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A joint analysis is carried out of data obtained with the help of the solar X-ray SphinX spectrophotometer and the electron and proton satellite telescope STEP-F in May 2009 in the course of the scientific space experiment CORONAS-PHOTON. In order to determine the energies and particle types, in the analysis of spectrophotometer records data are used on the intensities of electrons, protons, and secondary γ-radiation, obtained by the STEP-F telescope, which was located in close proximity to the SphinX spectrophotometer. The identical reaction of both instruments is noted at the intersection of regions of the Brazilian magnetic anomaly and the Earth’s radiation belts. It is shown that large area photodiodes, serving as sensors of the X-ray spectrometer, reliably record electron fluxes of low and intermediate energies, as well as fluxes of the secondary gamma radiation from construction materials of detector modules, the TESIS instrument complex, and the spacecraft itself. The dynamics of electron fluxes, recorded by the SphinX spectrophotometer in the vicinity of a weak geomagnetic storm, supplements the information about the processes of radial diffusion of electrons, which was studied using the STEP-F telescope.  相似文献   

X-ray bursts observed for energies lower than 25 keV are usually interpreted as being produced by a thermal plasma with several million degrees of temperature.A small number of events recorded at Arcetri by real time telemetry of SOLRAD 9 satellite agrees with a thermal interpretation and gives temperatures ranging between 10 × 106 and 30 × 106K and emission measures, N e 2 dV, between 1047 and 1048 cm–3.An impulsive event recorded on January 7, 1969 shows an anomalous behaviour. In this case the emission has been attributed to bremsstrahlung radiation from electrons with a power law energy distribution dN = KE - dE. The values of the spectral index and of the emission measure are given.A tentative interpretation of the event is suggested and the way to produce non-relativistic electrons with a power law energy distribution is investigated.  相似文献   

The ACB search-coil magnetometer for Cross-Scale will measure three components of the AC magnetic field up to 4 kHz, and one component up to 100 kHz. Turbulent and coherent magnetic field fluctuations in that frequency range play an important role in the acceleration, scattering, and thermalisation of particles. ACB will, together with the other instruments of the Cross-Scale wave consortium, allow to address the key science objectives associated with plasma waves. Here, we list some of the important issues, based on the experience drawn from Cluster, and describe the instrument.  相似文献   

In the 50 years since the advent of X-ray astronomy there have been many scientific advances due to the development of new experimental techniques for detecting and characterising X-rays. Observations of X-ray polarisation have, however, not undergone a similar development. This is a shortcoming since a plethora of open questions related to the nature of X-ray sources could be resolved through measurements of the linear polarisation of emitted X-rays. The PoGOLite Pathfinder is a balloon-borne hard X-ray polarimeter operating in the 25-240 keV energy band from a stabilised observation platform. Polarisation is determined using coincident energy deposits in a segmented array of plastic scintillators surrounded by a BGO anticoincidence system and a polyethylene neutron shield. The PoGOLite Pathfinder was launched from the SSC Esrange Space Centre in July 2013. A near-circumpolar flight was achieved with a duration of approximately two weeks. The flight performance of the Pathfinder design is discussed for the three Crab observations conducted. The signal-to-background ratio for the observations is shown to be 0.25 ±0.03 and the Minimum Detectable Polarisation (99 % C.L.) is (28.4 ±2.2) %. A strategy for the continuation of the PoGOLite programme is outlined based on experience gained during the 2013 maiden flight.  相似文献   

We have obtained I -band photometry of the neutron star X-ray transient Aql X-1 during quiescence. We find a periodicity at 2.487 cycles d−1, which we interpret as twice the orbital frequency (19.30±0.05 h). Folding the data on the orbital period, we model the light-curve variations as the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star. We determine the binary inclination to be 20°–30° (90 per cent confidence) and also determine the 95 per cent upper limits to the radial velocity semi-amplitude and rotational broadening of the secondary star to be 117 and 50 km s−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Hard X-rays above 10 ke V are detected from several anomalous X-ray pulsars(AXPs)and soft gamma-ray repeaters(SGRs),and different models have been proposed to explain the physical origin within the frame of either a magnetar model or a fallback disk system.Using data from Suzaku and INTEGRAL,we study the soft and hard X-ray spectra of four AXPs/SGRs:1RXS J170849–400910,1E 1547.0–5408,SGR 1806–20 and SGR 0501+4516.It is found that the spectra could be well reproduced by the bulk-motion Comptonization(BMC)process as was first suggested by Tr¨umper et al.,showing that the accretion scenario could be compatible with Xray emission from AXPs/SGRs.Simulated results from the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope using the BMC model show that the spectra would have discrepancies from the power-law,especially the cutoff at~200 ke V.Thus future observations will allow researchers to distinguish different models of the hard X-ray emission and will help us understand the nature of AXPs/SGRs.  相似文献   

