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To estimate the age of the glaciation in the New Siberian Islands, fossils of small mammals from the Sana-Balagan site (Faddeevsky Island, Russian Eastern Arctic) have been studied. The evolutionary degree of this fauna, which indicates the age of the sediments underlying the glacial deposits, suggests that the glaciation of the New Siberian Islands began no earlier than 190–210 thousand years ago. The new biochronological data in combination with 230Th/234U dates show that the geological event in question was synchronous with the Moscow glaciation or the Moscow stage of the Dnieper glaciation (the Vychegda glaciation, the final stage of the Saalian, the final stage of the Riss, the end of the MIS 6, 180–140 thousand years ago).  相似文献   

Based on seismological monitoring data specifying earthquake epicenters, a new map is made for the Western sector of the Russian Arctic region. The seismicity data is reworked in detail by specifying the epicentral positions of earthquakes and adding data on weak seismicity for areas which were earlier insufficiently studied, including those at the boundary of the Arctic Shelf of the Russian Federation. The fundamental possibility of applying seismological observations to construct a regional geodynamic map is discussed (in particular, the important role of island-based seismic stations). The possibility of specifying the nature of seismicity in terms of spectral-temporal analysis (STAN) of waveforms based on data from the new seismic station on the Franz Josef Land is considered. Possible application of the character of seismicity obtained from geophysical data to specify the geodynamic nature of events accompanying interaction of the ridge and shelf spreading is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the sedimentary cover and acoustic basement in the northeastern Russian Arctic region is analyzed. Beneath the western continuation of the North Chukchi trough and Vil’kitskii trough, a Late Caledonian (Ellesmere) folded and metamorphozed basement is discovered. It is supposed that Caledonides continue further into the Podvodnikov Basin until the Geofizikov branch. A large magnetic anomaly in the Central Arctic zone has been verified by seismostratigraphic data: the acoustic basement beneath the Mendeleev (and partially Alpha) Ridge is overlain by trapps. Wave field analysis showed that the acoustic basement of the Lomonosov Ridge has folded structure, whereas beneath the Mendeleev Ridge, the sporadic presence of a weakly folded stratum of Paleozoic platform deposits is interpreted. It is supposed that the Caledonian and Late Cimmerian fold belts in the periphery of the Arctida paleocontinent appeared as a result of collision between arctic continental masses and southern ones. After Miocene extension and block displacements identified from appearance of horsts, grabens, and transverse rises both on the shelf and in the ocean, a general subsidence took place and the present-day shelf, slope, and the deepwater part of the Arctic Ocean formed.  相似文献   

Ore mineral assemblages associated with various types of intrusive traps from the western sector of the Siberian Platform are reviewed. It was shown that various types of mineralization (Norilsk magmatic copper-nickel, Angaro-Ilim skarn-magnetite, and hydrothermal with Zn, Pb, Ag, and other metals) appear during the evolution of the fluid-magmatic systems. A suggestion about the high potential perspectives of this area for the revealing of large accumulation of various ore types was postulated.  相似文献   

The New Siberian Islands archipelago is one of the few research objects accessible for direct study on the eastern Arctic shelf. There are several models that have different interpretations of the Paleozoic tectonic history and the structural affinity of the New Siberian Islands terrane. Some infer a direct relationship with the passive continental margin of the Siberian paleocontinent. Others connect it with the marginal basins of Baltica and Laurentia, or the Chukotka-Alaska microplate. Our paleomagnetic investigation led us to create an apparent polar wander path for the early Paleozoic interval of geological history. Based on it we can conclude that the New Siberian Islands terrane could not have been a part of these continental plates. This study considers the possible tectonic scenarios of the Paleozoic history of the Earth, presents and discusses the corresponding global reconstructions describing the paleogeography and probable mutual kinematics of the terranes of the Eastern Arctic.  相似文献   

The principal types of magnetic fields in the Siberian Platform, such as mosaic-like "high" over shields and massifs, banded maxima-minima over the surrounding linear folds, widespread "lows" over ancient Proterozoic folded zones, and others, with their regional modifications, are taken as expressions of major structural members of the base. The base appears to consist of large homogeneous crustal blocks, undifferentiated and practically unaltered since early Precambrian. It differs from the Russian Platform in this respect, as well as by the character of its magnetic fields, inasmuch as the Russian base has been subjected to an appreciable differentiation, reworking, and evolution. --IGR Staff.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the chemical composition of underground brines in sections of the Tunguska and Olenek artesian basins is accomplished. The paper examines the equilibrium degree of brines with host rock minerals: carbonate (dolomite, calcite, magnesite, strontianite), sulfate (gypsum and celestine), chloride (halite, sylvite) and some aluminosilicates (anorthite, albite, illite, montmorillonites, kaolinite, muscovite, and others). Origin of brines is discussed based on results of the calculation of genetic coefficients. The paper presents a schematic generalization of data on the chemical composition, mineral concentration, genesis, and abundance of brines in the studied subjects.  相似文献   

