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In the Late Cenozoic, the volcanism of the South Khangai Volcanic Region (SKhVR) spanned the Khangai Range and its framing. Geochronological, petrochemical, geochemical, and isotope studies were performed for volcanic rocks of this region, which are represented by high-K basic and intermediate rocks of OIB affinity. Initial Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope ratios in the volcanic rocks of the SKhVR are close to those of the volcanic rocks of Pitcairn Island and form trends between PREMA, EMI, and EMII sources.  相似文献   

殷长建  彭玉鲸  靳克 《地质通报》2000,19(3):303-311
长白山脉中生代火山岩带与东侧之洋陆边界平行展布。火山岩浆作用可划分为三大构造阶段(2 30~ 190Ma ,178~ 12 5Ma ,118~ 6 5Ma) ,四大旋回 ,11个旋回和 2 4个火山事件。由安粗岩系和钙碱性岩系组成的一个新的火山岩浆作用构造类型 ,称之为走滑大陆边缘—拉分张裂性火山岩系。洋陆板块互动方式的更迭及速率的变化是火山岩浆作用地球动力学深部发展过程的主控因素。  相似文献   

Recent volcanism on the northern flank of the Medicine Lake Highland consists of a series of basalt to andesite spatter and cinder cones and their associated flows. Two particular structures, Cinder Butte and Schonchin Butte, have erupted materials that are very similar in terms of age, volume, modal mineralogy, and many major and trace elements. Significant differences with respect to TiO2, K2O, P2O5, Sr, Ba, Zr, and LREE can be related to possible changes in the mineralogy within the source region of these volcanic rocks. Apatite and priderite are the two minor constituents that best satisfy the constraints set by the mineral and chemical data. An inhomogeneous upper mantle or lower crust beneath the Medicine Lake Highland is indicated.  相似文献   

帕米尔地区现今大陆深俯冲——地震构造和动力学解释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在 NEIC(UsGS)1975~1999年地震记录的基础上,补充中国新疆地震台网1975年以来的16,339个部分重新定位的有效地震记录,根据该地区地震活动时空分布规律、地壳速度结构和地表变形构造等最新研究成果,对兴都库什-帕米尔-中国西部地震活动的三维几何学及其构造联系作出了新的解释,强调沿恰曼断层的左行走滑作用对帕米尔和兴都库什地震带的制约。沿帕米尔地震带正在发生大陆深俯冲作用,是恰曼断层左行牵引的结果,深俯冲岩板为上宽下窄向恰曼断层收敛的楔形体,俯冲角度上缓(20~30°)下陡(60~70°),转变深度在80~120公里,部分下地壳物质被深俯冲作用带到200公里以下的深度。帕米尔深俯冲带上盘岩石中的多期反冲构造组合和后退俯冲作用历史,解释了该地区地壳缩短加厚和深部岩石折返的机制。与深俯冲作用相关的双地震剪切带和3个地震群的构造联系,提供了大陆深俯冲作用的动力学信息。  相似文献   

Paleoseismicity denotes past (pre-instrumental) earthquakes as recorded by bedrock structures, morphological features and sedimentological criteria. Glacial varves. eskers and deltas are excellent records of paleoseismic events. Data from Sweden are presented. Faults, fractures and various types of sedimentary disturbances of Late Pleistocene and Holocene age frequently occur. It is concluded that the seismic activity was very intensive in connection with the peak rates of glacial isostatic uplift, and that this was a natural effect of the geodynamic processes operating.  相似文献   

