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The present paper reports the K-Ar ages determined on glauconitic samples collected from the Ukra Member of the Mesozoic Bhuj Formation in two different sections, one located on the Ghuneri-Ghaduli road near Katesar Mahadeo temple and the other at the base of the Ukra hill in the northwestern part of the Kutch Mainland area. Three glauconite samples viz., UkraKT-1, UkraKT-4 and UkraUH-3 have yielded K-Ar ages of 107.9 ± 3.4 Ma, 105.5 ± 3.3 Ma and 103.5 ± 3.4 Ma, respectively. The sample UkraKT-l treated with 0.5N HC1 and analysed in duplicate has yielded a mean age of 104 ± 2.3 Ma while the sample UkraKT-4 treated with 0.1N HCl has given an age of 106.5 ± 3.3 Ma. The ages of the treated and untreated glauconites are indistinguishable within 2σ uncertainty with a mean of 105.2 ± 1.3 Ma, which has been interpreted as the depositional age of the Ukra Member of the Mesozoic Bhuj Formation. The study has further indicated that mild acid treatment (up to 0.5N HCl) does not lead to any loss of radiogenic argon in the glauconites and can be helpful in purification of the samples.  相似文献   

An ichnofossil assemblage is preserved in sediments of the Middle Bhuban Formation,Surma Group,of Miocene age from the Durtlang and Chanmari sections,Aizawl district,Mizoram,northeastern India.The studied sections comprise a thick,bioturbated and thinly bedded sandstone–silty shale facies.The preserved ichnofossils show high density and low diversity with the assemblage represented by feeding and resting traces,i.e.,Psilonichnus upsilon Frey et al.,1984,Ophiomorpha isp.,Teichichnus spiralis Mikulá.1990,Skolithos isp.,Palaeophycus isp.,and other horizontal burrows.Sedimentary structures associated with these traces are mainly cross bedding,flaser bedding and slump structures.Considering the distribution of the Psilonichnus ichnogenus across an integrated ichnological–sedimentological framework,the stratigraphic interval of the Middle Bhuban Formation,in which they occur,are interpreted to have been deposited under a shallow,marginal-marine channel complex dominated by tidal channels developed in quiet,brackish-water portions of a delta plain.  相似文献   

Abstract: We present results tending to characterize the new records of invertebrates from the Yacoraite Formation (Maastrichtian-Danian). The fossils reported come from two stratigraphic sections exposed in the surroundings of Maimará and Jueya, province of Jujuy, northwestern Argentina. The selection was based on geological and paleontological evidence. The recovered fossils include gastropods and invertebrate fossil traces, including Planolites, Skolithos and Gastrochanoelites ichnogenus. As result of our review, we discussed the possibility of assigning the analyzed gastropods to the family Zygopleuridae (gene. et. sp. indet.), as an approximation to the taxonomic resolution of this fossil fauna. The trace fossils were assigned to the archetypical Glossifungites ichnofacies. The study of the fossil assemblage allowed us to define a shallow depositional environment, characteristic of a marine context with high-energy conditions.  相似文献   

This work provides the first detailed taxonomic study of ostracod species from the Shenjiatun section (Nenjiang Formation, Songliao Basin, northeast China). Ten species belonging to seven genera are recognized. At the species level, this ostracod fauna shows a high degree of endemicity. The ontogeny of two species is recognized in this study, and sexual dimorphism within Daqingella arca is unequivocally recognized for the first time. The ostracod fauna suggests that this fossil-bearing sedimentary succession should be assigned to members 3–4 (Campanian) of the Nenjiang Formation (mainly Member 3) instead of representing ‘Quaternary sediments’ as previously thought. On the basis of the ostracod fauna, Member 3 of the Nenjiang Formation at Shenjiatun represents a shallow-littoral, lacustrine depositional environment that, at least in the upper part of Member 3, potentially included less stable conditions characterized by smaller, ephemeral waterbodies and increased (non-marine, oligohaline) salinities through evaporation.  相似文献   