A natural oil seep has been revealed in the floodplain of the middle stream of the Amga River, in zone of the exposure of Middle Cambrian sediments. A distinctive feature of saturated hydrocarbons of this oil is the absence of 12- and 13-methylalkanes, biomarkers that are present in oils of the Vendian–Cambrian deposits of the Nepa–Botuobiyan petroliferous province. In this feature the studied seep oil is similar to the Middle Cambrian oil from hydrogeologic wells (1-P and 1-T) drilled earlier downstream of the Amga River.  相似文献   

Kerogens from the Lower and Middle Cambrian deposits of the Kuonamka Formation in the northeastern Siberian Platform have been analyzed by modern methods. We have determined the pyrolytic characteristics of insoluble organic matter and the contents of C, H, S, N, O, and the stable C isotope. The type and catagenesis of organic matter have been estimated, as well as the generating potential of oil source rocks. It has been found that the composition of kerogens taken from the Molodo River outcrops was affected by supergene processes and that the degree of their alteration is related to the organic content of rocks and their structure.  相似文献   

Korago  E. A.  Kovaleva  G. N.  Schekoldin  R. A.  Il’in  V. F.  Gusev  E. A.  Krylov  A. A.  Gorbunov  D. A. 《Geotectonics》2022,56(2):123-156
Geotectonics - Our study considers the structure and tectonics of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, located in the west Russian Arctic and part of the Eurasian Arctic: (i) the age of the Pre-Paleozoic...  相似文献   

The soil cover of the Arctic zone of Russia is ~330 million hectares. Permafrost restricts the thickness of the active layer but does not prevent the formation of significant diversity of soils and soil complexes, including Al–Fe humic and peat soils, gleysols, and others. The available data on soil resources are sufficient for organization and participation of Russia in scientific–practical international programs. At the same time, specific soil related targets and project tasks may require additional study of soils of the Arctic region.  相似文献   

Natural gas hydrate deposits have been estimated to store about 10% of gas in hydrate form (even with regard to a higher concentration of gas in hydrates), proceeding from the known ratio of dissolved-to-deposited gas. This high percentage is largely due to the fact that the buffer factor in natural gas hydrate deposits is lower than that for free gas because of less diverse structural conditions for gas accumulation. Therefore, the available appraisal of world resources of hydrated gas needs a revision.Hydrates in rocks are either syngenetic or epigenetic. Syngenetic hydrates originate from free or dissolved gas which was present in rocks in situ at the time when PT-conditions became favorable for gas hydrate formation. Epigenetic hydrates are derived from gas which came by migration into rocks with their PT-conditions corresponding to formation of gas hydrates.In addition to the optimum PT-conditions and water salinity, economic gas hydrate accumulation requires sustained supply of natural gas into a specific zone of gas hydrate formation. This condition is feasible only in the case of vertical migration of natural gas along faults, fractured zones, and lithologic windows, or, less often, as a result of lateral migration.Of practical importance are only the gas hydrate deposits produced by vertical or lateral gas migration.  相似文献   

In the section of Agaleevskaya BH-4 drilled in the lower reaches of the Angara River, Vendian and Baikalian sediment sequences have been recognized within Neoproterozoic strata. The Vendian sequence is formed by terrigenous-carbonate deposits of the Tetere, Soba, and Katanga Formations of the Danilovo Horizon, referred to as the Upper Vendian Nemakit-Daldyn Stage, as well as by terrigenous deposits of the Taseeva Group. The Baikalian Horizon is composed of the Brus Formation, earlier recognized only on the Chadobets uplift, and is separated from the Vendian deposits by a stratigraphic gap. In the Brus Formation, a microfossil complex similar to earlier described biotas of the Siberian Baikalian strata was found. The underlying deposits of the Terina Formation contain microfossils lacking below the basement of the Lakhanda Horizon (Neoproterozoic).  相似文献   

This paper presents mineral reactions in metapelites and estimations of PT-conditions of metamorphism for paragranulites of the Irkut block of the Sharyzhalgay uplift (Siberian Platform). The geothermometeric data based on exchange reactions, the contents of Na in cordierite and Ti in zircon indicate that the peak temperature of metamorphism reached ca. 800 °C at 6–7 kbar. The observed mineral reactions suggest that the pressure decreased to ca. 3 kbar at a retrograde stage of metamorphism.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Analysis of the latest seismic data has shown that thick sedimentary basins are developed in the western part of the Laptev Sea and on the continental margin of the...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The mineral and chemical composition of bauxites from the Chadobets uplift of the Siberian Platform is the total product of laterites on aluminosilicate rocks (source of...  相似文献   

Typomorphic features of placer gold in the eastern Siberian Platform were studied to determine its genesis. It was established that this region contains abundant alluvial bar placers, which were formed mainly by the erosion of gold reservoirs of different ages. Discovery of gold with the points of eolian reworking in the Quaternary sediments allows us to predict the eolian gold placers in individual areas of the northeastern and central parts of the eastern Siberian Platform. Identification of two types of gold on the basis of typomorphic features in the Cenozoic deposits indicates that placer gold was mainly derived from the Precambrian sources spatially confined to the exposure of ancient basement, as well as from local ore occurrences related to the Mesozoic tectonomagmatic activation. Thus, two main stages of ore formation (Precambrian and Mesozoic), were substantiated for the first time in the eastern Siberian Platform.  相似文献   

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