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The structural features and mechanism of the formation of the Sim trough within the Uralian Foredeep, as well as the development of the entire Karatau–Suleiman block, are considered. This wedge-shaped block was subject to lateral extrusion to the north along conjugated strike-slip fault zones under a general latitudinal compression. This factor determined the local meridional compression and latitudinal extension of the block. In the central part of the block, the latitudinal extension was compensated by gradual subsidence, which resulted in the formation of the Sim trough.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):145-156
The Polish Carpathian Foredeep (PCF) is a foreland basin formed during the regional flexure of the East European continental lithosphere related to a continental collision in the Carpathian realm. The infill of the PCF basin consist of the uppermost Lower to the Upper Miocene (Ottnangian-Pannonian) sediments. These are mostly mudstones and clays, more rarely sandstones, limestones and evaporites. Numerous thrusts, strike-slip and normal faults, and even folds exist in the whole PCF. The orientation of these structures is variable but they show the privileged directions. The spatial analysis of structures and their crosscutting relationships, together with published seismic data permit conclude that the regional stress field in studied part of PCF was stable during the whole Neogene time till now. The orientation of the maximum horizontal stress axis was NNE-SSW. The local changes of the stress field orientation were caused by activity of the strike-slip fault in the foredeep basement or even the rotation of the basement blocks. The visible response on the basement activity were mostly outcrop-scale structures, namely the number and variety of structures are increasing in individual outcrop. However, the map-scale structures were also generated, for example so called Ryszkowa Wola Horst, a large pop-up structure.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization at Kochkar (Urals, Russia) is hosted mainly by quartz lodes, which developed at lithological contacts between mafic dikes and granitoids of the Plast massif during late Carboniferous to early Permian, regional E–W compression in the East Uralian Zone (EUZ). The alteration mineralogy in mafic dikes comprises biotite, actinolite, albite, K-feldspar, quartz, epidote, tourmaline, sericite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, fahlores, galena, bismuthinite, and gold, and in Plast granitoids quartz, sericite, calcite, epidote, and ore minerals. Geochemically, an enrichment of Si, K, Rb, Ba, S, base metals, W, and Au can be observed. The ore fluid had δ18O values between 8.2‰ and 9.5‰ typical for metamorphic or deep magmatic fluids. The tectonometamorphic evolution of the EUZ is marked by peak metamorphic conditions at 635±40°C and 5–6 kbar through 500±20°C during gold mineralization, and 300–350°C and 2–3 kbar. The last event was dated on a late, barren quartz vein formed during greenschist facies metamorphism at 265±3 Ma by the Rb–Sr method. Fluids related to this overprint had a δ18O value of 5.2‰ and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70685 indicating that they are largely equilibrated with metamorphic lithologies of the EUZ. The Plast granitoids and the adjacent Borisov granite, which was dated at 358±23 Ma (U–Pb zircon age), have an adakitic character. This, together with the arc-signature of the mafic dikes, supports the setting of the EUZ within the Valerianovsky continental arc. Eastward subduction of the Uralian Ocean below this arc began during the late Devonian to early Carboniferous. Between 320 and 265 Ma, the oblique closure of the ocean resulted in doming of granitoid massifs in a sinistral transpressional regime, subsequent retrograde gold mineralization during E–W compression and a later greenschist facies overprint. This long-lasting retrograde evolution of the EUZ was caused by the lack of postcollisional collapse. Heat for a “deep-later" type of metamorphism and triggering the auriferous fluid system was supplied by radiogenic heating of an overthickened crust. The greenschist facies overprint at Kochkar and coeval crustal melting in the EUZ was additionally initiated by local external heating of the terrane. This could have been caused by syn- to postcollisional slab rollback or delamination resulting in magmatic underplating of the EUZ, which postdates orogenic gold mineralization at Kochkar. The tectonic interpretation of the EUZ indicates that gold mineralization at Kochkar formed in a mid-crustal environment of a continental magmatic arc at the cessation of active subduction predating post orogenic plutonism.  相似文献   

Granites, especially those that were decompressed as a result of processes of secondary transformations and tectonic movements, hold the greatest potential in the search for oil-bearing rocks in basements of sedimentary basins. Owing to the chemical dating of monazites from collision granites of the East Shebur area, the isochrone age of 274.5 ± 21 Ma was obtained. Zircons (SHRIMP-II) yield a concordant age of 277.5 ± 2 Ma (MSWD = 0.77). The Rb–Sr isochrone age of granites (247.4 ± 9.1 Ma) coincides with the emplacement time of the West Siberian rift system. This age records the process of intruding East Shebur granites into the upper crust level during riftogenesis and the extension of the study area. The younger age datings (231 Ma, 60 Ma (U–Pb); 220 Ma (K–Ar)) record the stages of tectonomagmatic activation, recorded in the basement of the Western Siberia oil-bearing areas.  相似文献   

