze and Śnieżnik units. The variation in fluid composition between the lower-temperature eclogites and ultrahigh-pressure granulites on the one hand and ultrahigh-pressure granulites and HT-granulites on the other hand probably indicates contrasting P-T-t paths as a result of different tectonic environments. Received: 15 June 1998 / Accepted: 2 March 1999  相似文献   

The effects of the intensive rainfall episodes in the years 2009 and 2010 in the K?szeg Mountains were investigated. Channel profiles were constructed at various times during these periods, which were used to describe the channel changes. We measured the length of the incised and filled sections on multiple occasions. We could establish the degree and the direction of the changes using this data. The sediment veneer that developed in the area of K?szeg town was mapped and its conditions of development were examined. The erosion and accumulation landforms developed during these years were classified and described. These forms are the following: rills, gullies, alluvial fans and sediment veneer. We distinguished and characterised those which had previously formed, but they were changed or increased (the channels). We established the conditions under which the sediment veneer can develop, furthermore those conditions which can increase the chance of the formation of this landform. These conditions are the following: the high density of roads in the catchment areas of valleys leading to settlements, the great thickness of superficial deposit, and the steep slope of the surface of the catchment area. We created theoretical classification of the morphological environment where the development of sediment veneer may happen and identified settlements with structures which promote or prevent the development of the sediment veneer. We determined the probability of the development of the sediment veneer at some settlements in K?szeg, and suggestions have been given to decrease the chance of the development of this sediment veneer.  相似文献   

In the central part of the Fennoscandian Shield, the Talvivaara Ni–Zn–Cu–Co deposit, hosted by Palaeoproterozoic metamorphosed black schists, contains low uranium concentrations ranging from 10 to 30 ppm. The Talvivaara black schists were deposited 2.0–1.9 Ga ago and underwent subsequent metamorphism during the 1.9–1.79 Ga Svecofennian orogeny. Anhedral uraninite crystals rimmed by bitumen constitute the main host of uranium. U–Pb secondary ion mass spectrometry dating indicates that uraninite crystals were formed between 1,878?±?17 and 1,871?±?43 Ma, during peak metamorphism. Rare earth element patterns and high Th content (average 6.38 wt%) in disseminated uraninite crystals indicate that U was concentrated during high temperature metamorphism (>400 °C). The formation of bitumen rims around uraninite may be explained by two distinct scenarios: (a) a transport of U coincident with the migration of hydrocarbons or (b) post-metamorphic formation of bitumen rims, through radiolytic polymerization of gaseous hydrocarbons at the contact with uraninite.  相似文献   

Marco Antonsich 《GeoJournal》2000,52(2):325-338
The aim of the present paper is to compare two different patterns of urban iconographies in Ethiopia during 1930s: the one of the Amhara – the traditionally Ethiopian dominant ethnic group – and the one of the Italian fascism. The paper gives an historical account of the structure of the Amhara settlements, focusing on the ways the power of their politico-military chiefs, being they the Negus or the Ras, shaped the spatial order of these settlements. When the Italians conquered military Ethiopia in 1936, they started re-shaping this spatial order, erasing the signs of the previous power and imposing their new iconographic apparatus. This was mainly done through urban planning which was devised to `write' the Fascist concepts of progress, order, hierarchy, and racial segregation on the territory. Owing to the short duration of the occupation, the poor material conditions of the colony and the lack of financial resources, such town-planning projects turned out to be just a political rhetoric exercise.  相似文献   

The total concentrations of Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Ni, Co, Zn, Cu, Ag, Hg, and Mo were determined in the atmospheric dust of the city of Yerevan by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAnalyst PE 800). Heavy metal pollution levels were evaluated by calculating geo-accumulation (I geo ) and summary pollution (Zc) indices. Potential human health risk was assessed using the United States Environmental Protection agency’s human health risk assessment model. The results show that mean contents of all elements tested except Ni and Cr were substantially higher than local geochemical background values. According to the I geo , Yerevan territory is strongly-to-extremely polluted by As, Ag, Hg, Mo, and Cd. The Zc assessment indicated that very high pollution was detected in 36 % of samples, high in 32 %, average in 12 %, and low in 20 %. The health risk assessment revealed a non-carcinogenic risk (HI >1) for children at 13 samplings sites and for adults at one sampling site. For children the risk was due to elevated levels of Mo, Cd, Co, and As, while for adults, only Mo. Carcinogenic risk (>1:1,000,000) of As and Cr via ingestion pathway was observed in 25 and 14 samples, respectively. This study, therefore, is the base for further detailed investigations to organize problematic site remediation and risk reduction measures.  相似文献   

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