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This paper addresses some specific features of the formation of atmospheric precipitation and soil and ground waters in the Ust’-Selenga depression on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal, where the delta of the Selenga River supplying about 50% of water into the lake has been formed. It was shown that a reducing environment was formed within this region under near-surface conditions in the zone of active water exchange, where waters with high concentrations of organic matter, ammonium, iron, manganese, nitrate, zinc, and cadmium were observed. The high contents of these components in the ground waters of the depression are related to the occurrence of both natural and anthropogenic processes. It was found that the natural hydrogeologic systems of the Ust’-Selenga depression are affected by a negative impact related to the transboundary atmospheric transport of industrial wastes discharged tens to hundreds of kilometers from its boundaries.  相似文献   

Lake-level changes inferred from seismic surveying and core sampling of the floor of Lake Baikal near the Selenga River delta can be used to constrain regional climatic history and appear to be correlated to global climate changes represented by marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS). The reflection pattern and correlation to the isotope stages indicate that the topset and progradational foreset sediments of the deltas formed during periods of stable lake levels and warm climatic conditions. During warm stages, the lake level was high, and during cold stages it was low. The drop in the lake level due to cooling from MIS 5 through MIS 4 is estimated to be 33-38 m; from MIS 3 through MIS 2, it fell an additional 11-15 m. Because the lake level is chiefly controlled by evaporation and river input, we infer that more water was supplied to Lake Baikal during warm stages.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection profiles from the Lake Baikal Rift reveal extensive details about the sediment thickness, structural geometry and history of extensional deformation and syn-rift sedimentation in this classic continental rift. The Selenga River is the largest single source of terrigenous input into Lake Baikal, and its large delta sits astride the major accommodation zone between the Central and South basins of the lake. Incorporating one of the world's largest lacustrine deltas, this depositional system is a classic example of the influence of rift basin structural segmentation on a major continental drainage. More than 3700 km of deep basin-scale multi-channel seismic reflection (MCS) data were acquired during the 1989 Russian and the 1992 Russian–American field programs. The seismic data image most of the sedimentary section, including pre-rift basement in several localities. The MCS data reveal that the broad bathymetric saddle between these two major half-graben basins is underlain by a complex of severely deformed basement blocks, and is not simply a consequence of long-term deltaic deposition. Maximum sediment thickness is estimated to be more than 9 km in some areas around the Selenga Delta. Detailed stratigraphic analyses of the Selenga area MCS data suggest that modes of deposition have shifted markedly during the history of the delta. The present mode of gravity- and mass-flow sedimentation that dominates the northern and southern parts of the modern delta, as well as the pronounced bathymetric relief in the area, are relatively recent developments in the history of the Lake Baikal Rift. Several episodes of major delta progradation, each extending far across the modern rift, can be documented in the MCS data. The stratigraphic framework defined by these prograding deltaic sequences can be used to constrain the structural as well as depositional evolution of this part of the Baikal Rift. An age model has been established for this stratigraphy, by tying the delta sequences to the site of the Baikal Drilling Project 1993 Drill Hole. Although the drill hole is only 100 m deep, and the base of the cores is only ∼670 ka in age, ages were extrapolated to deeper stratigraphic intervals using the Reflection-Seismic-Radiocarbon method of Cohen et al. (1993). The deep prograding delta sequences now observed in the MCS data probably formed in response to major fluctuations in sediment supply, rather than in response to shifts in lake level. This stratigraphic framework and age model suggest that the deep delta packages developed at intervals of approximately 400 ka and may have formed as a consequence of climate changes affiliated with the northern hemisphere glaciations. The stratigraphic analysis also suggests that the Selenga Basin and Syncline developed as a distinct depocentre only during the past ∼2–3 Ma. Received: 1 December 1999 / Accepted: 26 January 2000  相似文献   


