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Interception losses in stands of non‐native trees in Hawaiian forests and their potential negative impacts on fresh water availability are poorly understood. In this study, a canopy water balance analysis was conducted to estimate interception losses using measurements of rainfall (RF), throughfall (TF), and stemflow (SF) at three locations, each dominated by one or more of the following non‐native tree species: Psidium cattleianum Sabine (Strawberry guava), Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Christmas berry), Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (Java plum), and Coffea arabica L. (Coffee). Mean TF expressed as percentage of total RF was the lowest (43.3%) under a monotypic stand of P. cattleianum and the highest (56.5%) under mixture of S. terebinthifolius, P. cattleianum, and S. cumini. Observed SF was highest (33.9%) under P. cattleianum and lowest (3.6%) under a mixture of S. terebinthifolius, P. cattleianum, and S. cumini. The relatively high SF under P. cattleianum can be attributed to its smooth bark, stem density, and steep branching. The mean observed canopy interception varied between 23% under P. cattleianum and 45% at the site dominated by C. arabica. Mean direct TF coefficients from individual events at each location ranged from a low of 0.36 under the canopy dominated by C. arabica to a high of 0.51 under the canopy dominated by S. terebinthifolius, P. cattleianum, and S. cumini. In contrast, the mean SF partitioning coefficients from individual storm events at each location ranged from a low of 0.05 under the canopy dominated by S. terebinthifolius, P. cattleianum, and S. cumini to a high of 0.37 under P. cattleianum. Mean canopy storage capacity was highest (1.90) at the site dominated by S. terebinthifolius, P. cattleianum, and S. cumini whereas trunk storage capacity was highest (0.54) under the P. cattleianum. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The forest canopy affects the water entering the forest ecosystem by intercepting rainfall. This is especially pertinent in forests that depend on rainfall for their ecological water needs, quantifying and simulating interception losses provide critical insights into their ecological hydrological processes. In the semi-arid areas of the Loess Plateau, afforestation has become an effective ecological restoration measure. However, the rainfall interception process of these plantations is still unclear. To quantify and model the canopy interception of these plantations, we conducted a two-year rainfall redistribution measurement experiment in three typical plantations, including a deciduous broadleaf plantation (Robinia pseudoacacia) and two evergreen coniferous plantations (Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tabuliformis). Based on this, the revised Gash model was used to simulate their interception losses, and the model applicability across varying rainfall types was further compared and verified. The experiment clarified the rainfall redistribution in the three plantations, and the proportions of throughfall to gross rainfall in Robinia pseudoacacia, Platycladus orientalis, and Pinus tabuliformis were 84.8%, 70.4%, and 75.6%; corresponding, the stemflow proportions were 2.0%, 2.2%, and 1.8%; the interception losses were 13.2%, 27.4%, and 22.6%, respectively. The dominant rainfall pattern during the experiment was characterized by low-amounts, moderate-intensity, and short-duration, during which the highest interception proportions across the three plantations were observed. We used the Penman-Monteith equation and the regression method, respectively, to estimate the canopy average evaporation rate of the revised Gash model, finding that the latter provides a closer match to the measured cumulative interception (NSE >0.7). When simulating interception under the three rainfall patterns, the model with the regression method better simulated the cumulative interception and event-scale interception for Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tabuliformis plantations under the dominant rainfall pattern. The results contribute valuable information to assess the impact of forest rainfall interception on regional hydrologic processes.  相似文献   

A hydrological model (YWB, yearly water balance) has been developed to model the daily rainfall–runoff relationship of the 202 km2 Teba river catchment, located in semi‐arid south‐eastern Spain. The period of available data (1976–1993) includes some very rainy years with intensive storms (responsible for flooding parts of the town of Malaga) and also some very dry years. The YWB model is in essence a simple tank model in which the catchment is subdivided into a limited number of meaningful hydrological units. Instead of generating per unit surface runoff resulting from infiltration excess, runoff has been made the result of storage excess. Actual evapotranspiration is obtained by means of curves, included in the software, representing the relationship between the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration as a function of soil moisture content for three soil texture classes. The total runoff generated is split between base flow and surface runoff according to a given baseflow index. The two components are routed separately and subsequently joined. A large number of sequential years can be processed, and the results of each year are summarized by a water balance table and a daily based rainfall runoff time series. An attempt has been made to restrict the amount of input data to the minimum. Interactive manual calibration is advocated in order to allow better incorporation of field evidence and the experience of the model user. Field observations allowed for an approximate calibration at the hydrological unit level. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Tabernas desert, an extensive badlands area in Almeria province (south‐east Spain), is characterized by a high variability in soil surface cover and soil properties along with important topographical contrasts giving rise to a wide range of hydrological behaviour. A double approach through field monitoring and modelling has been used to ascertain the influence of soil‐surface variability on the overall hydrological response. Small plots were monitored for 3 years to assess runoff from the different surface types. Data provided by the long‐term monitoring of three small catchments formed by different soil surfaces were used to find out the specific contribution of each soil surface to the catchment runoff. A simple spatially distributed model was built to predict runoff generation based on the infiltration rate of each soil‐surface type (defined as terrain units with the same cover, the same soil type and on the same landform). Plot results prove that the soil surface units within the study area behave differently in terms of hydrological response to natural rainfall. These responses are explained by the types of cover, topographical characteristics and soil properties. When runoff events are simple (with one or two runoff peaks), the modelled hydrographs reproduce the hydrographs observed reasonably well, but in complex events (with several runoff peaks) the adjustment is not as good. The model also shows the influence of the spatial distribution of soil surfaces on the overall runoff, aiding exploration of the spatial hydrological relationships among different landscape units. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Through a series of simulation experiments in the laboratory on the broad‐leaved tree Acer mono Maxim, we obtain interception datasets of individual events under different rainfall intensities and leaf area indexes (LAIs). Based on the data, the relationship between rainfall intensity and maximum interception of per unit LAI is quantified. The variation of interception with canopy wetness index is also identified. Hence, an interception model, in which interception is calculated using rainfall intensity and LAI, is constructed with consideration of canopy wetness. Finally, according to the validation experiments, it is concluded that the precision of the model is 92·7%. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A better knowledge of soil erosion by water is essential for planning effective soil and water conservation practices in semi‐arid Mediterranean environments. The special climatic and hydrological characteristics of these areas, however, make accurate soil loss predictions difficult, particularly in the absence of minimal data. Two zero‐order experimental microcatchments (328–759 m2), representative of an extensive semi‐arid watershed with a high potential erosion risk in the south‐east of Spain, were selected and monitored for 3 years (1991–93) in order to provide information on the hydrological and erosional response. A pluviogram and hydrograph recorded data at 1‐min intervals during each storm, after which the soil loss was collected and the particle size of the sediment was analysed. Runoff coefficients of about 9% and soil losses of between 84·83 and 298·9 g m?2 year?1 were observed in the area. Rapid response times (geometric mean values lower than 2 h) and low runoff thresholds (mean values between 3·5 to 5·9 mm) were the norm in the experimental areas. A rain intensity of over 15 mm h?1 was considered as ‘erosive rainfall’ in these areas because of the total soil loss and the transport capacity of the overland flow. Differences in pore‐size distribution explained the different hydrological responses observed between areas. The erosional response was more complex and basically seemed to be determined by soil aggregate stability and topographical properties. A greater proportion of finer particles in the eroded material than in the soil matrix indicated selective erosion and the transport of finer material. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regional estimates of acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) in stream waters are found using a regression model. The model has landscape classifications based on catchment characteristics as its main independent variables. It also includes continuously varying covariates. Landscape classifications and covariates are selected from a priori scientific understanding of acidification processes. Parameter estimates for the model are found using measurements of ANC in 50 streams in Galloway, south‐west Scotland with a history of acidification. The parameterized model is then used to provide ANC simulations for streams throughout a subregion, assuming conservative mixing of ANC through the flow network. The stream water sampling survey is designed to reduce the variance of parameter estimates. A variance model is suggested for the concentrations, and this is used to simulate the variance of ANC concentrations throughout the subregion. Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate the distribution of the length of river reach with ANC less than zero. © Crown Copyright 2004. Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most road‐stream crossings over ephemeral channels are vulnerable to extreme hydrologic events. Ford stream crossings (FSCs) are usually dangerous for the road traffic during periods of high flow, in particular under flash flood conditions. The present paper analyzes the flood hazards on the Mediterranean coast in the Region of Murcia (south‐east Spain), affecting this type of road‐stream crossing over dry channels, according to hydraulic variables and bedload transport rates estimated for discharges at bankfull and flood‐prone stages. Under such conditions, the safety of people and vehicles was obtained using numerical models, developed by previous researchers; in particular, water levels and flow velocities across ford reaches were compared with different trend curves between water depths and corresponding critical velocities for children and adults, and for various prototype vehicles. Specifically, two approaches to assess this type of hazards were proposed: a specific Hydraulic Hazard Index and an algorithm for estimating the flood hazard from criteria of bed stability and bedload transport capacity (Flood Hazard at Fords, FHF). In addition, different exposure levels were established, using a Flood Vulnerability Index, based on the FHF, the road category, and the annual average daily traffic. The FHF model gave the best results with regard to the magnitude of the damage observed in recent flash floods for flow stages similar to those simulated. According to the danger thresholds established for this index, half‐bankfull flows represent here a high risk: 27.3% of FSCs for mini‐cars and 18.2% for large cars. At bankfull, the FHF exhibits very high values for mini‐cars (77.3% of FSCs) and for large passenger vehicles (50% of FSCs), while at the floodprone stage, extreme FHF values are reached for all kinds of vehicles at most of the ford crossings.  相似文献   

A comprehensive framework for the assessment of water and salt balance for large catchments affected by dryland salinity is applied to the Boorowa River catchment (1550 km2), located in south‐eastern Australia. The framework comprised two models, each focusing on a different aspect and operating on a different scale. A quasi‐physical semi‐distributed model CATSALT was used to estimate runoff and salt fluxes from different source areas within the catchment. The effects of land use, climate, topography, soils and geology are included. A groundwater model FLOWTUBE was used to estimate the long‐term effects of land‐use change on groundwater discharge. Unlike conventional salinity studies that focus on groundwater alone, this study makes use of a new approach to explore surface and groundwater interactions with salt stores and the stream. Land‐use change scenarios based on increased perennial pasture and tree‐cover content of the vegetation, aimed at high leakage and saline discharge areas, are investigated. Likely downstream impacts of the reduction in flow and salt export are estimated. The water balance model was able to simulate both the daily observed stream flow and salt load at the catchment outlet for high and low flow conditions satisfactorily. Mean leakage rate of about 23·2 mm year?1 under current land use for the Boorowa catchment was estimated. The corresponding mean runoff and salt export from the catchment were 89 382 ML year?1 and 38 938 t year?1, respectively. Investigation of various land‐use change scenarios indicates that changing annual pastures and cropping areas to perennial pastures is not likely to result in substantial improvement of water quality in the Boorowa River. A land‐use change of about 20% tree‐cover, specifically targeting high recharge and the saline discharge areas, would be needed to decrease stream salinity by 150 µS cm?1 from its current level. Stream salinity reductions of about 20 µS cm?1 in the main Lachlan River downstream of the confluence of the Boorowa River is predicted. The FLOWTUBE modelling within the Boorowa River catchment indicated that discharge areas under increased recharge conditions could re‐equilibrate in around 20 years for the catchment, and around 15 years for individual hillslopes. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological processes and conditions were quantified for the Mersey River Basin (two basins: one exiting below Mill Falls, and one exiting below George Lake), the Roger's Brook Basin, Moosepit Brook, and for other selected locations at and near Kejimkujik National Park in Nova Scotia, Canada, from 1967 to 1990. Addressed variables included precipitation (rain, snow, fog), air temperature, stream discharge, snowpack accumulations, throughfall, soil and subsoil moisture, soil temperature and soil frost, at a monthly resolution. It was found that monthly per hectare stream discharge was essentially independent of catchment area from <20 km2 to more than 1000 km2. The forest hydrology model ForHyM2 was used to simulate monthly rates of stream discharge, throughfall and snowpack water equivalents for mature forest conditions. These simulations were in good agreement with the historical records once the contributions of fog and mist to the