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作者姓名:张雷  石汉青  杜华栋  朱恩泽  张志华  方旬
作者单位:解放军理工大学 气象海洋学院, 江苏 南京211101,解放军理工大学 气象海洋学院, 江苏 南京211101,解放军理工大学 气象海洋学院, 江苏 南京211101,解放军理工大学 气象海洋学院, 江苏 南京211101,解放军理工大学 气象海洋学院, 江苏 南京211101,解放军理工大学 气象海洋学院, 江苏 南京211101
摘    要:To evaluate the ocean surface wind vector and the sea surface temperature obtained from Wind Sat, we compare these quantities over the time period from January 2004 to December 2013 with moored buoy measurements. The mean bias between the Wind Sat wind speed and the buoy wind speed is low for the low frequency wind speed product(WSPD_LF), ranging from –0.07 to 0.08 m/s in different selected areas. The overall RMS error is 0.98 m/s for WSPD_LF, ranging from 0.82 to 1.16 m/s in different selected regions. The wind speed retrieval result in the tropical Ocean is better than that of the coastal and offshore waters of the United States. In addition, the wind speed retrieval accuracy of WSPD_LF is better than that of the medium frequency wind speed product. The crosstalk analysis indicates that the Wind Sat wind speed retrieval contains some cross influences from the other geophysical parameters, such as sea surface temperature, water vapor and cloud liquid water. The mean bias between the Wind Sat wind direction and the buoy wind direction ranges from –0.46° to 1.19° in different selected regions. The overall RMS error is 19.59° when the wind speed is greater than 6 m/s. Measurements of the tropical ocean region have a better accuracy than those of the US west and east coasts. Very good agreement is obtained between sea surface temperatures of Wind Sat and buoy measurements in the tropical Pacific Ocean; the overall RMS error is only 0.36°C, and the retrieval accuracy of the low latitudes is better than that of the middle and high latitudes.

关 键 词:WindSat  极化微波辐射计  风矢量  海表面温度  验证
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