Large floods are among the most hazardous natural phenomena, which in many cases cause enormous losses to the economy and lead to human casualties. Along with the use of modern instrumental data, the analysis of historical information on large past floods is widely practiced in the world. This allows obtaining qualitative and quantitative characteristics of historical floods and significantly expanding the observation series. The Selenga River is one of the largest rivers of Central Asia with catchment area equal to 447,060 km2, and also it is rather flood-prone river. The hydrological regime of the Selenga River is quite well studied in the twentieth century on the basis of gauging stations data, but there is still a lack of knowledge about past floods. In this paper, we present a list of 26 known floods within the Selenga River basin from 1730 to 1900, compiled from available historical documents (newspapers, scientific reports, diaries, memoirs, etc.). We estimated peak water levels for three catastrophic floods (1830, 1869 and 1897), the historical maximum of which was 850 cm. The reliability of our estimates is confirmed by a comparative analysis of the large 1971 flood. It was revealed that the largest floods can cause a rise of the Lake Baikal water level up to 200 cm. The inflow to Lake Baikal resulting from the largest floods in the Selenga River basin is comparable to the average annual inflow of water into the lake. We can conclude that the use of historical data for the analysis of floods in Eastern Siberia is quite acceptable, but some limitations must be taken into account.


The Suwannee River (USA) is an amber stained, nutrient rich, blackwater river which flows into relatively clear oceanic waters resulting in the formation of a coastal region with unique physical, chemical, and biological gradients. The intent of this study was to describe the spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton as it relates to these gradients. Ten stations along a transect ranging from 5 km up river to 31 km offshore, were sampled during four different flow regimes. All four sampling periods included in our study of the Suwannee River and plume region exhibited a similar pattern of phytoplankton abundance; low phytoplankton biomass in the Suwannee River and offshore stations with an area of elevated biomass seaward of the Suwannee River outflow. The results of our analysis of light and nutrient limitation in the region support the hypothesis that this spatial pattern of phytoplankton abundance is strongly influenced by color dependent light limitation in the river and outflow area, combined with nutrient limitation offshore. Our results suggest that both light and nutrient availability control abundance and composition of phyto plankton in this coastal area.  相似文献   

Results of research into recent sediments and their distribution in Lake Baikal are presented. Five areas with different mechanisms of sedimentation have been recognized: (1) deep-water plains with pelagic mud and turbidites; (2) littoral zones without turbidites; (3) underwater ridges (rises) with hemipelagic mud accumulated under calm sedimentation conditions; (4) delta (fan) areas near the mouths of large rivers, where sediments consist mainly of terrigenous material; and (5) shallow Maloe More with poorly sorted terrigenous material and abundant sand. The rate of sedimentation differs considerably in different Baikal areas. The highest rates appear near the mouths of large rivers, lower ones occur in the deep lake basins, and the minimum rates are developed on underwater ridges. A map of the distribution of Holocene sediments in Baikal has been compiled for the first time. The obtained results show that the bottom morphology significantly determines the type of sediments in the lake.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a comprehensive investigation into the recent sediments of Proval Bay. This bay formed during catastrophicflooding of a big block of land as a result of an earthquake in 1862. Comparison of the sketch map of the bay for 1862 with its modern mapshows that the boundary of the Selenga River delta has shifted considerably eastward. The sediments of Proval Bay are sands, silty pelite,and pelitic silt. Terrigenous material is predominant and consists of mineral grains and land plant remains, admixed with diatom frustules andsponge spicules. In the southwestern part of the bay, turbidites and a soil layer have been found. The latter was buried when the water levelin Lake Baikal rose after the construction of the Irkutsk dam in 1959–1964. In the northeastern part of the bay, a peatlike layer has beenfound in the bottom sediment core. It formed in Lake Beloe, which existed in the Tsagan steppe before the 1862 earthquake. According todiatom analysis, this lake was shallow and eutrophic. The sedimentation rates in different parts of Proval Bay differ greatly and directly dependon proximity to the Selenga River. Variations in the geochemical indicators which reflect the ratio of organic to clastic components in thebottom sediments of the bay are controlled by temperature and water level variations in Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

艾比湖水面近50a变化成因分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
20世纪90年代以来,艾比湖水面面积持续增大,湖区生态环境明显改善,与60、70年代水面面积急剧缩小、湖区生态环境严重恶化形成鲜明对比.针对艾比湖水面面积近50a变化过程,利用入湖径流及有关水文、气象资料,分析河流丰枯变化对入湖径流的影响、农业引水量与降水的关系,研究了艾比湖水面面积近50a变化成因.  相似文献   