The results of the cruise of R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrentiev conducted by the Pacific Institute of Oceanology, Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences in August to September 2005 are considered. The aim of the works was to specify the tectonic structure, seismogenic potential, and tsunamigenic hazard of the central segment of the Kuril Island Arc. The complex studies involved single-channel seismic profiling, gravimetry, magnetometry, detailed bathymetry, dredge sampling of sea-floor rocks and sediments, and gas geochemistry. Geophysical and geological data are reported. It was demonstrated that the target area is an active tectonic destruction zone, the zone boundaries were outlined, and the main internal structural and compositional heterogeneities were identified.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1347-1361
Moskaleva's data show that the olivinization of pyroxenites, their feldspathization, and conversion of porphyrites into gabbro are due to loss of silicon, a process called basification of the rocks. The sequence of rock formation was conditioned by the chemical properties of the elements (chiefly magnesium and aluminum), which also determine its potential migration capacity.--IGR Staff  相似文献   

An isotope-geochronological study of young magmatism in the central part of the Greater Caucasus (Kazbek neovolcanic area) on the territory of Russia and Georgia has been carried out. It was proved for the first time that, in the Early Pleistocene, there was a separate impulse of magmatic activity in this area. The area of endogenic activity for the period identified was contoured on the basis of the integrated isotope-geochronological, petrological-geochemical, and geological data. It has been shown that the Early Pleistocene volcanism inherits the area of Neogene volcanism in the Kazbek region and, therefore, presents the final impulse of the second (Pliocene) stage of the Late Cenozoic magmatism. Thus, Early Pleistocene volcanism was not a precursor of Late Quaternary magmatism as the latter has other spatial patterns of the location of volcanic centers.  相似文献   

In southern Poland, Miocene deposits have been recognised both in the Outer Carpathians and the Carpathian Foredeep (PCF). In the Outer Carpathians, the Early Miocene deposits represent the youngest part of the flysch sequence, while in the Polish Carpathian Foredeep they are developed on the basement platform. The inner foredeep (beneath the Carpathians) is composed of Early to Middle Miocene deposits, while the outer foredeep is filled up with the Middle Miocene (Badenian and Sarmatian) strata, up to 3,000mthick. The Early Miocene strata are mainly terrestrial in origin, whereas the Badenian and Sarmatian strata are marine. The Carpathian Foredeep developed as a peripheral foreland basin related to the moving Carpathian front. The main episodes of intensive subsidence in the PCF correspond to the period of progressive emplacement of the Western Carpathians onto the foreland plate. The important driving force of tectonic subsidence was the emplacement of the nappe load related to subduction roll-back. During that time the loading effect of the thickening of the Carpathian accretionary wedge on the foreland plate increased and was followed by progressive acceleration of total subsidence. The mean rate of the Carpathian overthrusting, and north to north-east migration of the axes of depocentres reached 12 mm/yr at that time. During the Late Badenian-Sarmatian, the rate of advance of the Carpathian accretionary wedge was lower than that of pinch-out migration and, as a result, the basin widened. The Miocene convergence of the Carpathian wedge resulted in the migration of depocentres and onlap of successively younger deposits onto the foreland plate.  相似文献   