area‐wide water budget were taken into account, each on a monthly basis. The resulting simulations establish a hydrologically consistent, continuous, comprehensive and partially verified record for basin‐wide outcomes for all major hydrological processes and conditions, be these related to stream discharge, soil moisture, soil temperature, snowpack accumulations, soil frost, throughfall, interception and soil percolation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater discharge from the Riverine Plains of the southern Murray‐Darling Basin is a major process contributing salt to the Murray River in Australia. In this study, data from an irrigated 60 000 ha catchment in the Riverine Plains were analysed to understand groundwater discharge into deeply incised drains, the process dominating salt mobilization from the catchment. We applied three integrated methodologies: classification and regression trees (CART), conceptual modelling and artificial neural networks (ANNs) to a comprehensive, spatially lumped, monthly data set from July 1975 to December 2004. Using CART analysis, it was shown that rainfall was the most important variable consistently explaining the salt load patterns at the catchment outlet. Using the conceptual model representing spatially lumped groundwater discharge into deeply incised drains, we demonstrated that salt mobilization from the study catchment can be well represented by a rainfall contribution, influenced by the hydraulic head in the deep regional aquifer and potential evapotranspiration. Using ANNs, it was confirmed that rainfall had a much higher impact on salt loads at the catchment outlet than irrigation water use. All these results demonstrate that under conditions similar to those experienced from 1975 to 2004, it is rainfall rather than irrigation water use that governs salt mobilization from the study catchment. Management of salt mobilization from irrigated catchments has traditionally focussed on the improvement of irrigation practices but it could be equally important to further understand the scope for management to control groundwater discharge in these irrigation areas. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Polders are one of the most common artificial hydrological entities in the plain river network regions of China. Due to enclosed dikes, manual drainage, and irrigation intake operations, polders have had a significant impact on the hydrological processes of these areas. Distributed hydrological models are effective tools to understand and reproduce the hydrological processes of a watershed. To date, however, few models are able to simulate the drainage and irrigation intake interactions of polders at a watershed scale. This study develops a modified version of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, which is designed to better represent polders (SWATpld). The SWATpld model simulates drainage and irrigation intake processes by calculating the excess‐water storage in the inner rivers and irrigation schedule for paddy rice in the polder. Both SWAT and SWATpld models were tested for the Liyang watershed. SWATpld outperformed SWAT in simulating the daily discharge and intake of the experimental polder and predicting the monthly peak flow at the outlet of the Liyang watershed, which suggests that the modified model simulates the hydrological responses of the study watershed with polder operations more realistically than the original SWAT model does. Further evaluation at various locations and in various climate conditions would increase the confidence of this model.  相似文献   

To improve spring runoff forecasts from subalpine catchments, detailed spatial simulations of the snow cover in this landscape is obligatory. For more than 30 years, the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL has been conducting extensive snow cover observations in the subalpine watershed Alptal (central Switzerland). This paper summarizes the conclusions from past snow studies in the Alptal valley and presents an analysis of 14 snow courses located at different exposures and altitudes, partly in open areas and partly in forest. The long‐term performance of a physically based numerical snow–vegetation–atmosphere model (COUP) was tested with these snow‐course measurements. One single parameter set with meteorological input variables corrected to the prevailing local conditions resulted in a convincing snow water equivalent (SWE) simulation at most sites and for various winters with a wide range of snow conditions. The snow interception approach used in this study was able to explain the forest effect on the SWE as observed on paired snow courses. Finally, we demonstrated for a meadow and a forest site that a successful simulation of the snowpack yields appropriate melt rates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse how the performance and calibration of a distributed event‐based soil erosion model at the hillslope scale is affected by different simplifications on the parameterizations used to compute the production of suspended sediment by rainfall and runoff. Six modelling scenarios of different complexity are used to evaluate the temporal variability of the sedimentograph at the outlet of a 60 m long cultivated hillslope. The six scenarios are calibrated within the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation framework in order to account for parameter uncertainty, and their performance is evaluated against experimental data registered during five storm events. