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The oxygen isotope signature (δ18O) of stalagmite SI3 collected from Shizi Cave in north‐east Sichuan Province provides an Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) record in Central China for the period 54–46 ka. The SI3 δ18O record clearly shows a negative δ18O excursion centred around 49.4 ka, which was reported in Hulu Cave in East China but not identified in the speleothem records from South‐west China. As a whole, this record displays a higher coherence with the two Hulu records from East China than with the speleothem δ18O records from South‐west China, suggesting that at 54–46 ka, Central China was influenced more by the East Asian Summer Monsoon than by the Indian Summer Monsoon. It also displays a significant negative δ18O excursion at 47.5–46.6 ka, which is not clearly documented in two other speleothem δ18O records previously reported from South‐west China. This suggests that details of the Greenland interstadial 12 warrant further investigations in future in monsoonal China. The SI3 δ18O record displays more significant centennial‐scale variations than the other four speleothem δ18O records from East and South‐west China, which may be due to the fact that the study site is closer to the north‐west boundary of the ASM and more sensitive to variations of the ASM than East and South‐west China. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High-resolution 230Th/234U ages and δ18O and δ13C compositions of speleothems in Ma’ale Efrayim Cave located to the east of the central mountain ridge of Israel enable us to examine the nature of the rain shadow aridity during glacial and interglacial intervals. Speleothem growth occurred during marine glacial isotopic periods, with no growth during the two last marine isotope interglacial intervals and during the peak of the Last Glacial Maximum. This contrasts with speleothem growth in caves located on the western flank of the central mountain ridge, in the Eastern Mediterranean semiarid climatic zone, which continued throughout the last 240,000 yr. Thus, during glacial periods water reached both sides of the central mountain ridge. A comparison of the present-day rain and cave water isotopic compositions and amounts at the Ma’ale Efrayim Cave site with those on the western flank shows that evaporation and higher temperatures on the eastern flank are major influences on isotopic composition and the lack of rainfall. The δ18O and δ13C profiles of the speleothems deposited between 67,000 and 25,000 yr B.P. match the general trends of the isotopic profiles of Soreq Cave speleothems, suggesting a similar source (eastern Mediterranean Sea) and similar climatic conditions. Thus, during glacial periods the desert boundary effectively migrated further south or east from its present-day location on the eastern flank, whereas interglacial periods appear to have been similar to the present, with the desert boundary at the same position. The decrease in overall temperature and a consequent reduction in the evaporation to precipitation ratios on the eastern flank are viewed as the major factors controlling the decay of the rain shadow effect during glacial periods.  相似文献   

Tufa sediments are freshwater carbonates that precipitate in karst regions after degassing of carbon dioxide from groundwater in contact with the atmosphere. When laminated, these carbonates can provide high‐resolution records for the study of climate, hydrological and environmental conditions at the time of their precipitation. The formation of these carbonates directly depends on the hydrological regime, and in karst regions discontinuous discharges are often recorded. This study investigates the record of recent laminated tufa sediments precipitated downstream overflow springs in Trabaque Canyon (central Spain). The hydrological dynamics of the karst system were monitored for over three years and a stable isotope record was obtained from laminated tufa carbonates precipitated from an overflow spring. Additionally, a hydrological model of overflow springs was generated and a tufa δ18O record under constrained parameters was simulated. Temperature is the dominant control of the variation in tufa δ13C and δ18O values within each lamina, although when comparing different laminae, δ13CDIC and δ18O of river water are also major controls. The positive correlation between tufa δ13C values and water temperature is caused by the fractionation occurred by carbon dioxide degassing due to the thermal dependence of carbon dioxide solubility. Additionally, the system recorded a temperature‐independent degassing process caused by the large gradient between groundwater and atmospheric carbon dioxide that is limited to the proximity of the spring. This study cautions on the risk of assuming continuous deposition when studying laminated tufa sediments and highlights the potential of their stable isotope records to provide hydrological information of their aquifers during the past.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope data that span part of the last glacial–interglacial transition (ca. 14-9 ka 14C BP; ca. 15–11 ka cal. BP), and which derive from organ-specific plant macrofossils recovered from two lake sediment profiles in the UK and one in Norway, are compared. The recorded temporal variations show similar trends, which, over a millennial time-scale appear to parallel the main drift in δ18O as determined for the GRIP ice-core. It is postulated that some smaller scale variations in the δ13C profiles may reflect the shorter term oscillations in δ18O values evident in the GRIP record, although this is less certain. Overall, however, the results suggest that stable carbon isotope measurements based on organ-specific terrestrial plant macrofossils may provide (i) a means for establishing correlations between terrestrial successions and (ii) additional paleoenvironmental information, as the apparent ‘shadowing’ of the GRIP record indicates a common forcing mechanism for both Greenland δ18O and northwest European δ13C variations. From the evidence available we suggest that the recorded δ13C variations reflect fluctuations in air temperature and/or changes in water vapour pressure in the atmosphere. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