A discontinuous outcrop of Palaeozoic rhythmic clastites appears in the North Chilean Coastal Cordillera. The Formación El Toco (21°15–22°15S) whose scarce flora points to a presumably Upper Devonian age forms the northernmost part of the outcrop. It is discordantly overlain by Lower Jurassic volcanics (Fm. La Negra), its base, however, is not exposed. Hercynian heteromorphous deformation led to predominantly NW trending folds strongly inclined mostly to the SW. Chevron-like folds of 0.1 to 30 m occur locally and seem to display properties transitional between synsedimentary-gravitational and early tectonic deformation.The series which is at least 2300 m thick consists of proximal, in parts pebbly turbidites with non-turbiditic finegrained intercalations. Incomplete BOUMA-sequences frequently begin with A-beds of grey to green immature, badly sorted coarse sandstones of up to 6 m thickness containing isolated quartz- and pelite-clasts.Measurements of flute casts and f oresets show palaeocurrents which came from NW and NNE. Along with petrographic observations they indicate southward directed transport of detritus from low metamorphic sedimentary and magmatic source areas into an Upper Devonian nonvolcanic basin.
Zusammenfassung Die Formación El Toco ist der nördlichste Aufschluß einer Kette von Vorkommen paläozoischer rhythmischer Klastite in der nordchilenischen Küstenkordillere. Diese Formation (21°15–22°15S), deren spärliche Flora vorbehaltlich dem Oberdevon zuzuordnen ist, wird diskordant von unterjurassischen Vulkaniten (Fm. La Negra) überlagert —das Liegende ist nicht aufgeschlossen. Variszische heteromorphe Deformation führte zu vorherrschend NW-streichender Faltung, die meist starke SW-Vergenz zeigt. Lokal tritt eine scharfe Verfaltung im 0,1 bis 30 m-Bereich hinzu, die sowohl synsedimentär-gravitative als auch frühtektonische Deformationsmerkmale zeigt.Die mindestens 2300 m mächtige Serie ist ein proximaler Flysch mit z. T. kiesführenden Turbiditen, in die nichtturbiditische feinkörnige Partien eingeschaltet sind. Die unvollständigen BOUMA-Sequenzen beginnen häufig mit einer aus grauen bis grünen unreifen und schlechtsortierten Grobsandsteinen bestehenden A-Division von bis zu 6 m Mächtigkeit, die isolierte Quarz- und Pelitklasten enthalten kann.Flute cast- und Foreset-Messungen weisen auf Paläoströmungsrichtungen aus NW und NNO hin. Zusammen mit petrographischen Analysen läßt sich daraus ein südwärts gerichteter Transport von schwachmetamorphsedimentärem und magmatischem Detritus in ein oberdevonisches nicht-vulkanisches Becken ableiten.

Résumén Ritmitas clásticas de edad paleozoica forman afloramientos discontinuos en la Cordillera de la Costa del Norte de Chile. La Formación El Toco (21°15–22°15S), que contiene una flora escasa de probable edad Devónico Superior, constituye la parte más septentrional de estos afloramientos. La base no se conoce, mientras que el techo infrayace discordantemente a volcanitas jurásicas inferiores (Fm. La Negra). Deformaciones hercínicas heteromórficas llevan a la formación de pliegues orientados predominantemente al NW inclinados fuertemente al SW. Localmente aparecen pliegues en forma de chevron de un tamano de 0.1 a 30 m que muestran caracteristicas de deformación transicional entre sinsedimentana-gravitativa y tectónica temprana.La serie que tiene una potencia de por lo menos 2300 m consiste en turbiditas proximales parcialmente con gravas e intercalaciones finas no-turbidíticas. Secuencias incompletas de BOUMA empiezan frecuentemente con capas de la division A (espesor maximo 6 m) los cuales se componen con frecuencia de areniscas gruesas gris-verdes, composicionalmente inmaduras y mal seleccionadas, con clastos aislados de cuarzo y pelita.Medidas de flute casts y foresets muestran paleocorrientes provenientes de NW y NNE. Junto con observaciones petrográficas, las paleocorrientes indican un transporte de material detrítico, originado de áreas con rocas sedimentarias, metamórficas de bajo grado e ígneas, dirigido al sur hacia una cuenca no volcánica de edad Devónico Superior.

- , - . (21°15 - 22°15 ) , ; - ( -). . , . . NW , SW. 0,1 30 , , - , - . 2300 , . , . , NW a NNE. , , .

The structure of the suture zones surrounding the East Uralian megazone in the South Urals is reviewed. The analysis of mesoscale structures allowed us to prove their strike-slip nature. Their kinematics changed from left-lateral in the Early Carboniferous into right-lateral in the Mesozoic. The age of these dislocations was determined after the age of synkinematic intrusions. The suture zones have divergent structures in contrast to the convergent East Uralian megazone that is located between them.  相似文献   

In this report, we present the situation in Slovenia, Europe with regard to natural hazards, emphasizing land-sliding problems. Furthermore, we shortly present the University of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering as the new member of the ICL that was selected to be the World Center of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction for the period of 2008–2013 with the project entitled “Mechanisms of landslides in over-consolidated clays and flysch” in the Activity scale and targeted region as “National.” Some preliminary results of this project are shortly presented at the end.  相似文献   