介壳微量元素具有重要的沉积古环境古气候意义,结合介壳微量元素含量变化特征和介壳化石组合生态环境特征可得到柴达木盆地西部上干柴沟组中上段更为详尽的古环境古气候演化特征。柴达木盆地西部上干柴沟组中上段介壳微量元素比值Sr/Ca、Ba/Ca、U/Ca及元素Sr、Ba、U在A阶段(28.35~26.42 Ma)值较低,B阶段(26.42~23.08 Ma)值整体较高,段末值有所下降,C阶段(23.08~22.33 Ma)值明显上升,Mn/Ca和Mn值变化大致相反。A阶段Sr/Ca和Sr均值(分别为0.002 278、37.76×10-9)较低,B阶段均值(分别为0.003 347、41.46×10-9)较高,C阶段二者均值(分别为0.003 346、56.06×10-9)也较高,Ba/Ca、U/Ca、B、U有着类似的平均值变化特征,Mn/Ca和Mn值有着相反的平均值变化特征。同时相应各阶段介壳化石组合有所不同。通过介壳微量元素变化及化石组合特征,结合同期深海氧同位素及前人研究成果表明,上干柴沟组中上段柴西古湖古环境古气候演化特征为: A阶段,盐度较低和还原性较强,水位较高,气候相对温暖润湿;B阶段,整体盐度较高和氧化性较强,水位较浅,气候整体炎热干旱,段末气候干旱程度降低;C阶段,盐度和氧化性增高,湖水变浅,气候向冷干演化,响应了早中新世中国西北内陆干旱化。该地区该时段古气候主要受全球气候演化和青藏高原隆升的影响,与副特提斯海西退也有一定关系。  相似文献   

The present paper reports five nongeniculate coralline algal species, viz., Lithothamnion valens Foslie, Mesophyllum roveretoi Conti, Phymatolithon calcareum (Pallas) Adey and Mckibbin, Melobesioideae gen. et spec. indet. and Lithoporella melobesioides Foslie form the early middle Miocene Chhasra Formation of Offshore Sequence of Kachchh basin, western India. The present day depth distribution of Lithothamnion and Mesophyllum and growth forms of five nongeniculate coralline algal species points that the two cores belonging to the Chhasra Formation of offshore sequence of Kachchh basin were deposited in inner shelf environment at 60-100m depth in moderate-energy conditions.  相似文献   

Due to its intermediate geographical position between the Mediterranean and W Pacific, the Oligocene shallow-marine sequence of Kutch (India) is of key importance in paleobiogeographical interpretations. Larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) are a fundamental link for the correlation between the Mediterranean shallow benthic zones (SBZ) and the W Pacific ‘letter stages’. LBF were re-evaluated by morphometric studies of the internal test from five stratigraphic sections of the Maniyara Fort Formation. Based on their significant affinity to coeval fauna in the Mediterranean, they were assigned to W Tethyan SBZ zones, supported by Sr-isotope stratigraphy. In the Basal Member, traditionally considered as early Rupelian, we identified Nummulites bormidiensis, N. kecskemetii and Heterostegina assilinoides assigning it to the early Chattian SBZ 22B Zone. The Coral Limestone Member, previously considered as late Rupelian, is also assigned to this zone, for the presence of N. bormidiensis, Eulepidina formosoides-dilatata and Nephrolepidina morgani-praemarginata. Its early Chattian age (26.5–29 Ma) is further supported by Sr-isotope data. Miogypsinoides complanatus and Spiroclypeus margaritatus in the Bermoti Member (the top of the formation) document the late Chattian SBZ 23 Zone and the Sr-isotope data (22.5–24 Ma) place it close to the Oligocene–Miocene boundary.  相似文献   

Extensive Cenozoic lignite-bearing sediments in the western part of Kutch, western India provide a unique opportunity to study the floral diversity at a crucial time of early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO). Rock samples representing a lignite-bearing sequence from the open cast mine at Matanomadh, Gujarat, western India were collected to study the palynofloral composition and to interpret the palaeoclimate and environment of deposition. The sequence mainly composed of lignites, shales and calcareous mudstones yielded rich assemblage consists of pteridophytic spores (7 genera, 10 species), angiosperm pollens (20 genera, 26 species), fungal remains (14 genera, 16 species) and dinoflagellate cysts. The palynofloral assemblage is marked with dominance of angiospermic pollen, particularly those having affinity with the family Arecaceae. Occurrence of fungal remains in high abundance is also noticed. Based on palynomorph contents, the studied sequence is divisible into two palynozones. It is inferred that lower part of the sequences was deposited in a near-shore environment with intermittent marine incursions whereas the depositional regime of upper part was shallow marine. The climate is found to be tropical-subtropical, humid with heavy precipitation during the deposition of Matanomadh lignite-bearing sequence.  相似文献   

