Undetermined Coefficient Discussion of Analogue Method Formula in Mine Water Inrush Prediction
中文关键词:  涌水量  预测  比拟法  待定系数
英文关键词:Water inrush  Prediction  Analogue method  Undetermined coefficient
陈萍 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局贵州贵阳550004 
陈艺迪 贵州大学明德学院贵州贵阳550004 
摘要点击次数: 780
全文下载次数: 667
      以典型矿山多年实际的开采及排水序列资料为基础、相关学科理论为指导,通过对开采及排水资料的 “二次开发”,探讨了不同水文地质类型矿床的矿井涌水量预测比拟法计算公式中待定系数的特点,以及随开采面积(F)和开采疏干降深(S)的变化趋势和规律。研究结果表明:参数“m”、“n” 是随开采疏干降深(S)和开采面积(F)增加而加大的变量;不同类型矿床中参数n值均大于m值;岩溶水充水矿床中参数“m”、“n”相对稳定,而基岩裂隙水充水矿床具有明显的分段性特征。指出了单纯“面积比拟法”、“降深比拟法” 对矿井涌水量预测的不合理性,以及在参数“m”、“n”取值中加强水文地质勘查资料综合研究的重要性。
      Based on the drainage and explore information of typical mine, according to the relative scientific theory, the features of mine water inrush prediction analogue method formula in different hydogeological deposits are discussed by second information development, the changing tendency and regulation as the explore area (F) and drainage dropdown (S) are also discussed. The study shows the parameters ‘m’ and ‘n’ are the variables which become bigger as the explore area (F) and drainage dropdown (S) increase. The n value is bigger than m value in different deposit, the value of ‘m’ and ‘n’ are stable in the seam deposit of karst water, but the seam deposit of basement fissure water has obvious segment feature. It point out that simple area analogue method or dropdown analogue method is not reasonable for mine water inrush prediction, the importance of hydrogeology information study strengthen in ‘m’ and ‘n’ value is carried out.
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