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引用本文:李莹甄,王海涛,邬成栋,王想,冯建刚,曲延军,王行舟. 中国大陆地震条带统计特征分析[J]. 地震学报, 2011, 33(5): 568-581
作者姓名:李莹甄  王海涛  邬成栋  王想  冯建刚  曲延军  王行舟
作者单位:1) 中国乌鲁木齐830011新疆维吾尔自治区地震局2) 中国昆明650224云南省地震局3) 中国石家庄050021河北省地震局4) 中国兰州730000甘肃省地震局5) 中国合肥230031安徽省地震局
摘    要:对中国大陆具备相对完整资料的327次M≥5.0地震,分5个工作区进行了统一要求的地震条带图像扫描,发现96次中强震前存在条带图像,约占研究地震总数的29%.其中震前有条带地震与研究地震的比例分别为:华北地区30%,华东南区29%,川滇地区41%,青藏高原西北缘24%,新疆地区16 %.中强震前出现条带比例最低的是新疆,...

关 键 词:中国大陆  地震条带  统计特征

A statistical analysis on seismic belts in Chinese mainland
Li Yingzhen),Wang Haitao) Wu Chengdong) Wang Xiang) Feng Jiangang) Qu Yanjun) Wang Xingzhou) ) Earthquake Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Urumqi ,China ) Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming ,China ) Earthquake Administration of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang ,China ) Earthquake Administration of Gansu Province,Lanzhou ,China ) Earthquake Administration of Anhui Province,Hefei ,China. A statistical analysis on seismic belts in Chinese mainland[J]. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 2011, 33(5): 568-581
Authors:Li Yingzhen)  Wang Haitao) Wu Chengdong) Wang Xiang) Feng Jiangang) Qu Yanjun) Wang Xingzhou) ) Earthquake Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region  Urumqi   China ) Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province  Kunming   China ) Earthquake Administration of Hebei Province  Shijiazhuang   China ) Earthquake Administration of Gansu Province  Lanzhou   China ) Earthquake Administration of Anhui Province  Hefei   China
Affiliation:1) Earthquake Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830001, China2) Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650224, China3) Earthquake Administration of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050021, China4) Earthquake Administration of Gansu Prov
Abstract:327Mge;5.0 earthquakes with relatively integrated data are investigated. The whole seismic area in Chinese mainland is divided into 5 study regions. We spatially scanned the data in each region for seismic belt pattern with a uniform criterion. It is found that the belt pattern exists before 96 moderate-strong earthquakes, being 29% of the total earthquakes. The ratio of earthquakes with pre-earthquake belts over total is 30% for North China region, 29% for southeastern China, 41% for Sichuan-Yunnan region, 24% for northwest marginal region of Qingzang plateau, and 16% in Xinjiang region. The ratio for Xinjiang region is the lowest and that for Sichuan-Yunnan region is the highest.Then we statistically analyzed the relationship between the magnitude M of the mainshock, occurred after belt formation, and the belt parameters, such as belt duration time t, belt length L, and the magnitude M of belt earthquakes. The results are lg t(month)=0.30M-1.03plusmn;0.38 (Mge;6.5) and lg L(km)=0.11M+1.73plusmn;1.75 (Mge;5.5) for China mainland earthquakes, and lg t(month)=0.20M-0.25plusmn;0.24 and lg L(km)=0.12M+1.75plusmn;0.16 (Mge;5.5) for Sichuan-Yunnan region. Due to less sample earthquakes and large data scattering, the relationships for other regions are not presented. Our study result indicates that no significant correlation exists between the mainshock magnitude M and the belt duration time t, and the belt length L, when the belt earthquake magnitude M5.5. When Mge;5.5,a linear relation would exist, but with poor data correlation. The lowest magnitudes of belt earthquakes are about ML2.5,ML3.0 and ML4.0 for the M5.0mdash;5.9, M6.0mdash;6.9 and Mge;7.0 mainshock, respectively. The mainshocks occurred at the belt terminals are more than those occurred inside the belts. Only 10% mainshocks are associated with crossing belts, and they are mainly Mge;7.0 earthquakes. The ratios of belts appeared before M5.0mdash;5.9, M6.0mdash;6.9 and Mge;7.0 mainshocks are 25%, 38% and 71%, respectively, showing that the seismic belt pattern may be an important abnormal precursory for Mge;7 .0 mainshocks. 
Keywords:Chinese mainland  seismic belt  statistical characteristics  
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