在甘肃宝积山盆地中侏罗统窑街组发现了保存较为完整的银杏类叶片化石。对当前化石宏观特征与镜下微观构造进行研究,并将其鉴定为阿干镇似银杏(Ginkgoites aganzhenensis)。在此基础上,统计了该种下表皮的气孔参数,并利用气孔指数法和气孔比率法恢复研究区中侏罗世早期的古大气CO2浓度,探讨这两种方法的准确性。分析结果表明,气孔指数法获得的古大气CO2浓度为974×10-6,落在了GEOCARB Ⅲ的可信误差范围之外;气孔比率法重建的古大气CO2浓度为1 823×10-6,处于GEOCARB Ⅲ可信误差范围之内。这说明对于当前化石而言,利用气孔比率法恢复古大气CO2浓度更加合适,数据十分接近GEOCARB Ⅲ的最佳拟合线,表明似银杏也是恢复古大气CO2浓度的一种理想植物。通过计算得出当时的温度比现在高7.2℃,反映了宝积山盆地中侏罗世阿林期到巴柔期为温暖潮湿的温带气候环境。  相似文献   

角质层微细构造特征是化石植物鉴定的重要依据,实验研究了云南腾冲新近系樟科润楠属薄叶润楠Machilus leptophylla和长梗润楠(近似种)Machilus cf. longipedicellata两个化石种的表皮微细构造特征,并与现存对应种类进行了表皮构造和叶结构特征的对比分析,补充证实了两化石种均属于自然分类属性。丰富了我国樟科润楠属化石记录。鉴于大气CO2浓度与植物叶片气孔指数呈负相关关系,Machilus叶片可以作为大气CO2浓度的生物指示器。研究表明,利用该类化石叶片气孔参数可推测地史时期古大气CO2浓度,揭示了新近纪滇西地区为温暖湿润性气候。  相似文献   

袁崇喜 《地质学报》2004,78(4):464-467
本文记述了一件产自辽宁锦州义县早白垩世九佛堂组燕鸟 (Yanornis)化石的新标本。研究标本不但自身保存非常精美 ,而且其嘴里还完整地保存了它捕获的最后一件猎物——吉南鱼 (Jinanichthys longi-cephalus)。该标本的研究 ,不仅对燕鸟的生存环境、生活习性、捕食类型等研究提供了直接的证据 ,而且对于探讨辽西热河生物群中脊椎动物的“集群死亡”的原因也具有重要的意义  相似文献   

Dhosa Oolite Member of the Jumara Formation comprises alternating bands of oolitic limestones and shales, exposed in Jhura dome of Mainland Kachchh, Western India. This sequence is highly bioturbated and exhibits a moderate diversity and behaviourally complex assemblage of ichnospecies. The rhythmically bedded sequence shows three different levels of preservation of traces. Epichnial tiering consists of moderately bioturbated oolitic limestone exhibiting horizontal or low-angle protrusive/retrusive biogenic laminae, commonly dominated by feeding structures like Rhizocorallium jenense, R. irregulare, Zoophycos brianteus and Zoophycos isp. The endichnial structures within the oolitic limestone can be separated into two different preservational trace fossil suites. The endichnial shallow suites consist chiefly of deposit feeders like Chondrites intricatus, C. targionii, Planolites beverleyensis, Taenidium cameronensis, Thalassinoides isp., Z. brianteus, Z. cf circinnatus and Zoophycos isp. and few suspension feeder forms like Palaeophycus tubularis; while endichnial deep suites consist of Chondrites intricatus, Skolithos linearis and Zoophycos isp. Hypichnial structures consists abundant, cylindrical, branched, horizontal, large-sized three dimensional feeding burrows of Thalassinoides isp. and somewhat irregular, obtuse angle ramification burrows of Phycodes isp., which are attached to the lower surface of the casting medium. The trace fossil association indicates Cruziana ichnofacies and abundance of Zoophycus species below the fair weather wave base level is largely a preservational artifact. The preservational processes of the trace fossils indicate soft substrate and diversity and their abundance reflects the other palaeoecological parameters of the open shallow marine environments.  相似文献   

在豫西济源地区发现的陆相微生物成因构造(Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures,MISSs),主要发育在孙家沟组和刘家沟组,可分为2大类即微生物席生长构造和微生物席破坏构造,8小类即生长脊构造、瘤状突起、曲形脱水裂痕、纺锤状脱水裂痕、似正弦状构造、树枝状脱水裂痕、多边形脱水裂痕和直脊状脱水裂痕。镜下分析显示具有大"U"形脊、定向排列的石英颗粒、近平行的暗色黏土矿物条带及悬浮排列的云母颗粒等微生物成因特征。通过与鲁山、黎城中元古界以及宜阳、柳林早三叠系微生物成因构造对比研究,认为研究区的微生物成因构造具有较为特殊的埋藏学特征,受二叠纪末灾变事件、适宜的沉积条件和气候因素控制,代表着研究区以微生物群落为主、后生动物稀少、植被贫乏、气候炎热和水土流失严重等特征的一种陆相灾后生态系。  相似文献   