A simple model is presented to account for theYohkoh flare observations of Feldmanet al. (1994), and Masuda (1994). Electrons accelerated by the flare are assumed to encounter the dense, small regions observed by Feldmanet al. at the tops of impulsively flaring coronal magnetic loops. The values of electron density and volume inferred by Feldmanet al. imply that these dense regions present an intermediate thick-thin target to the energised electrons. Specifically, they present a thick (thin) target to electrons with energy much less (greater) thanE c , where 15 keV <E c < 40 keV. The electrons are either stopped at the loop top or precipitate down the field lines of the loop to the footpoints. Collisional losses of the electrons at the loop top produce the heating observed by Feldmanet al. and also some hard X-rays. It is argued that this is the mechanism for the loop-top hard X-ray sources observed in limb flares by Masuda. Adopting a simple model for the energy losses of electrons traversing the dense region and the ambient loop plasma, hard X-ray spectra are derived for the loop-top source, the footpoint sources and the region between the loop top and footpoints. These spectra are compared with the observations of Masuda. The model spectra are found to qualitatively agree with the data, and in particular account for the observed steepening of the loop-top and footpoint spectra between 14 and 53 keV and the relative brightnesses of the loop-top and footpoint sources.  相似文献   

Two classes of X-ray pulsars, the anomalous X-ray pulsars and the soft gamma-ray repeaters, have been recognized in the last decade as the most promising candidates for being magnetars: isolated neutron stars powered by magnetic energy. I review the observational properties of these objects, focussing on the most recent results, and their interpretation in the magnetar model. Alternative explanations, in particular those based on accretion from residual disks, are also considered. The possible relations between these sources and other classes of neutron stars and astrophysical objects are also discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the sampling and dipole convergence properties of flux-limited samples of mock X-ray clusters in relation to their underlying 'parent' cluster distribution. To this purpose, we resort to numerical simulations of the cluster distribution and extract samples resembling the main observational features of X-ray selected cluster samples. The flux-limited samples, being quite sparse, underestimate the amplitude of the 'parent' cluster dipole by ≈ 15 per cent on average for Local Group-like observers. However, the general shapes of their dipole amplitude profiles are in relatively good agreement. We also calculate the expected contribution of clusters, selected according to the relevant criteria, to the soft (i.e. 0.1–2.4 keV) extragalactic X-ray background (XRB), using the ESO Key Project X-ray luminosity function, assuming a flat universe with vanishing cosmological constant. We obtain a value of about 10 per cent of the observed XRB flux.  相似文献   

Processes leading to the excitation of soft X-ray line spectra are discussed in relation to their thermal or non-thermal nature. Through analysis of calcium spectra from the XRP experiment on SMM, it is shown that the ionization balance during the gradual phase of flares is effectively in the steady-state. A search of suitable complex flares with multiple impulsive features has shown indications of soft X-ray line intensity anomalies, consistent with the presence of a non-thermal electron component.  相似文献   

Temperature and emission measure from goes soft X-ray measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Using archival ASCA observations of TT Arietis, X-ray energy spectra and power spectra of the intensity time series are presented for the first time. The energy spectra are well-fitted by a two continuum plasma emission model with temperatures 1 keV and 10 keV. A coherent feature at 0.643 mHz appeared in the power spectra during the observation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the 3B flare of February 4, 1986 is studied comprehensively. The escape electrons accelerated to 10–100 keV at the top of coronal loop are confirmed by III type bursts. The energetic electron beams moved downward trigger the eruptions in the low layer of solar atmosphere. The radio and soft X-ray bursts are interpreted, respectively, by the maser mechanism and evaporation effect. Finally, the important role of energetic electron beams in solar flares is pointed out.  相似文献   