The long-term data (1950–2017) on the chemical composition of the water from the source of the Angara River, which is the only run-off from Lake Baikal, a large and clean fresh water reservoir, are presented. The absence of water contamination despite the anthropogenic influence is shown. The similarity and constancy of the current composition of the waters in the lake and the Angara River are recorded. It is recommended to continue geochemical studies of this unique world heritage site.  相似文献   

Based on shipboard and satellite observations, the characteristics of upwelling in Lake Baikal in the period of direct temperature stratification have been determined for the first time. Coastal upwellings appear annually under the effect of run-down and alongshore winds and are traced along the coast to a distance of up to 60–100 km and up to 250 km in North Baikal. Analogous to the way it occurs in seas, water rises from the depths of 100–200 m (350 m as a maximum) at the velocity of 0.1 × 10−2−6.5 × 10−2 cm/s. Divergence in the field of intràbasin cyclonic macrovortices produces upwelling in the Baikal pelagic zone and downwelling in the vicinity of shores; this lasts from 7 to 88 days and covers the depth interval of 80–300 m in August and up to 400–800 m in early-mid November. The area of upwellings occupies up to 20–60% of the separate basins of the lake. Vertical circulation of water in the field of pelagic upwellings leads to intensification of coastal currents and to formation of the thermobar with a heat inert zone in the central part of the lake in November, and this thermobar is not observed in other lakes, at that.  相似文献   

Eutrophication processes have been recorded in many world’s freshwater reservoirs, which are sources of drinking water. More and more investigations show that global warming is the main natural factor that causes eutrophication. In recent years, signs of eutrophication have also been recorded in Lake Baikal containing 20% of the world’s freshwater reserves. Therefore, we performed the first comprehensive analysis of long-term changes in climatic parameters capable to provoke negative changes in the shallow zone. The largest number of anomalies of climatic indices has been recorded in the 21st century. Moreover, the current decade has been the most favorable for the emergence of negative processes in the lake (outbreak of the mass growth of algae and aquatic vegetation, rotting of their remains at the bottom and on the shores of the lake, changes in the structure and zoning of biocoenoses, etc.). The main natural conditions favoring the emergence of negative signs are elevated temperatures of the air and lake shore water, reduced amount of precipitation, reduced inflow of river waters into Baikal and lowering of its water level, low-water season, and weakening of wind currents, water exchange processes, and, as a result, water self-purification. In the period of continuing global warming, it is necessary to study the climate effect on the processes in the shallow zone and to carry out long-term monitoring for elucidation of recent and expected changes in the ecological state of Lake Baikal and for their valid interpretation.  相似文献   

The largest rift zone of Europe and Asia is located in the region of Lake Baikal. In 1968–1970 deep seismic measurements were carried out along a number of profiles with a total length of about 2000 km within the rift zone and in the adjacent parts of the Siberian platform and the region of the Baikal Mountains. These investigations were of a reconnaissance nature, and therefore the point sounding method was used.A low-velocity region for compressional waves (7.6–7.8 km/sec) has been found and could be traced over a large area in the upper parts of the mantle. The width of this anomalous zone is 200–400 km. The Baikal rift lies in its northwestern part. Within the studied part of the Siberian platform the thickness of the earth's crust is 37–39 km, while in the rift zone it is 36 km, and further to the southeast the crust-mantle boundary lies at a depth of 45–46 km. The Baikal rift proper is bounded in the northwest by a deep fracture zone and does not seem to be associated with any significant “root” or “antiroot” in the relief of the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity.The reduced compressional velocity in the upper parts of the mantle beneath the Baikal zone is considered to correspond to the same phenomena found under the mid-oceanic ridges and the extended rift system in the Basin and Range province of North America. The Baikal rift in the narrow sense of the word lies over the northwestern edge of the anomalous mantle region. This asymmetric position seems to be its main peculiarity.  相似文献   

