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Darcy’s law is the equation of reference widely used to model aquifer flows. However, its use to model karstic aquifers functioning with large pores is problematic. The physics occurring within the karstic conduits requires the use of a more representative macroscopic equation. A hydrodynamic model is presented which is adapted to the karstic aquifer of the Val d’Orléans (France) using two flow equations: (1) Darcy’s law, used to describe water flow within the massive limestone, and (2) the Brinkman equation, used to model water flow within the conduits. The flow equations coupled with the transport equation allow the prediction of the karst transfer properties. The model was tested by using six dye tracer tests and compared to a model that uses Darcy’s law to describe the flow in karstic conduits. The simulations show that the conduit permeability ranges from 5?×?10?6 to 5.5?×?10?5?m2 and the limestone permeability ranges from 8?×?10?11 to 6?×?10?10?m2. The dispersivity coefficient ranges from 23 to 53 m in the conduits and from 1 to 5 m in the limestone. The results of the simulations carried out using Darcy’s law in the conduits show that the dispersion towards the fractures is underestimated.  相似文献   

The Mancha Oriental System (MOS, 7,260?km2) is one of the largest aquifers within Spain, and is encompassed by the Jucar River Basin. Over the past 30?years, socioeconomic development within the region has been largely due to intensive use of groundwater resources for irrigating crops (1,000?km2). Groundwater pumping (406 million m3/year) has provoked a steady drop in the groundwater level and a reduction of MOS discharge to the Jucar River. The study aims to characterize the river?Caquifer relationship, to determine the influence that groundwater abstraction has on the river discharge. This research has advanced a three-dimensional large-scale numerical groundwater-flow model (MODFLOW 2000) in order to spatially and temporally evaluate, quantify and predict the river?Caquifer interactions that are influenced by groundwater abstraction in MOS. It is demonstrated that although groundwater abstraction increased considerably from the early 1980s to 2000, the depletion of water stored in the aquifer was lower than might be expected. This is mainly due to aquifer recharge from the Jucar River, induced by groundwater abstraction. The area of disconnection between the river and the water table (i.e. where groundwater head is lower than the riverbed) is found to have spread 20?km downstream from its position before pumping started.  相似文献   

The Salt Basin is a semiarid hydrologically closed drainage basin in southern New Mexico, USA. The aquifers in the basin consist largely of Permian limestone and dolomite. Groundwater flows from the high elevations (~2,500 m) of the Sacramento Mountains south into the Salt Lakes, which are saline playas. The aquifer is ‘underfit’ in the sense that depths to groundwater are great (~300 m), implying that the aquifer could transmit much more water than it does. In this study, it is speculated that this characteristic is a result of a geologically recent reduction in recharge due to warming and drying at the end of the last glacial period. Water use is currently limited, but the basin has been proposed for large-scale groundwater extraction and export projects. Wells in the basin are of limited utility for hydraulic testing; therefore, the study focused on environmental tracers (major-ion geochemistry, stable isotopes of O, H, and C, and 14C dating) for basin analysis. The groundwater evolves from a Ca–HCO3 type water into a Ca–Mg (Na) – HCO3–Mg (Cl) water as it flows toward the center of the basin due to dedolomitization driven by gypsum dissolution. Carbon-14 ages corrected for dedolomitization ranged from less than 1,000 years in the recharge area to 19,000 years near the basin center. Stable isotopes are consistent with the presence of glacial-period recharge that is much less evaporated than modern. This supports the hypothesis that the underfit nature of the aquifer is a result of a geologically recent reduction in recharge.  相似文献   

In the Gran Sasso fissured carbonate aquifer (central Italy), a long-term (2001–2007) spatio-temporal hydrochemical and 222Rn tracing survey was performed with the goal to investigate groundwater flow and water–rock interaction. Analyses of the physico-chemical parameters, and comparisons of multichemical and characteristic ratios in space and time, and subsequent statistical analyses, permitted a characterisation of the hydrogeology. At the regional scale, groundwater flows from recharge areas to the springs located at the aquifer boundaries, with a gradual increase of mineralisation and temperature along its flowpaths. However, the parameters of each group of springs may significantly deviate from the regional trend owing to fast flows and to the geological setting of the discharge spring areas, as corroborated by statistical data. Along regional flowpaths, the effects of seasonal recharge and lowering of the water table clearly cause changes in ion concentrations over time. This conceptual model was validated by an analysis of the 222Rn content in groundwater. 222Rn content, for which temporal variability depends on seasonal fluctuations of the water table, local lithology and the fracture network at the spring discharge areas, was considered as a tracer of the final stages of groundwater flowpaths.  相似文献   

