Borehole temperature logging and terrestrial heat flow distribution in Jianghan Basin
摘要: 盆地的稳态温度是分析地温场和大地热流的基础,是盆地构造热演化的必要前提。本文根据最新获得的9口钻井的稳态温度数据和124块岩石热导率,结合已有资料对江汉盆地地温梯度和大地热流进行了系统分析。结果显示江汉盆地热流419~609 mW/m2,平均523 mW/m2,盆地总体表现为较低的大地热流,反映了中新生代以来构造活动逐渐减弱,盆地不断冷却的结果; 从盆地内热流分布看,热流分布南高北低,反映了江汉盆地构造活动的不均一性。Abstract: Based on the newly obtained borehole steady temperature data from 9 holes together with thermal conductivities of 124 core samples,we analyze the distribution of geotemperature and terrestrial heat flow in Jianghan Basin. The present temperature gradients vary from 2836 to 3932 ℃/km,lower temperature gradients is observed in the Cenozoic Basin margin and higher gradients are obtained in the Cenozoic Basin. The determined thermal conductivity values vary from 0882 to 678 W/m?K and the calculated heat flow values in Jianghan Basin range from 419 to 609 mW/m2,with a average of 523 mW/m2.It shows that the influence of tectonothermal event before Cenozoic in Jianghan Basin has faded away,and the basin has cooled down.
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