The objective of the present paper is to provide geochemical and palynological data to characterize lignites and carbonaceous shales from Panandhro, northwestern Kutch Basin, Gujarat, Western India, in terms of their hydrocarbon potential, thermal maturity, sequence stratigraphic settings and depositional palaeoenvironment. The samples, collected in Panandhro lignite mine, belong to Naredi Formation of Late Paleocene-Early Eocene age. The geochemical results are based on proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, X-ray diffraction and Rock-Eval py-rolysis analyses, whereas palynological data include palynofossil composition and thermal alteration index (TAI). The TOC, hydrogen index (HI), cracked hydrocarbon (S2), bitumen index (BI), quality index (QI), and the total genetic potential (S1+S2) values indicate that the studied lignites and carbonaceous shales have good source rock potential. The organic matter is predominantly of type II and type II/III kerogen, which has potential to generate oil as well as gas. Thermal maturity determined from thermal alteration index (TAI), T max and production index (PI) indicates that the organic matter is immature, and in the diagenesis stage of organic matter transformation. The deposition of the studied carbonaceous shales and lignites took place in palaeoenvironments varying from brackish mangrove to freshwater swamp. This study indicates that the proportion of ferns, palms, volatile matter content, S/C, H/C ratios, as well as the presence of siderite and quartz can be used as an indicator of accommodation trends in the coal depositional system. The Panandhro carbonaceous shales and lignites were deposited during the lowstand systems tract with many cycles of small magnitude trangressive-regressive phases. Thus, the geochemistry and ecological palynology are useful not only for the investigation of coal quality and origin, but also to infer accommodation space settings of the mire. This can be gainfully utilized in the coal industry for coal mine planning, development and exploitation, because of the predictive ability to infer changes in stratigraphy and coal quality.  相似文献   

Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic (Sr and Nd) studies on the recently reported ca. 124 Ma ‘anorogenic lamproite’ dyke from the Palanpur area, Kutch seismogenic rift zone, northwestern India, are presented. We propose a new classification for the dyke as a damtjernite (ultramafic lamprophyre; UML) based on its porphyritic-panidiomorphic texture, abundance of phlogopite, presence of nepheline in the groundmass, and the composition of liquidus phases such as olivine, phlogopite, magnetite, and clinopyroxene (diopside). The Palanpur UML is primitive (Mg# = 74–77), silica-undersaturated (SiO2 <40 wt.%), potassic to slightly sodic in nature, and is strikingly similar to the ∼69 Ma UML dykes and sills of the Tethyan Indus suture zone, which are considered as the earliest yet known manifestations of the Deccan Large Igneous Province (LIP). Bulk-rock (87Sr/86Sr)i (0.70460–0.70461) and ɛNd(t) (+2.56 to −0.69) of the Palanpur UML signify derivation from a slightly depleted mantle source similar to that of asthenospheric magmas such as OIB. This is further attested to by the high incompatible trace element ratios (viz., La/Ba, Nb/U, Nb/La and Ta/Yb) that are typical of plume-type magmas. However, the Neoproterozoic TDM depleted mantle Nd model ages (∼655–919 Ma) also necessitate some involvement of a lithospheric mantle component in its genesis. High bulk-rock Fe2O3t and TiO2 contents require the involvement of a fertile peridotitic mantle source, whereas high La/Yb (60–80) implies a control by residual garnet. Higher Rb/Sr and lower Ba/Rb suggest phlogopite as a residual phase and high Nb and lower La/Sm favour carbonatite, rather than silicate melt as metasomatising agent. Low degrees of partial melting of a primitive garnet lherzolite mantle can account for the observed REE patterns in the Palanpur UML. The Palanpur UML shares a temporal similarity to the Kerguelen plume-derived Rajmahal basalts and associated alkaline rocks from the eastern India. The tectonomagmatic significance of its emplacement during the mid-Cretaceous vis-à-vis various models involving the timing of eruption of the Deccan and the Rahmahal Traps and the rifting in the Kutch basin induced by far-field plate reorganization is evaluated.  相似文献   

