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摘    要:本文简要介绍了李四光教授从青少年直到逝世为止的毕生活动中的重要事迹。其中包括早年留学日本时参加中国同盟会和辛亥革命时期的活动;入英国伯明翰大学后,专攻地质科学,走上了“科学救国”的道路;新中国成立前后,专心致志地从事地质科学研究和地质教育工作,在长期的科学活动和社会活动中,为繁荣祖国科学事业,发展和提高中国地质科学水平,为社会主义经济建设寻找和开发矿产资源,做出了不可磨灭的卓越贡献。在国内外科学界、知识界享有崇高的声誉,为后人留下了大量宝贵的科学文化财富,中国人民引以为荣。

关 键 词:李四光  第四纪冰川  (竹蜓)科  地质力学

Institution:Institute of Geomechanics, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources
Abstract:The late Professor Li Siguang (1889—1971),a pioneer of Chinese modern natural sciences and prominent geologist, was born at Huanggang County, Hubei Province. When he was fifteen years old, he was sent to study shipbuilding in Japan where he joined the Chinese United League led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. After the Chinese Revolution of 1911, Li studied mining and metallurgy in Birmingham University of England before he majored in geology. He graduated from the university in 1919 and got a M. Sc.degree prior to his return to China in 1920 and was appointed as a professor of Geological Department of the National Peking University in Beijing. He was the Director of the Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica, from 1928 to 1949. After the founding of new China, Professor Li was the Deputy President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Minister of Ministry of Geology, and the President of China Association for Science and Technology. During his life he had made a great contribution to the development and promotion of the sciences especially geology in China. The discovery and the ensued intensive research of Quaternary glaciation in China, the establishment of taxonomy criteria of fusulinidae and its application, and the initiation of geomechanics are considered as his three most outstanding contributions to geology. Also he had achieved great success in the field of petroleum geology, coal geology, uranium geology, marine geology, geothermal resources, hydrogeology, engineering geology and seismic geology. In his later years he was much involved in earthquake prediction. All his achievements had greatly enhanced the science and culture of China.
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