引用本文: | 周百灵,维妙,李菊,赵峰,徐奎栋.黄海底栖纤毛虫的群落结构与时空变化.海洋与湖沼,2016,47(2):336-345. |
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黄海底栖纤毛虫的群落结构与时空变化 |
周百灵1,2, 维妙1,2, 李菊1,2, 赵峰1, 徐奎栋1
1.中国科学院海洋研究所 青岛 266071;2.中国科学院大学 北京 100049
摘要: |
采用密度梯度离心结合定量蛋白银染色(Ludox-QPS)方法, 对2010年7月和11月获自黄海海域沉积物中的底栖纤毛虫进行了群落结构研究, 并结合环境因子进行了分析。结果表明: 7月浒苔暴发期间, 纤毛虫现存量以北黄海、南黄海近岸和长江口外海域较高, 南黄海离岸站位较低; 11月的纤毛虫丰度和生物量均明显高于7月, 南黄海近岸站位的丰度和生物量较高, 且向外海随水深增大呈减少的趋势。11月丰度和生物量前三位的类群与7月一致, 前口类丰度所占比例最高, 核残迹类生物量所占比例最高。肉食性纤毛虫均是两个月份的最优势摄食类群。11月纤毛虫的物种数、Margalef指数和香农-威纳指数均高于7月, 且均以南黄海近岸海域较高, 而离岸海域较低; 纤毛虫丰度、生物量、物种数、Margalef和香农-威纳指数与底层水温度和沉积物中值粒径呈显著正相关。冷水团对底栖纤毛虫群落结构和分布有一定的影响, 且是多个环境因子的共同影响。两个月份纤毛虫群落间的Jaccard相似系数值高于单个月份南北黄海和冷水团内外的系数值, 表明黄海底栖纤毛虫的物种组成在季节间的差异可能小于不同海域之间的差异。7月南黄海近岸较高的纤毛虫现存量和多样性表明, 浒苔的死亡和降解可能通过级联效应促进了近岸站位纤毛虫的生长。 |
关键词: 底栖纤毛虫 黄海 分布 群落结构 |
DOI:10.11693/hyhz20150400115 |
分类号: |
基金项目:"全球变化与海气相互作用"专项项目, GASI-01-02-02-02号; 国家自然科学基金项目, 41476144号, 41306153号。 |
附件 |
ZHOU Bai-Ling1,2, WEI Miao1,2, LI Ju1,2, ZHAO Feng1, XU Kui-Dong1
1.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract: |
Based on the investigation on benthic environmental factors, including temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, sediment grain size, organic matter, etc., we analyzed the community composition and distribution of benthic ciliates in the Yellow Sea surveyed in July and November 2010 using density gradient centrifugation in combination with quantitative protargol stain (the Ludox-QPS method). In July during the macroalgal Ulva prolifera bloom, the standing crops of ciliates were high in the northern Yellow Sea and in the inshore areas of the southern Yellow Sea and Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary, and were low in the offshore area of the southern Yellow Sea. The abundance and biomass increased greatly in November, and high standing crops occurred in the inshore area of the southern Yellow Sea and decreased with increasing water depth towards the offshore area. The top three dominant groups in abundance and biomass were the same in the two months. The Prostomatea took the highest proportion in abundance, and so did the Karyorelictea in biomass; and the carnivorous ciliates were the most dominant feeding types in both months. The species number and Margalef and Shannon-Wiener index values of ciliates were higher in November than in July, and all these parameters were higher in the inshore than the offshore areas in the southern Yellow Sea in both months. Statistical analyses indicated that the ciliate abundance, biomass, species number, Margalef and Shannon-Wiener index values were all positively correlated with the bottom water temperature as well as the median grain size of sediments in November. The results indicate that the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) affected the community structure and distribution of ciliates as the result of co-working with multiple environmental factors. The Jaccard similarity coefficient between the two months was higher than that between the northern and the southern Yellow Sea as well as that between the YSCWM and its surrounding area, indicating the seasonal difference of the ciliate species composition was smaller than that between different p of the Yellow Sea. The high standing crops and diversity of ciliates in the inshore area of the southern Yellow Sea in July indicate that the green macroalgal bloom might promote the growth of benthic ciliates through the cascade effect. |
Key words: benthic ciliates Yellow Sea distribution community structure |