田芝平  张冉  姜大膀 《地学前缘》2022,29(5):355-371
利用国际古气候模拟比较计划(PMIP)最新第四阶段(PMIP4)中14个气候模式的试验数据,集中研究了距今约6 000年的全新世中期中国气候和东亚季风。与早期PMIP第三阶段(PMIP3)多模式结果类似,全新世中期中国年、冬季和春季地表气温较工业革命前期偏冷,而夏季和秋季偏暖,其中年和冬季模拟偏冷与大部分地质记录显示的偏暖不符;所有14个PMIP4模式集合的中国区域平均年和季节温度变化绝对值为0.08~1.69 ℃,较PMIP3多模式平均结果额外偏小0.01~0.45 ℃,这部分源于大气二氧化碳浓度的减少。在用于分析的11个PMIP4模式平均结果中,全新世中期中国年平均降水、蒸发和有效降水(即降水量减蒸发量)相对于工业革命前期分别增加2%、减少1%和增加7%,所有3个物理量在季节上均表现为冬春季减少,夏秋季增加。对比PMIP4模式和PMIP3多模式平均结果,上述3个物理量的中国区域平均值和区域变化差异均在夏、秋季大于年和冬、春季;相比于PMIP3模式,PMIP4模式模拟的年有效降水变化与地质记录更为接近。全新世中期东亚冬、夏季风在14个PMIP4模式中均模拟加强,所有模式平均较工业革命前期分别增强11%和32%;在区域尺度上,与早期PMIP3模式相比,当前PMIP4模式模拟的季风环流增强幅度在东亚北部更强,南部偏弱。  相似文献   

Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) is considered one of the best analogues for the Holocene. In the UK the long lacustrine sequence at Marks Tey, Essex, spans the entirety of the Hoxnian interglacial, the British correlative of MIS 11c. We present multiproxy evidence from a new 18.5‐m core from this sequence. Lithostratigraphy, pollen stratigraphy and biomarker evidence indicate that these sediments span the pre‐, early and late temperate intervals of this interglacial as well as cold climate sediments that post‐date the Hoxnian. The δ18O signal of endogenic carbonate from this sequence produces several clear patterns that are interpreted as reflecting the climatic structure of the interglacial. As well as providing evidence for long‐term climate stability during the interglacial and a major post‐Hoxnian stadial/interstadial oscillation the δ18O signal provides strong evidence for abrupt cooling events during the interglacial itself. One of these isotopic events occurs in association with a short‐lived increase in non‐arboreal pollen (the NAP phase). The results presented here are discussed in the context of other MIS 11 records from Europe and the North Atlantic, particularly with respect to our understanding of the occurrence of abrupt climatic events in pre‐Holocene interglacials. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Among the Phanerozoic granitoids of East Asia, the most prevailing Cenozoic–Mesozoic rocks are reviewed with respect to gabbro/granite ratio, bulk composition of granitoids, redox state, and O- and Sr-isotopic ratios. Quaternary volcanic rocks, ranging from basalt to rhyolite, but typically felsic andesite in terms of bulk composition in island arcs, are oxidized type, possibly due to oxidants from subducting oceanic crust into the source regions. Miocene plutonic rocks in the back-arc of Japan could be a root zone for such volcanism but are more felsic in composition. Cenozoic–Mesozoic plutonic zones are classified by (1) the redox state (magnetite/ilmenite series), and (2) average bulk composition (granodiorite/granite). The granodioritic magnetite series occur with fairly abundant gabbro and diorite in the back-arc of island arcs (Greentuff Belt) and intercontinental rapture zones (Yangtze Block). These rocks are mostly juvenile in terms of the 87Sr/86SrI and δ18O values.The granitic magnetite series with some gabbroids occur in rapture zones along the continental coast (Gyeongsang Basin, Fujian Coast) and the back-arc of island arc (Sanin Belt). They were generated mostly in felsic continental crust, with the help of heat and magmas from upper mantle. The generated granitic magmas had little interaction with C- and S-bearing reducing materials, due probably to extensional tectonic settings. The δ18O value gives narrow ranges but the 87Sr/86SrI ratio varies greatly depending upon the age and composition of the continental crust. Granitic ilmenite-series are characterized by high δ18O values, implying much contribution of sediments. The 87Sr/86SrI ratios are low in island arcs but very high in continental interior settings. Amount of mafic magmas from the upper mantle seems a key to control the composition of granitoid series in island arc settings, while original composition of the protolith may be the key to control granitoid composition in continental interiors.  相似文献   

