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作者姓名:陈学智  蒋文艳  檀向斌  张立行
作者单位:辽宁省地质局中心实验室 (陈学智,蒋文艳,檀向斌),辽宁省地质局中心实验室(张立行)
摘    要:本文在基础上介绍一种固体粉末进样装置及测定方法。其特点是。设计了射流管进样器,利用射流的卷吸扩展作用使粉末样品经气动雾化而被卷吸直接引入等离子炬,通过将样品粒度加细的途径解决了粉末粒子在炬中充分蒸发的问题,提高了难蒸发元素的准确度。 分析时,样品与缓冲剂按比例混匀,取混合样一次摄谱(所需纯样品量为3.33毫克),可同时测定锆、铌、镧、钇、钡、锶、铬、镍、钒、硼、钴、钛、铜、铅、铍十五项元素,检出限除钡、锶、钛、硼略高,其它元素均为ppm级。

Uae of Solid Powder Sample in ICP-AES Determination of 15 trace Element in Rocks
Abstract:The characteristic of this method is that the powder sample which has been brought about into a linear spread by an oscillating device is injected into tho plasma from a glass tubejet. The powder sample used must be initially ground to less than 14µ and fully photographed by exposing for 25 seconds. It is able to eliminate the substrate interference and pollution by mixing the powder sample with a certain amount internal standards and buffer. The powder sample used for each photograph is only 3.3 mg. The method has been employed in the simultaneous deterurination of Zr, Ba, Sr, La, Y, Nb, Be, Ti, V, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb and B. The detection limit and tho deterraination accuracy of each element can all satisfy the needs of the determination of trace elements.
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