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There is strong evidence for some kind of massive dark object in the centres of many galaxy bulges. The detection of flares from tidally disrupted stars could confirm that these objects are black holes (BHs). Here we present calculations of the stellar disruption rates in detailed dynamical models of real galaxies, taking into account the refilling of the loss cone of stars on disruptable orbits by two-body relaxation and tidal forces in non-spherical galaxies. The highest disruption rates (one star per 104 yr) occur in faint ( L ≲1010 L) galaxies, which have steep central density cusps. More luminous galaxies are less dense and have much longer relaxation times and more massive BHs. Dwarf stars in such galaxies are swallowed whole by the BH and hence do not emit flares; giant stars could produce flares as often as every 105 yr, although the rate depends sensitively on the shape of the stellar distribution function. We discuss the possibility of detecting disruption flares in current supernova searches. The total mass of stars consumed over the lifetime of the galaxy is of the order of 106 M, independent of galaxy luminosity; thus, disrupted stars may contribute significantly to the present BH mass in galaxies fainter than ∼109 L.  相似文献   

We introduce a new class of 2D mass models, whose potentials are of Stäckel form in elliptic coordinates. Our model galaxies have two separate strong cusps that form double nuclei. The potential and surface density distributions are locally axisymmetric near the nuclei and become highly non-axisymmetric outside the nucleus. The surface density diverges toward the cuspy nuclei with the law     Our model is sustained by four general types of regular orbits: butterfly , nucleophilic banana , horseshoe and aligned loop orbits. Horseshoes and nucleophilic bananas support the existence of cuspy regions. Butterflies and aligned loops control the non-axisymmetric shape of outer regions. Without any need for central black holes, our distributed mass models resemble the nuclei of M31 and NGC 4486B. It is also shown that the self-gravity of the stellar disc can prevent the double nucleus to collapse.  相似文献   

We show that the algorithm proposed by Gauss to compute the secular evolution of gravitationally interacting Keplerian rings extends naturally to softened gravitational interactions. The resulting tool is ideal for the study of the secular dynamical evolution of nearly Keplerian systems such as stellar clusters surrounding black holes in galactic nuclei, cometary clouds or planetesimal discs. We illustrate its accuracy, efficiency and versatility on a variety of configurations. In particular, we examine a secularly unstable system of counterrotating discs, and follow the unfolding and saturation of the instability into a global, uniformly precessing, lopsided  ( m = 1)  mode.  相似文献   

The long-term evolution of stellar orbits bound to a massive centre is studied in order to understand the cores of star clusters in central regions of galaxies. Stellar trajectories undergo tiny perturbations, the origins of which are twofold: (i) the gravitational field of a thin gaseous disc surrounding the galactic centre, and (ii) cumulative drag arising from successive interactions of the stars with the material of the disc. Both effects are closely related because they depend on the total mass of the disc, assumed to be a small fraction of the central mass. It is shown that, in contrast to previous works, most of the retrograde (with respect to the disc) orbits are captured by the central object, presumably a massive black hole. Initially prograde orbits are also affected, so that statistical properties of the central star cluster in quasi-equilibrium may differ significantly from those deduced in previous analyses.  相似文献   

We consider warped equilibrium configurations for stellar and gaseous discs in the Keplerian force field of a supermassive black hole, assuming that the self-gravity of the disc provides the only acting torques. Modelling the disc as a collection of concentric circular rings and computing the torques in the non-linear regime, we show that stable, strongly warped precessing equilibria are possible. These solutions exist for a wide range of disc-to-black-hole mass ratios   M d/ M bh  , can span large warp angles of up to  ±∼120°  , have inner and outer boundaries, and extend over a radial range of a factor of typically two to four. These equilibrium configurations obey a scaling relation such that in good approximation     where     is the (retrograde) precession frequency and Ω is a characteristic orbital frequency in the disc. Stability was determined using linear perturbation theory and, in a few cases, confirmed by numerical integration of the equations of motion. Most of the precessing equilibria are found to be stable, but some are unstable. The main result of this study is that highly warped discs near black holes can persist for long times without any persistent forcing other than by their self-gravity. The possible relevance of this to galactic nuclei is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the in-plane normal modes in the self-consistent and the cut-out power-law discs. Although the cut-out discs are remarkably stable to bisymmetric perturbations, they are very susceptible to one-armed modes. For this harmonic, there is no inner Lindblad resonance, thus removing a powerful stabilizing influence. A physical mechanism for the generation of the one-armed instabilities is put forward. Incoming trailing waves are reflected as leading waves at the inner cut-out, thus completing the feedback for the swing-amplifier. Growing three-armed and four-armed modes occur only at very low temperatures. However, neutral m  = 3 and m  = 4 modes are possible at higher temperatures for some discs. The rotation curve index β has a marked effect on stability. For all azimuthal wavenumbers, any unstable modes persist to higher temperatures and grow more vigorously if the rotation curve is rising (β < 0) than if the rotation curve is falling (β > 0). If the central regions or outer parts of the disc are carved out more abruptly, any instabilities become more virulent. The self-consistent power-law discs possess a number of unusual stability properties. There is no natural time-scale in the self-consistent disc. If a mode is admitted at some pattern speed and growth rate, then it must be present at all pattern speeds and growth rates. Our analysis — although falling short of a complete proof — suggests that such a two-dimensional continuum of non-axisymmetric modes does not occur and that the self-consistent power-law discs admit no global non-axisymmetric normal modes whatsoever. Without reflecting boundaries or cut-outs, there is no resonant cavity and no possibility of unstable growing modes. The self-consistent power-law discs certainly admit equi-angular spirals as neutral modes, together with a one-dimensional continuum of growing axisymmetric modes.  相似文献   