Uranium-series dating of oxygen and carbon isotope records for stalagmite SJ3 collected in Songjia Cave, central China, shows significant variation in past climate and environment during the period 20-10 ka. Stalagmite SJ3 is located more than 1000 km inland of the coastal Hulu Cave in East China and more than 700 km north of the Dongge Cave in Southwest China and, despite minor differences, displays a clear first-order similarity with the Hulu and Dongge records. The coldest climatic phase since the Last Glacial Maximum, which is associated with the Heinrich Event 1 in the North Atlantic region, was clearly recorded in SJ3 between 17.6 and 14.5 ka, in good agreement in timing, duration and extent with the records from Hulu and Dongge caves and the Greenland ice core. The results indicate that there have been synchronous and significant climatic changes across monsoonal China and strong teleconnections between the North Atlantic and East Asia regions during the period 20-10 ka. This is much different from the Holocene Optimum which shows a time shift of more than several thousands years from southeast coastal to inland China. It is likely that temperature change at northern high latitudes during glacial periods exerts stronger influence on the Asian summer monsoon relative to insolation and appears to be capable of perturbing large-scale atmospheric/oceanic circulation patterns in the Northern Hemisphere and thus monsoonal rainfall and paleovegetation in East Asia. Climatic signals in the North Atlantic region propagate rapidly to East Asia during glacial periods by influencing the winter land-sea temperature contrast in the East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   

The Indo–Asian continental collision is known to have had a great impact on crustal deformation in south-central Asia, but its effects on the sublithospheric mantle remain uncertain. Studies of seismic anisotropy and volcanism have suggested that the collision may have driven significant lateral mantle flow under the Asian continent, similar to the observed lateral extrusion of Asian crustal blocks. Here we present supporting evidence from P-wave travel time seismic tomography and numerical modeling. The tomography shows continuous low-velocity asthenospheric mantle structures extending from the Tibetan plateau to eastern China, consistent with the notion of a collision-driven lateral mantle extrusion. Numerical simulations suggest that, at the presence of a low-viscosity asthenosphere, continued mass injection under the Indo–Asian collision zone over the past 50 My could have driven significant lateral extrusion of the asthenospheric mantle, leading to diffuse asthenospheric upwelling, rifting, and widespread Cenozoic volcanism in eastern China.  相似文献   

We have used correlative analysis between mean December-January-February winter wind velocities, measured at the Xisha Meteorological Observatory (16°50′N, 112°20′E) in the middle of the South China Sea, and mean δ18O data for the corresponding month from Porites lutea coral, collected in Longwan waters (19°20′N, 110°39′E), to obtain a linear equation relating the two datasets. This winter wind velocity for the South China Sea (WMIIscs) can then be correlated to the coral δ18O by the equation WMIIscs = −1.213-1.351 δ18O (‰ PDB), r = −0.60, n = 40, P = 0.01. From this, the calculated WMIIscs-δ18O series from 1944 to 1997 tends to decrease during the 1940s to the 1960s; it increases slightly during the 1970s and then decreases again in the 1980s and 1990s. The calculated decadal mean WMIIscs-δ18O series had a obvious decrease from 5.92 to 4.63 m/s during the period of 1944-1997. The calculated yearly mean WMIIscs-δ18O value is 5.58 m/s from 1944 to 1976 and this decreases to 4.85 m/s from 1977 to 1998. That is the opposite trend to the observed yearly mean SST variation. The yearly mean SST anomaly is −0.27° from 1943 to 1976 and this increases to +0.16° from 1977 to 1998. Spectral analysis used on a 54-year-long calculated WMIIscs-δ18O series produces spectral peaks at 2.4-7 yr, which can be closely correlated with the quasibiennial oscillation band (QBO band, 2-2.4 yr) and the El Ñino southern oscillation band (ENSO band, 3-8 yr). Hence most of the variability of the winter monsoon intensity in the middle of the South China Sea is mainly constrained by changes in the thermal difference between the land and the adjoining sea area, perhaps due to global warming.  相似文献   