For good management of groundwater resources, and to comply with European and national regulations, a detailed understanding of an aquifer’s hydraulic setting is required. In order to better characterize a sandy aquifer that is affected by diffuse pollution (Brévilles spring catchment, Val d’Oise, France), and to quantify the transfer time in the saturated zone, a multi-tracer test involving a new technique, the ‘finite volume point dilution method’, has been performed in natural flow conditions. In November 2005, injections of four different tracers took place in four piezometers involving different locations and depths in the aquifer. Recovery of the tracers was observed at two different places near the aquifer outlet. A particularly long and unusual monitoring exercise (27 months) demonstrated the existence of several different velocities within the sandy layer, which seems to be linked to the decrease of hydraulic conductivity with depth. The new insight and parameter quantification brought by interpretation of these tests contribute to a better characterization of the saturated zone. The particularly long-term monitoring exercise also gives new information to understand and forecast the trend and persistence of groundwater contamination by pesticides in the catchment.  相似文献   

The alluvial aquifer of the Alto Guadalquivir River is one of the most important shallow aquifers in Jaén, Spain. It is located in the central-eastern part of the province, and its groundwater resources are used mainly for crop irrigation in an agriculture-dominated area. Hydrochemical and water-quality data obtained through a 2-year sampling (2004–2006) and analysis program indicate that nitrate pollution is a serious problem affecting groundwater due to the use of nitrogen (N)-fertilizers in agriculture. During the study, 231 water samples were collected from wells and springs to determine water chemistry and the extent of nitrate pollution. The concentration of nitrate in groundwater ranged from 1.25 to 320.88 mg/l. Considerable seasonal fluctuations in groundwater quality were observed as a consequence of agricultural practices and other factors such as annual rainfall distribution and the Guadalquivir River flow regime. The chemical composition of the water is not only influenced by agricultural practices, but also by interaction with the alluvial sediments. The dissolution of evaporites accounts for part of the Na+, K+, Cl, SO4 2−, Mg2+, and Ca2+, but other processes, such as calcite precipitation and dedolomitization, also contribute to groundwater chemistry.  相似文献   

The coastal alluvial plain of Sarno River (Campania Region, southern Italy) is a very rich environment that has experienced a long history of changes due to both natural phenomena such as eustatic sea-level variations and deposition of volcanoclastic sediments, and human civilizations who populated this area since historical times. As a result, it is characterized by complex stratigraphic sequences and groundwater flow systems. The architecture of the multi-layered aquifer system in a sample area, located in a densely urbanized sector at the mouth of Sarno River, was reconstructed. Starting from the analysis of stratigraphic log data and laboratory geotechnical measurements, the lithostratigraphical-unit sequence was retrieved and a realistic three-dimensional (3D) model of the hydrogeological heterogeneity was obtained. The results of a detailed 2D electrical resistivity tomography survey were used to support the analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of the aquifer system in a sector characterized by lack of log data. The integration of hydrogeological and geophysical data allowed for the reconstruction of a 3D hydrogeophysical model of the multi-layered system, which electrically characterizes and geometrically identifies two aquifers. Finally, piezometric-level measurements validated the hydrogeological–geophysical model and showed the effectiveness of the methodology.  相似文献   

A recent paper by Weyer (Environ Earth Sci 2018, 77:1–16) challenges the widely accepted interpretation of groundwater heads and salinities in the coastal Biscayne aquifer near Miami, Florida, USA. Weyer (2018) suggests that the body of saltwater that underlies fresh groundwater just inland of the coast is not a recirculating wedge of seawater, but results instead from upward migration of deep saline groundwater driven by regional flow. Perhaps more significantly, Weyer (2018) also asserts that established hydrologic theory is fundamentally incorrect with respect to buoyancy. Instead of acting along the direction of gravity (that is, vertically), Weyer (2018) claims, buoyancy acts instead along the direction of the pressure gradient. As a result, Weyer (2018) considers currently available density-dependent groundwater flow and transport modeling codes, and the analyses based on them, to be in error. In this rebuttal, we clarify the inaccuracies in the main points of Weyer’s (2018) paper. First, we explain that Weyer (2018) has misinterpreted observed equivalent freshwater heads in the Biscayne aquifer and that his alternative hypothesis concerning the source of the saltwater does not explain the observed salinities. Then, we review the established theory of buoyancy to identify the problem with Weyer’s (2018) alternative theory. Finally, we present theory and cite successful benchmark simulations to affirm the suitability of currently available codes for modeling density-dependent groundwater flow and transport.  相似文献   

