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引用本文:龚胜生,王无为,杨林生,柴彦威,周素红,黄蕾,王兰,程杨,葛淼,罗勇军. 地理学参与健康中国建设的重点领域与行动建议[J]. 地理学报, 2022, 77(8): 1851-1872. DOI: 10.11821/dlxb202208002
作者姓名:龚胜生  王无为  杨林生  柴彦威  周素红  黄蕾  王兰  程杨  葛淼  罗勇军
作者单位:1.华中师范大学可持续发展研究中心/城市与环境科学学院,武汉 4300792.地理过程分析与模拟湖北省重点实验室,武汉 4300793.女王大学地理与规划系,加拿大 金士顿 K7L 3N64.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 1001015.北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 1008716.中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广州 5100067.南京大学环境学院 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京 2100238.同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,上海 2000929.北京师范大学地理科学学部,北京 10087510.陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院健康地理研究所,西安 71011911.陆军军医大学陆军卫勤训练基地军事医学地理学教研室,重庆 400038
摘    要:健康与环境关系是最基本的人地关系,“健康中国”建设需要地理学参与。地理学能为健康中国建设提供基于发展战略、过程评价和政策导向的路径指引,基于人地关系和谐和空间系统优化的理论指导,基于健康生活引导、健康服务优化、健康环境营造、健康保障决策、健康产业布局的实践指南。地理学参与健康中国建设,可在居民健康素养、健康生活方式与时空行为、区域人群心理健康,重点人群健康服务、重大疾病监测防控、重点区域健康促进,健康大数据与信息系统、医疗卫生资源优化配置、健康服务可达性与公平性,气候变化的健康应对、健康生态环境建设、环境健康风险治理、健康城市(环境)建设、健康乡村(环境)建设、健康文化景观建设,道地药材开发与中医药产业布局、康养旅游与健身休闲产业布局、养老服务与妇婴产业布局等18个领域发挥独特优势。地理学参与健康中国建设还存在地理科学的健康基础薄弱、地理学者的参与意识不强、地理组织的政策支持不够等问题,需要强化问题导向和目标导向的健康地理学的理论、实证和政策研究,强化地理应用技术与地理科学思维深度融合的健康促进研究,强化地理组织对地理学者参与健康中国建设的系统引领与政策支持。

关 键 词:健康中国建设  地理学参与  健康地理学  重点领域  对策建议  

The key fields and action suggestions of geography participating in the construction of Healthy China
GONG Shengsheng,WANG Wuwei,YANG Linsheng,CHAI Yanwei,ZHOU Suhong,HUANG Lei,WANG Lan,CHENG Yang,GE Miao,LUO Yongjun. The key fields and action suggestions of geography participating in the construction of Healthy China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2022, 77(8): 1851-1872. DOI: 10.11821/dlxb202208002
Authors:GONG Shengsheng  WANG Wuwei  YANG Linsheng  CHAI Yanwei  ZHOU Suhong  HUANG Lei  WANG Lan  CHENG Yang  GE Miao  LUO Yongjun
Abstract:The interaction between health and environment is the most essential man-land relationship. Geography plays a significant role in the construction of Healthy China. It can provide path guidance based on development strategy, process evaluation and policy orientation, theoretical guidance based on man-land relationship harmony and spatial system optimization, and practical guidance based on healthy life, health service, health environment, health security and health industry layout. Combining the disciplinary characteristics of geography and the five key areas of the construction of Healthy China, geography could play a unique part in the 18 aspects, including sub-disciplines of health geography, tourism geography, economic geography, urban geography, behavioral geography, population geography, information geography, social geography, cultural geography, rural geography, and environmental geography. First, it promotes healthy life in areas of regional residents' health literacy, living style, and spatio-temporal behavior, as well as regional population mental health. Secondly, it improves healthy service in areas of disadvantaged people health service, major diseases prevention and control, and sustainable health in key regions. Thirdly, it constructs an environment in areas of healthy eco-environmental construction, healthy climate change response, environmental health risk detection, healthy urban and rural environmental construction, and healthy cultural landscape construction. Next, it enhances healthy protection in areas of geographic information system (GIS), optimization of medical resource allocation, healthy services accessibility, and fairness. Finally, it develops healthy industry in areas of development of local medicine and traditional Chinese medical industry, healthy tourism and entertainment, optimization of senior care, maternal and infant industry. However, nowadays, the contribution of geography in building the Healthy China is limited because of the following reasons: (1) weak basis for health geography; (2) lack of strong sense of participation; and (3) lack of policy support from geographical organization. In the future, more research should be focused on problem-oriented and policy-oriented geographical theory, empirical and policy research, health promotion research of deep integration of geographic technology and thinking, and systematic guidance and policy support for geographers to participate in the construction of Healthy China.
Keywords:Healthy China construction  geography participation  health geography  key fields  action suggestions  
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