Since many or most galaxies have central massive black holes (BHs), mergers of galaxies can form massive binary black holes (BBHs). In this paper we study the evolution of massive BBHs in realistic galaxy models, using a generalization of techniques used to study tidal disruption rates around massive BHs. The evolution of BBHs depends on BH mass ratio and host galaxy type. BBHs with very low mass ratios (say, ≲0.001) are hardly ever formed by mergers of galaxies, because the dynamical friction time-scale is too long for the smaller BH to sink into the galactic centre within a Hubble time. BBHs with moderate mass ratios are most likely to form and survive in spherical or nearly spherical galaxies and in high-luminosity or high-dispersion galaxies; they are most likely to have merged in low-dispersion galaxies (line-of-sight velocity dispersion ≲90 km s−1) or in highly flattened or triaxial galaxies.
The semimajor axes and orbital periods of surviving BBHs are generally in the range  10-3–10 pc  and  10–105 yr;  they are also larger in high-dispersion galaxies than in low-dispersion galaxies, larger in nearly spherical galaxies than in highly flattened or triaxial galaxies, and larger for BBHs with equal masses than for BBHs with unequal masses. The orbital velocities of surviving BBHs are generally in the range  102–104 km s-1  . The methods of detecting surviving BBHs are also discussed.
If no evidence of BBHs is found in AGNs, this may be either because gas plays a major role in BBH orbital decay or because nuclear activity switches on soon after a galaxy merger, and ends before the smaller BH has had time to spiral to the centre of the galaxy.  相似文献   

If supermassive black holes in centres of galaxies form by merging of black hole remnants of massive Population III stars, then there should be a few black holes of mass one or two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the central ones, orbiting around the centre of a typical galaxy. These black holes constitute a weak perturbation in the gravitational potential, which can generate wave phenomena in gas within a disc close to the centre of the galaxy. Here, we show that a single orbiting black hole generates a three-arm spiral pattern in the central gaseous disc. The density excess in the spiral arms in the disc reaches values of 3–12 per cent when the orbiting black hole is about 10 times less massive than the central black hole. Therefore, the observed density pattern in gas can be used as a signature in detecting the most massive orbiting black holes.  相似文献   

We generalize the well‐known Hill's circular restricted three‐body problem by assuming that the primary generates a Schwarzschild‐type field of the form U = A/r + B/r3. The term in B influences the particle, but not the far secondary. Many concrete astronomical situations can be modelled via this problem. For the two‐body problem primary‐particle, a homoclinic orbit is proved to exist for a continuous range of parameters (the constants of energy and angular momentum, and the field parameter B > 0). Within the restricted three‐body system, we prove that, under sufficiently small perturbations from the secondary, the homoclinic orbit persists, but its stable and unstable manifolds intersect transversely. Using a result of symbolic dynamics, this means the existence of a Smale horseshoe, hence chaotic behaviour. Moreover, we find that Hill's generalized problem (in our sense) is nonintegrable. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Orbit classification in arbitrary 2D and 3D potentials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method of classifying generic orbits in arbitrary 2D and 3D potentials is presented. It is based on the concept of spectral dynamics introduced by Binney &38; Spergel that uses the Fourier transform of the time series of each coordinate. The method is tested using a number of potentials previously studied in the literature and is shown to distinguish correctly between regular and irregular orbits, to identify the various families of regular orbits (boxes, loops, tubes, boxlets, etc.), and to recognize the second-rank resonances that bifurcate from them. The method returns the position of the potential centre and, for 2D potentials, the orientation of the principal axes as well, should this be unknown. A further advantage of the method is that it has been encoded in a FORTRAN program that does not require user intervention, except for 'fine tuning' of search parameters that define the numerical limits of the code. The automatic character makes the program suitable for classifying large numbers of orbits.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, the complex-shift method has been applied to self-gravitating spherical systems, producing new analytical axisymmetric density–potential pairs. We now extend the treatment to the Miyamoto–Nagai disc and the Binney logarithmic halo, and we study the resulting axisymmetric and triaxial analytical density–potential pairs; we also show how to obtain the surface density of shifted systems from the complex shift of the surface density of the parent model. In particular, the systems obtained from Miyamoto–Nagai discs can be used to describe disc galaxies with a peanut-shaped bulge or with a central triaxial bar, depending on the direction of the shift vector. By using a constructive method that can be applied to generic axisymmetric systems, we finally show that the Miyamoto–Nagai and the Satoh discs, and the Binney logarithmic halo cannot be obtained from the complex shift of any spherical parent distribution. As a by-product of this study, we also found two new generating functions in closed form for even and odd Legendre polynomials, respectively.  相似文献   

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