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咸水层CO2地质封存技术是我国实现碳中和目标的重要支撑技术,也是一项深部地下空间开发利用技术。咸水层CO2地质封存工程利用的深部地下空间,需要在确定CO2羽流、扰动边界和经济因素“三级边界”的基础上进行综合评估。以我国唯一的深部咸水层CO2地质封存项目——国家能源集团鄂尔多斯碳捕集与封存(Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS)示范工程为实例,基于封存场地储层CO2羽流监测以及扰动边界的推断预测结果综合评估,认为示范工程平面上4个1'×1'经纬度范围可作为地下利用空间平面边界,垂向上以纸坊组顶界(深度约958 m)为地下封存体顶部边界,以深度2 800 m为底板封隔层底界。提出的咸水层CO2地质封存地下利用空间评估方法,能够为未来封存工程地下利用空间审批与监管提供一定参考,但也需要进一步结合已有法律法规及规模化封存工程实践完善提升。  相似文献   

规模化深部咸水含水层CO2地质储存选址方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文依据中国沉积盆地CO2地质储存潜力评价结果,认为深部咸水含水层是实现规模化CO2地质储存的主体,进而对适宜CO2地质储存的深部咸水含水层属性进行了界定。提出了深部咸水含水层CO2地质储存选址原则,合理划分了选址工作阶段。建立了选址技术指标、安全性评价指标、经济适宜性和地面地质-社会环境选址指标4个指标层,60余个指标的选址指标体系,提出了基于层次分析(AHP)的多因子排序选址评价方法。本文的研究成果对中国深部咸水含水层CO2地质储存场地选址具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯深部咸水层CO_2地质封存效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国首个陆上咸水层CO_2地质封存全流程示范项目于2010年正式实施。为更加清晰、准确地了解注入场地储层的注入性能和注入封存过程中可能遇到的潜在问题,基于场地储层结构和注入监测数据,采用储层多相流模拟软件TOUGH2-MP/ECO_2N对鄂尔多斯105 t/a CO_2注入1 620 m以深的特低渗砂岩咸水含水层进行数值模拟,对储层的压力积聚和CO_2羽体扩散的动态演化以及储层封存量进行评估。结果表明,所建立的模型比较准确地反映了实际注入过程和注入效果。3a注入引起的最大压力抬升小于15 MPa,CO_2在含水层中总体呈均匀扩散,CO_2注入地下3a和53a后,羽体在刘家沟储层中的横向迁移距离分别为550 m和700 m左右。在目前的统注方案下,CO_2主要封存层位在储层上部的刘家沟组(埋深为1 690~1 699 m),其吸气量占整个储层封存量的80%以上,储层吸气能力具有由浅到深变差的特征。53a模拟期内,进入泥岩盖层的CO_2总量不及注入总量的0.05%。  相似文献   

随着温室效应的加剧,CO2地质储存已成为减缓全球气候变暖的有效方法之一. 可用于CO2 地下储存的场地主要有枯竭的油气田、深部咸水层和深部不可开采的煤层等,我国深部咸水层CO2地质储存潜力占总潜力的98%以上. 在全面分析CO2 地质储存适宜性影响因素的基础上,建立了适宜于沉积盆地深部咸水层CO2 地质储存的适宜性评价体系,主要包括地质安全性、储存规模、社会环境风险和经济适宜性4大指标层,共计28个评价指标,评价方法以层次分析法及指标叠加法为主. 以西宁盆地为研究实例,通过基于排除法的地质条件综合分析与层次分析法的定量评价相互验证,表明该指标体系和评价方法具有广泛的应用价值. 结果表明,西宁盆地一级构造单元中双树坳陷最适宜CO2地质储存,可作为CO2地质储存的优先选区.  相似文献   

深部咸水层二氧化碳地质储存场地选址储盖层评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深部咸水层CO2地质储存属于环保型工程项目,开展地质评价来确定良好的储盖层是实现CO2地质储存长期、有效、安全封存的首要前提。储层地质评价内容主要包括储层的物理性质及其注入能力等;盖层地质评价内容主要包括盖层发育特征及封闭能力等。在规划选址到工程选址的不同阶段,储盖层评价的内容和对象应根据不同阶段的目的依次提高精度和量化程度。通过国内深部咸水层CO2地质储存工程场地选址阶段划分,结合储盖层地质评价的主要内容,初步建立了储盖层适宜性评价指标及其分级标准,对国内深部咸水层CO2地质储存工程场地选址中的储盖层地质评价及适宜性评价工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