The Selenga River contributes to 50% of the total inflow to Lake Baikal. Large tracts of the Selenga River Basin have been developed for industry, urbanization, mining, and agriculture, resulting in the release of suspended solids (SS) that affect downstream water quality and primary productivity. This study addressed SS as the main factor controlling pollutant transport and the primary indicator of land degradation in the Selenga River system. Tributaries with larger areas dedicated to agricultural use had higher SS concentrations, reaching 862 mg L?1, especially during the high runoff and intensive cultivation season. Although the large SS flux was detected in the main river, the small tributaries were distinguished by high SS concentrations. The high SS concentration corresponded to widespread development in the watershed. Watersheds with high potential of SS release are sensitive to intensive land uses. SS in the river system had a constant elemental composition consisting mainly of Fe and Al oxides, indicating that surface soils were major constituents of the tributary SS. Three minor heavy metals (Zn, Cu, and Cr) appeared in high concentrations downstream of urban and mining areas (two- to sixfold increases), indicating that these contaminants are carried by SS. At two tributary junctions, the concentration of contaminants on the SS decreased due to a large influx of SS with low heavy metal contents. Changes in electric conductivity and pH at downstream of tributary junctions enhanced the sedimentation of SS and the removal of contaminants from the water phase after aggregation of the SS. Land use changes in the tributary watersheds are major controlling factors for the fate of contaminants in the river system.  相似文献   

长江中下游河湖水量交换过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
长江中下游的河湖水交换关系典型且复杂,为描述河湖水量相互交换过程,提出了河湖水量交换系数的概念,即某一时段内由支流汇入湖泊的径流量与湖泊泄入干流径流量的比值,表示河湖水量交换的激烈程度。根据水量平衡原理推导出河湖水量交换系数计算的经验公式,并把河湖水量交换过程分为3种状态:“湖分洪”、“稳定”和“湖补河”。近60多年来河湖水交换系数年际变化趋势表明:洞庭湖与长江干流的水交换状态从“湖分洪”到“稳定”,再到“湖补河”状态发展;鄱阳湖与长江干流的水交换系数在稳定状态附近波动,河湖水交换状态无明显趋势性变化,河湖系统演化稳定。河湖水交换系数与长江干流径流量相关性良好,而与湖泊支流径流量相关性较差,表明长江干流径流量的大小是河湖水量交换过程的主控因素。  相似文献   

通过现场实地踏勘、拍照、开挖探槽、利用卫星图解译等方法,对乌伦古湖环布伦托海区域和吉力湖北部乌伦古河现代三角洲地区的湖泊滨岸沉积环境和沉积体系进行了现代沉积调查。研究表明乌伦古湖滨岸沉积环境可以划分为基岩型湖岸、砾质湖岸、砂质湖岸、泥质湖岸等4种类型,发育山前基岩型湖岸、侵蚀基岩型湖岸、砾质冲积扇-扇三角洲、砾质辫状河三角洲、砾质滩坝、砂质滩坝、砂质三角洲、风成沙丘和泥质沼泽等9种滨岸沉积体系。山前基岩湖岸分布在布伦托海的北部,主要发育小型塌积扇、倒石锥和狭窄的湖滩。侵蚀型基岩湖岸位于布伦托海西岸和东北角地区,发育湖滩宽20~40 m。砾质冲积扇-扇三角洲沉积体系分布在布伦托海西北部25.8 km狭长区域,表现为一系列冲积扇-扇三角洲体系在山前形成裙边状展布的辫状平原,顺流向长5~15 km。砾质辫状河三角洲体系发育在布伦托海西部,砾质滩坝发育在砾质三角洲前缘,沉积物一般为中砾和粗砾,泥质含量低。现代乌伦古河三角洲位于吉力湖北部,沙丘广泛分布在布伦托海东部的三角洲平原。砂质滩坝发育在布伦托海东岸南部地区,滩坝带宽30~100 m,发育大量障碍痕、冰划痕。泥质沼泽占据湖岸总长度29.22 km,沼泽地带植物繁茂,水动力微弱,泥质和有机质含量高。根据卫星照片推测乌伦古湖水位可能发生过3次较大的下降,现代乌伦古河三角洲可能经过了4个发育阶段,但目前缺乏地质年代学证据。构造格局控制了湖泊边界的地形地貌特征,平行构造线走向容易形成规模较大的沉积体系,垂直构造走向形成的沉积体系规模较小。寒旱地区湖泊周缘入湖河流较少,具有季节性和暂时性特点,洪水泥石流、塌积扇等重力沉积体系比较发育。湖泊封冻是寒旱区湖泊区别于温暖地区湖泊的重要特征。在相同气候背景下,源汇地区的高差和河流的流程、流量决定了沉积物的供给总量和沉积体系的特征。湖盆边界形态影响沿岸流的发育,也影响湖泊风动力方向和强度。乌伦古湖滨岸沉积体系的多样性对研究古代湖泊滨岸沉积体系具有重要的启发,开展湖泊滨岸沉积环境和沉积体系调查对完善陆相湖盆沉积体系模式,对发现新的储层类型,对重建湖泊古地理环境具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