Reliable measurements of the Moon's global heat flow would serve as an important diagnostic test for models of lunar thermal evolution and would also help to constrain the Moon's bulk abundance of radioactive elements and its differentiation history. The two existing measurements of lunar heat flow are unlikely to be representative of the global heat flow. For these reasons, obtaining additional heat flow measurements has been recognized as a high priority lunar science objective. In making such measurements, it is essential that the design and deployment of the heat flow probe and of the parent spacecraft do not inadvertently modify the near-surface thermal structure of the lunar regolith and thus perturb the measured heat flow. One type of spacecraft-related perturbation is the shadow cast by the spacecraft and by thermal blankets on some instruments. The thermal effects of these shadows propagate by conduction both downward and outward from the spacecraft into the lunar regolith. Shadows cast by the spacecraft superstructure move over the surface with time and only perturb the regolith temperature in the upper 0.8 m. Permanent shadows, such as from thermal blankets covering a seismometer or other instruments, can modify the temperature to greater depth. Finite element simulations using measured values of the thermal diffusivity of lunar regolith show that the limiting factor for temperature perturbations is the need to measure the annual thermal wave for 2 or more years to measure the thermal diffusivity. The error induced by permanent spacecraft thermal shadows can be kept below 8% of the annual wave amplitude at 1 m depth if the heat flow probe is deployed at least 2.5 m away from any permanent spacecraft shadow. Deploying the heat flow probe 2 m from permanent shadows permits measuring the annual thermal wave for only one year and should be considered the science floor for a heat flow experiment on the Moon. One way to meet this separation requirement would be to deploy the heat flow and seismology experiments on opposite sides of the spacecraft. This result should be incorporated in the design of future lunar geophysics spacecraft experiments. Differences in the thermal environments of the Moon and Mars result in less restrictive separation requirements for heat flow experiments on Mars.  相似文献   

Broadband sensors aboard the Naval Research Laboratory's SOLRAD 11 satellites measured solar emission in the 0.5 to 3 Å, 1 to 8 Å, 8 to 20 Å, 100 to 500 Å, 500 to 800 Å, and 700 to 1030 Å bands between March 1976 and October 1979. Measurements of EUV and soft X-ray emission from a large number of solar flares were obtained. Although solar flare measurements in the soft X-ray bands are continuously made and used as a standard of a flare's geophysical significance, direct measurements of flare EUV emission are quite rare. We present measurements of the X-ray and EUV emission from several flares with special emphasis on the relative EUV response associated with flares in different categories determined by 1 to 8 Å soft X-ray flux. An example of a flare exhibiting an impulsive (nonthermal) phase is included.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 Semptember 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the first all-sky surveys of cosmic extreme ultra-violet and soft X-ray sources, discovered by ROSAT. Details of the surveys are presented, with comparisons made to previous selected surveys in the X-ray regime. The subsequent optical identification programs are described, and the major results summarized. We then discuss the main classes of EUV emitters: active chromosphere stars and hot white dwarfs, and describe the importance of EUV observations in understanding the astrophysics of these objects. Many bright, and relatively nearby, sources have been identified as hitherto unrecognized active stars, representing the extremes in chromospheric and coronal activity, be it binary or age related. Many new hot DA white dwarfs have also been indentified, and the most exciting result in this area is the discovery that significant traces of heavier elements (e.g. C, N, O, Si, Fe and Al) exist in their atmospheres, substantially increasing their EUV opacities. The importance of hot white dwarfs as standard candles in probing the local interstellar medium is also discussed. Miscellaneous counterparts (AGN, PNN, O-B stars and CVs) that make up the rest of the sample of EUV sources are also briefly mentioned. We finish with a discussion of the on-going ROSAT Galactic Plane Survey (RGPS) identification program.  相似文献   

During the time period of November 1968 to March 1970, 259 15.4 GHz impulsive microwave bursts have been identified of which 147 had associated 2–12 Å soft X-ray bursts. Average durations, rise times, and decay times for the microwave bursts are 2.9 ± 2.4 min, 0.9 ± 0.8 min, and 2.2 ± 2.1 min, respectively.Total durations and decay times for the X-ray events display a wide range of values from a few minutes to several hours. Rise times for 50 % of the events fell in the range of 2 to 7 min. A significant fraction (32 %) of the X-ray events may exhibit a flux enhancement prior to the main outburst.For 85 % of the flare cases, the X-ray event begins simultaneously with or before the microwave event. In 91 % of the cases the X-ray event peaks later than the microwave event. The average delay is 3.0 ± 1.9 min with 50 % of cases in the range of 0 to 4 min.The X-ray flux increases are significantly correlated with the microwave flux, increases, having a correlation coefficient of 0.43 (> 99.9 % confident).This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under contract NOOO14-68-A-0196-0009 and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through grant NGL-16-001-002.  相似文献   

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