中国二氧化碳地质储存研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2010年以来,中国地质调查局组织实施了"全国二氧化碳地质储存潜力评价与示范工程"项目。依据我国沉积盆地的地质条件,基本建立了中国CO2地质储存潜力与适宜性评价体系,初步评估了417个(面积大于200 km2)陆域及浅海沉积盆地的CO2地质储存潜力与适宜性;在内蒙古鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗参与并合作实施了中国首个、也是世界上规模最大的煤基全流程深部咸水层CO2地质储存示范工程,突破了钻探、灌注、采样、监测等一系列科学技术难题;在储存过程中的物理化学与生物作用、仿真模拟、环境影响与安全风险评价等基础理论研究方面取得了实质性进展。  相似文献   

各国政府和科学家已经认识到CO2地质封存是一个长期有效的温室气体减排措施.在地质封存过程中,注入的C02的存在形式对C02地质封存工程的可行性和安全性十分重要.相较于“气体”储存机制,残余“气体”储存、溶解储存和矿物储存机制对于CO2地质封存而言是更为安全的储存形式.积累于低渗透性盖层底部的C02溶解使附近区域水溶液密度增加,从而引起“对流混合”现象.这一过程可降低储层中的超临界CO2通过垂直路径(如裂隙、断层和废弃井)向上逃逸的风险,因此增加了CO2地质封存的长期性和安全性.本文综述了CO2地质封存中“对流混合”过程的研究进展,总结归纳了该研究领域中存在的不足和问题,并对下一步研究工作提出了建议,以期为CO2地质封存中“对流混合”过程的研究在中国的深入开展提供参考.  相似文献   

王媛  刘阳 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1711-1717
将二氧化碳注入到深部咸水层中,形成复杂的多组分、多相流系统。二氧化碳在压力梯度、浓度差作用下不断扩散,逐步带走盐溶液中的水分,导致各组分的相态变化,盐结晶析出,阻塞了咸水层孔隙通道,从而降低了二氧化碳的注入效率,研究该干化效应的影响因素并为工程选址提供依据具有重要意义。采用二维径向模型建立多相流体的流动方程,并结合相对渗透率和毛细压力方程探讨二氧化碳注入速率、咸水层含盐量、毛细压力的特征参数对干化效应的影响,干化效应可用固体饱和度值进行定量描述。结果表明:二氧化碳运移分3个区域:干涸区、气液相混合区及液相咸水区,干化效应主要发生在井周的干涸区。在毛细作用下固体饱和度随注入速率的减小而增大,随咸水层含盐量增大而增大,随毛细作用增大而增大。因此,提高二氧化碳的注入速率,向咸水层中注水稀释含盐量或选择粒径较大的均质咸水层减小毛细作用,均可降低盐结晶对孔隙通道的阻塞,提高注入效率。  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration in shallow aquifers can be facilitated by water withdrawal. The factors that optimize the injection/withdrawal balance to minimize potential environmental impacts have been studied, including reservoir size, well pattern, injection rate, reservoir heterogeneity, anisotropy ratio, and permeability sequence. The effects of these factors on CO2 storage capacity and efficiency were studied using a compositional simulator Computer Modeling Group-General Equation of State Model, which modeled features including residual gas trapping, CO2 solubility, and mineralization reactions. Two terms, storage efficiency and CO2 relative breakthrough time, were introduced to better describe the problem. The simulation results show that simultaneous water withdrawal during CO2 injection greatly improves CO2 storage capacity and efficiency. A certain degree of heterogeneity or anisotropy benefits CO2 storage. A high injection rate favors storage capacity, but reduces the storage efficiency and CO2 breakthrough time, which in turn limits the total amount of CO2 injected.  相似文献   

CO2地质储存是缓解温室效应的有效手段之一.在CO2地质储存工程实施过程中可能引起断裂、地震、淡水含水层污染等地质灾害问题,对人类和生态环境造成危害.本文系统阐述CO2地质储存过程中造成的环境地质问题及其成因机制,并从风险评价、监测预警、应急补救等角度提出了具体防治措施,对CO2地质储存技术的安全性评估及工程实施项目管理具有重要的实际意义.  相似文献   

