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Oceanic Origin of A Recent La Nina-Like Trend in the Tropical Pacific
Authors:ZHANG Liping  WU Lixin  YU Lisan
Affiliation:Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100,Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100,Department of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanography Institute, MA 02543, USA
Abstract:Global ocean temperature has been rising since the late 1970s at a speedunprecedented during the past century of recordkeeping. This acceleratedwarming has profound impacts not only on the marine ecosystem and oceaniccarbon uptake but also on the global water cycle and climate. During thisrapid warming period, the tropical Pacific displays a pronounced LaNina-like trend, characterized by an intensification of west--east SSTgradient and of atmospheric zonal overturning circulation, namely the Walkercirculation. This La Nina-like trend differs from the El Nino-liketrend in warm climate projected by most climate models, and cannot beexplained by responses of the global water cycle to warm climate. Theresults of this study indicate that the intensification of the zonal SSTgradient and the Walker circulation are associated with recent strengtheningof the upper-ocean meridional overturning circulation.
Keywords:tropical Pacific   warming trend   hydrological cycle   subtropical tropical cell
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