The Precambrian/Cambrian (PC/C) boundary is one of the most important intervals for the evolution of life. However, the scarcity of well-preserved outcrops across the boundary leaves an obstacle in decoding surface environmental changes and patterns of biological evolution.In south China, strata through the PC/C boundary are almost continuously exposed and contain many fossils, suitable for study of environmental and biological change across the PC/C boundary. We undertook deep drilling at four sites in the Three Gorges area to obtain continuous and fresh samples without surface alteration and oxidation. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the fresh carbonate rocks, selected based on microscopic observation and geochemical signatures of Mn/Sr and Rb/Sr ratios, aluminum and silica contents, and δ13C and δ18O values, were measured with multiple collector-inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometric techniques.The chemostratigraphy of 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the drilled samples displays a smooth curve and a large positive anomaly just below the PC/C boundary between the upper part of Baimatuo Member of the Dengying Formation and the lower part of the Yanjiahe Formation. The combination of chemostratigraphies of δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr indicates that the 87Sr/86Sr excursions preceded the δ13C negative excursion, and suggests that global regression or formation of the Gondwana supercontinent, possibly together with a high atmospheric pCO2, caused biological depression.  相似文献   


千年尺度事件的结构特征和区域响应是理解和认识冰期气候变化及动力机制的关键。本文基于陕西汉中宁强县地洞河一支长417 mm石笋DDH1的11个U-Th年代和417个氧同位素(δ18O)数据,重建了末次冰期(64.8~33.2 ka B.P.)亚洲季风演化历史。石笋δ18O记录在64.7±0.2 ka B.P.和59.3±0.1 ka B.P.快速负偏,分别指示了DO18事件的开始和H6事件的结束。在DO18事件结束过程,石笋δ18O记录在64.0~60.4 ka B.P.持续正偏,振幅达2.9 ‰,反应季风逐渐减弱,但未出现明显转型阶段。其总体形态与大西洋Cariaco盆地岩芯反射率、南极冰芯的记录较为一致,但是不同于格陵兰冰芯的记录。因地洞河所处青藏高原、秦岭叠加影响的区域,纬度和地形的双重影响使得其石笋δ18O记录较其他地区偏负,振荡幅度更大。因地形阻挡了高纬信号,使得低纬甚至南半球的信号突现出来,ITCZ的移动、南半球温度和水汽潜热的释放作用在这一区域尤为显著。