The concentrations of uranium, iron and the major constituents were determined in groundwater samples from aquifer containing uranyl phosphate minerals (meta-autunite, meta-torbernite and torbernite) in the Köprüba?? area. Groundwater samples from wells located at shallow depths (0.5–6 m) show usually near neutral pH values (6.2–7.1) and oxidizing conditions (Eh = 119–275 mV). Electrical conductivity (EC) values of samples are between 87 and 329 μS/cm?1. They are mostly characterized by mixed cationic Ca dominating bicarbonate types. The main hydrogeochemical process is weathering of the silicates in the shallow groundwater system. All groundwater in the study area are considered undersaturated with respect to torbernite and autunite. PHREEQC predicted UO2(HPO4) 2 2? as the unique species. The excellent positive correlation coefficient (r = 0.99) between U and PO4 indicates the dissolved uranium in groundwater would be associated with the dissolution of uranyl phosphate minerals. The groundwater show U content in the range 1.71–70.45 μg/l but they are mostly lower than US EPA (2003) maximum contaminant level of 30 μg/l. This low U concentrations in oxic groundwater samples is attributed to the low solubility of U(VI) phosphate minerals under near neutral pH and low bicarbonate conditions. Iron closely associated with studied sediments, were also detected in groundwater. The maximum concentration of Fe in groundwater samples was 2837 μg/l, while the drinking water guidelines of Turkish (TSE 1997) and US EPA (2003) were suggested 200 and 300 μg/l, respectively. Furthermore, iron and uranium showed a significant correlation to each other with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.94. This high correlation is probably related to the iron-rich sediments which contain also significant amounts of uranium mineralization. In addition to pH and bicarbonate controlling dissolution of uranyl phosphates, association of uranyl phosphates with iron (hydr) oxides seems to play important role in the amount of dissolved U in shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

More than 2,600 relict rock glaciers are known in the Austrian Alps but the knowledge of their hydraulic properties is severely limited. The relict Schöneben Rock Glacier (Niedere Tauern Range, Austria), with an extension of 0.17 km2, was investigated based on spring data (2006–2014) and seismic refraction survey. Spring-discharge hydrographs and natural and artificial tracer data suggest a heterogeneous aquifer with a layered internal structure for the relict rock glacier. The discharge behavior exhibits a fast and a delayed flow component. The spring discharge responds to recharge events within a few hours but a mean residence time of several months can also be observed. The internal structure of the rock glacier (up to several tens of meters thick) consists of: an upper blocky layer with a few meters of thickness, which lacks fine-grained sediments; a main middle layer with coarse and finer-grained sediments, allowing for fast flow; and an approximately 10-m-thick basal till layer as the main aquifer body responsible for the base flow. The base-flow component is controlled by (fine) sandy to silty sediments with low hydraulic conductivity and high storage capacity, exhibiting a difference in hydraulic conductivity to the upper layer of about three orders of magnitude. The high storage capacity of relict rock glaciers has an impact on water resources management in alpine catchments and potentially regulates the risk of natural hazards such as floods and related debris flows. Thus, the results highlight the importance of such aquifer systems in alpine catchments.  相似文献   

The Karkonosze–Izera Massif is a large tectonic unit located in the northern periphery of the Bohemian Massif. It includes the Variscan Karkonosze Granite (about 328–304 Ma) surrounded by the following four older units:
  • -Izera–Kowary (the Early Paleozoic continental crust of the Saxothuringian Basin),
  • -Ještĕd (the Middle Devonian to Lower Viséan sedimentary succession deposited on the NE passive margin of the Saxothuringian Terrane), out of the present study area,
  • -Southern Karkonosze (metamorphosed sediments and volcanics filling the Saxothuringian Basin), out of the present study area,
  • -Leszczyniec (Early Ordovician, obducted fragment of Saxothuringian Basin sea floor).
The authors present a genetic model of ore mineralization in the Karkonosze–Izera Massif, in which ore deposits and ore minerals occurrences are related to the successive episodes of the geological history of the Karkonosze–Izera Massif:
  • -formation of the Saxothuringian Basin and its passive continental margin (about 500–490 Ma)
  • -Variscan thermal events:
    • -regional metamorphism (360–340 Ma)
    • -Karkonosze Granite intrusion (328–304 Ma)
  • -Late Cretaceous and Neogene-to-Recent hypergenic processes.
The oldest ore deposits and ore minerals occurrences of the Karkonosze–Izera Massif are represented by pyrite and magnetite deposits hosted in the Leszczyniec Unit as well as by magnetite deposit and, presumably, by a small part of tin mineralization hosted in the Izera–Kowary Unit. All these deposits and occurrences were subjected to the pre-Variscan regional metamorphism.Most of the Karkonosze–Izera Massif ore deposits and occurrences are related to the Karkonosze Granite intrusion. This group includes a spatially diversified assemblage of small ore deposits and ore mineral occurrences of: Fe, Cu, Sn, As, U, Co, Au, Ag, Pb, Ni, Bi, Zn, Sb, Se, S, Th, REE, Mo, W and Hg located within the granite and in granite-related pegmatites, in the close contact aureole of the granite and within the metamorphic envelope, at various distances from the granite. Assuming world standards, all these deposits are now uneconomic. Various age determinations indicated that ore formation connected with the Karkonosze Granite might have taken place mostly between about 326 and 270 Ma.The last ore-forming episode in the Karkonosze–Izera Massif is related to hypergenic processes, particularly important in the northern part of the massif, in the Izera–Kowary Unit where some uranium deposits and occurrences resulted from the infiltration of ore solutions that originated from the weathering of pre-existing accumulations of uranium minerals. A separate problem is the presence of oxidation zones of ore deposits and occurrences, both the fossil and the recent.A full list of ore minerals identified in described deposits and occurrences of the Karkonosze–Izera Massif together with relevant, key references is presented in the form of an appendix.  相似文献   

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