Theoretical foundation and framework for understanding urban centers
Under the "economic space" perspective, theories and empirical studies regarding urban centers system have developed in isolation from each other. This study aimed at filling this gap with a synthesized theoretical framework. Based on a general survey of theoretical models, we argued that the formation and development of urban centers system are mainly determined by two mechanisms—spatial competition and spatial connection, generating the spatial organization of local and non-local services respectively. Then we characterized the urban centers as a "semi-lattice" system that any center in a tree-structure of local service centers could be linked to higher-level centers or even global cities by non-local functions such as those derived from the space of flow. After an in-depth discussion of this framework, we proposed several research implications regarding empirical studies. We argued that empirical identification of urban centers should be consistent with theoretical concepts; reflection from empirical studies should be further linked to the refinement of the framework; and the potential of planning intervention on centers and their spatial effects is the premise of spatial policies.
城市中心体系 / 理论框架 / 空间竞争 / 空间联系 / 半网格结构 {{custom_keyword}} /
urban centers system / theoretical framework / spatial competition / spatial connection / semi-lattice {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 理论和实证研究对“中心”的定义Tab.1 Definitions of “center” in theories and empirical studies |
理论/实证研究 | 中心的定义 | 代表文献 |
中心地理论 | 区域中主要起区域中心作用的聚落(settlement),是中心商品和服务的生产或供应地 | [21] |
区位理论 | 区域中的城镇、非农业企业的点状集聚地 | [22] |
城市经济学 | 城市中预设的对所有生产者具有吸引力CBD,有时甚至被设为唯一就业地 | [23] |
空间经济学等理论模型 | 区域中的城镇、制造业集聚地(制造业与农业二部门情况下)、产业集群的区位 | [24] |
区域中的城镇、产业集聚区;城市中的商业集聚地 | [25] | |
城市中内生于居民理性经济活动而产生的居住、就业或其他活动的集聚地 | [26-27] | |
城市尺度的实证研究 | 就业集聚且对周边就业或人口等要素分布有影响的区位(employment centers) | [6,28] |
商业集聚的中心(shopping centers) | [29] | |
就业与公共活动集聚的中心(activity centers) | [30] |
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