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Coherent Chemical Variation Trends of the 55‒25 Ma Magmatic Rocks in SE Tibet: N‒S Direction Lithospheric Stretching of Eurasia during Early Stage of India‒Eurasia Collision
作者姓名:YANG Tiannan  DONG Mengmeng  XUE Chuandong  XIN Di  LIANG Mingjuan
作者单位:1. Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;2. Chinese MNR Laboratory of Deep Earth Sciences and Technology;3. Department of Earth Sciences, Kunming University of Science and Technology
基金项目:This study is supported by the Ministry of Sciences and Technology of China (Grant No. 2022YFF0800901) and the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 92055206). Journal’s referees provided constructive comments and suggestion to improve this study. Dr. Susan Turner (Brisbane) assisted with a final version of the manuscript.
摘    要:The progressive indentation of India into Eurasia generated an E–W-trending orthogonal collision belt and a N–S-trending oblique collision belt. Compiling available data reveals that ~70% of the Cenozoic igneous rocks in eastern and southeastern Tibet are concentrated within an ENE-trending, ~550-km long and ~250-km wide magmatic zone(CMZ) that once separated the orthogonal and oblique collision belts. The Latitude 26°N Line is now its southern boundary. The onset timing of magmatism of the CMZ ...

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