前寒武纪的生物界是以微生物为主导的,微生物所引起的生物沉积构造的研究一直受到地质学家重视。以往的研究多集中在碳酸盐岩地层,近年来以发育在碎屑岩地层为主的微生物成因沉积构造(MISS)也成为地学界的研究热点之一。豫西鲁山地区云梦山组隶属于中元古界汝阳群,在构造古地理上属于华北地台南缘,主要为一套陆源碎屑岩沉积,其层面发育了大量的MISS,且类型多样。MISS类型的分布特征对精细环境有良好的指示作用;MISS的大量发育表明了当时微生物群落的繁盛,揭示了当时的微生物群落对古环境具有的强大改造功能。  相似文献   

A new species of Shuyuidae (Eugaleaspiformes, Galeaspida), Jiangxialepis jiujiangensis sp. nov., is described from the lower Telychian (Llandovery, Silurian) Qingshui Formation in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, China. The new species differs from the type species J. retrospina from Wuhan, Hubei Province in its sharp and posteriorly positioned median dorsal spine and narrow spine-shaped inner cornual processes. The Silurian strata in Xiushui–Wuning area has provided a standard framework for the correlation of Silurian shallow marine red beds in South China. Thus, the finding of J. jiujiangensis from the Silurian Lower Red Beds (LRBs) in Jiangxi Province bears very important biostratigraphic significance. It can directly compare to Jiangxialepis retrospina from the Fentou Formation in Wuhan, Hubei Province in the genus level. This indicates that the age of the fish-bearing strata in Wuhan is most likely to be the early Telychian rather than middle Telychian as previously assumed.  相似文献   

Slope deposits in semiarid regions are known to be very sensitive environments, especially those that occurred during the minor fluctuations of the late Holocene. In this paper we analyse Holocene colluvium genesis, composition, and paleoenvironmental meaning through the study of slope deposits in NE Spain. Two cumulative slope stages are described during this period. In the study area, both slope accumulations are superimposed and this has enabled an excellent preservation of the aggregative sequence and the paleosols corresponding to stabilisation stages. 14C and TL dating, as well as archaeological remains, provide considerable chronological precision for this sequence. The origin of the accumulation of the lower unit is placed around 4295–4083 cal yr BP/2346–2134 cal yr BC (late Chalcolithic) and it developed until the Iron Age in a cooler and wetter climate (Cold Iron Age). Under favourable conditions, a soil A-horizon was formed on top of this unit. A new slope accumulation was formed during the Little Ice Age. Within the slope two morphogenetic periods ending with A-horizons are distinguished and related with two main cold–wet climatic events. The study of these slopes provides a great amount of data for the paleoenvironmental and geoarchaeological reconstruction of the late Holocene in NE Spain.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the provenance of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sediments in the Kutch Basin, western India, on the basis of mineralogical investigations of sandstones composition(Quartz-Feldspar-Lithic(QFL)fragment), Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile(ZTR) index, and mineral chemistry of heavy detrital minerals of the framework.The study also examines the compositional variation of the sandstone in relation to the evolution of the Kutch Basin, which originated as a rift basin during the Late Triassic and evolved into a passive margin basin by the end Cretaceous. This study analyzes sandstone samples of Jhumara, Jhuran and Bhuj Formations of Middle Jurassic,Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, respectively, in the Kutch Mainland. Sandstones record a compositional evolution from arkosic to subarkosic as the feldspar content decreases from 68% in the Jhumara Formation to 27%in the Bhuj Formation with intermediate values in the Jhuran Formation. The QFL modal composition indicates basement uplifted and transitional continental settings at source. Heavy mineral content of these sandstones reveals the occurrence of zircon, tourmaline, rutile, garnet, apatite, monazite and opaque minerals. Sub-rounded to well-rounded zircon grains indicate a polycyclic origin. ZTR indices for samples in Jhumara, Jhuran and Bhuj Formations are 25%, 30% and 50% respectively. Chemistry of opaque minerals reveals the occurrence of detrital varieties such as ilmenite, rutile, hematite/magnetite and pyrite, in a decreasing order of abundances. Chemistry of ilmenites in the Jhumara Formation reveals its derivation from dual felsic igneous and metabasic source, while those in Jhuran and Bhuj Formations indicate a metabasic derivation. Chemistry of garnet reveals predominantly Fe-rich(almandine) variety of metabasic origin. X-ray microscopic study provides the percentage of heavy minerals ranging from 3% to 5.26%. QFL detrital modes reflect the evolution of the basin from an active rift to a passive margin basin during the Mesozoic. Integration of results from QFL modal composition of the sandstones, heavy mineral analysis and mineral chemistry, suggests sediment supply from both northern and eastern highlands during the Middle Jurassic. The uplift along the Kutch Mainland Fault in the Early Cretaceous results in curtailment of sediment input from north.  相似文献   

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