李 茜, 杨胜天, 白晓辉, 吕 涛, 刘瑞禄, 杜 迪
地理科学进展 ›› 2009, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4) : 1047-1058.
A forest nutrient cycling spatial model and its application
将生态过程模型中营养元素生物循环数值模拟、基于过程的植被生产力模型与遥感驱动的光能利用率模型相耦合,构建森林植被营养元素生物循环空间信息模型。模型弥补了营养元素生物循环过程模型中空间分析和参数获取复杂的不足,并在植被生产力光能利用率模型中引入营养元素胁迫的定量表达。将模型模块化,耦合于自主开发的EcoHAT系统(EcoHydrology Assessment Tools),以贵州典型森林群落为研究对象,对群落生产力和营养元素生物循环的关键过程的时空演变模式进行了模拟和研究。运用实验数据进行验证,取得良好的效果,可见模型计算可以较为真实地反映区域营养元素生物循环关键过程的时空格局。
Forest nutrient cycling is a crucial parameter in the analysis of forest eco-system. The paper established a forest nutrient cycling spatial model which coupled nutrient cycling process model and remote sensing model of vegetation NPP. Compared with nutrient cycling process model, the forest nutrient cycling spatial model improved the spatial analysis function and made the parameters acquirement easier. The forest nutrient cycling spatial model also complemented the nutrient limitation expression in the vegetation NPP model, which combined the vegetation growth, nutrient cycling and soil chemical property together. The model was developed using module integration technique and coupled in Ecohydrology Assessment Tools. Applying the forest nutrient cycling spatial model, the research simulates and analyzes the NPP and the patterns of nutrient bio-cycling in the typical plant community in Guizhou province. Compared with the observed data, the simulated spatial results are credible and the forest nutrient cycling model can simulate the spatio-temporal patterns of nutrient bio-cycling processes.
营养元素生物循环 / NPP / 森林 / 光能利用率模型 / EcoHAT {{custom_keyword}} /
nutrient cycling / NPP / forest ecosystem / light efficiency model / process model / EcoHAT {{custom_keyword}} /
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