The high-resolution stratigraphy of various marker compounds has been studied, using GC, HPLC and GC-MS, in a 13 m gravity core recovered from the Kane Gap region, eastern equatorial Atlantic, which provides a record of the glacial/interglacial episodes over the last million years. Downhole variations in many presumed source-specific components are observed (e.g. in n-alkanes from terrigenous land plants and dinosterol from dinoflagellates), which may be due to perturbations or cyclicities resulting from climatic change. Fluctuations in the unsaturation of alkenones attributable to variations in water temperatures show correlations with the glacial/interglacial cycles recorded in the δ18O values for planktonic foraminifera, thereby providing a potential organic geochemical measure of past climates. These molecular abundance data can be linked to the palaeotemperature record, following computer treatments using principal component and spectral analyses. Molecular stratigraphy shows promise as a new chemostratigraphical tool where other means of stratigraphy fail, for example, through calcium carbonate dissolution.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar dating and estimates of regional metamorphic PT conditions were carried out on the basement rocks of the Eastern Kunlun Mountains, Western China. Samples from the Jinshuikou, Xiaomiao, Kuhai, Wanbaogou, and Nachitai groups revealed distinct metamorphic events and four age groups. The age group in the range from 363 to 439 Ma is interpreted to represent cooling after Middle Silurian–Late Devonian granulite(?) and amphibolite facies metamorphism, which is dominated by low–middle pressure/high temperature conditions. This tectono-thermal event is related to the closure of an oceanic basin or marginal sea. An age group of 212–242 Ma represents cooling after Triassic metamorphic overprint, which is probably associated with magmatic intrusions. This thermal event, together with the Permo-Triassic ophiolite zone along the South Kunlun Fault, relates to the closure of a major ocean (between India and Eurasia) and the eventual N-ward accretion of the Qiangtang block in Permo-Triassic times. The significance of the age group of 104–172 Ma may be related to the ductile deformation along the Xidatan fault due to the northward-directed accretion of the Lhasa block. Biotites from Nachitai record a partial isotopic resetting at ca. 32 Ma that is interpreted to represent a late-stage exhumation caused by further crustal shortening.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions represent a unique opportunity for a straightforward determination of the chemical and isotopic composition of fluids that composed the hydrosphere and atmosphere over Earth’s history. The production of reference materials in the laboratory is needed to monitor and to validate the determination of hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of water inclusions. We propose a protocol leading to the experimental synthesis of halite crystals that contain water inclusions whose δD and δ18O values can be related to those of surrounding evaporating waters where the crystals grew. Corrections to isotopic measurements were performed by applying an orthogonal projection of the raw data to the water evaporation trajectory line whose slope can be predicted by taking into account the parameters developed in the linear resistance model of Craig and Gordon (1965). Several hundreds of grams of halite reference material can be produced rapidly (within 2 d) at a low cost and can be stored within a vacuum desiccator at ambient temperature over several months or years. The described method is especially useful for the analysis of anhydrous salts and the interpretation of isotopic fractionations that operate within the surficial water cycle.  相似文献   

We recently showed that silicon isotopic fractionation in banana (Musa acuminata Colla, cv Grande Naine) was related to phytolith production, and therefore to silica content in plant. The present study focuses on isotopic fractionation between the different plant parts. Silicon isotopic compositions were measured using a Nu plasma multicollector plasma source mass spectrometer (MC–ICP–MS) operating in dry plasma mode. The results are expressed as δ29Si relatively to the NBS28 standard, with an average precision and accuracy of ± 0.08‰ (± 2σ). On mature banana (Musa acuminata Colla, cv Grande Naine) from Cameroon, δ29Si ranged from + 0.13‰ in the petiole to + 0.49‰ in the lamina, yielding to a 0.36‰ change towards heavier isotopic composition in the upper parts of the plant. This strongly accords with results obtained on in vitro banana plantlets cultivated in hydroponics, where the δ29Si increase from pseudostems to lamina is 0.26‰. These preliminary results on in situ banana show a trend of intra-plant fractionation comparable with that of in vitro hydroponics banana plantlets and with previous data obtained on bamboo.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1909-1921
This paper reports the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of lacustrine carbonate sediments from the Palaeogene Shahejie Formation, Qikou depression, Bohaiwan Basin, with the aim of determining the palaeoenvironmental conditions in the region. Results from Es2, the second member of the Shahejie Formation, showed values of δ13C and δ18O from –1.2‰ to +2.4‰ (average +0.6‰) and from –6.8‰ to –4.7‰ (average –5.7‰), respectively, suggesting a relatively hot climate attending deposition. The slightly closed nature of the lake, which contains brackish water, resulted in higher carbonate δ13C and δ18O values than in a meteoric environment. The values of δ13C and δ18O preserved within the carbonates of the overlying lower Shahejie I (Es1) varied between +1.3‰ and +4.9‰ (average +3.2‰) and from ?4.4‰ to ?1.8‰ (average ?3.1‰), respectively, indicating that the climate became colder at that time. Subsequently, a marine transgression caused the salinity of the lake water to increase. The values of δ13C and δ18O were controlled by salinity. The high δ13C values were also influenced by the rapid burial of the lake organisms and by algal photosynthesis. Values of δ13C and δ18O from carbonates in upper Es1 ranged from ?8.0‰ to +11.0‰ (average +10.1‰) and from ?5.0‰ to ?1.5‰ (average ?3.4‰), respectively, indicating a slight increase in the temperature over time. In the closed and reducing environment, extremes in δ13C values resulted from biochemical fermentation. The positive δ13C excursion recorded in the carbonates of the Shahejie Formation in the Qikou depression indicates that the palaeoclimate underwent a significant transformation during the Eocene and the Oligocene.  相似文献   

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