流域上游基岩与下游冲积平原土壤化学组成的对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迟清华  马生明 《地质通报》2008,27(2):188-195
对海河水系流域、鄱阳湖水系流域上游的基岩与下游的冲积平原土壤之间化学组成的对比研究显示,下游冲积物土壤的化学组成明显地受源岩成分、形成过程和形成环境的影响。流域上游基岩的一些特征元素在冲积物土壤中被明显地继承,如海河流域基岩和土壤中的CO2、CaO、MgO、FeO、Sr,鄱阳湖流域基岩和土壤中的W、Sn、Bi、U、Th、Pb、Rb、Tl、As、Sb、Se、Hg、Nb、Ta、Hf、B、Be、Ge、Pt、Pd、Y。受形成过程和形成环境的影响,处于暖温带半湿润季风气候下的海河流域冲积平原土壤以极富集CO2、CaO、Na2O、Cl,显著富集MgO、FeO、Sr,富集P、S为特征;而处于亚热带湿润季风气候下的鄱阳湖流域冲积平原土壤则以显著富集Hg、Se和富集Al2O3、Fe2O3H2O^+、W、Sn、Bi、Mo、U、Th、Pb、Rb、Cs、Tl、Li、Be、B、Ga、Ge、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、As、Sb、Co、Cr、Ti、V、Zn、Pt、Pd、REE、Y为特征。无论是海河流域还是鄱阳湖流域的冲积平原土壤,均富集As、Sb、Hg、B、Cl、W、Sn、Bi、Pb、Se、Ge、Li、Cs、Cu、Au、Fe2O3、V、Cr、Ni、Zr、Hf、Y。  相似文献   

This study presents a multi‐proxy record from Lake Kotokel in the Baikal region at decadal‐to‐multidecadal resolution and provides a reconstruction of terrestrial and aquatic environments in the area during a 2000‐year interval of globally harsh climate often referred to as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The studied lake is situated near the eastern shoreline of Lake Baikal, in a climatically sensitive zone that hosts boreal taiga and cold deciduous forests, cold steppe associations typical for northern Mongolia, and mountain tundra vegetation. The results provide a detailed picture of the period in focus, indicating (i) a driest phase (c. 24.0–23.4 cal. ka BP) with low precipitation, high summer evaporation, and low lake levels, (ii) a transitional interval of unstable conditions (c. 23.4–22.6 cal. ka BP), and (iii) a phase (c. 22.6–22.0 cal. ka BP) of relatively high precipitation (and moisture availability) and relatively high lake levels. One hotly debated issue in late Quaternary research is regional summer thermal conditions during the LGM. Our chironomid‐based reconstruction suggests at least 3.5 °C higher than present summer temperatures between c. 22.6 and 22.0 cal. ka BP, which are well in line with warmer and wetter conditions in the North Atlantic region inferred from Greenland ice‐cores. Overall, it appears that environments in central Eurasia during the LGM were affected by much colder than present winter temperatures and higher than present summer temperatures, although the effects of temperature oscillations were strongly influenced by changes in humidity.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in paleoproductivity of Lake Biwa (Japan) over the past 32 kyr have been studied by analyzing bulk organic carbon and photosynthetic pigments (chlorins) in the BIW95-5 core. Primary productivity was estimated on the assumption of C/Norg values of 8 for autochthonous organic matter (OM) and 25 for allochthonous OM and using an equation developed for the marine environment. The estimate indicates that primary productivity ranges from 50 to 90 g C m?2 yr?1 in the Holocene, while it is ~60 g C m?2 yr?1 on average in the last glacial. Pheophytin a and pheophorbide a are the major chlorins. A downcore profile of chlorin concentration normalized to autochthonous organic carbon (OC) shows a decreasing trend. Chlorin productivity was corrected by removal of the effect of post-burial chlorin degradation. The temporal profile of chlorin productivity thereby obtained resembles that from autochthonous OC.The difference in primary productivity between the Holocene and the glacial for the lake is markedly smaller than that for Lake Baikal situated in the boreal zone. This difference between the two lakes is probably caused by the difference in their climatic conditions, such as temperature and precipitation. Precipitation at Lake Biwa is relatively large during the glacial and the Holocene because of the continuous influence of the East Asian monsoon. Lake Baikal precipitation is generally small as a result of control by the continental (Siberia) climate regime. In addition, a significant difference in productivity between the glacial and the Holocene for Lake Baikal may be essentially controlled by the hydrodynamic systems in the lake.Lake Biwa terrigenous OM input events occurred at least five times over the period 11–32 kyr BP, suggesting enhanced monsoon activity. Molecular examination of the layer with a large input of terrigenous OM during the Younger Dryas indicates that concentrations of terrigenous biomarkers such as n-C27–C31 alkanes, lignin phenols, cutin acids, ω-hydroxy acids and C29 sterols are high, suggesting that soil OM with peat-like material entered the lake as a result of flooding. An enhanced sedimentation rate in the last 3000 years might have been partially caused by agricultural activity around the lake.  相似文献   