CO2地质储存是减少碳排放、缓解温室效应的有效措施。经地热勘探与综合研究,黑龙江林甸地区埋藏深度940~2062 m的中生代白垩系泉头组三四段、青山口组和姚家组砂岩层状地层中蕴含丰富的咸水,溶解性总固体可达2000~9000 mg/L,孔隙发育较好,水流速缓慢,其上盖层以白垩系嫩江组、四方台组、明水组的层状泥质岩为主,厚度为800~1300 m,未被主要断裂带穿透,封闭良好,决定了其可以作为储存CO2的良好地质储体。同时,大庆市紧邻林甸地区,化工企业众多,碳源集中且充足,规模大,距离短,为研究区的CO2地质储存提供了有利条件。因林甸地区油气资源匮乏,缺少石油井,本次工作首次利用地热勘探井,根据CO2地质储存技术机理,采用国际权威潜力评估公式,开展了深部咸水层CO2地质储存的潜力评估。结果表明,其深部咸水层CO2理论储存量为478.91×108 t,有效储存量为11.49×108 t,储存潜力较大,未来可作为大庆、齐齐哈尔等邻近城市减碳的地质储存场所。此项工作的开展,为林甸地区下一步实施CO2地质储存适宜性评价、目标靶区筛选和场地选址及示范工程建设提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Numerical simulation is an essential component of many studies of geological storage of carbon dioxide, but care must be taken to ensure the accuracy of the results. Unlike several other possible sources of simulation errors, which have previously been considered in detail and have well-understood techniques for mitigating their effects, comparatively little discussion of the spatial grid dependence of the dissolution rate of carbon dioxide into the formation water has appeared in the literature, despite its importance to simulation studies of geological storage of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers. In many instances, sufficient refinement of the computational grid can be a practical solution. However, this approach is not always feasible, especially for large-scale simulations in three dimensions requiring multiple realisations, which commonly feature a coarse grid due to constraints on available computational capabilities. A measure of the error in the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide introduced by the use of a finite grid is therefore of great interest. In this study, the use of finite-sized grid blocks is shown to overestimate the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide in short-term results by a factor of 1?+?V f/V p, where V f is the grid block volume at the saturation front and V p is the total grid block volume of the plume. This result can be used in a number of ways to correct the calculated short-term dissolution in coarse-scale simulations so that the amount dissolved agrees better with that obtained from fine-scale simulations.  相似文献   

Depleted reservoirs of natural gas and petroleum can provide excellent traps for carbon dioxide. Deep aquifers, which are not used due to high salinity, can host larger amount of the carbon dioxide under their high formation pressure than natural gas and oir reservoirs. Small fraction of aquifers in sedimentary basins in the world are enough to host about 87 gigaton-C of carbon dioxide.

A preliminary technical and economical survey on the carbon dioxide injection system suggests that the energy requirement for carbon dioxide injection into subterranean aquifers is about 269 kWh/ton-C and that the investment and operation costs for system are 79 $/ton-C. By our preliminary cost estimation in Japan, the CO2-emission-free electricity generation may become possible with a cost increase of 35% for natural-gas-fired power station, and of 60% for coal-fired-power station.  相似文献   

深部咸水层CO2地质储存地质安全性评价方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
CO2地质储存工程属于环保型工程项目,地质安全性是影响CO2长期封存的首要因素。深部咸水层CO2地质储存地质安全性影响因素主要包括盖层适宜性、场地地震安全性、水文地质条件、地面场地地质条件四个方面,其中盖层适宜性是CO2安全储存的最关键因素,场地地震安全性和水文地质条件次之,而地面场地地质条件也是影响工程施工的重要因素。本文基于CO2地质储存的地质安全性影响因素分析,建立了层次分析结构的地质安全性评价指标体系,并初步计算了评价指标的权重;提出可以利用模糊综合评价方法进行深部咸水层CO2地质储存地质安全性综合评价,为中国深部咸水层CO2地质储存的地质安全性评价方法和安全选址指明了方向。  相似文献   

由于盖层中存在的未知断层、裂隙或被废弃井穿透等原因,深部储存的CO2可能会发生渗漏,并向上迁移进入浅部含水层,改变地下水中酸度和溶解组分的浓度分布。国外开展CO2泄漏对浅层地下水水质影响相关研究尚处于起步阶段,且室内实验、野外试验和数值模拟等研究结果表明,CO2泄漏对浅层地下水中pH和微量重金属组分浓度影响显著,虽浓度大多未超饮用水标准,但由于含水介质之间矿物组成的差异较大,有必要针对具体场地的地下水水质和矿物组分特征进行调查,研究CO2侵入对地下水水质的影响,在总结已经达成共识和存在的问题基础上提出下一步研究趋势。  相似文献   

通过分析二氧化碳地质储存的地下空间和时间特征,并结合水环境同位素技术的特点,提出将其应用于碳储存方面可以从以下三方面入手:(1)利用水环境同位素技术判断二氧化碳规模化封存场地的水文地质条件的方法,评价典型二氧化碳规模化封存咸水层的安全持久性及储存二氧化碳的适宜性;(2)确定判断泄露二氧化碳“碳源”的同位素方法,研究泄露的“碳”源;(3)通过水环境同位素技术,研究二氧化碳地质封存与地下水循环、径流之间的关系,评价规模化封存二氧化碳潜在泄露对浅层含水层的影响。  相似文献   