A new map of the recent geodynamics of Asia is presented along with the principles and methods of its compilation and a characterization of the used factual material. For the first time, a map is based on the three parameters that determine recent geodynamics: the thickness of the lithosphere, the stress state, and the vectors of recent movements in the brittle upper portion of the lithosphere. In addition, active volcanoes and epicenters of earthquakes with M ≥ 6.0 are shown.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks of the Afyon province (eastern part of western Anatolia) make up a multistage potassic and ultrapotassic alkaline series dated from 14 to 12 Ma. The early-stage Si-oversaturated volcanic rocks around the Afyon city and further southward are trachyandesitic volcanic activity (14.23 ± 0.09 Ma). Late-stage Si-undersaturated volcanism in the southernmost part of the Afyon volcanic province took place in three episodes inferred from their stratigraphic relationships and ages. Melilite–leucitites (11.50 ± 0.03 Ma), spotted trachyandesites, tephryphonolites and lamproites (11.91 ± 0.13 Ma) formed in the first episode; trachyandesites in the second episode and finally phonotephrites, phonolite, basaltic trachyandesites and nosean-bearing trachyandesites during the last episode. The parameter Q [normative q-(ne + lc + kls + ol)] of western Anatolia volcanism clearly decreased southward with time becoming zero in the time interval 10–15 Ma. The magmatism experienced a sudden change in the extent of Si saturation after 14 Ma, during late-stage volcanic activity of Afyon volcanic province at around 12 Ma, though there was some coexistence of Si-oversaturated and Si-undersaturated magmas during the whole life of Afyon volcanic province.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence of Permian volcanic activity along the South American portion of the Gondwana proto-Pacific margin has directed attention to its potential presence in the stratigraphic record of adjacent basins. In recent years, tuffaceous horizons have been identified in late Early Permian–through Middle Permian (280–260 Ma) sections of the Paraná Basin (Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay). Farther south and closer to the magmatic tract developed along the continental margin, in the San Rafael and Sauce Grande basins of Argentina, tuffs are present in the Early to Middle Permian section. This tuff-rich interval can be correlated with the appearance of widespread tuffs in the Karoo Basin. Although magmatic activity along the proto-Pacific plate margin was continuous during the Late Paleozoic, Choiyoi silicic volcanism along the Andean Cordillera and its equivalent in Patagonia peaked between the late Early Permian and Middle Permian, when extensive rhyolitic ignimbrites and consanguineous airborne tuffaceous material erupted in the northern Patagonian region. The San Rafael orogenic phase (SROP) interrupted sedimentation along the southwestern segment of the Gondwana margin (i.e., Frontal Cordillera, San Rafael Basin), induced cratonward thrusting (i.e., Ventana and Cape foldbelts), and triggered accelerated subsidence in the adjacent basins (Sauce Grande and Karoo) located inboard of the deformation front. This accelerated subsidence favored the preservation of tuffaceous horizons in the syntectonic successions. The age constraints and similarities in composition between the volcanics along the continental margin and the tuffaceous horizons in the San Rafael, Sauce Grande, Paraná, and Karoo basins strongly suggest a genetic linkage between the two episodes. Radiometric ages from tuffs in the San Rafael, Paraná, and Karoo basins indicate an intensely tuffaceous interval between 280 and 260 Ma.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence of Permian volcanic activity along the South American portion of the Gondwana proto-Pacific margin has directed attention to its potential presence in the stratigraphic record of adjacent basins. In recent years, tuffaceous horizons have been identified in late Early Permian–through Middle Permian (280–260 Ma) sections of the Paraná Basin (Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay). Farther south and closer to the magmatic tract developed along the continental margin, in the San Rafael and Sauce Grande basins of Argentina, tuffs are present in the Early to Middle Permian section. This tuff-rich interval can be correlated with the appearance of widespread tuffs in the Karoo Basin. Although magmatic activity along the proto-Pacific plate margin was continuous during the Late Paleozoic, Choiyoi silicic volcanism along the Andean Cordillera and its equivalent in Patagonia peaked between the late Early Permian and Middle Permian, when extensive rhyolitic ignimbrites and consanguineous airborne tuffaceous material erupted in the northern Patagonian region. The San Rafael orogenic phase (SROP) interrupted sedimentation along the southwestern segment of the Gondwana margin (i.e., Frontal Cordillera, San Rafael Basin), induced cratonward thrusting (i.e., Ventana and Cape foldbelts), and triggered accelerated subsidence in the adjacent basins (Sauce Grande and Karoo) located inboard of the deformation front. This accelerated subsidence favored the preservation of tuffaceous horizons in the syntectonic successions. The age constraints and similarities in composition between the volcanics along the continental margin and the tuffaceous horizons in the San Rafael, Sauce Grande, Paraná, and Karoo basins strongly suggest a genetic linkage between the two episodes. Radiometric ages from tuffs in the San Rafael, Paraná, and Karoo basins indicate an intensely tuffaceous interval between 280 and 260 Ma.  相似文献   