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency, percent bias and coverage performance ratios show that the sedimentary response of the hillslope in terms of mass flux of eroded soil can be efficiently captured by a model structure including only two soil erodibility parameters, which control the rainfall and runoff production of suspended sediment. Increasing the number of parameters makes the calibration process more complex without increasing in a noticeable manner the predictive capability of the model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Images from satellite platforms are a valid aid in order to obtain distributed information about hydrological surface states and parameters needed in calibration and validation of the water balance and flood forecasting. Remotely sensed data are easily available on large areas and with a frequency compatible with land cover changes. In this paper, remotely sensed images from different types of sensor have been utilized as a support to the calibration of the distributed hydrological model MOBIDIC, currently used in the experimental system of flood forecasting of the Arno River Basin Authority. Six radar images from ERS‐2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors (three for summer 2002 and three for spring–summer 2003) have been utilized and a relationship between soil saturation indexes and backscatter coefficient from SAR images has been investigated. Analysis has been performed only on pixels with meagre or no vegetation cover, in order to legitimize the assumption that water content of the soil is the main variable that influences the backscatter coefficient. Such pixels have been obtained by considering vegetation indexes (NDVI) and land cover maps produced by optical sensors (Landsat‐ETM). In order to calibrate the soil moisture model based on information provided by SAR images, an optimization algorithm has been utilized to minimize the regression error between saturation indexes from model and SAR data and error between measured and modelled discharge flows. Utilizing this procedure, model parameters that rule soil moisture fluxes have been calibrated, obtaining not only a good match with remotely sensed data, but also an enhancement of model performance in flow prediction with respect to a previous calibration with river discharge data only. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

José Návar 《水文研究》2013,27(11):1626-1633
The quantitative importance of rainfall interception loss and the performance of the reformulated Gash model were evaluated as a function of basal area in Mexico's northeastern temperate forest communities. A sensitivity analysis as well as an iterative search of parameters matched interception loss measurements and assessments and isolated coefficient values that drive the model performance. Set hypothesis was tested with a total of 73 rainfalls recorded on four forest stands with different canopy cover for model fitting (39) and validation (34). The reformulated Gash model predicted well rainfall interception loss because mean deviations between recorded and modelled interception loss as a function of gross rainfall, MD, were <2.6% and 5.3% for fitting and validating parameter data sets, respectively. Basal area was negatively related to the model performance, but maximum projected MD range values can be found in most interception loss studies, for example, <7% when basal area is <5 m2 ha?1. The wet canopy evaporation rate and the canopy storage coefficient drive interception loss and the iterative parameter search showed that high wet canopy evaporation rates were expected in these forests. These parameters must be further studied to physically explain drivers of high wet canopy evaporation rates. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A paired catchment study was conducted over a 10‐year period on the hydrology of an exotic Pinus plantation in the coastal lowlands of south‐east Queensland, Australia. Each catchment was instrumented with a stream monitoring station, tipping bucket rain gauge, and a network of piezometers to monitor the shallow perched water table. After a 6‐year calibration period a harvest treatment was imposed on one catchment (Review): clearfelling approximately 90% of the catchment area, which contained a mature (44‐year‐old) Pinus elliottii plantation. This subsequently was re‐established with a second rotation plantation of a hybrid of P.elliottii × P.caribaea var. hondurensis. The control catchment (Crayfish) contained a P. elliottii plantation similar to that clearfelled at Review. The post‐harvest period was monitored for a further 4 years. Evapotranspiration was found to be the major output flux, with stream flow only a minor component of the study catchments' water budget. Areas with gleyed podzolic soils were found to remain waterlogged for periods up to 7 months following the seasonally high summer rainfall period, with other soils having water logging periods of only a few months. Little change was observed in waterlogging characteristics following harvesting, in contrast to stream flow which increased for 3 years but with evidence of a decline after 5 years. The perched‐watertable piezometric surface indicated that its lateral drainage differs from that of surface flows; the perched‐watertable drainage fluxes from the study catchments seem minor and off‐site movement of solutes (e.g. nutrients and contaminants) via them would be limited. It was identified that the interaction between the perched and deep aquifers was poorly understood, as well as the relative importance of the soil moisture storage of the aquitard clay layer between them. It was concluded that there is a need to undertake more detailed analysis using modelling, and to obtain additional field data on soil‐layer properties and piezometric levels of the deep aquifer. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial and seasonal variations in throughfall (Tf) in relation to spatial and seasonal variations in canopy structure and gross rainfall (Rf) and assessed the impacts of the variations in Tf on stand‐scale Tf estimates. We observed the canopy structure expressed as the leaf area index (LAI) once a month and Tf once a week in 25 grids placed in a Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) forest for 1 year. The mean LAI and spatial variation in LAI did have some seasonal variations. The spatial variations in Tf reduced with increasing Rf, and the relationship between the spatial variation and the Rf held throughout the year. These results indicate that the seasonal change in LAI had little impact on spatial variations in Tf, and that Rf is a critical factor determining the spatial variations in Tf at the study site. We evaluated potential errors in stand‐scale Tf estimates on the basis of measured Tf data using Monte Carlo sampling. The results showed that the error decreases greatly with increasing sample size when the sample size was less than ~8, whereas it was near stable when the sample size was 8 or more, regardless of Rf. A sample size of eight results in less than 10% error for Tf estimates based on Student's t‐value analysis and would be satisfactory for interception loss estimates when considering errors included in Rf data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aeolian abrasional, depositional and deflational features indicate exceptionally strong southwesterly winds in a giant sandstone weathering pit in Grand Staircase Escalante Monument, about 22 km southeast of Escalante, Utah. The 60 m wide, 5–20 m deep pit has developed near the summit of a broad, barren 160‐m‐high dome on the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone. Unlike other giant weathering pits (10–30 m diameter) in the region, the bedrock floor of this pit is undulatory, and there is a cylindrical, 10‐m‐high rock pedestal in the centre of the pit. An active dune surrounds the central pedestal and at times has as much as 8 m of local relief. The dune shifts considerably over brief (<1 year) periods of time. Fine‐grained (<250 µm) dunal sand on the pit floor is periodically removed by deflation, leaving coarser sand (>250 µm) trapped in the pit. Dunal sand is typically derived from external sources (other than the pit walls and floor). Centimetre to metre‐scale abrasional features such as grooves, flutes and dedos occur on the bedrock walls and floor of the pit. These dedos and other streamlined aeolian sculpted host‐rock features occur in clusters and typically form in the lee of iron concretions. The dedos are similar to the controversial stalked blueberries on Mars. Above the western rim of the pit there is a 29‐m‐long, 5‐m‐wide aeolian groove with a fluted bedrock floor. A 1·2‐km‐long bedrock valley descends to the southwest from the pit and groove, amplifying southwesterly winds. Data from hand‐held anemometers suggest that southwesterly winds can be accelerated 200–300 per cent or more by local topography. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An ensemble of stochastic daily rainfall projections has been generated for 30 stations across south‐eastern Australia using the downscaling nonhomogeneous hidden Markov model, which was driven by atmospheric predictors from four climate models for three IPCC emissions scenarios (A1B, A2, and B1) and for two periods (2046–2065 and 2081–2100). The results indicate that the annual rainfall is projected to decrease for both periods for all scenarios and climate models, with the exception of a few scenarios of no statistically significant changes. However, there is a seasonal difference: two downscaled GCMs consistently project a decline of summer rainfall, and two an increase. In contrast, all four downscaled GCMs show a decrease of winter rainfall. Because winter rainfall accounts for two‐thirds of the annual rainfall and produces the majority of streamflow for this region, this decrease in winter rainfall would cause additional water availability concerns in the southern Murray–Darling basin, given that water shortage is already a critical problem in the region. In addition, the annual maximum daily rainfall is projected to intensify in the future, particularly by the end of the 21st century; the maximum length of consecutive dry days is projected to increase, and correspondingly, the maximum length of consecutive wet days is projected to decrease. These changes in daily sequencing, combined with fewer events of reduced amount, could lead to drier catchment soil profiles and further reduce runoff potential and, hence, also have streamflow and water availability implications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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