Lithuania, in the Baltic region of northern Europe, is heavily dependent on groundwater resources for its public water supply, with a large proportion, especially in rural areas, derived from shallow Quaternary aquifers. A national groundwater-vulnerability methodology, based upon the UK approach, has been developed on behalf of the Lithuanian Ministry of Environmental Protection as a possible basis for the future protection of shallow groundwater resources for the rural inhabitants. Some modifications to the UK methodology were required to enable archive data to be used. The four aquifer classes depicted on the final groundwater vulnerability map are based upon the assessed relative permeabilities of the uppermost Quaternary deposits. The derivation of the classification of soil-leaching potential required a reassessment of Soviet-based soil wetness and particle-size classes and a calculation of subsoil-saturated hydraulic conductivity. A preliminary validation of the final maps against available shallow groundwater samples suggests that the methodology satisfactorily predicts the intrinsic groundwater vulnerability. The final methodology, based upon its low-cost approach using archive data, is relevant to the current needs of Lithuania and can be applied in other regions of similar geology and climate. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Geochemical detection of carbon dioxide in dilute aquifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Carbon storage in deep saline reservoirs has the potential to lower the amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere and to mitigate global warming. Leakage back to the atmosphere through abandoned wells and along faults would reduce the efficiency of carbon storage, possibly leading to health and ecological hazards at the ground surface, and possibly impacting water quality of near-surface dilute aquifers. We use static equilibrium and reactive transport simulations to test the hypothesis that perturbations in water chemistry associated with a CO2 gas leak into dilute groundwater are important measures for the potential release of CO2 to the atmosphere. Simulation parameters are constrained by groundwater chemistry, flow, and lithology from the High Plains aquifer. The High Plains aquifer is used to represent a typical sedimentary aquifer overlying a deep CO2 storage reservoir. Specifically, we address the relationships between CO2 flux, groundwater flow, detection time and distance. The CO2 flux ranges from 103 to 2 × 106 t/yr (0.63 to 1250 t/m2/yr) to assess chemical perturbations resulting from relatively small leaks that may compromise long-term storage, water quality, and surface ecology, and larger leaks characteristic of short-term well failure.  相似文献   

Aquifer systems in tropical hard rock catchments generally comprise a sequence of three layers — an upper layer of weathered material (regolith), an intermediate zone of semi-weathered material and a basal zone of fresh, but often fractured, rocks. There is evidence that all three are hydraulically connected and for the purpose of this paper the three zones are referred to as ‘regolith-fractures aquifer’ (RFA). Field evidence is presented which shows that the bulk of the drawdown in boreholes in RFA systems is generally incurred during the early period of pumping — usually within 200 minutes of pump start-up. Well losses are an important part of this early drawdown and a judicious management of the pumping scheme during the early period could result in a reduction in the drawdown. One way of managing the pumping scheme is through phased pumping, whereby a desired total discharge (Q) is imposed in incremental steps (Q1, Q2, …, Q) during the early period of pumping (generally the first 200 to 300 minutes). This paper presents field data which shows reductions in drawdons arising from phased pumping during the early period.  相似文献   

Review: Thermal water resources in carbonate rock aquifers   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The current knowledge on thermal water resources in carbonate rock aquifers is presented in this review, which also discusses geochemical processes that create reservoir porosity and different types of utilisations of these resources such as thermal baths, geothermal energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration. Carbonate aquifers probably constitute the most important thermal water resources outside of volcanic areas. Several processes contribute to the creation of porosity, summarised under the term hypogenic (or hypogene) speleogenesis, including retrograde calcite solubility, mixing corrosion induced by cross-formational flow, and dissolution by geogenic acids from deep sources. Thermal and mineral waters from karst aquifers supply spas all over the world such as the famous bath in Budapest, Hungary. Geothermal installations use these resources for electricity production, district heating or other purposes, with low CO2 emissions and land consumption, e.g. Germany’s largest geothermal power plant at Unterhaching near Munich. Regional fault and fracture zones are often the most productive zones, but are sometimes difficult to locate, resulting in a relatively high exploration uncertainty. Geothermal installations in deep carbonate rocks could also be used for CO2 sequestration (carbonate dissolution would partly neutralise this gas and increase reservoir porosity). The use of geothermal installations to this end should be further investigated.  相似文献   

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