N. Hald  C. Tegner   《Lithos》2000,54(3-4):207-233
The Paleozoic–Mesozoic Jameson Land Basin (East Greenland) is intruded by a sill complex and by a swarm of ESE trending dykes. Together with dykes of the inner Scoresby Sund fjord, they form a regional Early Tertiary intrusive complex located 200–400 km inland of the East Greenland rifted continental margin. Most of the intrusive rocks in the Jameson Land Basin are geochemically coherent and consist of evolved plagioclase–augite–olivine saturated, uncontaminated high-Ti basalt with 48.5–50.2 wt.% SiO2, 2.2–3.2 wt.% TiO2, 5.1–7.4 wt.% MgO, 9–17 ppm Nb and La/YbN=2.8–3.6. Minor tholeiitic rock types are: (a) low-Ti basalt (49.7 wt.% SiO2, 1.7 wt.% TiO2, 6.8 wt.% MgO, 2.6 ppm Nb and La/YbN=0.5) akin to oceanic basalts; (b) very-high-Ti basalt (48.6 wt.% SiO2, 4.1 wt.% TiO2, 5.1 wt.% MgO and 21 ppm Nb); and (c) plagioclase ultraphyric basalt. The tholeiitic dolerites are cut by alkali basalt (43.7–47.3 wt.% SiO2, 4.1–5.1 wt.% TiO2, 4.9–6.2 wt.% MgO, 29–46 ppm Nb and La/YbN=16–17) sills and dykes.Modelling of high-field-strength and rare-earth elements indicate that the high-Ti basalts formed from 6–10% melting of approximately equal proportions of garnet- and spinel-bearing mantle of slightly depleted composition beneath thick continental lithosphere. Conversely, dolerite intrusions and flood basalts of similar compositional kindred from adjacent but more rift-proximal occurrences in Northeast Greenland formed from shallower melting of dominantly spinel-bearing mantle beneath extended and thinned continental lithosphere. These variations in lithospheric thickness suggest the continent–ocean transition of the East Greenland rifted volcanic margin is sharp and narrow.40Ar–39Ar dating and paleomagnetism show that the high-Ti dolerites were emplaced at 53–52 Ma (most likely during C23r) and hence surprisingly postdate the main flood volcanism by 2–5 Ma and the inception of seafloor spreading between Greenland and Europe by 1–2 Ma. The formation of tholeiitic and alkaline magmas emplaced into the Jameson Land Basin corroborates to the importance of post-breakup magmatism along the East Greenland volcanic rifted margin. Upwelling of the ancestral Iceland mantle plume under central Greenland at 53–52 Ma (rather than under the active rift), perhaps accompanied by a failed attempt to shift the rift zone westward towards the plume axis, may have triggered post-breakup continental magmatism of the Jameson Land Basin and the inner Scoresby Sund region, along preexisting structural lineaments.  相似文献   

Prolonged intraplate volcanism along the 4000 km-long East Australian margin for ca 100 Ma raises many genetic questions. Studies of the age-progressive pulses embedded in general basaltic activity have spawned a host of models. Zircon U–Pb dating of inland Queensland central volcanoes gives a stronger database to consider the structure and origin of Australian age-progressive volcanic chains. This assists appraisal of this volcanism in relation to plate motion and plate margin tectonic models. Inland Queensland central volcanoes progressed south-southeast from 34 to 31 Ma (~5.4 cm/yr) until a surge in activity led to irregular southerly progression 31 to 28 Ma. A new inland southeastern Queensland central volcano line (25 to 22 Ma), from Bunya Mountains to North Main Range, followed 3 Ma behind the adjacent coastal progression. The Australian and Tasman Sea age-progressive chains are compared against recent plate motion modelling (Indian Ocean hotspots). The chain lines differ from general vector traces owing to west-facing swells and cessations in activity. Tectonic processes on the eastern plate margin may regulate these irregularities. These include subduction, rapid roll-back and progressive detachment of the Loyalty slab (43 to 15 Ma). West-flowing Pacific-type asthenosphere, related to perturbed mantle convection, may explain the west-facing volcanic surges. Such westward Pacific flow for over 28 Ma is known at the Australian–Antarctic Discordance, southeast of the present Australian plume sites under Bass Strait–West Tasman Sea. Most basaltic activity along eastern Australia marks asthenospheric melt injections into Tasman rift zone mantle and not lithospheric plate speed. The young (post-10 Ma) fields (Queensland, Victoria–South Australia) reflect new plate couplings, which altered mantle convection and stress regimes. These areas receive asthenospheric inputs from deep thermal zones off northeast Queensland and under Bass Strait.  相似文献   

The morphology of the Andean Wadati-Benioff zone south of 10° S was established on the basis of the distribution of earthquake foci. The existence of an intermediate aseismic gap, closely connected with the Andean andesitic volcanism, was confirmed. The gap, interpreted as a partially melted zone, is supposed to be the source of primary magma for active andesitic volcanoes. A clear correlation between the depth range of the Andean Wadati-Benioff zone and the major structural units of the Nazca plate was found. It implicates a non-uniform rate of subduction along the Peru—Chile trench due to the hampering effect related to the main tectonic features of the subducting oceanic plate. The Andean deep earthquakes with focal depths greater than 500 km are interpreted as a remnant of the foregoing cycle of subduction.  相似文献   

Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanism in the Central Andes occurs near the boundary of convergent oceanic and continental lithospheric plates. The rocks show a chemical and temporal zonation with respect to the present Chile-Peru trench. It is inferred that the geometry of the subduction zone has not changed in the last 190 m.y.; the continental crust during Jurassic time in northern Chile may have been between 15 and 27 km thick.  相似文献   

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