The Valdivia River (Lake Region, Chile) originates in Riñihue Lake and flows into the sea at Corral Bay (39°52′S latitude), changing names several times along its course. The aquatic benthic flora (algae and aquatic plants) of the Valdivia River was characterized, based on 22 sites sampled and 124 plant species collected. Four benthic vegetation zones were established using presence-absence data: a freshwater zone and a marine zone were found at the extremes of the transect; an estuarine zone and a discontinuity zone were detected in the middle of this transect. The freshwater zone was characterized by a relatively diverse assemblage of vascular plants, the marine zone was dominated by algae and was rich in species. By contrast the estuarine zone was inhabited by only a few species but in great abundance, while the discontinuity zone was poor, in species and low in cover vegetation.  相似文献   

Suspended sediments (SS) from the Atchafalaya River (AR) and the Mississippi River and surficial sediment samples from seven shallow cross-shelf transects west of the AR in the northern Gulf of Mexico were examined using elemental (%OC, C/N), isotopic (δ13C, Δ14C), and terrigenous biomarker analyses. The organic matter (OM) delivered by the AR is isotopically enriched (∼−24.5‰) and relatively degraded, suggesting that soil-derived OM with a C4 signature is the predominant OM source for these SS. The shelf sediments display OC values that generally decrease seaward within each transect and westward, parallel to the coastline. A strong terrigenous C/N (29) signal is observed in sediments deposited close to the mouth of the river, but values along the remainder of the shelf fall within a narrow range (8-13), with no apparent offshore trends. Depleted stable carbon isotope (δ13C) values typical of C3 plant debris (−27‰) are found near the river mouth and become more enriched (−22 to −21‰) offshore. The spatial distribution of lignin in shelf sediments mirrors that of OC, with high lignin yields found inshore relative to that found offshore (water depth > 10 m).The isotopic and biomarker data indicate that at least two types of terrigenous OM are deposited within the study area. Relatively undegraded, C3 plant debris is deposited close to the mouth of the AR, whereas more degraded, isotopically enriched, soil-derived OM appears to be deposited along the remainder of the shelf. An important input from marine carbon is found at the stations offshore from the 10-m isobath. Quantification of the terrigenous component of sedimentary OM is complicated by the heterogeneous composition of the terrigenous end-member. A three-end-member mixing model is therefore required to more accurately evaluate the sources of OM deposited in the study area. The results of the mixing calculation indicate that terrigenous OM (soil-derived OM and vascular plant debris) accounts for ∼79% of the OM deposited as inshore sediments and 66% of OM deposited as offshore sediments. Importantly, the abundance of terrigenous OM is 40% higher in inshore sediments and nearly 85% higher in offshore sediments than indicated by a two-end-member mixing model. Such a result highlights the need to reevaluate the inputs and cycling of soil-derived OM in the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

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