Late Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic felsic magmatic lithounits exposed in the central part of the Bundelkhand massif have been mapped and their redox series (magnetite vs ilmenite series) evaluated based on magnetic susceptibility (MS) data. The central part of Bundelkhand massif comprises of multiple felsic magmatic pulses (∼2600–2200 Ma), commonly represented by coarse grained granite (CGG-grey granite, CPG-pink granite), medium grained pink granite (MPG), fine grained pink granite (FPG), grey and pink rhyolites and granite porphyry (GP). However, the pink colour of these felsic rocks is the result of hydrothermal fluid-flushing leading to potassic alteration of grey granites. MS values of CGG vary from 0.058 to 14.75×10−3 SI with an average of 6.35×10−3 SI, which mostly represent oxidized type, magnetite series (73%) granites involving infracrustal (igneous) source materials. CPG (av. MS=3.95×10−3 SI) is indeed a pink variety of CGG, the original oxidizing nature of which must have been similar to the bulk of CGG, but has been moderately to strongly reduced because of distinctly more porphyritic nature together with partial assimilation of metapelitic (supracrustal) materials, surmicaceous enclaves, carbonaceous material included in the source materials, and to some extent, induced by hydrothermal and later deformational processes. MPG (av. MS= 1.15×10−3 SI) as lensoidal stock-like bodies intrudes the CPG and represent both magnetite series (18%) and ilmenite series (82%) granites, which are probably formed by heterogeneous (mixed) source rocks. GP (av. MS=6.26×10−3 SI) occur as dykes (mostly trending NE-SW) intrudes the MPG, CPG and migmatites and bears the nature similar to oxidized type, magnetite series granite. FPG (av. MS= 0.666×10−3 SI) trending NE-SW occur as lensoid bodies including a large outcrop, is intrusive into both CPG and MPG, and is moderately to very strongly reduced type, ilmenite series granites, which may be derived by the melting of metapelitic crustal sources. FPG hosting microgranular (mafic magmatic) enclaves commonly exhibit high MS values (7.31–10.22×10−3 SI), which appear induced by the mixing and mingling of interacting felsic and mafic magmas prevailed in an open system. Grey (av. MS=10.30×10−3 SI) and pink (av. MS=6.72×10−3 SI) rhyolites represent oxidized type, magnetite series granites, which may have been derived from infracrustal (magmatic) protoliths. Granite series evaluation of felsic magmatic rocks of central part of Bundelkhand massif strongly suggests their varied redox conditions (differential oxygen fugacity) mostly intrinsic to magma source regions and partially modified by hydrothermal and tectonic processes acting upon them.  相似文献   

根据新的调查和综合研究,南楼山组早期于建组剖面附近的四方顶子和玉兴屯获流纹岩全岩K-Ar同位素年龄176.1Ma和176.7Ma,近期又在建组剖面的北大湖二道沟和南大岭分别获得流纹岩和辉石安山岩的锆石U-Pb高精度年龄(174.0±3.4)Ma和(179.4±1.1)Ma,故南楼山组的时代可确认为早侏罗世晚期土阿辛期(Toarcian)。双丫子东山火山岩全岩K-Ar同位素年龄(195.0±5.01)Ma;官马金矿区火山岩全岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄(222±10)Ma,不应划入南楼山组或将其时代修定为晚三叠世。  相似文献   

Clastic gold in the Cenozoic sediments of the Ural Foredeep is referred to the apron and aureole dynamic types of alluvial placers, which are formed at a distance of 10–30 km from their sources. The gold grains vary appreciably in size and chemical composition of individuals and are characterized by good round-ness and high degree of alluvial refining. It is suggested that endogenic gold occurrences in mountainous regions of the Polar and Subpolar Urals were the main sources of clastic gold grains.  相似文献   

复理石相中丰富的原生生物沉积构造-遗迹化石是该地层的良好示底构造。(1)典型的遗迹化石如Skolithos,Granularia本身是工的极好生物成因构造,(2)浊流事件前的Nereites相遗迹化石占复理相中遗迹化石总量的大多数,主要保存于浊积砂岩底面且主要为下凸良形成雕画迹,指示岩层底面,(3)泥岩层面遗迹化石以凹状、填平补状刘为主,内部纹饰较发育,指示岩层顶面,加强贵迹化石示底标志的研究应是今后值得重视的研究内容。  相似文献   

The Main Central Thrust (MCT) and the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) are the two major thrusts in Kumaun, the MCT forming the boundary between highly sheared, deformed and mylonitized rocks of the Great Himalayan Central Crystallines and the Lesser Himalayan metasedimentaries. While in the Central Crystallines four-folding episodes are observed of which two are of the Precambrian age, the Lesser Himalayan rocks show only two phases of folding. MCT has its own distinctive structural history and the crystalline mass comprises an integral part of peninsular India.  相似文献   

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